As Samuel waited for the two to speak, he began to stretch his body out. His energy flow had been entirely unstable. His soul which had merged with Arimane's titanic soul had grown nearly 3 times its original size.
Even now, his soul was in flux adapting to its fused state. As for his dual hearts, they enhanced his divine and Infernal energies from his new heart. His main heart still produced mana infused with the energy of the five Infinity Stones.
Thanks to his regeneration and adaptation, the instability was rapidly fixing itself. Even now he was in a state to fight, but he listened as Life started speaking.
"My Sister spoke to you about your creations. Your ability to create Life is extraordinary because as you know, I am the Abstract Entity of Life in this multiverse. I am the embodiment of all that lives, except for your creations.
They live, but I hold no sway over them. They can die, but my sister Death can't claim them. So what happens when they die?"
Samuel hadn't actually tested that as all of his creations were very much still live. Barricade, Frenzy, and The Alpha Shifter had left America and gone to Canada. They were to infiltrate Canadian military bases and government organizations.
His pet Zinoger was currently off in the wilds of his dimension with a territory of its own. None were dead so what happened when they did die? If Death could not claim them, he had to find a solution to prevent others from claiming their souls.
"To tell you the truth, I don't know. Thanks for bringing this up, I will fix that and I know just how to do that."
He once again began to think of his plan to make his creations claim multiple dimensions. One much like Death's realm could be a type of realm of the dead for his creations. Then, he could create a Necromancer god or something like Malekith to function as his grim reaper.
'Speaking of the Grim Reaper, I can make him. The Night Bringer, Aza'gorod, the C'Tan god of Death. With my power now, I can make him in a stronger state than the Void Dragon.'
He also began to think of upgrading the Void Dragon to become a whole C'Tan and not just a shard. However, he still needed the Soul Stone which according to Arimane not having was holding his creations back.
Hearing his words, Mistress Death began to have a bad feeling.
"What do you have in mind?"
He began to pace as he stood taller as his Viral Matter began to pump his new crimson silver godly blood through his body. This blood contained the Demonic factor of Angra Manyu, which Arimane was the reincarnation of the Demon.
It also had his Dragon God, and his Life and Death Hunter powers in it. He felt more invigorated than ever.
"Well, you have your realm of the Dead which you rule over. Hela rules over Hel which is an afterlife for Asgardians, Hades has his own Underworld. I will do the same just for my creations. Unless there is a problem with that?"
Mistress Death explained the problem to him.
"Of course, it is a problem. Every Death God that you know of is a Death God because I allow it. Their power is mere portions of my own cosmic power over death. This is because I allow it, everything that dies will one day reach my realm even those in other realms.
However, your creations don't work like that. If you create a true Death God with its own afterlife and realm to rule it will fall under my influence. Your creations are loyal only to you. Do you see what the problem is? A Death God that is under my influence and won't follow my rules. I won't allow that."
Samuel felt that made sense.
"If it becomes a true Death God, it will have to draw power from you, but it won't follow any of your orders or have any loyalty to you. It will be a parasite that draws from you without any fair exchange."
Death nodded.
"Exactly, so whatever you do, don't make a Death God like that. I rather not have to deal with a leach drawing from my power that I can't control."
Samuel sighed as he really wanted to make the Nightbringer. Life on the other hand thought of something. She felt she found a fair compromise.
"Samuel, would you be willing to compromise your absolute control a bit? It will still be loyal to you but in equal measure to my Sister. That way, you both benefit."
Samuel instantly was not on board with the idea. The best part of his creations was their absolute loyalty. Compromising would make him worried for a betrayal and he trusted few. Death was someone he absolutely didn't trust.
Death frowned.
"What? I can't be trusted?"
Samuel instantly nodded as he stretched his body. His duel hearts stabilized the power of the Infinity Stones surged through him and his new abillities settled in place.
He used the Mind, Power, and Time Stones together to pass the passage of time inside his own body. Days of time went by which caused his Black Light Virus to fully adapt to merge with Arimane.
His soul finished stabilizing and he flicked through Arimane's memories which contained huge magical lore. Especially the magics he was after The Kind Demon's Arts.
He would need to test them soon, but for now, he was happy with what he got. He raised his hand as black crimson lightning surged through his fingers. Nox Aterna raged with absolute furry ready to be unleashed.
"Since you are an abstract entity, you exist in every universe. You should know what you did to Thanos in 616. You manipulated him and now you are trying to do the same to me. You manipulate and destroy those you meet. I trust you as much as I can beat you which is not at all."
He clenched his fist as he was back in top shape, stronger than ever. Death squinted her eyes before a downcast air came over her. He didn't buy it though.
"I'm sorry."
"No, you're not. Anything else before you go?"
Death shook her head as she stood up from his bed.
"No, that is it."
As fast as she arrived she was gone. As for Mistress Life, she stared at Samuel in a conflicted manner. They had come to ask something of him, but the conversation had gone in this direction.
"She isn't as bad as you think."
To Samuel, she was biased since they were Sisters and both Abstract Entities.
"You might think so, but I know better. Plus, The Death I am speaking to is just one of many. Like you. Anything else to say?"
Life shook her head as she prepared to leave as well.
"No. We had something to ask, but we will talk with you later. When you are in a better mood."
Without a sign, she disappeared from his sight. When they were gone, he snorted. He didn't trust any word they said. Such ancient cosmic entities had a motive and he wanted no part in their schemes.
"Not to be trusted."
He decided to put his plans into motion to get the Soul Stone. He also had to reawaken Tiamat as his Soul Beast like Arimane did his own Soul Beast. Once he did that he would make his new Patrons to claim Dimensions for him with the exception of Death gods. That didn't mean he couldn't make Death Magic users.
"I got a lot to do."
He first teleported out of his Pocket Dimension as he needed the Soul Stone. He also was going to start, Project Patron to make his patrons as soon as he got the Soul Stone.
When he set up his future personal Dimensions, he could begin to make even stronger servants. When he left his Dimension, he appeared on the Moon in orbit. He drew on the power of the Time, Space, Power, Reality, and Mind Stones along with his own Divine Domain.
He sent out a powerful dream to most of the universe about the Soul Stone. Through this dream, most of the universe became aware of Vormir, the resting place of the Soul Stone.
He didn't say what the price was in this dream, but he did show what kind of power the user would receive. They would become a God with the Soul Stone in their control.
From Galactic Empires, Mercenary armies, conquerors, and powerful aliens like Thanos through his actions became aware of the Soul Stone. When Samuel opened his eyes which were full of ridicule.
"Go on you stupid bastards. Sacrifice what you love for me. I will be waiting."
Samuel crossed his arms as three gigantic portals opened behind him. Giratina, Dialga, and Palkia in their newly evolved states. Now, he just had to wait as the fools of the universe killed each other for him.
Alongside these three, he teleported his usual group to his side. Diablo, Grayfia, 2B, Beru, Igris, Belion and Puck. As they all gathered, Samuel waited for the butchery to begin. Once all these groups reached Vormir, he would feast on the Life and Death growing his strength further.
While Samuel put his plan into motion, Death and Life appeared in The Realm Of The Dead. Especially in Death's Palace in her throne room. Here, Mistress Death sat on her throne with her sister next to her. From the look of it, Mistress Death was a bit down cast.
"Am I really that untrustworthy?"
Life looked away which was the only answer Death needed. She slumped a bit as what Samuel said was true. She was active throughout every universe, and she lived multiple lives at the same time.
Yes, she had ploted against many powerful rulers like Thanos to spread Death. Some she considered potential suitors, others pawns. Few had reacted like Samuel as she had gone to meet him because she was curious about his abilities.
In the end, that made him so paranoid that he sped up his search for the infinity stones. Even now, he was plotting to get the Soul Stone. He did not trust her and only saw her as a threat to his life. Speaking of Life, Mistress Life shook her head.
"Honestly sister, what did you think would happen when you presented yourself to a paranoid guy like him? The moment you showed yourself to him, he took measures against you and me. He hunted the Stones like he was dying and now he can't die."
Death looked up as she didn't mean to.
"I was trying to get his interest. That usually works on his kind. Reincarnators are usually a bunch of horny monkeys. Instead, meeting him set him off. You heard him, he has zero trust for us."
Life crossed her arms as what Death said was a good point. Over time she had met a few reincarnators across the multiverse. The males usually tried to bed as many women as they could with a few exceptions.
Just meeting them was sickening so they ignored them or killed them. Samuel was a new experience as he felt pure paranoia when he met Death for the first time. Mistress Life had felt the same paranoia and distrust toward her.
That was why Samuel took steps to become a Life and Death Hunter. By feeding on the Living and the Dead he could defend and fight back against them. Something he was about to do.
She reached up and rubbed her head.
"If we want him to help us we will have to show him we mean him no harm."
Mistress Death sat up as that seemed really hard with the personality Samuel had shown.
"You got any bright ideas?"
Life thought about it as what could make a paranoid individual like Samuel lower his guard. They wanted Samuel to use his powers to hunt down those who had cheated Death or desecrated Life.
However, the meeting hadn't gone well since Samuel had made it clear he had no trust in them. For now, they started to brainstorm what they could exchange for Samuel's cooperation.
While they did that, Samuel's actions had already caused some Empires to take note. The Kree, The Skrulls, The Spartoi, The Nova Empire, Thanos' forces, and many more began to search for Vormir.
When they all clashed over the planet and the Soul Stone, Samuel would be there to profit from the loss of Life and grow his power to new heights. To have this go smoothly, Samuel teleported Mag'ladroth from his Lab to the Moon.
As the C'Tan shard turned to him, Samuel placed his hand on the Black Stone dragon's head.
"I will undo your shackles Mag'ladroth. Become oblivion, The End Of Empires."
Samuel used his Annihilation Maker's power not to make a new creature, but to infuse Mag'ladroth with more power. By the time the war started, he would unleash the Void Dragon, a C'Tan in its most powerful state.
Under his actions, Mag'ladroth's energy began to roll off its Black Stone body in coronas of oblivion. The Void Dragon began to growl as Samuel gave it more power. The universe would tremble at the power of the C'Tan.
Sameul would not wait to see it unleased.