

Chapter 19

"Harrion! It's good to see you my friend."

With Bolton dead, I had been going out of my way to befriend… suck up really… to the Northern lords. It felt like I had a window to win them over, and I intended to grab it with both hands.

"Edmure!" The Northerner gave me a warm smile before turning to my companion and giving a small incline of his head. "And Ser Bronn. Congratulations."

That was a more polite greeting then most of my lords were prone to give, but Bronn just gave a grunt. After the battle I'd named him 'Guardian of Harrenhall' as the first step in transitioning the castle to him. No one was really happy with it. My lords were unhappy in the honor being given to a sellsword, my Aunt had sent a scathing letter at my lack of consultation, and Bronn was impatient for the full reward he had been promised. Still, it was good to have the sellsword back at my side.

In an effort to push past the awkwardness, I gave the Northerner a friendly slap on the back, and went to phase two of plan 'win over the North.' "Eager for the coming battle?"

The Northerner gave a fierce grin. "Aye Edmure. How much longer do you reckon now?"

"Soon I hope. A few more days and we'll finish Stannis for good…"

When I had originally pulled back from the capital, I'd hoped to return the next day to finish taking the city. That hadn't been possible. One look at the well-manned fortifications, including a truly impressive barricade at the King's Gate, had showed I'd need more than muscle and sinew to storm the capital. Even if it *was* half burned down behind the walls. We'd spent the last week preparing battering rams and some very rudimentary siege towers. It wasn't much, but then I had the manpower to assault the capital at multiple points. It would be enough hopefully, since I truly hated every day I left Stannis unfinished and unwatched. It made my neck itch.

Harrion seemed pleased by the news though. "Excellent! I wouldn't mind putting Baratheon to the test. See if he lives up to the reputation. Mayhaps you'll leave some of the glory for us this time?"

I gave a polite chuckle, and piled on some more flattery. "You're too modest for the man who took down Tarly himself. What are they calling you these days? Harrion the Hunter?"

The young lord actually blushed at that, looking embarrassed. "It was luck is all, that it was my sword to take him and not another. Would that we had the same success at the gates. The city would be ours then."

"Luck or skill, it was a great stroke. And won you the prize. To the victor goes the spoils after all."

Bronn perked up, looking interested for the first time. "Prize?"

I grinned. "You hadn't heard? Tarly's greatsword was Valyrian Steel."

Bronn let out a low whistle. "A pretty prize. That'd buy you a castle. Or two."

Harrion looked indignant at that. "You don't sell Valyrian Steel."

Bronn gave a shrug, clearly not agreeing.

I gave the sellsword a quelling look before turning back to Harrion. "Indeed, it will make a fitting heirloom for your house."

He nodded. "Yes. Something to show for this war…" for a moment his voice turned bitter, mind clearly straying to his brothers. Then he gave his head a shake, clearing his thoughts. "It is fitting that House Karstark have a blade worthy of its' history. After all, our lineage goes back to the Age of Heroes."

Well. If he was counting house Stark I supposed. "Indeed. I'm sure you will use it well."

He gave a fierce smile. "Aye. It will be an honor to use Kar-Ice in taking the capital."

I blinked. "Use what?"

He was suddenly bashful. A weird look on a giant bearded Northerner. "I thought a new name was needed for a new sword. Kar-Ice seemed fitting."

Bronn looked like he was struggling not to laugh at the absurd name. I was starting to wonder if the Karstarks might not have something of a complex when it came to their distant cousins.

"Ahh." I admirably kept a straight face. "Indeed. A noble name. I'm sure that… Kar-Ice… will be put to good use when we storm the city."

With a deliberate effort I decided it was time to shift topics. "Be that as it may. I'm sure you did not come here just to pass the time?"

The Northerner nodded his head. "Ohh. Yes. Old Medger sent me to fetch you. Said it was important. He was sending word to your Riverlords as well."

I raised an eyebrow at that. Medger Cerwyn had nominally taken command of the Northern host with Bolton's death, but he was much more passive than his predecessor and more inclined to defer to my lead. It was most unusual for him to call a meeting like this.

"Well. We mustn't keep Lord Cerwyn waiting then…"

We'd taken over a large inn for our command center, clearing out the common room to provide a space ample for all my lords to meet. Indeed, Harrion and I were two of the last to arrive.

Several of the Riverlords got to their feet as I entered, the hum of conversation dying as I made my way in. Remarkable what a few wins did to the respect you received.

"My lords…" I inclined my head to them as I took my seat.

I got back a chorus of greetings and exclamations. But I couldn't help but notice something off about the Northern half of the room. I'd been making an effort after the break down I'd had with Bolton to 'make nice' with the Northerners. I thought I had been making some progress, but there was definitely an odd chill on their half of the table.

No. I mentally corrected myself. Not with all of them. Some seemed the same as normal, but Cerwyn, Glover, and the other key commanders were oddly solemn. Something was off. Best to find out what.

"I heard you wished to speak to us quite urgently Lord Cerwyn. News from the city? Is Stannis making a move?" We'd had no word of Stannis actions since the battle. He'd had the city locked down tight, only ships going in and out. But the man had to be up to something.

Cerwyn gave a slow shake of his head. "No Lord Edmure. No news from the city. I'm sure Stannis is busy behind the walls, but we've no word…"

"His walls wont save him when we break down his gates!" Patrek Mallister yelled.

My Riverlords and a good deal of the Northerners gave a low rumble of agreement at that, raising their mugs in salute and following it up with suitably blood thirsty comments. They had been acting as though the war was all but won ever since our recent victories.

I couldn't help but notice that Cerwyn and his companions were still stony faced at this.

"Lord Edmure…" Cerwyn seemed to be searching for the right words. "We received word from the West today…"

A felt an icy pit form in my stomach. Had something gone wrong with Robb? We'd not had word from him in weeks now. "My Nephew? Is he… alright?"

"Yes. Perfectly."

"What news then? Out with it man!" That was Patrek again, but I found myself agreeing.

Cerwyn cleared his throat. "His grace writes of a great victory. He led the Lannisters on a wild chase through the Westlands, and then brought them to battle on ground of his choosing along the gold road, east of Lannisport. The victory was complete and…"

Cerwyn looked like he would go on, but he was drowned out by a cacophony of noise along the table. Lords banging their cups, armor clattering, cheers, and yells.

Finally I raised my voice over the noise, trying to get us back on track. There had to be more here. "And Robb? He is well you said? And what of Tywin?"

Cerwyn inclined his head. "His Grace is in fine health, yes. King Robb writes that the Lannister Host was killed or scattered, it has for all practical purposes has ceased to exist. Tywin Lannister was taken captive. His Grace writes that they held trial and deemed Tywin Lannister guilty of his crimes. The King saw justice done himself," a small satisfied smile crossed Cerwyn's face, "as I said, the victory was complete."

The cacophony of noise was much louder this time. I couldn't have stopped it if I had wanted to. I'd had confidence in Robb, but even I had not expected his victory to be this complete!

Finally, after long minutes, the noise died down.

"The Lannisters are finished." That was Jason Mallister, matter of fact as always.

Stevron Frey had a pensive look on his face. "They still hold the Rock I would assume?"

Cerwyn nodded. "They do."

I considered that. "But who commands it? Some cousin? Their armies are scattered or killed. God…" I quickly corrected myself… "Gods know what Stannis has done with Cersei and her bastards, but Kevan and Jaime are prisoners. Most of Tywin's nephews too. No, the Lannisters lost their last hope with Tywin."

Cerwyn inclined his head, still looking oddly solemn. "I concur Lord Edmure."

I nodded, musing. "The Lannisters finished. Likely the Tyrells too. As soon as we take the city, the war is as good as won."

Cerwyn grimaced. "About that Lord Edmure. His Grace had further instructions…"

It didn't take a genius to see that this was the part I wasn't going to like. "Yes?"

Cerwyn hesitated again, and then decided to finally spit it out. "His grace also demands we return at once to Riverrun. He means to make for the North as soon as possible."

"Return to the North?" I considered that. I suppose it wasn't even a poor idea with the whole Wintry Apocalypse bearing down on us. But it would be the height of foolishness to leave the job unfinished in the South. "I do understand. But surely you can delay your departure a week? To see things through here?"

Cerwyn gave a head shake. "I am sorry Lord Edmure. His Grace was most explicit. He does not want us assaulting the city. We are to return immediately. He apparently had no idea you meant to strike at Baratheon… His Grace was…" Cerwyn trailed off, clearly running out of a diplomatic way to describe whatever had Robb so upset.

As his words sunk in, the previous good mood seemed to wither among my own lords, replaced with mutinous and disbelieving looks.

"You mean to leave us on the eve of battle?" Mallister's expression was most severe.

Stevron was shaking his head as well. "Surely a week… a few days…"

Harrion at least looked a little hesitant among the Northerners. "Maybe…"

Robbett Glover cut him off, the lines in his face harsher than usual. "His Grace's instructions were explicit. And I agree."

Another rumble of outrage grew among the Riverlords. I silenced it with a raised hand and tried my best to reason. "Surely you could write to my nephew and ask him to reconsider. So close to victory…"

Glover was having none of it. "As I said, I agree with his Grace's decision."

I felt my frustration boiling over at that bland dismissal. "This is not the act of an ally!" Not diplomatic, but most of the Riverlords grumbled their agreement.

Glover was unmoved. "I would say the North has been more than a good friend. But for us, Riverrun would be under siege still. Tywin loose causing havoc. Our men have died for you at the battle of the Rivers, the Battle at the Blackwater, and a dozen other skirmishes."

I tried a different tact. "As we've bled for you and at your side as well. Surely that counts for something Lord Glover? I do not understand this… decision."

Glover made to speak again, but Cerwyn silenced him with a hand on his arm. "Lord Edmure. I do understand your frustration. Truly I do. But you must see it from His Grace's perspective. We came south to free Lord Eddard, to punish the Lannisters, and to save Riverrun. The one is beyond our doing, the other two accomplished. For what should we stay in the South?"

Desperately I tried to make the man see. "To see the job done! Stannis is as much an enemy as the Lannisters. You think he is the sort of man to ignore a supposed 'traitor'? The man is a fanatic! And relentless. He'll never rest while another king is crowned."

Glover shrugged at that. "He can dislike it all he wishes. He has not the men nor the ability to invade the North."

Mallister shot the man another contempt filled look. "So we are to be your shield? Keeping Baratheon from the North?"

Glover shrugged again. "You can do whatever you bloody well feel like with Stannis. We came to fight Lannisters, not Baratheons."

Cerwyn again silenced Glover, but seemed just as resolute. "Lord Edmure. It would be different if you had sworn to King Robb. But you did not."

He held up a hand to forestall our protests, before pressing on. "I do not blame you for that. I am no Bolton. You are not of the North, why should you swear to a Stark? But it does not change the facts. King Robb rightly sees his first duty as belonging to the North, not the Riverlands. Our home is beset by enemies. We may have held the Motte, but the Ironborn still raid our shores…"

"Deepwood Motte has fallen…" Glover's voice was harsh with grief.

"And other castles are threatened." Cerwyn took up the thread. "His grace has heard naught but silence from Winterfell of late. Gods know what is happening there. Now we hear of the Wildlings gathering beyond the Wall. And Winter is Coming. His Grace came south to deal with the Lannisters. They are dealt with. Our home needs us. Needs every man we have. We have none to spare storming cities or fighting Baratheons. I would that things were different… but I agree with his Grace's decision."

I considered arguing further, but I could see it was hopeless. Even Harrion looked resolute now that he had heard Cerwyn's little speech. A few of the Northerners looked embarrassed or uncomfortable. But they all looked committed. All that effort trying to win them over was clearly pointless now.

Feeling suddenly exhausted by it all, I leaned back in my seat. "You'll leave when?"

Cerwyn got to his feet, the other Northerners following his lead. "At dawn Lord Edmure." He inclined his head one last time and then exited the tent. The others following behind him.

There was a long moment of silence at their departure.

Finally Black Walder stood up, a scowl as dark as his name on his face. "Is anyone surprised? The Starks are faithless bastards! I've said it before!"

A low murmur of agreement went up at that, not just from the Freys either.

Jason Mallister's face was grim. "Without the Northerners… I fear we may lack the numbers to take Kings Landing Edmure. On the field? Yes. But storming the city walls? It would be too chancy."

Marq was on his feet at that. "So what? We retreat? No! Kings Landing is no Storms End. And half burned too. I say we storm it! Show the Northerners the mettle of the Riverlands!"

There were a few cheers at that, but Black Walder merely sneered at Marq. "You're a fine one to talk, Piper. If you weren't so incompetent we'd have the city already…"

Marq looked ready to draw his sword at that, I knew he'd had his fill of insults and slights since the failed assault, but I placed a hand on his arm stopping him from anything foolish. Truth be told, I felt rather bad since if it was anyones fault the city had not fallen it was mine.

"Marq is not to blame for that. No one could have done more than he…"

Black Walder sneered at that, but didn't challenge me. "Aye. Not his fault. Its the bloody Northerner's fault! Stark's fault! Oath breakers I name them!"

"Ohh for Gods sake Frey!" Lymond Goodbrook groaned. "No one wants to hear more about your seven's damned marriage agreement with the Starks!"

Black Walder turned red. "It's not about that! That's just one more example of their nature!"

Mallister gave a slow head shake. "None of this helps us with what we should do…"

Black Walder was on his feet again. "Forget Stannis! The Gods hate Oathbreakers! I say the Starks are our true enemies now! We should show them how the Riverlands deal with the faithless…"

Stevron put a hand on his Grandsons arm, forcing the hot head to fall silent. Not for the thousandth time I was thankful the old man hadn't bitten the dust as he had in the books.

I cleared my throat. "I like this no more than you my lords. The Starks have betrayed our trust…" that was a sop for the Freys. Black Walder was giving a satisfied nod so I pressed on. "However, they broke no oaths. They are not our enemies. They want to return North? Disappointing. But we shall not stop them."

"So we let them just walk across our lands like they own it?"

I sent Black Walder a quelling look. "No. They have wronged us. They will be escorted off. But they will not be harmed. They are our guests."

I likely would have to escort the Northern host back to Riverrun, if only to make sure the hot heads did nothing foolish. Hopefully that would stop any half baked notions of causing trouble with the Northerners. I liked them abandoning us no more than anyone else, but the last thing we needed were things to escalate or the Freys to get up to mischief. It would be a fine line to walk between not seeming to show weakness to the Northerners, but also making sure things did not go truly sideways.

Black Walder growled in frustration. "Then what do we do? Sit outside the city on our arses?"

"We do not have the men to assault it without the Northerners. With them, we had Stannis nearly three to one. Without? It would be too dangerous." Mallister was a broken record.

Stevron was stroking his chin. "And I'm not sure we can starve them out. Not fast enough. Not with Stannis in control of his fleet."

I rubbed my head, trying to marshal my thoughts. Without any foreknowledge, I didn't feel nearly confident enough in my abilities as a commander to try and storm the city with anything close to equal numbers. "No. We can't storm the city as is."

Stevron narrowed his eyes. "Which brings up a larger issue." He hesitated a second, and then pressed on. "Edmure. What *is* the long-term plan? You say Stannis is the enemy…"

"He is." Stannis would never forgive us, and that perforce made him an enemy.

Stevron nodded. "I don't argue it. But. Stannis is an enemy. Joffrey and Tommen if they still live are bastards. You don't mean to swear to Robb Stark. Who do you mean us to swear to?"

A low murmur of agreement rose amongst the lords before us. I'd known people had been pressing for my plans, but I'd tried to avoid being pinned down before now.

Mallister gave a slow nod as well. "It was less pressing during the crisis… with Riverrun under siege and the Lannisters everywhere… but now…"

His son gave a wicked grin. "And we're running out of Kings to bend the knee to…"

Suddenly Marq was on his feet, voice booming. "To hell with the Lannisters. And Stannis too! They've never brought us anything but woe… the Riverlands should be ruled by a Riverlander!"

A murmur of agreement went through the room.

Mallister tilted his head. "One who has proven he can win in battle. A warrior king…"

Ohh god. I did not like where this was going.

Stevron had an avaricious smile, no doubt imagining his granddaughter married to a king. "It has possibilities…"

"No." My voice cut through them all before they could gain more steam. It was time to put a stop to this.

"No my lords." I continued after I had their attention. "I know what you would want. And I am honored beyond words you would even consider it. But no. House Tully makes no claim to Kingship."


"No." I cut Marq off. "Think on it my lords. Right now we may be ascendant. But we are not the North or Dorne. We have no natural boundaries. Sooner or later someone would claim the Iron Throne, and then we could not stand against the might of the rest of the Kingdoms. No, the Riverlands are best served being part of a stable and orderly Kingdom."

A few of them looked like they might argue further, but I was resolute. No way in hell I was going to tangle the political mess still further by trying to be king.

Mallister titled his head. "A noble sentiment Lord Edmure. But if not our own King, then what?"

Goodbrook had a considering look on his face. "Perhaps a Great Council?"

Stevron scoffed. "Attended by whom? All the Great Lords are dead or crowned save us and Dorne."

"You have a plan, don't you Edmure?" Mallister was focused, and he brought everyones attention back to me.

I had been hoping to put this off a little longer. To not show my hand. But clearly with the Northerners leaving, it was time to put my cards on the table.

I took a deep breath. "I do have a plan, yes."

"And do you intend to share it?" That was Black Walder again, but from the way the Riverlords were shifting uneasily around us they agreed.

I stayed silent for a long moment, marshaling my thoughts. I needed to sell this well. The entire room was silent though, clearly waiting for me to speak.

Finally, I cleared my throat. "As I said. The Iron Throne for the most part has served us well. Think on it my lords. Before the conquest what was our history? One foreign ruler after another."

"Yes…" Mallister looked impatient with the history lesson. "But who?"

I nodded. "Yes exactly. But who. When Aerys say on the throne… well. We were right to rebel. No one could argue that. The man was not called mad for naught. He broke the laws of gods and men with his actions. But in hindsight, we might have made a mistake in elevating Baratheon. A great leader… but to elevate one Lord Paramount over the others? A recipe for disaster…"

Stevron's eyes widened. He was the first to grasp what I was getting at. "Gods be good. You mean to declare for a Targaryen?"

When I didn't contradict him a low murmur of outrage and horror swelled up across the room.

Mallister looked grim. "Those incestuous lunatics? We were well rid of them…"

"The Targaryen's aren't lunatics! They're the rightful rulers!" That was my page, Lyman Darry.

Goodbrook looked outrage at a child butting into the conversation. "Quite boy. Only a Darry would say that."

Vance was shaking his head too. "For what did we fight a war if we mean to put them back on the throne."

"And which Targaryen?" That was the ever practical Stevron.

"My lords!" I raised my voice, forcing their attention back to me. "I well know what I say. We all know Aerys was mad. But can any deny that the Riverlands have benefited from the Targaryens? We would still be under the yoke of the Ironborn but for them."

They made to protest, but I pressed on. "There is more though. Were it only ancient history that concerned us, I would not bend the knee to them. But you all know I have many friends who have been keeping me abreast of events?"

"Spies." Mallister looked disgusted.

I shrugged. "Call them what you will. Can any doubt that they have been accurate and useful?"

Slow nods of agreement went around the table. My so called 'spy' network had become something of a legend.

"Well. While we have warred here in Westeros, events have been underway in the east. Daenerys Targaryen has crowned herself queen… and hatched three dragons as well."

There was a long stunned silence at that. Finally, Stevron spoke up. "Surely just a rumor. Dragons? How…"

I nodded solemnly. "I have confirmed it. And triple checked. Why do you think I waited so long to bring this up if not to make sure the stories weren't mere rumors?" A complete lie, but a good excuse for why I had kept my plans a secret.

The lords looked troubled at that, so I pressed on. "Think my lords. Daenerys Targaryen has dragons. Think on what that means."

"Newly hatched?" That was Stevron again. "Could they really make a difference?"

I made a show of considering his words. "Mayhaps not at first. But they will grow."

Mallister looked grim. "We know better than any others what comes of crossing dragons. Or do you forget Harrenhall, Frey?"

Stevron rubbed at his chin again. "Aye. A bleak lesson. But what do we know of this Targaryen? To throw in with such an unknown…"

I shook my head. "Exactly why we must make such a leap. Think my lords. If we declare nfow, before any others, we wash away any doubts she might have in her mind of our loyalty. If we wait? If she thinks we mean to cross her as we did her father? Well. My lords. I say again… Dragons."

Mallister nodded again. "If it is true… the Field of Fire taught the folly of riding to battle against the beasts…"

The others were hesitant, but bending. The thought of dragons was a great tonic.

Truth be told, the choice had always seemed obvious to me. On a practical level, despite her dallying, I had to assume Dany would get over to Westeros at some point. And I had no interest in fighting dragons. That was no lie. Plus, at least Dany seemed one of the 'good' Targaryens. She was relatively sane and had a decent moral compass, which put her ahead of most of Westeros' would be rulers.

And for the icing on the cake, I was well aware that eventually *someone* would have to deal with the Others. I'd much rather face the undead with a bunch of giant fire breaking lizards at my side. Or better yet, in front of me. Yes, the choice seemed obvious.

"You are sure of this?" Stevron still seemed troubled.


"I'm sure Lord Edmure knows best! He always does!" Mooton was, as always, sickeningly sycophantic. But he did break the damn.

Mallister got to his feet. "You have my trust Edmure. I have no use for the Targaryens. But if this is your course, I will follow it."

Patrek smirked at his father. "I always did want to see a dragon too."

Stevron gave a slow nod. "You have our backing."

"Always." That was Marq.

One by one the other lords gave their assent. Whether it was the fear of dragons, lack of options with the Northerns gone, or just resignation that I would not be moved, they gave their assent.

I nodded solemnly at the men gathered before me, then standing I slowly drew my sword. I even managed to do it smoothly; Bronn would be so proud.

Around me, all the lords and knights of the Riverlands were rising and drawing their own blades, the room silent but for the rasping sound of the drawn steel.

Slowly, I then sank to my knees, sword gripped between my legs, and spoke the words of fealty to our absent Queen.

And all around me, with no hesitation, the Riverlords echoed my words.

A/N: And there we go! I have to admit I've been looking forward to revealing the Northerner's pulling up stakes for a while. Hopefully it caught a few people by surprise in a believable way. It seems like the logical move in this world where the Riverlands aren't sworn to Robb. Everyone (including our SI, all his sucking up gone to waste!) just kind of assumed the Northerners would hang around forever backing Edmure. But I mean… Why?

I know many are eager to know what happened in KL. The next chapter is a Interlude POV from within the city. Probably from Davos, but maybe from a different one of Stannis followers. Haven't decided which for sure yet. Then it will be back to our SI for the next arc. Don't worry, the Northerners wont just vanish. There is a confrontation between Robb and our SI in the future.

For those of you who have been raising concerns about Dany. I gather some weird junk happens with her in the show. But I haven't seen the show, and this SI is based on the books. Based on the books out *so far* Dany for any SI is the rational choice. She has giant lizards of doom, appears the most sane and moral of all the potential rulers except maybe Robb, and is a good candidate as the best chance to stop the wintry apocalypse. I'll also add for those who are worried the fic is not and will not really be about Dany. The SI just needed to swear to SOMEONE if he wasn't going to go for independence and she is the logical choice of the options out there.

Finally, I wanted to thank those of you who took the time to review the last couple of chapters. You really are the best. I've just been blown away not only by how many people are reviewing the story, but the depth and level of analysis in many of these reviews. I really love reading everyones thoughts, guesses, and and insights into whats happening. Its a ton of fun for me and I freely admit pretty motivating. I really think we are lucky in this fandom to have reviewers who really dig deep into the material. And I do want to assure those of you who asked that I read every comment.