

Chapter 9

"Tywin Lannister is not attacking." Lord Bracken declared with a tone of finality.

We were all jammed into the backroom of a local inn, and the cramped quarters of this meeting was not helping tempers. Everyone had been on a short fuse the last day, ever since it became clear that my plans had derailed. Despite my confidence, it was clear that Tywin had no intention of marching into my well prepared trap.

"We're sure?" I knew we were, but a man had to hope.

Tytos Blackwood gave a dismissive snort, but it was old Stevron Frey who gave a weary shake of his head and spoke. "If he was going to attack he would have by now. Not given us more time. He has pulled back a day's march away. It's no surprise. Tywin Lannister is no fool. You made your camp toostrong Edmure. He wasn't going to stick his head into that."

Marq's face was more sympathetic, but he agreed. "All the scouts show the Lannisters are retreating. To Riverrun perhaps?"

Blackwood gave yet another snort. "It's not a retreat if you never fight. He's going to march and join the Kingslayer, sure as sure."

It was nice of Marq to call it a retreat, but Blackwood was right. I had miscalculated. Tywin had clearly decided he wasn't going to attack my fortified camp, and nor was he going to wait for the Starks to reinforce me. He likely figured that if he rejoined up with Jaime, the Lannisters would have parity of forces to face off against the combined Stark and Tully forces. What worried me though, was that if Robb had split his forces at the Twins, but now found the new combined Lannister host waiting for him at Riverrun, he might very well be heading for disaster. His entire plan had been based on the Lannister hosts being divided, and the forces at Riverrun being led by impetuous Jaime Lannister. And if Robb failed at Riverrun, would Roose Bolton's host even remain to back me? Could I even take on the combined Lannister force if it did? I felt like everything was unraveling around me.

My attention snapped back to the table as Tytos Blackwood continued to heap his scorn on poor Marq. "Ohh yes. Tywin Lannister retreated. Is that your analysis based on your years of experience? Riverrun under siege, your own castle burned to the ground, and the Lannisters marching as they please through the Riverlands. Gods save me from green boys more like to be brave than wise. But what can we expect when our own Lord is just a green boy?"

I probably should have been concerned that I was hearing murmurings of agreement at Blackwood's statement, but his words were echoing in my head. Where had I heard that said before? Then suddenly it came to me. In a blaze of lighting. It was a risk, but suddenly I knew what had to be done.

Bronn was the only one who seemed to notice my change of expression, shooting me a studying look as I straightened up and focused on the lords arguing in front of me. It was not surprising the others hadn't noticed my excitement considering the chaos of Marq screaming at Tytos Blackwood, Bracken defended Marq, and every lord yelling and backing one side or another.

"We are going to march on Tywin." No one seemed to hear me so I raised my voice louder to carry over the arguments. "We march at dawn."

That got stunned silence for a split second before they all started up again.

"March at dawn?" Jonos Bracken sounded horrified. "What happened to a defensive war? You want to stick our heads into the Lion's jaw?"

Tytos sneered at his rival. "Some of us don't fear the lion. I'd relish the chance to test their steel."

"Hem." Stevron Frey interrupted Bracken V. Blackwood round a thousand with a dry cough. "The wise move might be to wait for our northern allies." A weaselly smile as he spread his hands. "Once the Starks join us we would have the numbers to march on the Lannisters. Let Tywin Lannister run back to his son. We'll outnumber them both with our northern friends."

Some heads nodded at this, and that probably would have been my inclination if I didn't worry that all the northern calvary would get decimated by the combined Lannister host at Riverrun.

Blackwood was having none of it though, and pounded his fist on the table again. "No. No. No more waiting, no more retreating, no more letting the Lannisters burn our crops and kill our smallfolk. Take the battle to them. The boy has the right of that at least." A dismissive look towards me. "With an able commander we can crush the Lannister forces."

Several lords were nodding their heads at that, and I had to hope that it was more for the idea of taking the fight to the Lannisters than it was for Blackwood's dismissal of me as a commander.

Of course, Bracken couldn't let that pass without challenge. "If we are to march, we need a seasoned commander not prone to making rash decisions. House Bracken would gladly shoulder this burden."

Tytos Blackwood's howl of outrage at that notion was side-railed by melancholy Karyl Vance offering that his family had often handled the role of defending the Riverlands from Lannister incursions. Then Stevron Frey managed to speak over the crowd offering House Frey as a compromise option, which of course had the Mallisters up in arms.

It was chaos. I wasn't sure whether to be more horrified at the way the Riverlords were descending into factions and bickering, or at the easy way they seemed to be ignoring me, their supposed liege lord. Had my misreading of Tywin hurt my reputation so much, or was this the legacy of the original Edmure's poor reputation? Either way I needed to get control of this, and fast. If not, I'd probably soon find myself a figurehead in my own army.

I cast my eyes around the tent looking for an ally, finally settling on Bronn behind me. He must have read something in my eyes, because he gave a small nod and started banging the pommel of his sword against the metal backed chair I sat in. The noise was loud and jarring, clanging over the clamor of the assembled lords, but it did the trick and I finally had all eyes on me and some semblance of silence.

"My Lords." I tried my best to strike a proper lordly tone. "Now is not the time for bickering. I have made up my mind. We will march at dawn."

I could see in their eyes they were not convinced, but I just needed them to obey not like it. I almost thought I would pull it off, and they would stay silent, until Bracken spoke up. "Edmure my boy, this is surely a decision we should all make together."

I nearly gagged on the condescension in his tone, but Blackwood was nodding his head. "You were wrong about Tywin falling into our trap Edmure, and we can't afford another miscalculation. You are right we must march, but we need seasoned leadership. I've no doubt in a few decades you will be a fine commander, but for now…" he let that last hang.

I couldn't help but wonder if Robb Stark or Tywin Lannister ever get condescended to in this way by their bannermen? Despite the fact that I really wasn't at all qualified I found myself gritting my teeth. The condescension was starting to get under my skin, all the more so as my last few months in Westeros had underlined just how disrespectful it was to treat your liege lord so dismissively.

"Your advice is appreciated," I bit out. "But I have made up my mind."

They were all still giving me mutinous looks, and so I took a deep breath to settle myself. As frustrating as this was, what was needed here was smoothness not anger. What might a politician do back home? Or perhaps I should channel my inner customer service rep again? I gave them all a long considering look, marshaling my thoughts and calming my nerves.

"Pardon my tone my lords." Yes, that sounded smoother. "I don't mean to be abrupt, but the situation is wearing on all our nerves. Your offers and advice are all sound and all welcome." I lied through my teeth. "But in the end I must make the decision."

I cast a considering eye on all of them before continuing. "The Riverlands are lucky to have so many loyal and capable lords. You are correct, many of you would be capable commanders."

They seemed taken aback by that casual comment, and I exploited that uncertainty by pressing on.

"Lord Blackwood for instance. You are fierce, and brave, and your experience in war is crucial for the coming battle. You would be a fine commander of our forces." Though I spoke to Blackwood, my eyes were drilled on Janos Bracken as I spoke. Watching him squirm uncomfortably as I praised his rival.

My eyes switched to Tytos Blackwood as I continued. "Likewise, you Lord Bracken. Your family is ancient and have helped defend the Riverlands from invaders since the days of legend at the Battle of the Bitter River. You would be a fine leader of our host."

"House Piper and house Vance have long guarded the passes against House Lannister. They know the Lannisters like no others, and their insight and knowledge would make them invaluable battle commanders." I watched as the Rootes scowled at my praise of their rivals.

My eyes rested on Jason Mallister. "House Frey is powerful and strong. I've no doubt that if you command the host, the Lannisters will pay a steep toll indeed." Mallister grimaced visibly at this comment.

"No house is more honorable than that of house Mallister. And lord Jason himself threw back the Kraken invasion during the Greyjoy Rebellion. Who better to lead our army now?" I watched Stevron Frey as I spoke, and he had a wry smile on his lips. He at least seemed to have figured out what I was doing.

I threw my arms wide in a dramatic gesture that had all their attention on me. "Indeed my lords, we are spoiled with many options. We are lucky to have so many honorable lords and experienced commanders. It is what will lead us to victory against the Lannisters." I gave them all a sharp smile, with a hint of teeth to it. "But while any of you could lead, and lead ably, this is the duty of House Tully. You have all sworn your swords to House Tully. Oaths that do my house great honor. That I know you would never betray."

"I know when my father Lord Hoster called his banners, all in this room joined him." It couldn't hurt to remind them of their loyalty to my father. "You put your trust in House Tully then, and we saw you through the crisis. Those who didn't… well." I let my gaze rest on Raymun Darry for a long moment, saying nothing as all eyes were drawn to him. The Lord Darry turned red in the face, and I knew everyone was remembering that when the Darrys had picked Targaryn over Tully, my father had dug them out of their castle and taken half their lands as forfeit.

After a moment I concluded. "Your loyalty to your Liege does you credit, and that is why we have had no Rains of Castamere in our Riverlands." I let the implied threat that there could be hang for a moment. "We may disagree at times, but I know that there will be no lords in the Riverlands who will fail in their duty, whom I would have to dig out of their keeps and punish when the war ended. And with such loyalty to me… well… I could no more disrespect that trust by allowing another to lead than you could by not backing your rightful Liege lord."

As I fell silent, I could feel the tension in the room. Blackwood still looked mutinous and I couldn't get a read on Jason Mallister's stoic face. Most of the others seemed to run the gamut from nervous to surprised, as though they were seeing me for the first time.

Old Stevron Frey finally cleared his throat, a look of mild amusement on his face and his lips twisted into an almost smile. "My Lord." He stood up, and it might have been my imagination but I thought I sensed some new respect in his stance as well. "You see clearly. House Frey stands ready to serve you, and the Riverlands. We await your decision."

Mallister stood next, inclining his head. "Lord Edmure. Tell us of your plan. Mallister men will see it done."

After that, it was like a flood gate opened with the other lords clamoring to assure me of their loyalty and commitment. And Jonos Bracken started talking about his daughter's beauty of all things, which was vaguely horrifying. Even Blackwood, with a glare at his rival, gruffly acknowledged that I showed some spine and was a better choice to lead than some options.

I'd pulled it off somehow, and I didn't fully know how. I suspected I hadn't handled this remotely how the real Edmure would have, but it seemed to work. My legs felt almost shaky with relief as the tension flowed out of my body. I vaguely supposed I should be concerned that if it was this nerve wracking dealing with my lords, than I had no idea what I would do when faced with Tywin Lannister. One thing at a time though. I'd just have to hope my sudden blinding inspiration of a plan paid off.

When the room finally calmed down again, I spoke up. "Thank you for your support my lords. I never doubted it for a second." Yes, I managed that with a straight face. "We will march at dawn for Tywin Lannister." I gave a nod to Bracken and Frey who still seemed worried. "I understand the risk we take, but we can't afford to let him join with the Kingslayer, and we can't put our future in the hands of the North, worthy allies though they may be."

If not happy about that answer, they at least seemed to accept it. "We will need to march quickly to catch up with Tywin before he can join the Kingslayer, but I know we can do it. And I do have a plan to deal with the Lannisters…" I flashed them some teeth "and we all know each Riverlander is worth two of those bastards." When the grim laughter died down I continued. "Lord Blackwood will command our left. I will take our center." I would have preferred the reserves, but after the near mutiny I didn't think I would be able to hang back. A sobering though that I might be in the middle of a freaking battle soon.

"Lord Stevron will command the reserves." The old Frey inclined his head to me as I looked around the room. The right would be the key of this battle if my guess was correct. Finally my eyes settled on Jason Mallister. The man was experienced and gave off an air of calm reliability. "And Lord Jason shall have our right."

With that I abruptly stood. "Thank you my lords. I know we have much to prepare for if we wish to leave with the dawn. Lord Jason, Marq, if you could hold back a moment."

The others began to shuffle out at that dismissal until only myself, Marq, and Jason Mallister remained. Well, and Bronn my constant shadow of course.

When we had a semblance of privacy, I turned to Mallister. "Lord Jason, I asked you to stay behind so we could talk in more detail about my plans. You have a crucial role in the coming battle.

Mallister kept a good poker face, and he really played the part of inscrutable lord quite well. It was sort of surprising considering what I had seen of his son Patrek. Finally, after a long pause, the lord inclined his head. "House Mallister knows its duty Lord Edmure." A faint look of distaste crossed his lips and was then gone. "There is no need for threats, as there are with some." His eyes drifted to the door the other lords had exited through. "It is an honor to do our part."

Well. I couldn't quite tell if he was disgusted at the other lords, or disappointed I had resorted to veiled threats. Either way it wasn't relevant I supposed. "House Mallister's loyalty is appreciated. But that is not why I gave you our right flank. Our entire battle hinges on it."

I leaned back in my chair ordering my thoughts. "Lord Jason, when you go against Tywin's left I have reason to believe they will rout… and that this rout will be a trap. Their center will then pivot and attempt to crush your scattered men."

This was the memory Blackwood's words had sparked in me. I remembered what Tywin's plan had been on the Greenfork. When he thought he faced an inexperienced youthful commander, with little patience and much bravado. I was counting on his seeing the same thing in Edmure… in me. A green boy caught up in the moment. More brave than wise. Especially when I abandoned my fortified position and chased after his host. It was a gamble… a huge one. If Tywin reacted differently it could be a disaster. But I felt in my gut this was the right move. And if he did repeat his tactics from the books and lay a trap for a rash young lord commanding his first army… well I would be ready to spring it.

Marq looked taken aback, but Mallister only raised a single eyebrow. "That seems oddly specific knowledge Lord Edmure."

I nodded my head back at him. "We have a… friend…" I somehow got the sense that Lord Mallister would find my having spies distasteful. "This friend sits on the Lannister command. He has regularly been keeping me informed of the Lannister plans."

Bronn sent me a faintly incredulous look at this, as well he should. He was my constant shadow and knew better than anyone that I had received no communications from 'friends.' Still, he seemed to know to keep his mouth shut on the matter.

Lord Jason frowned as well though. "Lord Edmure… Tywin Lannister is as much fox as lion. How do you know this is not a trap?"

That shrewd question reinforced that I had picked the right man for the task, and I quickly responded. "A fair question my lord. It could very well be a trap. Or a lie."

His frown deepened so I pressed on quickly. "The way I see it, as long as we go in with eyes open it is only to our advantage. We attack as normal… if his left does not collapse, well we have lost nothing. If it does… then I expect you to be prepared. I will give you some of our best men. The Tully Guard, our steadiest foot. You will give the appearance of losing control of the men in pursuit, but at the last moment you will turn and hold formation." I leaned forward. "If it is a trap, and the Lannister center has wheeled to destroy your forces… well we will turn their trap on them. They will be caught between your prepared troops and our own center and reserve. If it is not a trap, then at worst we lost a little initiative."

Mallister seemed hesitant, but finally gave a short nod. "I see the logic. And why you wanted to march. If the intelligence is true, it gives us a chance to crush the entire Lannister force. But I still worry this is all just a ploy to draw us into battle." He paused in thought. "You will make sure Frey and the reserves know the plan?"

I nodded in return. "Indeed, I'll tell him. But not until right before the battle. The fewer who know in advance the safer we will be." I didn't mind Jason's skepticism. If I was really relying on a Lannister spy, and not my knowledge of the books, I would also be worried the spy was a plant for Tywin. Still, I had one more little twist to try and weight the dice. "And I have one more gambit for us as well, so all of our eggs are not in one basket."

They looked at me blankly, I suppose that idiom hadn't translated to Westeros. Well no matter. I turned to Marq. "Marq… how would you feel about paying the Lannisters back for Pinkmaiden?"

I had sensed that my friend had felt annoyed at not being given a command earlier, but now his eyes lit up and a grin came across his face. If it was a bit more feral than it had been before his brother and keep were burned, I made no comment. "What do you need Edmure?"

I matched his grin. "I'll need all your daring and all your skill. I want you to take a small company, maybe a thousand men. Cross back over the trident and take with you the better of our Ferries and King Andahar's Water Horse. Travel upstream. Get behind the Lannister force and ours too. Keep your distance, it will be imperative you aren't seen. Or at least not viewed as more than some raiders. If we're lucky, you can wait until we're engaged with the Lannisters and at the crucial moment…"

Marq's eyes were alight and he leaped to his feet. "You can count on me Edmure! Yes. I can do this. We'll sail right past those bastards and then catch them when their pants are down…"

Bronn was frowning and interjected at that. "Sounds like a recipe for a fuck up. Your timing would have to be perfect to pull something like that off. Battles aren't the place for complicated shit like this."

Mallister seemed to agree with Bronn's sentiments if not his crudeness. "The sellsword is… right." His lips puckered as though that was painful to admit. "This plan already has too many moving pieces. The Lannisters need to be really planning this trap, we need to keep our men reined in to not fall for it, we need to catch the Lannister center between our forces when they wheel to spring their trap, and now Ser Marq's force needs to sneak past the Lannisters and get their timing perfect? It's too much."

Marq's excitement was caught though, and he was having none of it. "I can do it Edmure! I can. I know these lands."

I quelled them all with a raised hand. "Again Lord Jason… you aren't wrong. That is why our plan doesn't rely on everything going correctly. This is… redundancy. Insurance. I trust Marq, but yes the timing will have to be perfect. If he pulls it off, it will seal the victory for us. If he does not? Well a thousand men less will not have an impact on the rest of the battle."

"I'll pull it off…" Marq murmured fervently.

Bronn grunted at that. "Thousand men I'd rather have at my back."

Mallister said nothing, but I could see he agreed with Bronn. Still, I wanted to try it. I felt my knowing Tywin's battle plan would be the real key to victory. But just in case he did the unexpected, this seemed like a little insurance.

I should have felt nervous or scared. I was going to be sucked into a battle soon, something that still seemed crazy or surreal. But in a weird way I felt more relaxed than I had when arguing with my lords before. The die was cast. I was going to be marching on Tywin. This would work or it would not. I'm sure when the time came I would be terrified, but right now I mostly just felt excitement.

A/N: Next chapter will be the battle! Going to try and get it out this weekend, but depending on Holiday plans may get delayed a week. Also thank you for everyone giving me feedback and advice. I've been reading it and it is hugely helpful.