

Chapter 12

I couldn't help but feel my shoulders relax slightly as Riverrun finally came into view. It wasn't really my childhood home of course, but it was the closest thing I had in this world. I couldn't deny that after the stress of the last few weeks and the hard ride we'd had from Harroway Town, it was good to see the castle again.

However, I couldn't help but notice that the Stark banner was flying atop the wheel tower right alongside the Tully Fish. I had tried not to let Roose get inside my head since our last confrontation. I knew from the books that Robb was a decent and honorable individual. Yet, I could not help but feel myself becoming a little prickly of Tully-Riverrun honor ever since that conversation. It probably hadn't helped that all the lords with me could talk of as we rode, was Bolton's presumption and the slight to the honor of the Riverlands.

We had made good time at least. I had left my foot behind at Harroway under the command of Mallister, and rode hard with my horse and fastest knights to Riverrun. Every lost day wasted waiting on Bolton weighed on my mind, and it had driven me on the ride back.

At last, I was able to rein in my horse as we neared our destination. Riverrun's sluice gates had clearly been opened, and we'd need to take a boat the rest of the way.

"My Lords, I must visit my good nephew." I considered them. "Lord Blackwood, would you see the men are settled out here?" Best to keep the hot-tempered Blackwood far away from this meeting. "Marq, Ser Stevron, Lord Bracken, if you would accompany me. We had best be about our business." Stevron would want to see the man marrying his sister, and it would be best to keep Bracken away from his rival. And Marq? I just wanted a friendly face at my side.

The other lords and knights I had not named fell in behind Blackwood as my companions and I approached the boat drawn up and waiting for us. Thankfully, the boat ride across the moat was largely quiet and I was left with my thoughts.

We were greeted by Robin Ryger, just as big and bald as I remembered, though in much better humor. "Lord Edmure! We've had word of your victory. Your father was most pleased."

I smiled fondly at the man. "Indeed. The guard did you proud Ser Robin. Father is well?" I knew he wasn't, but I figured I had to ask.

Ryger's smile dimmed somewhat and he gave a small shake of his head. "He has his good days and his bad, but more bad of late m'lord. That acolyte you got does what he can. But… ahh…"

Ryger trailed off sadly, and I gave the man a reassuring thump on the back. "I will visit father as soon as I'm able. My nephew?"

The old knight straightened his spine, his eyes refocusing on the task at hand. "Yes Lord Edmure. Of course. His Grace is waiting for you in the Great Hall."

I had to keep a stab of irritation from showing on my face as we entered the Hall. The boy who was clearly Robb Stark, the crown and giant wolf at his feet gave it away, had made himself at home in my usual chair at the head of the room. Various northern lords and warriors assembled before him. Still, I tried to force that irritation from my mind. Now wasn't the time to get prickly or prideful about someone making themselves at home in my castle.

The room quited as I approached Robb with the Riverlords and Bronn trailing behind me. When I got within a dozen feet of the boy, the wolf at his feet lifted its head up, which I took as my cue to halt. Expression unreadable, Robb Stark inclined his head to me. "Uncle. Welcome home."

I returned the gesture and gave him a formal nod, not quite a bow, and pitched my voice for the room to hear. "Your Grace. Nephew. The Riverlands thank you for coming to our aid in our hour of need. You are most welcome in my hall." I did my best to keep the emphasis off of the 'my.'

"The King In the NORTH!" I nearly startled as that was bellowed out by a giant Northman to Robb's right. "The King in the North!" He thrust a mailed fist in the air as he yelled.

No one else seemed to find this outburst at all unusual, so with a sideways glance at the giant I continued. "Congratulations on your great victory, word reached us of the Kingslayer's capture."

Robb gave a nod, and came to his feet, his icy demeanor breaking for a second as fire came into his eyes. "And to your victory as well, uncle. Between us we will drive the Lannisters from these lands and make them pay for their crimes."

"Stark! Stark!" The giant Northman was shouting again. "The King in the North!" This time at least a few others were joining him, so it didn't seem quite as awkward as before.

Robb waited until the shouting died down before turning to face his lords. "My uncle and I have much to talk on my lords."

They seemed to take that for the cue to leave, and I saw the assembled northerners bending their knee to Robb before making their exit. The giant Northerner from before pausing on his way out to give me a slap on the back that nearly sent me sprawling to the floor.

I hadn't thought Robb would dismiss all formality so fast to talk privately, but I wasn't going to complain either. I turned to my own companions, who were clearly waiting for me signal, and made a motion indicating that they should also wait for me outside. Ser Stevron hesitated a second, clearly wishing to talk to Robb, but then joined the other Riverlords and Northerners in their exit.

Finally, only myself, Robb, the giant wolf, and a lean gray-haired man with bushy eyebrows remained behind. I wasn't quite sure why the man got to stay with us, but he looked familiar somehow and I figured it was probably someone I was supposed to know. If Robb wasn't going to ask him to go, I wouldn't for now either.

When the door finally closed on the last of the lords, Robb's first action was to remove the crown from his head, placing it on the table, and then lean back in his chair, shoulders visibly relaxing.

The older man at his side though, crossed the distance between us and before I knew what was going on had enfolded me in a hug. I did my best not to stiffen in his embrace, and gave what I suspected was a very awkward pat back.

"Edmure, my boy, you've done well." A moment later he pulled back, bushy eyebrows rising up as he studied my face. "Sending Tywin running like that? I was worried, but you did well. I don't think I ever saw my brother so proud as when I told him the news. His grandson captured the Kingslayer, and his son sent Tywin running."

Ahh! That statement let something click in my head. One mystery solved. "It's good to see you too uncle Brynden. Is Cat here as well?"

My uncle gave a snort. "No need to be so formal Edmure. But no… Cat…" he paused to glance at Robb.

"My mother has gone to treat with Renly."

Damn. That far in the time-line already? "Renly? You mean to bend the knee then?" I knew he didn't, but it seemed the appropriate thing to ask.

The Blackfish was shaking his head before I finished. "No. But we need allies still."

Robb seemed more hesitant though. Like this wasn't the first time they had argued over this. "We do, but I can't imagine Renly would accept two of his Lord's Paramount declaring Independence. No king can stand for that."

The Blackfish opened his mouth to respond, but I raised a hand cutting him off. "One Lord Paramount you mean. The North."

An awkward silence descended at that, broken finally by Grey Wind letting out a low whine. Robb rested a hand on the wolf's head to calm it, expression icy again as his eyes met me. "You are bending the knee to Renly, uncle?"

Shit. I was shaking my head quickly at that. "No. No of course not. Certainly not if he ends up at odds with you." Robb relaxed slightly at that, but I pressed on. "But we aren't going to be bending the knee to you either, nephew."

The silence stretched for a long moment before Brynden spoke up. "Edmure… that is still Hoster's decision to make. And we can't afford any divisions between us right now."

"Lord Lyman bent the knee to me. I had assumed you were here to do so as well uncle." Robb added, stony faced.

This was the delicate moment now. I just had to hope it went better than it had with Bolton. "Lyman is a boy of eight Robb, he wasn't speaking for the Riverlands." I gave a sigh, running my hands through my hair, turning to my uncle. "And yes, father is the Lord of Riverrun uncle. But he is also ill, we both know this is a decision… a burden… that I can't just lay on his shoulders. I wish it were otherwise."

When Brynden didn't respond to that comment, I took it as tacit agreement and turned back to Robb. "We're your allies of course, but it makes no sense for the Riverlands to join the North. You have no claim. And if nothing else, it would make your kingdom horribly vulnerable."

Robb studied me for a long moment, before heaving a sigh of his own, hand rubbing at his temple. "As you say uncle. The important thing is to present a united front against the Lannisters. To know that I can count on you in the coming conflict."

I blinked. That had gone far easier than I expected. Robb didn't look like he gave a damn If I called him king. After Bolton's words, I had expected Robb to be horribly offended that I wouldn't bend the knee. More than anything his easy dismissal of the matter brought home that Bolton was playing his own game.

The silence stretched until Robb prompted me, voice firmer. "Uncle?"

I gave myself a mental shake, focusing in on Robb. "Of course. Apologies nephew." I gave a wry grin. "When I met Lord Bolton he made it sound as though you would be breaking our alliance if the Riverlands did not bend the knee."

Brynden looked offended at that news, but Robb waved it away. He leaned forward, an intent look on his face. "As you said uncle, the North has no claim to the Riverlands. The Lannisters are what is important."

The Blackfish looked like he still had questions though. "If not Robb, than who do you intend to call king Edmure? Not the Lannisters of course."

I snorted. "No. Not that shit in Kingslanding."

Robb scowled, likely thinking of his murdered father. Or perhaps his sister still there. But the Blackfish was clearly focused on more practical matters. "Do you mean to declare for Stannis?"

I shook my head again, a look of distaste on my face. "No. The man is a bloody fanatic." Call it a bias, but I had no intention of bending the knee that religious zealot. "Never him. I don't trust him, and I don't like him."

Robb was looking at me odd. "But he has the right. If Joffrey is not Robert's heir, than it falls to the oldest brother."

Really? I gave Robb an incredulous look. "And I don't see you bending the knee to Stannis either, why aren't you calling him king if he has the 'right.' No, I want nothing more to do with the Baratheons."

Brynden interrupted again, clearly intent on keeping the peace between the two of us. "Than who Edmure?"

"I haven't decided yet." I had a mental image of Dany and her dragons flash into my head. God knows if she would ever get to Westeros… but… "I'm going to keep my options open for now uncle. Whoever I swear to, I will of course make sure they don't expect me to fight against family."

Robb seemed to be getting impatient with all of this. "That's appreciated uncle Edmure. But yes, swear to whoever you wish. As you said, dealing with the Lannisters is what is most pressing."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the kid. So nice of him to give me permission. But that would be counter productive. I was getting what I wanted, so no need to belabor the point. Mostly I wanted this topic settled and for us to move on. Which meant there was just one loose end. "And Lyman Darry? You said he bent the knee to you?"

Robb waved a hand dismissively. "I'll release him from his oaths of course. You can talk to him yourself when we march."

I blinked, surprised. "March?"

The Blackfish shot me a feral grin. "It is good you brought your horse with you Edmure. We will have need for them for our plan."

I hesitated, I thought I knew where this was going. "I had hoped we could combine forces, bring the fight to Tywin."

Robb was already shaking his head at that. "Tywin has gone to ground at Stoney Sept. Even with our combined forces, we'd lose two men to his one trying to root him out of there."

Brynden was nodding. "Worse, word has come he is raising a second host at Lannisport. If we wait too long, we risk losing our advantage of numbers."

Robb's face took on a sour cast. "If your sister would aid us, it would not matter. But we've no word at all from the Eyrie, I've sent a dozen ravens."

Brynden sighed. "She is scared. I fear you will find no help from the Vale."

I gave a huff. I'd half expected that, since it happened in the books. But still… "Doesn't she realize that she started this war when she threw Tyrion Lannister off a cliff, uncle? The Lannisters will not forgive that."

Brynden gave a weary shrug. "Aye, by all rights they should be marching with us." He inclined his head to Robb. "And your father is still remembered fondly there. I do not doubt that many of the lords of the Vale wish to join us. But Lysa is scared, she will do what she can to keep her strength close."

I considered that. "If the lords are that unhappy, perhaps we should be reaching out to them directly instead of Lysa…"

Robb seemed distinctly uncomfortable at that idea, likely it pricked his honor or something. He cut me off rather forcefully. "Regardless, we must act quickly. Or risk our strength melting away."

I sighed, not liking giving up on the Eyrie so fast. I'd have to perhaps talk to Brynden about possibilities with them later. For now though, I suppose it was best to focus on the matter at hand. "If not marching on Tywin, what do you intend than?"

Brynden gave a small smile at that, his teeth showing. "Edmure, never give the enemy what he wants."

Robb was nodding. "Tywin expects us to march for him at Stoney Sept. He wants us to go south, so instead we will go west."

I had mostly expected that to be the plan. "To deal with the host at Lannisport before it can be trained?"

Robb agreed. "Yes. And to see that the Westerlands burn. Tywin will have no choice but to come to us, else his lords will see him unable to defend their own lands.

"But you destroyed much of his heavy cavalry at Harroway, Edmure, and we will be all ahorse." The Blackfish's eyes were alight as he stressed this. "We will lead Tywin on a merry chase, and when we're ready…"

"You'll spring the trap." I murmured.

Robb was grinning now, for the first time looking the boy he was. "Exactly. But for that, the northern horse is not enough. We will need the men you brought with you."

I considered that for a moment, but chose to ask a question instead. "And the Golden Tooth? That is as hard a castle as any in the realm."

Robb's grin widened, and he rested a hand on Grey Wind's head while the wolf let out a low rumble. "Which is why we won't storm it. With our force all ahorse, we can move fast. We don't need to take the keep, just move around it."

I'd probably have been far more skeptical of that claim if I didn't know he had managed to do exactly that in the books. This wasn't completely unexpected though, and could play into my hands if I was lucky. I pretended to consider his words for another long moment before speaking up. "And where does the rest of our forces figure into this plan? And Lord Bolton?"

Brynden seemed pleased that I had thought to ask that question. "They'll stay behind in the east. It's important we don't stop Tywin from pursuing us, but the man is as much a fox as he is a lion. We'll want those troops ready in case he does the unexpected."

"I don't trust Bolton." There, I'd said it plainly.

Robb looked nonplussed at that comment. "Don't trust him?"

"The man dawdled his way down the Kingsroad. If he had listened to me, we could have combined and followed Tywin. The war would already be over."

Robb looked a little uncomfortable, but gave a small shrug. "His orders were to go slowly, to keep Tywin focused on him. I agree he should have rethought the plan. It's a lost opportunity perhaps, but…"

I cut him off, drawing a startled look. I suspect not many had taken to cutting him off since he was made king. "Than at best he is overcautious and unimaginative. Not whom we want in charge of our forces in the east if Tywin tries to do something clever."

The Blackfish seemed to have figured out what I was angling for, and had a small smile on his face. "What do you suggest Edmure?"

I nodded to him. "Simple. We keep this in the family, so to speak. The Riverlands horse under Blackwood will be placed under Robb's command. And the Northern Foot under Bolton will be placed under mine."

Robb seemed hesitant at that. "They will not like taking orders from a southerner. Uncle Edmure…"

He trailed off, likely thinking of how to deny my request diplomatically, but I was having none of it. "And my Riverlords will object to following the command of a northern boy, I'm sure." Robb looked offended at that so I waved my hand. "I'm not saying they are right. I trust you Robb, you've proven yourself your father's son." Despite himself, he looked pleased at that comment, so I pushed on. "I'm saying our lords swore an oath. I'll make sure Blackwood and the men with him know to follow you. You will make sure that the Northern foot know to follow my command. They swore an oath to us."

The Blackfish still seemed amused by this whole conversation, likely he wasn't used to Edmure showing so much spine. "I like it. A good plan. As long as you don't try to stop Tywin from following us Edmure."

I gave a grunt, he kept belaboring that point as though I was a dolt. "No, we'll make sure he has a clear path westward to take. We'll gather at Harrenhall"

My uncle didn't seem to like that. "Harrenhall? An ill-omened place to fight."

I resisted rolling my eyes at the medieval superstition. "Than just as well I don't intend to fight there. Its a central location, well fortified, with fertile land to support our host. And as you said, it won't block Tywin from going east."

Robb hesitated another long moment, before finally nodding his head. "Very well uncle. I will send word to Bolton."

I considered that. "Bolton and the other lords with him. I don't want there to be any… confusion."

Robb seemed to think I was being silly, but he didn't argue. "Yes. Fine."

Robb got to his feet at that, clearly thinking we were done, but I raised a hand stopping him. "One other thing."

My uncle raised a bushy eyebrow, which I took as my cue to push on. "I've been doing my best to cultivate mmm…" I searched for the word I wanted… "friends in the various kingdoms, who can keep me abreast of what is going."

Robb's face was a mask of disapproval. "Spies."

I shrugged. "If you will."

Brynden looked concerned at that. "Spies Edmure? That's not like you. You can't trust the sort of man who would take coin to share secrets."

I bit the inside of my cheek to prevent another eye-roll at the moralizing from the two of them. "I assure you, I'm doing nothing to hurt the Tully name." And I really wasn't, since the 'spies' were just my knowledge of the books. Still, neither of the two of them seemed that convinced.

"And what do your… friends…" Robb's face was twisted in distaste, "have to say?"

I gave them both a long serious look. "Nothing good I'm afraid. I received the news just a few days ago from the Iron Islands, and it is particularly grim."

That seemed to catch them both by surprise. "The Iron islands?" Robb hesitated. "I had hoped… that is, Theon is on his way to forge an agreement with them."

Damn. I had figured as much if Cat was gone already, but I had hoped I wasn't too late to stop that mistake. Still. "I doubt you will have any such agreement Robb."

Brynden had a considering look on his face. "Cat always did say that boy wasn't to be trusted. She was against sending him."

Robb had a mulish cast to his face. "I trust Theon, uncle. He is like a brother."

Yeah, some brother. But I didn't voice that. "I'm sure Theon has the best of intentions, Robb. But he is not the Lord of the Iron Islands, Balon Greyjoy is. And he has always blamed Lord Eddard for his defeat. I trust my sources, and they all say he means to strike the North.

Brynden's eyebrows were scrunched down in thought at that. "That's very worrisome. With so many of our forces in the south…" he paused to glance at Robb.

Robb was scowling though, still not ready to just accept my word. "What sources? I won't throw away a potential ally on some gutter scum of a spies word. Theon and I have a plan…"

I cut him off again. "Robb, I can't betray what was told to me in confidence." He looked skeptical at that so I pressed on. "It is a source I trust though. They mean to hit the North hard. It may not be common knowledge, but it is no secret on the Iron Islands." Total BS, but that sounded good. "Balon Greyjoy means to hit the Stoney Shore, Deepwood Motte, and the hammer blow at Moat Cailin. They mean to sail up the Fever River and strike it from the west."

Robb was silent at that, a troubled look on his face. He clearly still did not want to accept it, but was too smart a tactician to not realize what such a blow would mean. Or how it would trap him in the south.

As the silence stretched on, I spoke up again. "Listen, Robb. Maybe Theon will still achieve what you want. I'm not saying he won't. But is it worth taking the risk?"

Grey Wolf gave a low whine at Robb's feet, which seemed to snap him out of his reverie. He ran a hand through his hair, a weary look on his face. "No. Uncle. You're right. We must take precautions."

The Blackfish looked equally troubled. "Send multiple Ravens to make sure some get through…"

Robb gave a slow nod. "Yes. We'll send word to the Glovers and the Fishers. If they are coming at Moat Cailin in strength though… that is the key."

The Blackfish murmured his agreement. "The Ironborn are fierce fighters, but they are meant for the sea. If this plan is true, than they mean to take the Moat with surprise and numbers. A few thousand, prepared and ready? That might be enough to see them off."

Robb was still troubled, turning this over in his mind. "Yes. I will ask Lord Manderly to command it and see a strong enough force is raised."

The Blackfish put a reassuring arm on Robb's shoulder. "I dislike relying on spies, but it's the right move to make. And if the information is false, or Theon changes his father's mind, at worst we will have some reinforcements."

I cleared my throat. "I might also suggest you keep a strong garrison in Winterfell. The Ironborn are raiders. I wouldn't put it past them to try and lure your forces away for a strike into the interior of the north."

"Thank you for your advice, Uncle." Robb's tone was frosty and made it clear he did not want any further input on how to garrison his own castle. Still, I had to hope he heard the advice and maybe Theon wouldn't have as easy a time of it.

Suddenly, Grey Wind got to his feet and walked over to me. I eyed the dire-wolf warily. He was just as awesome as I expected, but you couldn't help but we wary of a pony sized wolf with giant fangs. But the dire-wolf only sniffed at my hand and gave it a lick before turning back to Robb.

That seemed to break the tension though, as Robb got to his feet again. "Very well uncle. There is much to do."

I nodded back. "I will make sure Blackwood and his men are ready."

Robb rested his hand on Grey Wolf. "We will take a day to send out instructions and messengers and leave on the morrow."

I turned to go, but paused as the Blackfish walked up to me, draping an arm over my shoulder. "You are going to go to your father, Edmure?"

I hadn't meant to, but now that he said it I probably had to, so I gave a nod. My uncle nodded back. "I'll accompany you. I mean to leave with Robb, but we have much to catch up on in the meantime."

I squashed down the frankly absurd flash of jealousy I felt at hearing he was planning to march with Robb. Completely irrational. Instead I inclined my head one last time to Robb and left him to his letters as I went to visit my father.

There was much work to do, and just like Robb I didn't intend to tarry. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Bolton's reaction when he found out he was under my command. And then, it would be off to see Harrenhall. I wondered if it would seem as impressive to someone like me who could remember skyscrapers and cities. Well, one way to find out.

A/n: Heh, I ended up cutting the scene of Edmure marching with his horse towards Riverrun. Seemed superfluous, and I figured I could just defacto make it happen without a lot of talking about it. And I still didn't include the small scene with Lyman Darry confronted by Edmure. I have it written but it just doesn't seem to be fitting in with the flow of my chapters. It stuck out as too disconnected to the rest of the narrative in this chapter. I'll either stick it in the next chapter, or I suppose just 'skip' it as I push on with the story. It wasn't crucial, just a fun little moment.