### Chapter 40: Professional in Beating People


Fujino and Miwako Sato had trailed the robbers to a building named "Oni Sakura."

"The maple leaf gold coins hidden by Cabane should be inside that building," Fujino said, hiding behind a corner and watching as Conan and his group entered the building.

"Did they really manage to find the gold coins just by following those kids?" Miwako Sato asked in surprise, peeking around.

"Don't underestimate the kids. Sometimes, the talent for deduction is innate. Those kids just haven't had the opportunity to show it yet," Fujino explained.

Sato nodded in agreement. As a detective herself, she understood that some people could instantly see the truth, while others might spend a lifetime without solving a case.

She looked at Fujino and asked quietly, "By the way, Fujino-kun, is your detective talent something you were born with or developed over time?"

She was genuinely curious whether Fujino's deductive abilities were innate or acquired. After all, deducing the truth from a tiny detail was beyond what most people could achieve.

"It might be both innate and developed," Fujino said, scratching his head. "It's a bit complicated to explain, but I would call it the human will…"

"The human will?"

Sato was puzzled.

"In high-pressure situations, people often tap into their untapped potential," Fujino said with a chuckle. "Being a detective is like that. Unlike you public servants, if a detective doesn't improve, there's no livelihood. They might even struggle to pay property taxes."

"Is that so?"

Sato frowned slightly. If she remembered correctly, Fujino was an orphan.

She still recalled the image of the young boy crying beside two cold corpses.

Thinking about this, she felt a pang of sympathy.

She lowered her head and murmured, "I'm sorry for touching a sensitive subject."

"It's okay. I'm used to it," Fujino said nonchalantly.

Seeing his indifferent expression, Sato felt even more uneasy.

"Prepare for action!"

At that moment, Megure's voice came through the hidden earpiece.

Sato snapped to attention and, moving with a speed that even Fujino couldn't react to, charged forward and kicked two of the robbers away.

Fujino watched in astonishment as the scene unfolded.

When he regained his senses, he noticed one of the robbers trying to make a run for it.


Not far from the scene.

"Damn it, who is that fierce woman?" 

The fleeing robber, panting heavily, finally relaxed when he saw no one pursuing him.

He recalled the scene of his companions being kicked away and felt a chill.

"Sir Robber, calling a pretty girl a fierce woman seems a bit rude, don't you think?"

A voice came from behind him.

Before he could draw his gun, a sturdy wooden sword smashed into the back of his head.

Bang bang bang bang!

With each thud, his pained screams echoed through the area.

"Robber, right? Drawing a gun, right? Fierce woman, right?"

Fujino muttered to himself as he swung the wooden sword.

The sword, moving so fast it was a blur, repeatedly struck the robber's head.

[Detective Strengthening Time Over]

Hearing the system's notification, Fujino wiped the light sweat from his brow and sighed in relief.

"You attacked like this?"

As Fujino was about to continue his assault, a familiar voice interrupted him.

Turning around, he saw Miwako Sato staring at him in disbelief.

"Officer Sato, is everything taken care of over there?"

"Everything is taken care of…"

Sato looked at the robber lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and swallowed nervously. "You didn't end up making him disabled, did you?"

"No worries," Fujino replied, preparing to strike again.

Sato hurriedly grabbed Fujino's arm with her delicate hand. "He's already unconscious. Stop hitting him. If you hit him more, it could lead to death."

"If someone dies, you'll be held responsible…"

Her tone carried a hint of reproach. "I won't be able to protect you then."

"Don't worry, Officer Sato."

Fujino patted his chest confidently. "I'm a professional at this. Even if they examine him, they won't find much."

While he couldn't guarantee not driving someone mad, he had tested this theory on Numaoka's body. 

Moments later, forensic officers arrived, starting to examine the unfortunate robber who had been repeatedly struck by Fujino.

"The victim's breathing and heartbeat are normal, and his eyes are glazed over, clearly just unconscious."

The forensic officer turned to Sato and asked, "Officer Sato, are you sure this guy was hit repeatedly in the head by that kid?"

"Absolutely," Sato confirmed. "I saw it with my own eyes."

"That's strange."

The forensic officer scratched his head and observed the unconscious robber. "While he is indeed unconscious, there are no visible injuries, not even signs of a concussion…"


Sato was shocked. "You mean he has no injuries at all?"


The forensic officer nodded and looked at Fujino with a meaningful glance. "I thought getting stabbed multiple times and only suffering minor injuries was absurd. But today, encountering someone who gets knocked out without any harm is a first in my career!"

"So, he doesn't need to go to the hospital?"

"Not only does he not need to go to the hospital, but I bet even a bucket of water would wake him up."

Sato sighed in relief.

She had planned to handle everything herself to exonerate Fujino.

But now, it seemed unnecessary.

"No trouble!"

The officer waved his hand and muttered, "Compared to this lucky guy who can be woken up with water, I should go check on the two with fractured ribs who were beaten badly. Hope they can hold on until the ambulance arrives…"

(End of Chapter)