

Chapter 15

Arya was scowling, of course.

With a little amusement, I remembered something my own mother had always said, and ruffled her hair. "Careful niece, or your face might get stuck like that."

Arya's scowl deepened and she shook her head roughly, dislodging my hand. "You're leaving."

I sighed. "I am. There has been news. And mind, its not common knowledge yet either, so don't go talking about it just yet." There was a council meeting later this afternoon that promised to be rather revealing.

When Arya gave a reluctant nod of agreement I pressed on. "I don't like it any more than you do, but considering events I need to act."

Arya's face suddenly got a worried cast to it. "Robb?"

I gave her my best reassuring smile. "He's fine. Winning victories in the west."

Arya relaxed only slightly at that, chewing on her lip nervously. "Than why do you have to go?"

I hesitated a second, debating how much to share. "It's important we deal with the Lannister forces before they have a chance to regroup further. We can't afford to give them a chance to catch their breath."

Arya nodded fiercely at that, eyes shining. "Then take me with you!"

"What?" I blinked. I hadn't expected that, though with hindsight maybe I should have.

Arya jumped to her feet. "Take me with you Uncle Edmure! I've been practicing with Needle, just like you said."


She rushed on over me. "It's like father said. The lone wolf dies but the pack survives. We're a pack!"

I sighed, waiting until she calmed down, the hopeful look in her eyes dimming slightly as I picked my words with care. "We are a pack… but it's the duty of the pack to protect its cubs."

She didn't seem too sold on my analogy, so I tried a different tack. "By now your mother likely knows we've found you. What do you think she would do to me, if she rode all the way to Harrenhall and found I'd taken you with me? Have some pity on your poor uncle!"

Her lips twitched at that, but otherwise she didn't respond.

I gave a sigh, and sank to my knees so I could look at her on the level. "Arya, you know I can't take you with me. We're going to war."

"You're still leaving!"

"Just for a short time. You'll be in Riverrun before you know it, you'll love the castle."

She wasn't having any of it. "That's what everyone says. Just for a short time. But they leave and don't come back."

Her eyes were suspiciously damp, and I felt a large twinge of sympathy. I tried to pull her into a hug. Just seemed like the right thing to do. "Arya. That's not true, and you know it. I'll be back, and before you know it you'll be seeing your mother and Robb again too."

She put up with the hug for a split second, before determinedly wriggling out of my grip and taking a step back so she could regard me with solemn gray eyes. "You promise?"

"Promise. Cross my heart."

She looked confused at that. I suppose the phrase didn't exist in Westeros. I pushed on. "You'll look after your Aunt Whent for me while I'm away? Keep an eye on things? And give your mother my love when she comes?"

Arya gave a reluctant nod.

I let out a long, low, relieved breath. This hadn't gone well, but it could have gone much worse. "You'll keep up your sword practices while I'm away?"

The nod was fiercer this time. "Of course!"

Arya paused in thought for a long moment, before continuing. "Will Elmar be going with you?"

I snorted. "Probably. Though I suppose that's up to Stevron." I wouldn't be shocked if the old man left him behind to continue the 'bonding.' Poorly as that was going.

"Good!" Arya's scowl returned. "He's an idiot."


She crossed her arms. "He is. He won't stop calling me princess. And all he can talk about is the stupid Twins and marriage."

"Well. He's just a boy. You remember what we talked about?"

I got an eye roll at that. "Yes uncle Edmure. I have to 'humor' him so the Freys keep killing Lannisters. But only when he's here. When he's gone I can say whatever I want!"

I chuckled. "Well. As long as you can trust whom you're talking to."

I got to my feet and continued. "I wish I could stay, Arya. But I need to break the news of our marching to the council."

I could tell that Arya puffed up a little in pride that she knew my plans before the council. After a long moment she spoke up again. "You'll come back though, you said?"

I nodded. "Yes. Before I leave of course… but after as well. I'll see you at Riverrun Arya."

She hesitated another second before throwing herself at me like a battering ram. This time the hug lasted more than a split second.

Bronn had a look of amusement on his face as I exited Arya's chambers. "How'd the she-wolf take the news?"

I snorted. "About as well as could be expected. She wanted to come with me to kill Lannisters."

His grin widened at that. "I like her. She's got teeth. I pity that Frey boy though, she'll eat him alive."


We walked in silence for a while after that. Bronn had been around me long enough to know something was up. I was purposely taking us to one of the more abandoned areas of Harrenhall, hopefully away from prying eyes. And ears.

Finally, Bronn seemed to have had his fill of silence. Or perhaps he'd decided we had enough privacy. "So. We're to march are we?"

I nodded. "Yes. I'll announce it at the council meeting tonight."

"About time if you ask me. Don't win any wars sitting on your ass."

"We were waiting for the right moment."

He looked dubious at that. "If you say. Still, will be good to get out of this ruin."

I felt a hint of amusement at that, knowing where I intended this conversation to go. "Indeed. But that's why I wished to speak with you."

A slightly condescending look came over the sellsword-turned-knight's face at that. "Figured as much. You're worried about the battle?"

I shrugged. No point denying it. "I would be a fool if I wasn't."

He nodded. "And you're no fool, I'll give you that. Even if you fight like one."

I gave another shrug. Again, no point denying it. I'd improved noticeably under Bronn's tutelage. But that only meant I had gone from not even knowing how to hold a sword to perhaps being the match for a green peasant levy. Maybe. There just wasn't enough time to catch up to where even a rather average lord or knight needed to be. Certainly no time to make up for the years I had missed as a squire and page.

I shook off those morose thoughts, focusing back on the matter at hand. "With any luck, I'll manage to avoid the hand-to-hand fighting this time."

Bronn gave me a pitying look. "Don't tempt the gods like that. Besides it's a battle, no avoiding the dirty work."

I sighed. "As you say."

A sly smile came across the sellsword's face. "Least you'll have the best of the best looking after you again. Thankless task though it may be."

I snorted at the frankly avaricious look on his face. "You did well enough out of guarding my back last time. A pile of gold and a knighthood to boot."

His smirk widened. "Indeed. But I'd say I more than earned that prize."

"I won't argue with that." And I really I couldn't. I'd likely have been dead many times over without Bronn's help. It's partly what made me so nervous about what I was going to do. But I needed to take the risk.

A spark of greed was in his eyes now. "And this battle is like to be even more desperate, yes? No more retreating for the Lannisters. Seems like a bigger risk on my part, needing perhaps a bigger reward."

I nodded my head slowly, giving the impression I was considering his words as opposed to having been waiting for the opening. "Indeed. I rather think 'lord Bronn' has a nice ring to it."

He blinked at that, leaning backwards in surprise. "Lord?"

"As you said, a large service deserves a large reward. Gold is all well and good, but land and title?" I let the tempting prize dangle in front of him.

There was a hint of caution in his voice now. Bronn was no fool. "What sort of lordship are we talking about? Some keep in the middle of nowhere?"

I couldn't fight the grin that came across my face. His reaction was going to be an added bonus to my little plan. "Not at all. I think a large castle for a large service. Ser Bronn. Lord of Harrenhall. Has a nice ring to it, does it not?"

For a split second sheer shock was on Bronn's face, but then it was replaced by a blaze of anger. "A funny jest."

I shook my head, turning serious. "No jest. I wouldn't joke about something like this." Not least since I didn't fancy an angry sellsword stabbing me in the guts.

He still looked disbelieving at that. "And I'm supposed to believe you're going to hand me your own Aunt's castle?"

I sighed, getting serious. "No. You're not. My Aunt is going to remain Lady of Harrenhall while she lives. But she has no heir. Or rather, technically, I suppose I am her heir." And I had no intention of taking the castle. I had no idea if the supposed 'curse' was real, but why risk it? This was Westeros.

I pushed on. "And even were I not her heir, I am to be Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. I will be selecting who inherits the castle."

Bronn's eyes narrowed. "Or the king will."

I shrugged. "What king? Joffrey? Robb Stark? One of the other half dozen that seem to have popped up?"

He seemed to chew on that. "Point. But the old lady is tough as nails. She might live for a decade."

I nodded. "Indeed. And…" I let a hint of warning enter my voice. "I expect nothing to hasten that demise. Or any deals are off."

Bronn scowled at that. "I don't go around murdering old ladies. But anything can happen in a year, let alone a decade. I can wipe my ass with a promise, but not much else."

I resisted the urge to sneer at his coarseness. "I don't expect you to simply trust in me. After the battle, if things go as planned, I'll announce you as the 'heir to Harrenhall.' A reward for your brave service. Nice and public."

The fact that I was serious finally seemed to be sinking into the sellsword. "The lords won't like it."

I shrugged. "They don't have to. It's not their decision." Besides, I was counting on them being too flush in victory to care. If things went well. No one seemed to have brought up more than a token protest when the castle was given to Janos Slynt after all.

Still, he hesitated. "They say the castle is cursed."

I arched an eyebrow. "Do you care? I didn't take you for the superstitious sort."

He spat. "Fuck that. But still. Its got a dark history."

I shrugged. "A castle is a castle, and a lordship is a lordship. If you decide you don't want it, sell the thing off and go retire to the free cities."

He shook his head. "Lord Bronn." That was murmured, but I knew I had him.

"Indeed." I smirked. "But it's a large castle. Requiring a large service to earn. You'll only get your reward if the service is completed."

That seemed to focus him back in. "Aye, aye. Keeping you alive is a big job. But I'll earn it."

And now, it was time for the plunge. Calmly I met his eyes. "You won't be with me at the next battle."

That seemed to surprise him. He had been my constant shadow since I'd hired him. Indeed, I had to admit to feeling a bit of unease at sending him from my side.

"I won't be?" There was definite wariness in his voice now.

I nodded. "Indeed. As you said, keeping my sorry carcass alive is a big task. But Harrenhall is an even bigger castle."

"And where will I be?"

I was silent for a long moment. This had to be worded very carefully. "I mean to give Lord Bolton command of the left wing in the coming battle."

Bronn nodded hesitantly, so I pressed on. "This goes without saying of course. Lord Bolton is a canny commander. He is respected in the North."

Bronn nodded slowly again. "True. But the man's a right bastard." He was no doubt thinking of the several slights and insults Bolton had aimed his way when we were together. "And no friend of yours."

I met Bronn's eyes carefully as I continued. "Indeed. No friend of mine. But that is of no matter. I'm sure he is loyal to King Robb. He would never betray King Robb, especially as we go from victory to victory."

"Stark? Maybe not. But you?"

I lied through my teeth. "Lord Bolton is an honorable lord. He has my complete faith." Truth be told, I wasn't expecting the man to flat out betray me. But that didn't mean I trusted him to not undermine my position somehow. Or turn on me the minute things went poorly.

Bronn was clearly trying to piece all this together. "Alright, so why am I to go with him instead of you?"

I put a solemn expression on my face. "There is no one I trust more to guard my back, but I have many guards. No man mayhaps who could equal you, but I can always replace your position with two guards instead."

He smirked. "Best make it three."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Indeed. Three then. Lord Bolton will have his own sworn men of course, but none who know the Riverlands as well as we do."

Bronn was looking at me suspiciously. "He'll think you mean for me to be a set of eyes and ears on him."

"He'll think that, yes." I was counting on him to assume that was my reason.

Bronn shook his head. He knew me well. "He'll think that. But for all your talk of spies, I've never actually seen you hold truck with any of that sort."

"Bolton is a suspicious man. I'm much more straight forward."

Bronn snorted at that, but I pressed on. "I am. It's as simple as I have said. Bolton holds a valuable command. I don't want any… mishaps to occur."

I drilled my eyes into Bronn as I continued. Trying to convey my real message. "The battlefield is a dangerous place. Anything can happen in the confusion of battle. If Lord Bolton were to fall? It would be a tragedy."

Bronn's face contorted in confusion before a look of surprise came across it. "Are you saying…"

I cut him off. "I'm saying that a lot can happen in the battlefield. It would be a shame… a disaster… if something were to happen to Lord Bolton. One of my most trusted advisers. A pillar in this army. You understand?"

Slowly, very slowly, Bronn nodded. "The battlefield can be a place of confusion and mishap. As you said."

"Just so. And thus this is a large task. With a large reward."

Bronn was looking at me as though he was seeing me for the first time. "A dangerous task."

"One I'm sure you are up for. If you want the reward."

"If Bolton finds out?"

I put an innocent look on my face. "Finds out? That I provided him with the best guard in my employ?"

Bronn hesitated. For a long, long moment he hesitated. Finally, just as I was starting to think he would back out, he gave a slow nod. "I'll do it. I'll guard the bastard. But you better keep your promise."

"I will.."

He cut me off. "And there's only so much risk I'm willing to take. Just so you know."

I gave a shrug and put on an innocent smile. "Of course. I expect you to guard him, not die for him. But if things go… sideways…" I let that hang a moment. "If they end poorly, or with you in some sort of… disgrace… of course I won't be able to name you Lord of Harrenhall."

He grunted. "Ohh I'll 'guard' the bastard alright."

I smirked. "I knew you would."

I perhaps should have felt a little dirty sinking to this level. But all I felt was a sense of overwhelming satisfaction. Whatever else happened, there would be no Red Wedding. I'd make sure of that. And no 'accidental' losses to the Mountain at the ford, and no more undermining me with my lords. Or anything else. Not if I had my way. And to hell with Bolton.

The pre-council meeting was in its usual chaos. Lords drinking, yelling, and having private conversations. But there was also a subtle element of tension in the room. It was informative to see which lords had heard the news and which had not. It would be even more informative to see which lords had heard which bits of news.

"My Lords." No one seemed to hear me in the chaos. With a sigh, I made eye contact with the guard behind me who proceeded to smash his shield and sword together noisily.

When I had the attention focused back on me, I continued in a louder voice. "My Lords. If you would. We have much to discuss."

Lord Hornwood looked up, bleary eyed and drunk. "Nothin' ever comes from these. Lotsa… talk."

I sighed. The man continued to be a wreck at each of these meetings. "Be that as it may, there is news. And much planning to do if we are to be marching."

Now that had their attention. All of them. Even Lord Hornwood was squinting, trying to focus his eyes on me.

Harrion Karstark was so excited he leapt to his feet, black beard bristling. "At last! We'll pay the Lannisters back in kind for my brothers. Enough of this sitting!"

I saw Medger Cerwyn urge the young lord back down with a hand on his arm. The Lord of Cerwyn Castle had struck me as a more cautious sort. I nodded my appreciation to the man, before turning to the crowd of lords.

"Indeed. We will pay the Lannisters back two-fold for what they've done to us all." There was a rumble from all sides of the room, here was something both the North and the Riverlands could agree on.

Karyl Vance cleared his throat, observing me with those sad eyes. "My Lord Edmure. You said you had tidings though? I am all for paying the Lannisters back in kind. But I would hear this news first."

I nodded agreement, turning back to the lords. Perhaps unintentionally, they were split down the middle. Northerners on one side, Riverlords on the other. "Indeed. There is much to discuss." I considered them all, before my eyes rested on Bolton. "Lord Bolton. You have news from the West?"

The Leech Lord spoke in that damned whisper, forcing the entire table to lean closer to make him out. "Yes, Lord Edmure. Great news. King Robb has had a great victory at Oxcross. The Lannister host being raised there is scattered. His Grace has taken many prisoners. Ser Stafford Lannister, Ser Forley Prestor, others beyond count. The remains of the host are reeling towards the Rock."

Before he was even finished, Bolton was drowned out in exclamations and cheers from around the table. A glance showed me that most of the Northerners seemed to have heard the news, but the Riverlords looked taken aback.

Marq let out a whoop from my side. "A Great Victory for the Young Wolf!"

I nodded, waiting until the hub-hub had died down. "And Robb is well after the battle, Lord Bolton?"

The man gave a shallow nod. "His Grace is well. Last we heard he was making for the Crag and Ashemark. He means to make the Westerlands bleed for what they have done."

The Riverlords seemed particularly satisfied at this news. Marq was positively smug, no doubt thinking of the sack of his own home. I gave a slow nod. "Glad tidings as you said. But that is not our only news…"

My eyes settled on Stevron Frey. The man was not surprised, I had told him I would be calling on him. At my signal, the old Frey got the attention of the room. "My Lords. Tidings from the south. As some have heard, Renly Baratheon is dead."

Another murmur through the room. This time, Lord Bolton seemed taken aback. "Dead, how?"

I was pleased the news had somehow missed the man, but answered anyway. "Unknown. There are more rumors than answers. But it wasn't on the battlefield, we know that."

Stevron grunted. "Look at who benefits I say. Stannis was behind it, sure as sure."

Lord Cerwyn reeled back in disgust. "Stannis? But Renly was his own brother!"

I shrugged. "Who knows. As Lord Stevron said, the rumors abound." I gave an incredulous shrug, putting on an act of disbelief. "Why, I heard one that even claimed my sister was behind it!"

The old Frey dismissed that with a hand wave. "Whoever caused the death, Stannis is benefiting. The Stormlords have gone over to him en masse. The Florents as well."

Bolton had his eyes narrowed in thought. "Last we heard, most of Renly's foot was left behind at Bitterbridge."

Stevron shrugged. "No word on them, or the Tyrells."

Marq was smiling. "Still, dark news for the Lannisters."

Several lords were murmuring their agreement at that, but I raised my hand to quell it. "My Lords. Stannis is no friend of ours."

Bolton was looking at me oddly. "No friend. But no enemy."

Why did the damn man have to argue with me over everything. I shook my head. "No. He is as much an enemy as the Lannisters." Another murmur rose at that, but I again quelled it with a raised hand.

I turned to the Northern Lords. "I mean it, my lords. Think on it. Think on what we know of Stannis Baratheon. Do you imagine he will ever let the North peacefully leave the realm?" Bolton remained silent, but several others were nodding their heads in agreement with me.

I turned to the Riverlords. "And this is Stannis Baratheon we are talking of. Do you think he means to forgive us for not bending the knee to him? To aiding my Nephew?"

Lord Vance had a hesitant look on his face. "But we've declared for no King… surely Stannis knows…"

I cut him off. "Indeed. And maybe if we got on our knees and begged for mercy, he would thank us. After he took our lands and heads as punishment."

I could see them all thinking of Stannis' reputation and the story of his onion knight. I pressed on. It was important I hammered this home. That I cemented Stannis in their minds as an enemy. "No my lords. And there is worse. We've all heard the stories of the Red Priestess Stannis has taken into his employ. Of the men he is burning alive. He burned the sept on Dragonstone. Will he do the same in the Riverlands? Or the Godswoods in the North? No, Stannis is as much an enemy as the Lannisters."

I had them, they were all nodding their heads in agreement. Finally Lord Bolton spoke up. "As you say Lord Edmure. Stannis is no friend of ours. But he is not the immediate concern."

Lord Vance sighed, a sour look on his face at agreeing with the Northerner. "Indeed. I imagine Storm's End will not simply surrender to him either."

Stevron was shaking his head though. "No my lords. Not true. Word is the castle is in Stannis' hands."

That surprised even me, I hadn't heard that news myself. "Truly?"

He nodded. "Yes Lord Edmure. Word arrived just this morning."

I grunted. I'd been hoping Storm's End would hold out longer. I hadn't realized it fell so fast in the books? I would have to speed up my plans. Still, perhaps I could use this to paint Stannis more negatively. "And so Cortnay Penrose is dead? A shame, he was a loyal knight. Another mysterious death to be laid at Stannis feet."

Stevron only looked at me in confusion at that. "My Lord? I'm not sure I understand?"

"Cortnay Penrose. His death caused the castle to yield, yes? A suicide I'm sure they called it. But doesn't that strike you as suspicious?"

Stevron coughed into his hand, an embarrassed look on his face. "Ahh. Lord Edmure. Ser Cortnay is in fine health as far as I'm aware. He yielded the castle to Stannis in return for a promise not to harm some bastard of King Robert's under his protection."

I blinked. Wait. I knew Cortnay was supposed to die via sorcery. It was one of the most memorable scenes in the books. That wasn't something one was like to forget. "What?"

Stevron shrugged. "Indeed. I don't imagine that is news I would misinterpret. Ser Cortnay bent the knee."

Harrion Karstark spoke up, impatience clear on his face. "Does any of this matter? Who cares if some Southron fool is alive or dead. Or about some Baratheon's bastard."

Bolton gave a small smirk. "Now now, lord Harrion. You know these Southerners. They love their politics and intrigue."

Seriously? I gave the man a level look. As if he wasn't more of a snake than any Riverlord I'd yet to meet. But several other Northerners were nodding their agreement. Ohh, I couldn't wait until the man got what was coming to him.

Jason Mallister interrupted my thoughts, stone faced and stoic. "This bickering serves naught, my lords. The question is what we are to do."

I gave the stolid Mallister a nod of gratitude. "Indeed, my lords. There is one final piece of news. Our scouts have returned. Lord Tywin is on the move as well."

A rumble went through them. Even Lord Hornwood managed to sit up and focus his eyes at this bit of news.

I waited a beat before pressing on. "Like as not he has no choice. With King Robb's victories… if he can't defend his own lands how can he claim the loyalty of his bannermen?"

There were more nods around the table. Harrion Karstark banged his fist on the table to get the room's attention, a black smile on his face. "This is what we were waiting for. We can march on Tywin Lannister and finish this once and for all!"

"No!" I cut him off before any lords could agree with him. "No. We will not be marching on Tywin Lannister."

The lords were restless at this. Even my own Riverlords seemed surprised. Lord Ryswell, sitting to Bolton's right as always, jumped to his feet and gave voice to the doubts. "What treachery is this? Tywin Lannister on the march and what? You want us to sit here on our asses and watch?"

The man was an asshole, but I could sense that many were in agreement. Still, I pinned the man with my eyes, waiting until I had his attention. "King Robb put you under my command, yes? And so we will follow my battle plan, yes?"

A long silence stretched. For a second I thought things might go sideways, but then Bolton placed a quelling hand on the man's arm and Ryswell slowly, and reluctantly, settled down.

That done, Bolton turned his pale gaze to me. "Lord Edmure. You are in command. But a good commander heeds the words of those serving him. Surely it is the height of cowardice to sit here and let Lord Tywin march freely. This is not the time to play Southron games."

Some of my lords bristled at the insult, but I could see even more were restless at the thought of missing the battle. I gave Bolton my widest and most fake smile. "Lord Bolton. You misunderstand me entirely. Did I not say we were to march?"

Bolton leaned back in his chair, fingers arched and not taking my bait. "Your plan, Lord Edmure?"

"Lord Mooton has been making his way to us with the eastern levies and sellswords from across the narrow see."

"Slowly making his way." That was Marq, murmuring audibly.

I nodded my head. "Slowly. But once we link up our own forces with his, we will have well over fourty thousand men."

Ryswell grumbled at that. "All well and good, but this Mooton is still halfway towards Maidenpoole. The opposite direction from Tywin."

True. But we are not marching on Lord Tywin. King Robb knows that. Indeed, he made me specifically promise to not stop Tywin in his journey west." Everyone looked surprised at this. "Tywin is falling for King Robb's trap. We will let him. We will not be marching west."

Jason Mallister was regarding me with flinty eyes. "Then where?"

I let the tension build for a long moment. "East."

Somewhere in the room I heard an indrawn breath. Bolton was looking at me with dawning understanding in his eyes. "Kings Landing."

I nodded. "Exactly."

Stevron stroked his chin. "Lord Stannis is likely making his way there himself."

I let my smile widen and take on a blood thirsty tinge. This is what I had been waiting for, biding my time. Let Robb deal with Tywin, but all our other enemies were nicely converging in one place.

When I didn't answer, Stevron pressed me. "Who do we go to fight? The Lannisters? Stannis Baratheon?"

"All of them!" I leaned into the table. "All of them. A clean sweep. We'll take Cersie Lannister and her incestuous spawn. We'll take Stannis and his red priestess. We'll take the Tyrells too, if they are foolish enough to declare for our enemies. We'll take that cesspit of a city, and win the war while we are at it."

I leaned back and watched as my words sunk in. There was surprise and shock. But also a growing eagerness and excitement. Time to roll the dice.

A/N: Well there we go. Harrenhall arc completed. I have to admit to getting some (evil-author) glee at everyone assuming the SI would be going to Stoney Sept instead of KL. Should be fun. And surely nothing will go wrong? And Edmure's plans will work perfectly? Right?

Also, several reviewers pointed out the oddity of Edmure mentioning sending a raven to Cat in Riverrun, and whether that meant he knew about Renly's death. TBH it was sort of an oversight on my part, as the news of Renly didn't reach until this chapter. Mostly it was due to the fact that originally this chapter and the last were combined. But I suppose in the story we can also chalk it up to the SI just assuming Cat was back or almost back to Riverrun and leave it at that.

For Bronn. Kudos to those of you who somehow figured out what I was planning between him and Bolton. Seriously, no idea how you guessed where I was going, but consider me impressed!

Finally, for Harrenhall. Harrenhall is a big deal, and I suspect there to be some backlash for giving it to a sellsword. But on the other hand, in the books its handed off to a butcher's son, Littlefinger (pettiest lord of all petty lords,) etc. And the most you get is Tywin sticking his nose up in the air with some snobbery. So I figured, what the hell, not unrealistic the SI would consider it 'no big deal.' So I rolled with it and you'll see what the lords have to say if/when the time comes.

With that said! Onwards. The next chapter is written and I aim for it to come out in a week. The battle is the chapter after that!