
Chp-15: Plans and Parental Slander!

Chp-15: Plans and Parental Slander!

It had been a few months since Zyx had stopped by, and things had been going fairly well. Infrastructure was blooming, the population was steadily increasing. Cities were being designed for walkability and public transport in mind. Most buildings were multiple stories, with the first two to three being ground level businesses, and the rest being a mix between office space and apartments.

The new neighborhoods in Accordia, for example, were built around community center complexes. These centers held the local police building, clinics, emergency services, and raid shelter. They also had large parks surrounding them. Around these centers stood many businesses. Branching out from these central areas, much like the Nexus and Sub-Nexus cities, were smaller parks. Usually containing a security center with a few officers and a park, these were the more residential areas. The larger centers were where the metro accessways were. 

Other cities across Ugea were adopting this method as well, and combined with the intra/intercontinental railways that had finished, ship and speeder use was down massively, clearing up the skies and allowing people to more freely walk the roads. In fact, much of the speeder and cargo traffic that happened occurred underground. A series of roads had been built above the subway during construction that allowed resources to be delivered across the city, and for larger cargo speeders to move without the restraint of the city. Many buildings across the city had access to this area for restocking, such as warehouses. 

Through the center of the city ran a large river called the Midnight Accord. The latter part of the name is obvious, but the former isn't. Unless you see the river at night. It is, undeniably, my favorite sight. Due to certain mineral formations, the many rocks that make up the riverbed reflect only a mixture of purples and whites, creating a scene like the midnight sky. 

Situated within this river, dead center of the city, is the capitol island. It was about the size of Roosevelt Island, and it held the Mindan Militia Academy, the Capitol Building, the Imperial Garrison HQ, the Communications Center, along with a private government-only spaceport.

The capitol building had undergone renovations once again, because apparently according to just about all my staff, it has to be the tallest building in the city, bar none. 

Complete bullshit, but I won't complain. The view is killer.

Unfortunately I could enjoy neither the view nor my newly redecorated office(but with star wars baubles instead of classical sculptures and the like) because of the messages I have to send.

Mugwuffin rubbed her head against my leg, somehow sensing my growing dread.

Sighing, I reached down to pet her. 

"Don't worry, buddy. I got it handled. Just hate to have to call up the Sector Moff for this."

Because that was what I was doing. The message was half-written on my terminal, a request for an investigation into the increased pirate and marauder attacks on my system. 

While the listening tech that was found on the relay was yet to be tracked, it was suspected that it was a listening post for a criminal syndicate. At first I had suspected the Crimson Dawn, but just like the last time, their involvement was likely minimal at best. The Mindan Raid had been a resource operation and with its failure Lady Qi'ra was unlikely to attempt a follow up in the same sector, much less the same system. The Dawn was still in the early stages of reforming itself and couldn't afford Imperial attention.

While other organizations could have done it, this is off. The pykes would've just started smuggling spice, the Hutts would've tried to negotiate since they have a working relationship with the Empire, and the Black Sun… ok, I have no idea what they would do. Don't know much about them.

I quickly called up Darna. "Darna, could you please have a dossier made about the Black Sun, please?"

"Yes sir"

"Thank you, Darna"

"No problem, sir"

As I release the intercom, I make note to check when Darna last got a raise. She puts up with my shit all the time and never seems fazed. Should also look into her birthday. Don't want to seem like a bad boss.

Anyways, the chances of this being a major cartel are low. So chances are it's some kind of pirate sovereign. You know the type. They show up, calling themselves some sort of pirate king or whatever, rally a bunch of ne'er do wells together to do some raiding, get their ass killed then the whole thing devolves immediately afterwards.

It would explain a great deal. A smarter pirate sovereign who decided to slowly encroach on a system. Instead of a massive invasion that would most certainly get the sector fleet called, by tapping comms they could coordinate smaller, quicker attacks. Less likely to get killed or caught. 

Smart. Too smart for my liking. 

Which was why I was sending a message to the sector capital asking for an investigation to be launched. Sweeps of the system had revealed no bases, so the culprit likely originated from outside the system.

As the message was sent, I sighed and sat back, Mugwuffin jumping into my lap and curling up against me like an oversized cat.

"Huh… yeah buddy. They'll probably deny my request. Wouldn't be surprised if this pirate king or whatever was funded by another governor. Can't catch a break."

She purred as I scratched her chin. 

Why couldn't life always be this chill?


Shal Mola

Abrion Sector, Imperial Navy Exclusion Zone, Scarif System Orbit, Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer Heavy Judgement

As Captain Shal Mola sat in her office, she bounced a small black rubber ball imprinted with the Imperial Crest on its side against the wall. 

She had been told by a comms officer that an MI agent had wished to speak with her about something over a private holo-call. After a quick check of codes, there was only one possible person who could've called.

"Heyyyyy! How're you doing big sis!"

"Hello Zyx." She said, "Why are you calling? You know I'm in an exclusion zone. To make this call must've taken quite the effort on your part."

Zyx pouted like she wasn't twenty-seven years of age. It was a habit she had picked up since she was young, and it never truly wore off. Or it was just her acting. With Zyx, you could never truly tell what was real and what wasn't.

"Everyones saying that lately! 'What do you want Zyx? Why are you here? What's the mission?' Can't I just be a girl wanting to call her siblings!"


The pout intensified, making Shal sigh. Zyx had been an enigma for a long time now. The little sister she once knew was now hidden under layers of deception and trickery. 

"Just…what is it, Zyx?"

Zyx composed herself. "Fine. I paid a little visit to our dear brother."

An eyebrow was raised. "Las? He was put out in the Bright Jewel Oversector correct? Myto sector I believe."

Her sister nodded. "Yup. The Minda system is where he governs. Thing is, he's doing quite the good job. Much better than anyone expected."

Shal chewed on the inside of her lip. Her relationship with her youngest sibling was…distant, to say the least. They were born nearly a decade apart, and by the time he was able to walk and talk she was already being trained. They had seen precious little of each other, and when they had finally met for his entrance into the Eriadu Academy, he had not recognized her. At all. 

Still, he was her little brother, and their lack of connection was one of her few regrets in life, along with not standing up to her mother more often, and not learning how to cook. 

Zyx continued, either not noticing or, more likely, not caring about Shal's silence.

"The system's population is nearing 400,000 people, double the initial. His capital city is clean, efficient and prosperous. There are multiple mining outposts, a large asteroid refinery, and ship refit/repair/scrap yard, and a well sized defense fleet. On top of all that, he's got an R&D department!"

Shal processed the information. An improving system, asteroid mining, shipyards, and more. If Zyx was to be believed, then her little brother was actually succeeding. In fact, he was surpassing mothers expectations by quite a large margin. 

"It hasn't even been a year, yet he's already done this much. Why is he moving so fast?"

Zyx looked her dead in the eyes, and Shal understood. 


Commandant Mola was a harsh taskmaster, who expected greater and greater things from her children. For Shal, it took her becoming not just an ISD captain, but one assigned to a top secret exclusion zone like Scarif. For Zyx, joining MI was the only way for her to escape, by becoming part of an organization that their Mother could never touch. Alvi was just barely out of her grasp, having been pushed to be not just top ten of her class, and one of the best of the pilot program, but to become an ace. Only once she was flying a TIE interceptor and not the basic version was she satisfied. 

But with Las, it was different. Las had been raised primarily by their father in his earlier years, in a different estate on Eriadu. He only met his mother and sisters sparingly, and so once he was part of the academy and fully under mothers gaze, he was not used to the pressure. 

She remembered hearing the reports of disorderly conduct, insubordination, and more. It was a mess. While her and her sisters had grown used to the pressure, he had not. 

Finally, it led to this. Exile, a death sentence in all but name. If he wasn't killed by pirates or rebels, then when he inevitably failed he would be sent to the frontlines. A way for their mother to rid the family of a stain on its banner. Though she never said these things out loud, nor did she ever voice her expectations, there was a cadence to her tone. The subtle way her eyes raked over you, as if analyzing every atom. 

Only when she was proud did her gaze feel less intense. It was what drew them all to push themselves. 

Of course, now that Shal was away from her, she had cooled. Her heart still burned with ambition, but it was now driven less by her mother and more by her own wishes.

Thing is, Las didn't know that he had most likely exceeded their mothers expectations. She had likely not expected anything, and if he truly has made Minda into a successful system, then she will lack the political capital to get him tossed away. So long as Minda becomes valuable to the sector, then Moff Tarry won't toss him aside, no matter the favors promised. Mother, for all her grandeur, is still only a Commandant. 

"So" she said, "He's pushing because he fears mother, and has yet to realize that at this point she can't do anything?"

"Something along those lines. He's also got some scary subordinates! His garrison commander caught me sneaking into the R&D labs and broke my arm! Super fast."

"Caught you?" Shal laughed. "Aren't you supposed to be the superspy of the family? How can you go around getting caught by a mere commander?"

"You don't understand! She was terrifying! Not only that, but Las has gotten trickier too! He snuck orders ahead to have me scanned before leaving, but instead of actually scanning me they just pretended and instead their machines wiped my hidden recorders!"

Shal just kept laughing, and Zyx kept pouting. But behind the laughter there were thoughts flowing around her head. What has changed? Did the fear of death truly push Las to these heights? And when would his paranoia come crashing down around him? She wasn't anywhere close enough to protect him if that happened.

Her and Zyx continued their conversation, swapping stories(that weren't classified) and speaking about Las's system. It was quite sophisticated, and Shal wished she could visit it one day. 

Once Zyx left, Shal stood to go back to the bridge, only to wince as she lost control and the rubber ball smacked her in the back of the head.

Before she could complain, her comm bead blinked and she knew she was needed.

Duty never ended out here.


Hi there folks. Sorry for the late chapter. I was stuck on where and how to move the story forward. The only other story that I am writing is an original project that has a more episodic feel to its adventures rather than the more stationary arcs that are found here. Also, I haven't been able to play any games since my pc got turned to ash in the Eaton fire, and my macbook can't run Vampire Survivors without overheating. 

Why is this relevant? Well, aside from missing my games(monster hunter, my beloved!), a friend of the family gifted us an Xbox 1 and a Nintendo switch that their kids don't use. While my brother has done nothing but play Dead by Daylight like the sweatswamp try-hard that he is, I had the time of my life yesterday with Tears of the Kingdom. It was only when I saw the clock that I realized that I hadn't written shit all day. So again, apologies.

Aside from that, this is more of an intermediate chapter, so not much going on. Felt like I should've introduced Shal in the last chapter but forgot to. Also, while mummy dearest will get her POV section, that's for the future. I'm trying to set up some real family drama, and I think I'll get more out of it if I hold onto the Commandants perspective for now.

And like always, feedback, comments, and more are appreciated. I have had a blast reading through your guys' comments, and love your suggestions. Also, I have been fiending over ArtStation. The shit they got over there is incredible, and you'll notice that I use just about all of my new ships and shit from there. Any recommendations from there or other sites for fan-designed ships, weapons, armor, cities, and more are welcome.

Thanks for reading!