Lover Boy

Jennifer took her phone and log into her mail. As she logged in, a mail popped up. She opened the mail and her mouth was wide opened. Her jaw dropped as she read the subject of the mail and the sender's id. That was a mail from Royal Philips Coorperation. And the subject was 

" Interview Invitation for The Job 'Personal Assistant' " 

The mail was sent only an hour ago. She applied for the job about months ago. That was the last job she applied for. After that, things in her life started to get worse and she had to give up on her mission. It was a mission for her to keep her promise to protect Edward she doesn't know from who. But, she knows that there is someone who is trying to harm him. And she needs to find this person. But, that was not possible for her to find that man if she doesn't get involved in Edward's life. Sometimes, she felt like that promise she made to someone was baseless as there is no match of their life. There is a huge difference between the status of them. So, she just gave up. 

But, now everything was just on point. How she met Edward's family and how it turned out that her mother was Selina's best friend. And now she is getting offer for the jobs that never in her life she thought she would get. Suddenly, she realised why Edward was calling her a fangirl. It seems like he already had the idea of her continuous application for the jobs at his company. 

Jennifer was fuming as she thought to herself, " What a delulu man. Now, I get where the heck he found that confidence to call me a fangirl and say that I have a crush on him. Well, I definitely had a crush on him. But, of course I am not a fangirl. I didn't look for him because I fall for him. I just started to had a crush on him after I started to look for him. Huh, he has no idea, can't even blame him." 

Jennifer was feeling so irritating that she just wanted to climb up from the bed and straight go to Edward and tell him on his face that, " I am not a fangirl. Stay on your limits. " But she took a deep breath and calm down herself. 

She again looked at the email and started to think to herself, " Well, I don't know why he offering this job despite my horrible grades. May be because he want to repay me for my kidney or he wanted to show that I was a fangirl. It doesn't matter, I think I should join his office because sitting at his home will do nothing. " 

Jennifer was not sure what she was going to do now. There is no way that she will keep living in this house though Selina and Edward both are pampering her enough. She needs to leave as soon as she recovered. She had this motive to find that person who was after Edward's life. That person could be anyone around him but definitely not his parents. Going to the office will be good choice as she would know about the people around him. Also, she needed to earn a living. She needed to pay for her father's debt. 

It is true that she made a deal with Lina for a million. But, she won't take it anymore. Because, she did it for Edward. Protecting him was her mission. It was a promise she made to someone. She can't take money for that. But that job was offered by Edward. She decided to went for it. 

"At least I deserve a job for my kidney right?", she thought to herself as she was in deep thought. 


After the conversation with Jennifer, Edward went straight to his office. He wanted to see her reaction when she would see the mail. But, he couldn't afford to go back in her room as he was in a rollercoaster ride of emotions. He just couldn't remove the thought of making her pregnant from his mind. So, he decided to come to his office as he made himself busy with the load of works. 

Edward was currently sitting on a sofa checking out some files. Nick came to his office running as he sat beside Edward on the sofa. Edward gave him a questioning gaze. Nick looked at him with puppy eyes. He suddenly strated to fake cry as he hugged Edward. Edward was used to this but still he was so irritated with this behavior as he freed himself at once. 

Nick Warnez is his childhood friend and cousin. He is son of Selina's younger sister. Selina's younger sister Helena died when Nick and his twin brother Noah were just four years old. At that time, Selina's older son Edwin was five years old and Edward was three years old. After Helena's death, she had to take care of the four children by herself. She had to left her carrier behind. 

Noah attempted suicide at an early age when he was just fifteen years old. Everybody was facing a very tough situation after Noah's death. Nobody knew that reason why he did that. Nick was the most vulnerable at that moment as he was his twin brother. Nick kept blaming himself because he had no idea about why Noah did that. Edward took care of him the most that time. Also after Edwin's accidental death, Nick was the one who consoled Edward as he could felt his pain well. 

Edward strared at Nick and yelled at him, " Now you got the time to finally come to see me? I was about to die." Nick frowned as he said, " I just hate this man. He took me to that damn business meeting and didn't even let me get a hold of my phone. As if he was going to make me the next business tycoon within 2days. I saw the news of your accident and called you. But, as usual, you didn't receive my call. I called Aunty and she said you were fine. Of course you will be fine I knew. You are none other than The Edward Philips. What could possibly happened to you?" 

Edward smirked at him as he said, " That's why you came after two more days?" Disappointed was clearly seen on Edward's face. Nick understood and started to explain, " My brother, I was about to come back as soon as possible. But, you know what happened? As I was heading for the airport, a thief came out of nowhere and snatched my phone from my hands. Then I managed to run and caught that thief, but I couldn't. Do you know why? Because I was blown away as I removed that mask from her face. That thief was a lady and I swear I never saw someone as beautiful as her. Can you believe I fall for a thief at first sight and I actually let her take my phone. Because, I was stunned and I forgot how to move that time. Because, I just fall in love at damn first sight!" 

Edward listened to the whole story and he was laughing inside. He gave Nick a mocking look as he couldn't believe what he just heard, " Thief! Wow, what a choice!"

Nick was so embarrassed by Edward's gaze. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he kept his pride aside as he begun to begg, " My brother, Please help me find that girl." Edward chuckled as he saw Nick behaving like a heartbroken lover boy.