Arc 1

Gu Yan pulled out two tickets from his pocket and waved them in Ye Jin's face, a playful grin on his lips. "How about we go watch an F1 car race?"

Ye Jin blinked in surprise. "A car race?"

"Yeah," Gu Yan nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I got these tickets for Ning Yin and me, but he ditched me and went to Italy for a vacation with his family. These tickets cost me a lot, so how about we don't let them go to waste?"

Ye Jin considered his offer. It had been a while since she last watched a race, a year to be exact. She had to stop going because she was occupied with searching for the Heavenly Jade. Maybe she could make up for lost time through this.

With a small nod, she agreed. "Alright, let's go."

They arrived at the racetrack, the atmosphere buzzing with suspense and anticipation. The smell of burning rubber and the sound of engines revving filled the air.