### Chapter 78: Outer Circle Member?

Fujino paused the video. Zoom in, zoom in again. He saw the truck driver seemingly pulling something off the front windshield and gripping it in his hand right before the collision.

Rewind, rewind again... In the distant frame, the man had pulled down a pink Hello Kitty pendant from the windshield!

But why would a single man hang a Hello Kitty pendant in his truck? Did he have a girlish heart?

Probably not...

If it was for a girl...

At this thought, Fujino's gaze froze. Right, a girl. According to the previous records, Miyamoto Nisaburo should have had a daughter. Though the medical records indicated she died two years ago, those can be falsified.

"If my guess is correct..." Fujino's brows furrowed as he looked at the wall in front of him. "Then things are much more complicated than they seem."


As night fell, Fujino parked his Ford Taurus near Block 4 of Beika Town. He walked along the path, turned a few corners, and arrived at a two-story house. The roof was painted red, and the yard's brick wall was about two meters high. The gate was an openwork iron gate, easily allowing a view inside.

Fujino checked the nameplate on the house gate post, confirming it was the Miyamoto residence.

[Strength Enhancement 100% Activated, Remaining Time: 59 Seconds]

With his wooden sword wrapped around his wrist and under the enhancement of the strength card, Fujino easily scaled the two-meter-high brick wall. He leapt down from the wall, steadying himself as he landed.

After confirming the gate was locked, he looked towards the open window on the second floor. Checking the remaining enhancement time, he took a deep breath, grabbed the wall's protrusions, and skillfully climbed to the second floor, sneaking into the room.

Unlike a typical single man's room, the second-floor room he entered was a tidy little room, seemingly a girl's room. It was exceptionally clean, indicating regular cleaning. Searching the room, he found a few pieces of trendy clothing from a few years ago in the wardrobe, even some undergarments.

Closing the wardrobe, Fujino found a pink password-protected diary in the desk drawer. He 'gently' broke the lock and flipped through a few pages, discovering it was a diary. After reading the entire diary, he learned that its owner was named Miyamoto Minako, about nineteen years old, and a graduate student. The last entry was from a year and a half ago, mentioning that she couldn't continue writing the diary here anymore.

"According to the medical records, Miyamoto Minako should have died two years ago."

Fujino glanced at the diary, smirking slightly. After pocketing the diary, he continued his search in the room but found no useful clues, only 50,000 yen in cash and a few photos.

One photo showed a young girl around eight or nine, with a younger-looking Miyamoto Nisaburo and a kind-looking woman beside them. It was a family photo, clearly showing a happy family. The woman must have been Miyamoto's wife, who died ten years ago.

Buzz! The sound of an engine roared outside.

Fujino frowned at the noise. He quickly donned his assassin robe, put on his Batman mask, and hid in the second-floor wardrobe.

Outside, three men in black suits, wearing black hats and sunglasses, got out of a black car. They pried open the gate, put on shoe covers, and entered the house with a black briefcase and several gasoline cans.

"I heard this mess we're cleaning up involves an outer circle member."

"An outer circle member causing the organization to go this far, unbelievable."

"Stop talking nonsense and finish the job quickly."

One man sneered. "Who knows, we might end up like this someday."

The three chatted, unaware of the shadow slipping past them.

"People from the organization?"

Fujino, observing the three men, frowned. Their distinctive attire suggested they were from the organization, but he wanted to be sure. After all, it could be another group.

Inside, two men began searching the house. After confirming no one was there, one started spreading gasoline around, while the other opened the kitchen's gas valve, releasing gas into the house.

In the living room, the man with the briefcase fiddled with something. Fujino recognized the briefcase as a bomb, identical to the one he saw on the Shinkansen.

"Task complete."

The man in the living room stretched, intending to rest on the sofa, unafraid of leaving traces as the place would soon be ashes.


Suddenly, the man felt a sharp pain and collapsed. A shadow quickly dragged him into a dark corner.

In the corner, Fujino, in his assassin robe, searched the man's body. He found a wallet and a revolver.

"A gun?"

Fujino curiously examined the revolver, an M37 with six bullets. It was a common police firearm in Japan, likely 'borrowed' from an officer. He pocketed the revolver and retrieved his batarang.

Though it was just an M37, it was the first real gun Fujino had held in his two lives.

(End of Chapter)