Chapter 95: Part of the Plan

Night fell, and a Porsche 356A drove along the streets of Beika Town.

"Boss, it looks like that guy has given up on that woman," Vodka said from the driver's seat, keeping his eyes on the road as he spoke to Gin, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"It was to be expected," Gin replied, lighting a cigarette and taking a deep drag before letting out a cold laugh.

Eliminating Akemi Miyano was part of the plan, but his plans didn't stop there. In addition to the 1 billion yen they had stolen from the bank, he also wanted to lure out Shuichi Akai, who had defected two years ago. However, despite Akemi Miyano's death, Shuichi Akai had not appeared, indicating that Gin had overestimated Akemi's importance to him. 

But it didn't matter. With the 1 billion yen secured and Akemi Miyano eliminated, luring out Shuichi Akai would have just been a bonus. He never truly expected Akemi to draw Akai out.

"It seems that foolish woman was just a tool being used all along," Vodka said, nodding in understanding. "Boss, where are we going next?"

"Let's go retrieve the 1 billion yen first," Gin said, taking out the key to the safe from his pocket and smirking. "After all, that's the 'final contribution' that foolish woman made to our organization."

Soon, the two arrived at a city hotel named ENJYU. Vodka expertly parked the car in the parking lot. Just as they were getting out of the car to retrieve the money from the hotel, an explosion suddenly erupted from the trunk of the Porsche 356A.


With a deafening blast, the car was engulfed in flames. It was clear that someone had planted a timed bomb.

A few seconds later, Gin opened his eyes to see the starry night sky. Shaking off his dizziness, he struggled to get up. The area around where the Porsche 356A had been parked was now a scene of devastation, with even nearby cars reduced to debris. The classic car itself was a twisted wreck, its black roof blown off, and the seats inside ablaze.

'If I had been a moment later getting out of the car, I might be dead now,' Gin thought, feeling a chill. 

He quickly composed himself, observing the wreckage with cold eyes. He already had a good idea who had planted the bomb: Shuichi Akai. That guy had anticipated his move and used Akemi's death as a distraction to plant the bomb. Classic Akai.

Despite his pain, Gin let out a cold snort. He was covered in wounds from shrapnel, the fragments from the car explosion embedded in his body. Feeling the sharp pain and dizziness, Gin gritted his teeth and took out his gun, shooting himself in the arm to stay conscious.

The gunshot pain brought clarity, and Gin limped over to check on Vodka, who was also in bad shape, his sunglasses shattered. 

Elsewhere, following the address from Akemi Miyano's wallet, Fujino, dressed in his assassin's robe and riding a motorcycle, arrived at an apartment. "This mask pendant really comes in handy," Fujino remarked as he dismounted his bike. The disguise ability of the Kamen Rider pendant made his motorcycle less conspicuous.

He pushed open the unlocked door to Akemi Miyano's apartment and was greeted by a simple, tidy space. "So the key has indeed been taken," Fujino sighed, standing up from a hidden compartment in the desk. He had hoped to get the 1 billion yen for himself.

He continued to search the apartment but found little of interest apart from some cash and typical women's clothing and accessories. Fujino had no particular interest in these.

However, in a drawer by the bed, Fujino found an old photo album and a gift box. The album was filled with pictures of Akemi and a brown-haired girl, Sherry. These were memories of Sherry's childhood, including a family photo of the Miyano family: Elena, Shiho, Akemi, and their father, Atsushi.

"Family memories, huh?" Fujino breathed, recognizing the people in the photo.

Next, he opened the gift box, revealing a red scarf and a postcard: "To my sister Shiho Miyano, from Akemi Miyano."

After a moment of silence, Fujino put the scarf away, along with the album. With nothing else to find, he grabbed some clothes from the closet and left the apartment, lighting a cigarette. As the White Wolf spirit appeared, it howled into the night sky.

"White Wolf, take me to Shiho Miyano," Fujino commanded, and the White Wolf began to lead the way.

(Chapter End)