
Chp-1 Fuckin' Nepo-Babies

Governor's Gambit

Chp-1: Fuckin' Nepo-Babies

"No, we will not be burning a quarter of the city to… "send a message"... as you put it".

"But if nothing is done then the protests will continue, Sir!

I resisted the ever-growing urges to sink my face into my hands and scream. Instead, I straightened my back, looked the Imperial Garrison's commander in the eye and told her that under no circumstances was she allowed to burn a quarter of the city just to stop protests.

Never before have I seen a grown woman pout.

After she was dismissed from her duties, I took the opportunity to stand up and walk over to the window at the end of my office. It overlooked the city that sprawled out before the Capitol Building my office sat at the top of, giving me quite the view.

The city itself was not very large, 40,000 people at most, and that was only because it was the capital of the planet. The building I was in was a 5 story building that functioned as both my home, office, and center of bureaucracy for both the city and the planet as a whole.

The view was one of the few things that calmed me down, the wonder of being able to see a sci-fi city with my own two eyes. When I woke up in this new body of mine, I had an understandable freakout. Thankfully, I had been alone in my office and the view out the window had been enough to calm me down.

My situation is thus. I have found myself reborn as the Imperial Governor of a minor planet by the name of Minda 3. This outer rim backwater was primarily an agricultural export, though there was little to export in the first place. As governor, I technically had control over the entire system, but Minda 3, out of the 4 planets in the system, was the only easily colonizable one here.

Make no mistake, this system is resource rich. The other livable planet, Minda 5, is chock full of trees and life, while the remaining planets are bound to have something worthwhile, not to mention the asteroid belts. However, Minda 5 is a jungle hellhole that would make Catachan look like the suburbs, making colonization near impossible without heavy duty equipment. Even then, the natives would not look kindly on any attempted invasion.

"But Las" I hear you pester "the other 2 planets would be perfect for strip mining". And you would be correct, little snotling, and Imperial mining operations here could gain quite a lot of material. However, the Empire being the bundle of incompetence that it is, won't allow it because of politics.

You see, there are 1,024 sectors of the Galactic Empire. Each sector is governed by a Moff. Each Moff is given a sector group of 24 ISD's and varying accompanying escort ships to patrol their sector, along with whatever they can scrounge up for themselves. The Minda system is situated in the Myto sector, which you may or may not recognize as the home of the Dubrillion system, where Lando Calrissian lived as the administrator of the planet Dubrillion.

Now, why is this important? Well, the Moff of the Myto sector also lives on Dubrillion, and spends all of his time in some nice penthouse, doing fuck all, giving all the easy jobs to nepotistic lackeys. This means that when the Minda system was initially colonized by Imperial efforts, it was to fulfil a quota. A 4 planet system, only one of which is easily colonizable, isn't the type of system to provide short-term benefits, and so it was overlooked.

I don't really mind all of this, to be honest. A fairly easy life, with decent luxury on a fairly idyllic planet, with enough money and a starship to escape if/when things go to shit. At least, that's what I thought until I had time to dig through the dearly departed governors memories.

Las Mola was a Coruscanti rich kid, and a disgrace. His mother, Commandant Jir Mola, had moved their family from Coruscant when Las was only 10 to Eriadu, homeworld of Grand Moff Tarkin, to become the Overseer of the Imperial Academy of Eriadu. Such a position was only possible due to her experience as one of Tarkin's more competent underlings.

Las was a rather pesky kid, and considering his mother's position he was a clear fit for the arrogant young master stereotype of wuxia fiction. He had been driven to this attitude as a result of his family.

His mothers prestigious position and achievements aside, all 3 of his older sisters had accomplished much. The oldest, Shal, was 30, and yet already the Captain of an ISD in the Abrion sector (where Scarif is), the second oldest, Zyx, was only 27, but was a decorated agent of Imperial Intelligence, and the youngest, Alvi, was an ace Tie pilot at 25.

Meanwhile, Las, lazy ass that he was, flunked out of the Eriadu Academy, and, not wanting to deal with her embarrassment of a son, Jir had him set up as the governor of the Minda system. While that seems like an honor, the state of the Minda system as an undeveloped, poor agricultural community meant that there was no prestige or advancement to be had, and it was in a forgotten and near barren sector of the galaxy where Las could not bring shame to the Mola name.

"Again", I hear your disgusting voice snort, "I don't see what's so bad about that, just don't cause a ruckus and you'll be fine". And you would be right, bloat-bag, but there's one detail I failed to mention. Mother dearest had tasked Las with making something of this backwater system in 2 years, else she would have him tossed into the meat-grinder that is the regular Imperial Infantry, sent to die on some shithole against some natives like that mess that happened on Mimban.

Of course, now that I'M Las Mola, that meant that by 0BBY I had to make Minda worth a damn, or at least not a complete shithole, or run the fuck away and hope that I can hack it in the wider galaxy.

As I'm reminiscing on the sorry state my life now is, I look down out of the window to see the protestors at the foot of the building.

According to Los's memories, the farmers were protesting over the increased taxes instituted onto them by Los upon his arrival. It had been an attempt to squeeze the people, and gain some cash to then escape with.

Not the worst plan, all things considered, except for the fact that Zyx is basically a super-spy, and would certainly find him in whatever hovel he hid in. That meant only one thing for me. One horrible thing.

I would have to actually do work.
