### Chapter 44: The Bandaged Fiend

Seeing Chikako Ikeda's angry expression, Fujino couldn't help but frown. He finally understood why Ryoichi Takahashi was so determined to kill her. 

A woman who caused the death of his beloved without a shred of remorse, displaying an arrogant attitude and taking pride in her minor achievements, even getting upset when someone mentioned the girl. 

If Fujino were in Takahashi's shoes, he would likely have been consumed by a vengeful fury as well. If Fujino, as a time traveler, felt this way, Conan, a native to this world, would undoubtedly have even more intense feelings.


Thunder rumbled as the sky grew darker, turning a light drizzle into a torrential downpour. 

Ayako Suzuki went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, while Ryoichi Takahashi went to repair the villa's roof, readying his murder plan. 

Chikako Ikeda, unsettled by the earlier confrontation, stepped outside for some fresh air, pursued by Hiroki Kakutani, who seemed to be a lovesick fool.

In the vast villa, only Ran, Conan, Fujino, Sonoko, and the few other idle people remained.

"This is just great, it's really raining," Ran said, looking out at the heavy rain from the window. "We won't be able to enjoy the beautiful fall leaves…"

"Yeah, it's such a terrible rain!" Sonoko echoed, her gaze shifting to Fujino. Internally, she lamented, "It's a pity we can't go out and admire the leaves with Fujino-senpai. Romantic moments in nature are so easy to orchestrate!"

Fujino, however, wasn't engaged in conversation with the two girls. Instead, he silently stared out the window, deep in thought.

"I wonder if you would like to go for a walk with me?" 

A voice broke the silence as Katsumi Ota cornered Ran against the wall.

While it wasn't a literal corner, it was close enough.

"But it's raining outside!" Ran replied awkwardly, her expression showing clear reluctance.

"A walk in the rain is quite romantic, isn't it?"

Katsumi Ota, perhaps oblivious or simply a shameless cad, continued his advance.

Fujino leaned towards the latter explanation.


Conan glared furiously at Ota. If looks could kill, Ota would have been long eliminated.

"Is a walk in the rain really romantic?" Fujino asked, stepping in front of Ran with a gentle smile. "If that's the case, how about Mr. Ota and I go for a walk instead?"


Ota scowled, clicked his tongue, and left in a huff.

"I've seen plenty of these playboys," Fujino said with a smile as Ota walked away. "When you encounter such people, Ran, don't hesitate to refuse them. If you let them take advantage, they'll just keep pushing their luck."

"Thank you, Fujino-senpai," Ran said, relieved, and bowed slightly in gratitude.

Meanwhile, Conan's face lit up with a smile.

Well done, Fujino!

Despite his annoying traits, Fujino was incredibly reliable at crucial moments!

Had he misjudged him?

Fujino ignored Conan's gaze and turned away. "I'm going out for some fresh air. If he bothers you again, just handle him with karate."

"Wait, senpai, how about we…"

Before Sonoko could finish, she looked up to see Fujino already stepping out, disappearing into the rain.


Watching Fujino's receding figure, she sighed wistfully.

If only she had thought of a walk in the rain sooner.

But then she remembered and smiled to herself.

That senpai was really impressive!


In the forest outside the villa.

"It should be about time," Fujino murmured, looking around with his umbrella in hand.

If his plan was correct, Takahashi should be coming to eliminate him now… but since he hadn't shown up yet, did the plan change?

The sound of raindrops pattering and the wind rustling through the trees created a rhythmic ambiance.


Suddenly, footsteps approached from behind.

"Here he comes?"

Fujino tossed aside his umbrella.

Activating his enhanced reflexes, he leaped forward, drawing a wooden sword from behind his neck and preparing for battle.

At the same moment, a loud crash came from behind.

Turning around, Fujino saw a bandaged figure in a black cloak swinging a large axe, aiming for the spot he had just vacated.

Seeing the miss, the Bandaged Fiend pulled the axe from the muddy ground and swung it again.

Fujino's enhanced reflexes kicked in, and the world around him seemed to slow down.

The once-rapid raindrops slowed to a crawl.

The splashes of rain hitting the puddles became crystal clear.

The Bandaged Fiend's swinging axe seemed to move in slow motion.

So this is the advanced reflex enhancement card? It's significantly more powerful than the ordinary one. No wonder it's a purple item…

Fujino mused inwardly.

His wooden sword, which had been a short pendant, now grew to its full size in his grasp.

He mimicked the "Tensho Ryushin" style and swung his wooden sword.

The wooden sword collided with the axe, producing a sharp, metallic clanging sound.

The Bandaged Fiend was forced to retreat, staring at Fujino with disbelief.

His hand, gripping the axe, trembled from the impact.

The force was a stark contrast to Fujino's seemingly frail appearance.

Panting heavily, the Bandaged Fiend swung the axe horizontally at Fujino again.

Fujino's eyes narrowed as he raised the wooden sword to block the full force of the axe.

Another crisp clash was followed by a muffled splash as the axe flew from his grasp and fell into a nearby puddle, causing a splash of water.

With his weapon lost, the Bandaged Fiend decided to flee.

"Perfect opportunity!"

"North Star One-Sword Style, Plain Strike!"

Seizing the moment, Fujino charged at the retreating Bandaged Fiend, swinging the wooden sword towards the back of his head.

The chapter concludes with the tension rising, as Fujino prepares to strike decisively against the bandaged foe. 

(End of Chapter)