In 1999, Prithviraj Singh is reborn into a distinguished Indian military family, equipped with a high-tech watch that houses Zero, an advanced AI with unparalleled capabilities. As he grapples with his new life and extraordinary technology, Prithviraj envisions a revolutionary defense company, Anant Defence Limited. Despite initial resistance from his tradition-bound family, he showcases the transformative potential of Zero's innovations, winning their cautious support.
Navigating bureaucratic challenges with his father’s influence, Prithviraj establishes the company and creates ONE, a secondary AI to handle public-facing tasks while keeping Zero's existence a secret. Through strategic political influence and cutting-edge technological advancements, Anant Defence Limited develops sophisticated firearms and protective gear, aiming to bolster India's defense capabilities.
Prithviraj’s journey is fraught with ethical dilemmas and high-stakes conflicts, including a major threat to national security. As he confronts these challenges, he remains dedicated to advancing defense technology while addressing the moral complexities of his actions. "The Shadow That Covers Delhi" is a gripping tale of innovation, power, and the pursuit of national security in a rapidly changing world.
Good story ,my favourite type , unique story , style, elements
I will start reading it and then change the review, but giving this so as to motivate the author to continue writing.
highly relevant to what is happening in modern world. i like how original the script. very timely. thanks author.
I absolutely love your book(Singh especially) , (if you can). Can you spread the love by checking out my book Dove And Crow by Xolu.