Good News

Martin Hospital, B City 

Lina Martin's eyes are sparkling as she goes through the reports in her hands. 

" Yes, it matched. it perfectly matched. Finally, I found this." 

But suddenly her eyes were dimmed as she read something on the reports again. The person whose report was it is a girl who is only 21 years old. A 21-year-old girl won't give away her kidney easily. Again, anxiety covered her face. 

The nurse called her, " Dr. Lina, why are you so tensed? Isn't it good news that finally we found a kidney?'' 

Lina looked up at her and said as she rubbed her forehead. " Yes, but she is only a 21-year-old girl. this is not a good thing to ask a young girl for this and do you think she will agree?'' 

The Nurse smiled at her and said, "I think she will. Because she is from a poor family, she was here because she had attempted suicide by jumping in a car. The car owner lady took her here from the road and luckily she was saved as she got a minor injury. when she woke up she cried a lot because she was saved. she doesn't want to live cause her father died and people were coming to her for money. So, she wanted to suicide. I think if we offer her money she will agree to donate. She is still hospitalized and will get her discharge probably tomorrow.'' 

The nurse's statement rose a ray of hope in Lina's heart. She was really optimistic now and said to the nurse, '' Okay, this is late already. Tomorrow morning, take me to her ward first. I will talk to her. don't discharge her tomorrow and take care of her. You can leave now.'' 

The nurse left her office. She then sit on her chair and heaved a sigh of relief. the kidney was very important to her to find. After all, this is for none other than Edward Philips, the love of her life. 

Lina Martin was the only daughter of Leo Martin and The Martins were really powerful in B city. But, The Philips are the most powerful family here. Their families are friends for a long time. Edward Philips is the second son of The Philips. She is in love with him for a long time. But he never showed any affection toward her. But now it was time for her to win his heart. She has found a kidney that matched well and now she won't stop. If the girl declined, she would force her to donate. Suddenly, a vicious smile appeared on her face. 

She went out of her office and headed toward the VIP ward, where Edward was admitted. she knocked the door a sound came from inside, " Come in" 

She went inside and saw Mr. and Mrs. Philips, they were both sitting on the other sides of the bed and one can clearly see the fear in their eyes. Edward was lying there unconscious as he overcame a huge accident yesterday. 

It was a terrible accident, and he was badly injured. Nobody can say how this happened as it happened in a remote area where there was no surveillance. He was found by his secretary and rushed to the hospital. The doctors were anxious as he had his one kidney failed and it was very much urgent to replace it. Everyone was losing hope to find a match within 2 days but seems like he is not that unlucky. 

Mrs. Philip asked Lina, " Lina, is there any news? isn't there a donor till now?'' 

Lina suddenly smiled at her and said, " Yes Aunty, there is a good news, we found a donor.'' 

Mr. And Mrs. Philips looked at each other shocked and heaved a sigh of relief. She hugged Lina and said, " I knew Lina, you will never let anything happen to my Edward. I really owe you this time.'' 

Lina pulled out from the hug and held Mrs. Philips hand, " Aunty, you know what Edward means to me, I will never let anything happen to him'' 

Mrs. Phillips said, " Lina, who is the donor? I am really grateful to him, i want to say thanks to him." 

Lina said holding her hands, " It's okay Aunty, the person is not here yet. He will come for the operation later. Tomorrow, we will start with the procedures as soon as possible. " 

Mrs. Phillips hugged Lina again, " Lina, this time, you have proved that you are the best for our Edward. When he will wake up and recover, I will ask him to marry you. I believe he will keep my word." 

A genuine smile appeared on Lina's face as she has just got what she has always dreamed of. 'Marriage with Edward!' 

Now, the only things she needs to do is to convince the girl. If she won't agree, she has her own way. She already wanted to suicide, so it won't be a big deal she thought. But she never knew what is going to happen later. 

The Morning Sun was very light and bright. 

Jennifer was lying on the bed motionless. She was holding a picture of her father and her. Tears were coming out from her eyes. 

The past few days, a lot of things happened. 

First, her father had a great loss to his business. 

And this caused him a heart attack which take away his life. She had nobody without her father. Her father has raised her as a princess. Though, he was a very small businessman, he never let her compromised. As a whole, she was a spoiled child. But suddenly everything was snatched away from her. People never consoled her but come to her for the money that her father borrowed from them. 

Their home was taken away by the bank because of a huge loan. She didn't know what to do without taking her own life. She didn't want to live in this world where her father was no more. Unluckily, she couldn't even end her life. It took her a lot of courage to ran to the car, but she was saved. 

And now she is under observation. The nurse is not leaving her sight since yesterday. 

The nurse suddenly spoke up, 

" Miss, don't cry like this anymore. A good news will come to you soon. Just wait for it" 

Jennifer looked up to the nurse as she saw a very weird smiling face and yelled at the nurse, " What the heck are you talking about? My father just died, and you are saying that a good news will come." 

She actually didn't like this nurse from the beginning. This nurse is not normal she thought. She was really strange and now she is sure after listening to her nonsense. 

Suddenly, there was a knock in the door. A very beautiful young lady doctor came in and sat across the bed on the chair, " Miss Jennifer, how are you now?" 

Jennifer was stunned for a moment as this may be the first time she saw such a beautiful doctor. "She could be an actress, why she is a doctor, she is too beautiful to be a doctor ", she thought in her mind. 

Lina looked at the photo Jennifer was holding and said in consoling voice, 

" I am sorry for what happened to your father and you. But you know suicide is not the option. We should fight for living as we only live once. When people think there is nothing worth to live, they are actually wrong. God only take exams of His Child and eventually help them to overcome all the obstacles. " 

Jennifer listened to the long statement about life and death and her previous thought totally changed, " She can't be an actor, she is horrible in acting, I can clearly sense that she has some motives, but what it has to do with me", she thought in her mind and just said, " I don't believe in God anymore." 

Lina was thinking in her mind that this girl is somehow tough and straightforward. So, she is also going to be straightforward with her. 

She smiled and said to her, " So, Miss Jennifer, how much debt your father had?" 

Jennifer didn't change her expression at all and simply said, " I don't know the exact, may be a huge amount " 

Lina said, " Would you willing to live again if the debt is over ?" 

Jennifer couldn't stand it all and sat up looking straight into her eyes and the nurse. 

Both of them have something in their mind for sure, she thought. 

She felt somehow restless and asked straight, 

" What do you want from me?" 

Lina stared at Jennifer as she was ready to say whatever was in her mind. Finally she spoke out her mind in front of her. 

"Well, let me tell you what I really want."