The Risks Of Sorcery

(As it turns out, in 616 the Presidents of the United States were all the same as our reality meaning in 82 the President was Ronald Reagan. Funny.)

Once Dilaga had been created Samuel gained a second god-like being. Specifically, a creature that could dominate Time which was beyond valuable. With Giratina and Dialga in his army of monsters that was two out of the three creatio trio. 

"All that remains is Palkia the god of Space and I can essentially create a world for myself."

As soon as his mana recovered which would be in a few hours he would finish the trio. He turned around and looked up at Dilaga and Giratina who were flying in the sky circling each other.

It was kind of adorable, but the creation process for these two was not cute at all. The sheer mana requirements were astronomical if they took all of his mana when he made them. He also had one more complaint about these two. 

The moment after they were born, they instantly roared out to announce their birth. Since they were essentially gods, it made sense they would want mortals to know of them, but he preferred to keep a low profile. 

Even with all his power, his assassin upbringing made him quite cautious of unnecessary risk. 

"Hey, you two, pay attention." 

Instantly, Giratina and Dilaga stopped playing around before lowering their heads toward him. The two waited for his words before he began addressing them. 

"Look, I get being born is a big moment, but why do you two have to instantly roar like that? Your roars as cataclysmic and now probably the whole world knows about you two."

Giratina and Dilaga glanced at each other as they both had done that. Giratina tilted his head before giving an apologetic snort. Dialga whined as they didn't mean to cause trouble, it was just something they did on instinct. 

When he heard that he just shrugged. 

"It is what it is. Most of the big hitters haven't gained their powers yet. As of this moment, all there is is some of the X-men mutants, Inhumans, Atlanteans, and maybe some aliens here or there." 

Samuel turned around as he flew up before landing on Giratina's head. He sat down before he turned to Dilaga. 

"Dialga, for now, I want you to set up a temporal isolation field around his place. Make it so humans can't perceive this." 

Dialga took off into the sky as he began to spread his authority over Time in the surrounding area. The process wouldn't take long at all and before long, Dilaga would seal Samuel's hidden base in a pocket of Time. 

While he did that, he decided to pay the Ancient One a visit. However, before he went, he needed to recover at least a partial amount of his mana. As such, he closed his eyes before he began to draw in the natural ambient cosmic energy from the atmosphere and the Energy from the Earth. 

He even drew in Solar Energy which he began to convert into mana which began to refil his reserves rapidly. He even began drawing energy from his creations like Giratina below him and Dilaga. 

He even took from the Ancient Leshen, which they all willingly gave. Through this process, he quickly refilled his mana reserves to a satisfactory level so he stopped absorbing energy. 

His mana would recover on its own naturally so he decided to go ahead with his trip. 

"Giratina, open a portal to Nepal, in Kathmandu. Let's pay the Ancient One a visit."

With what sounded like a rumbling amused laugh, Giratina tore open a dark portal to Nepal. However, on the other side of the portal was the Ancient One waiting. Samuel smiled as he had a pretty good idea of what she was doing there. 

"Paranoid much?" 

She shook her head as she flew through his portal. 

"It's not paranoia, as much as caution. You really have no disregard for what your actions may cause."

He just shrugged. 

"It's not like I am actively trying to scare people, I just don't care if they do get scared." 

She just sighed as she wished he had more tact as his power was terrifying. Whatever it was, it was like warping reality because as long as his mind could imagine it, he could make it. 

Some things were better off in her opinion as some of those futures got really terrifying.

"I did agree to exchange magical knowledge with you, so I will begin. What did you need?" 

Samuel thought about it as magic in Marvel was extensive. However, most of it depended on drawing power from other Dimensions which he felt carried its own risks. 

"Alright, I would like to know how you can identify another dimension as safe to draw power from. What makes one dangerous to do so and how do I interact with these other dimensions." 

The Ancient One reached into her robe before she pulled out four books. 

"These are copies of what you were going to ask?" 

Samuel smiled as he levitated the books over to himself. The first one had the title "Safe and Dangerous Dimensions" and the second was "Sensing Dimensional Energy for Dummies", "Dimensional Theory: Energy Extraction and Manipulation" and "Sealing Dimensional Rifts"

Samuel frowned when he read the second. 

"Really? That is the title?" 

Dialga began to laugh which rumbled around, but he stopped when Samuel glared at him. The Ancient One smirked as she shrugged. 

"That is the title, nothing I can do about it." 

He squinted at the book, but he waved his hand and he stuffed them into a small pocket of space he made with magic. 

"Thank you for this, Ancient One. It is much appreciated. I know we have a deal, but I try to not be ungrateful, anything you want in exchange?" 

She shook her head. 

"No, I want nothing tangible, just your word?" 

He hummed as he thought about this. 

"About what?" 

"That you won't become a tyrant that will try to enslave the people of Earth. I don't care what you to do the universe, just leave Earth and its people in peace." 

He began to scratch the back of his head as that wasn't even his intention. He was perfectly fine with leaving the humans by themselves. The universe and Multiverse were gigantic, he could always jump ship at any time. 

"That is perfectly fine with me, I got nothing to gain by enslaving this planet. I will try to keep my monsters in line." 

She nodded. 

"That is fine with me. In the future, maybe we can talk about our magics at length." 

With that, she waved her hand before she returned to Kamar-Taj. When she was gone, Samuel crossed his arms as he began to think about it. 

"Subjugate the planet? For what, to make pyramids in my honor or some shit like that. Fuck that, humans are annoying anyway." 

After shaking his head, he sat down before he out one of the books the Ancient One gave him. The book on Safe and Dangerous Dimensions which he popped open to start reading. 


As Samuel began to read one of the beginner books of the Sorcerors of Kamar Taj, The Ancient One returned to her chambers. When she did, she thought back to the many futures she had seen. 

The future was ever in flux with Samuel as was the number of monsters he could make. Depending on his moods and needs what he made would change. That flexibility made the future more of a suggestion than anything. 

Especially now that he had a creature that could command Time. 

"What else are you going to unleash on our world Samuel?" 

She sighed once more as she closed her eyes and she began to meditate. She had enough on her plate to worry about Samuel.


She wasn't the only one as in the White House, the President Of the United States was on the phone with the Prime Minister of Canada. The two world leaders had quickly been informed of the situation happening in the United States. 

Not only had the entire building of Stark Industries been stolen by a monster that had contracts with Canada as well, but a second equally powerful roar burst out from the northern section of the country. 

The sound had traveled into Canada causing hysteria and even damage to cities along the Canadian-American border. The godly Pokemon were like living natural disasters that could cause absolute devastation just by existing. 

The President spoke on his proposition and information. 

"We have captured video footage of the beast in question. It caused extensive damage to Los Angeles with just its presence. I am proposing that the next time it appears both of our nations work in unison to end the threat." 

The Prime Minister pondered on this before agreeing. As seen what just a roar of the beast could do what else could it do? Both of their nations were at great risk so before they thought to weaponize the monster, they had to subdue it first. 

"Agreed. When the beast next strikes we will be ready." 

As the two World Leaders began to plan on retaliating against Giratina not knowing that Samuel now had another beast on that level. Speaking of Samuel, after reading the first book he just had a frown on his face. 

Sorcerors like the Ancient One and Doctor Strange not only drew power from other Dimensions but formed powerful cosmic beings. To do so, they often had to make pacts with these entities for permission to draw power from them. 

Drawing power from powerful Demons like Dormamu and Mephisto was also possible, but not recommended. As these dark entities would begin to hold influence over you for doing so. 

As for Dimensions, the 'Dangerous Dimensions' were called such because they had an owner more often than not a malevolent one. Something like The Dark Dimension where Dormamy ruled or Hell the dimension of Mephisto was dangerous because the price of drawing power from them was often slavery or debt. 

Any dimension with an owner was dangerous because by drawing power from it you often had to pledge either your service or favors for being allowed to do so. 

Even some 'safe' Dimensions like the Vishanti and Octessence which The Ancient One drew power from were not safe for Samuel. For one, he wasn't comfortable having a patron who could demand things from him. 

As such, he ignored the dimensions with owners before focusing on the next type of DImensions. 

"Unclaimed ones. Unclaimed Dimensions are either newly created or unclaimed for a number of reasons. Drawing from these is generally safer as one does not have to risk offending a Dimensional Owner, however, the power they can have access to is limited. 

The process of claiming a Dimension can mitigate these issues, but the process can take hundreds of years before any meaningful effect can be observed." 

Samuel closed the book as he stood up still on Giratina's head. 

"So, Sorcery for me won't be as effective as it is for Doctor Strange or The Ancient One. Since I am not going to be drawing power from any Dimension owned by someone else I will have to search for unclaimed ones."

He began to rub his chin which was still smooth since he preferred to keep his face without any facial hair. As he was thinking he had a great idea.

"I can create my own Patrons. I can find these unclaimed Dimensions and create a monster that will claim them for me. Once they grow stronger I can draw power from them like they draw power from me in a loop. This could work perfectly." 

Now with a plan in mind, Samuel opened up the next book Sensing Dimensional Energy for Dummies. He might as well finish these books before he created Plakia the third member of the Godly Pokemon. 

Then he could begin the next steps of his plans.