The Void Dragon Mag'ladroth

Before Samuel returned to his pocket Dimension he used his Space magic to create a small bubble of space for the giant corpse of the Progenitor. The dead Cosmic being was over 2,000 feet tall so massive. After storing it away Samuel teleported down to the depths of his castle where his scientists had used advanced spacial folding devices combined with Space Expanding Spells to create their laboratories.

Here, Tony, 21, Metal Knight, Perturabo, Ferus Manus, Dr. Psychobos, Shockwave, and Azmuth all worked together on group projects while also doing their own individual research.

When they sensed his arrival they left their labs before teleporting to meet him. When they appeared before him, the 9 scientists all kneeled. Shockwave who now looked like a gigantic walking armory pulsed with energy from his Infinite Ki Arc Reactor in his chest.

"Welcome my liege, to our laboratories."

Samuel opened his hand where he held a solid marble of space. Inside was the dead Celestial.

"What held you all back from making The Celestial buster was we lacked a Celestial. You have one now. I would step back if I were you."

Without hesitation, they all spread out as Samuel drew on his magics. He waved his hand before he began to rework the labs to increase the space even further. Once there was enough room, he tossed down the marble which released the titanic corpse. Before it slammed down, Samuel used telekinesis to stand the Celestial up.

He perked it up with metal supports with a combination of Earth and Light Magic to create a living metal. This metal would heal as it was damaged and able to support the weight of The Progenitor's armor.

Once the Celestial was standing upright supported by the magical living stone he presented it to his science team.

"I present to you, The Progenitor, an Alpha Celestial. He won't be as powerful as a living Celestial as a result of his cause of death. However, his tissues still contain biological matter even if it is diseased.

Your job will be to take this corpse and combine it with the plans for the Trypticon Mechagodzilla merger and add in Cerebro as well. This will be a joint project with all of you. Any questions?"

Perturabo walked forward until he stood at the foot of the Progenitor. He placed a hand on the being's armor before grinning.

"My Lord, we can promise you that with this, the suit we make will be a terror to behold."

Vomi and Stark began to fly as they flew around the Celestial. They were already beginning to think how they were going to rework the armor. As for Shockwave, he, Perturabo, and Metal Knight were much the same as they would add many weapons across many fields. Ferrus like them would do much the same, making sure the armor was without weakness.

Samuel smiled as he could see his egg heads already thinking. Though while Vomi, Stark, Perturabo, Ferrus Manus, Shockwave, and Metal Knight were already thinking about how to integrate the mechanical Cybertronian Titan into this Celestial the other two were not.

Azmuth and Psychobos looked at each other as their work on the Omnitrix would be delayed. Azmuth brought this up.

"My Lord, working on this will prevent our work on the Omnitrix."

Samuel shrugged as he never cared for it all that much. He just thought it would be an interesting device to own not something he needed.

"Scrap the entire project, add what you have to the Buster suit. This is part of the next part the armor should be an alloy like 2B. 21, can you make Uru or Nth metal?"

Android 21 still in the air began to think about it.

"If you get me a sample I know the atomic structure. If not I can try through trial and error."

Samuel thought about it as getting a sample of either wasn't an option.

"Do the second method. Now, I will add another member to your team. Someone useful."

Samuel clasped his hands together. He closed his eyes as he pictured the most powerful of the C'Tan the gods of reality in 40k. His cells and mana reserves began falling, but he had plenty to spare. When he reached the necessary amount his mana had been cut down to 4% a truly astronomical expenditure. 

Even worse was that this was still just for the C'Tan shard of the Void Dragon under Mars, not the full unsealed C'Tan. He slammed his hands down as his shadow began growing. From his shadow flew out a Shard of Mag'ladroth the Void Dragon.

Unlike the original Void Dragon, this one did look like a dragon. From its body, a powerful force of entropy was released. His Science team braced as the Void Dragon began to grow used to existence. 

It's Blackstone Necrodermis body shifted with power as energy flowed through it. Even more terrifying was that it was just a shard, not the full C'Tan. Its aura retreated back into its body.

"I present to you all, Mag'ladroth The Void Dragon. His purpose will be to add an alloy or Black Stone to make it immune to all psychic abillities. I want this suit to be a living metal. Learn the examples of Androids and The Celestial. Make me proud."

The C'Tan lowered Its head before it flew into the air. As for the making Vashtor, he would take a break as his mana recovered.

"And while I am here, one of you make me a sun chamber. Focus on blue sun energy. Until then, be seeing you."

Samuel teleported away with Puck, Diablo, Grayfia, 2B, and his three shadows. When he was gone, the Science Team looked up at the dead Celestial. Vomi removed her lab coat before tossing it away. She popped her fingers as she knew this would be a big project.

"Alright boys, let's get to work. Tony, send out one of your suits and gather samples from our God and Titan friends."

Tony smirked as he focused and from his lab, several of his suits went to do just that. They were going to get samples from Giratina, Dialga, Palkia, Rayqueza, Groudon, Kryoger, Godzilla, Rodan, Shimo, and Behemoth.

They would use their DNA along with Antarctic Vibranium, Cybertronium, Blackstone, and living tissues. If 21 got the recipe, right maybe even Uru or Nth metal. They also had the tissues of the Celestial itself to use. 

To do this they would need to dismantle the entire Celestial and remove its internals before reworking them in the new suit. Azmuth looked up at the dead Celestial before he began to think about how to improve the armor further. Meanwhile, The Void Dragon's Necrodermis body shifted as he took a bipedal form.

He levitated as he began to scan the Celestial to glean new information. This new suit would be the joint efforts of the best minds of 7 different universes. The end result would make even the Celestials tremble. 


While his team worked on his Celestial Buster suit, one he planned to merge with through the Black Light he teleported into his room. He sighed as he walked toward his bed completely drained. 

Diablo noticed this causing him to walk toward Samuel before helping him walk to the bed. 

"I have you." 

Diablo helped Samuel onto the bed where Samuel sat on. 


Diablo smiled. 

"I live to serve." 

Samuel patted him on the shoulder before he gave him a command. 

"I will be taking it easy for now. Diablo, Belion, Beru, Igris you all are dismissed for now. Take a break."

Diablo closed his eyes before he bowed once more.

"As you wish."

Diablo turned around and walked out the door closing it behind him. As for Beru, Belion, and Igris, they entered Diablo's shadow leaving Samuel with Puck, Grayfia, and 2B. Once they were gone, Samuel remained seated on the bed. 

Puck began to poke him again.

"Your so weak now, boss. Guess I will have to take over now."

Samuel scoffed as he picked up Puck by the scruff. 

"Like hell." 

He placed the spirit on the bed before he thought of his exhaustion. Even now, he could feel his creation's magic flowing into him. He would be back to his peak before long. Hopefully, he will get his Sun Chamber soon which will speed up this process. 

Samuel stood up before stretching. 

"I am taking a bath."

Grayfia with a softer expression than her usual one asked something forward.

"May I join you?"

Samuel looked Grayfia up and down before nodding.

"If you want to." 

She smiled as she walked toward the bathroom in his room.

"Wait here."

She walked inside and closed the door behind her. She was going to get the bath ready since it would take extreme temperatures for Samuel to even feel the heat. Also, regular water wasn't good enough so the bath was special. Puck though waved goodbye as he could tell where things were going to go.

"I should go. Bye."

He teleported out as he didn't want to be around for this. As for 2B, she glanced at the bathroom door before looking at Samuel. When 21 made her, she had made her a biomechanical Android just like 18, so she still had normal biological functions. 

Now, she was quite curious about this.

"Can I join her?"

Samuel shrugged as he wasn't going to order them to do it.

"As I said, if you want. I ain't forcing you or requiring you to do it."

"Then I will." 

She reached up and removed her blindfold. When she opened her eyes they were such a bright blue that they were comparable to his previous eyes. His new blood-red ones were far more powerful due to the Kryptonian and Daxamite genes he had. 

As for their color, it was more a personal choice rather than a permanent feature. He watched as 2B removed her sword from her back which she placed against the wall. She then began to remove her black clothes which honestly just made him ponder on something.

"Honestly, what brought this along?"

As he was saying that, Grayfia emerged from the bath in just a towel. It didn't hide her long thick legs or her huge breasts. Her hair had been tied up in a pony tail so she just explained the obvious to him.

"I felt that you needed a way to blow off some steam. Also, isn't it the duty of a maid to ensure her master is pleased? It's been three years and you haven't asked me to serve you so I decided to do it myself."

Samuel smiled as Grayfia let her towel drop. When he made Grayfia, he made her do her maid duties. It was the obvious pick as she was both strong and good a her job. At one point he had this in mind too, but eventually, his ambition took over.

He was also almost always pushing his goals so he had little time to relax However, it had been three years so any grief he may have had had long since passed. Especially after merging with The Black Light. Once 2B had all her clothes off, he held his hand out to her. She hugged his right arm while Grayfia wrapped herself around his left arm.

His clothing shifted as the viral matter that made it retreated into his body leaving him naked. With a thought the bathroom doors opened. Inside was a marble bath with a pool-sized bath. However, it wasn't water that was in the bath, but rather superheated liquid mana.

Several enchantments kept the mana from turning back into mist. Samuel pulled his arms out of the two silver-haired women's hold before wrapping them around their waists.

He picked them up before he stepped into the bath. When he did, the liquid mana began to gently be absorbed by his body. Its hot temperature also lets him feel it too relaxing him.

He sat down with Grayfia and 2B in his arms. 2B as an Android made by 21 honestly had no clue what she was supposed to be doing. Noticing this, Grayfia decided to take the lead though what she knew was just in theory. 

She grabbed a bottle of soap which she used on her breasts. Samuel watched as she groped and lathered her giant boobs before she pressed them against his chest.

"When you made me, did you have this in mind?"

He smirked. 

"Maybe I did." 

He reached his arms around grabbing her large ass which was so soft to the touch. As a result of her ice magic, she was also a bit cool to the touch which contrasted with the super heated liquid mana. 

2B watched on as Grayfia did this before she pressed her breasts against Samuel's arm. 

"I am not sure what I should be doing. Can you show me?" 

Samuel wrapped his arm tighter around her waist before he pulled her against him. 

"Just follow my lead." 

He was going to have his fun now as the time to grieve a past love was over. It was time for him to enjoy his new god-like existence.