**Chapter 156: The Backstab of Justice**

"First, it was an assassin's robe, and now it's a hidden blade. My luck..." 

Fujino looked at the hidden blade in his hand, examining it for a moment before sighing softly. "Will I end up drawing more assassin-related professions or assassination contracts in the future?" 

Currently, he had no idea what professions he might draw next. 

Bodyguard, chef, fighter, swordsman... There even seemed to be a CEO and a pianist just now. 

There's simply no pattern to it. 

If he kept drawing, one day, he might actually end up with an assassin profession. 

If the assassin profession existed, then there should also be a gunman profession, right? 

The skills of that profession might directly involve some kind of American-style quick draw. 

However, if the assassin profession really existed, to be honest, Fujino felt a bit conflicted. 

After all, the system's missions mostly corresponded with the profession. 

An assassin's profession would definitely involve missions related to killing. 

To be honest, Fujino, whose mind wasn't completely corrupted yet, didn't want to easily engage in murder. 

He's a normal person. Although he has a system and has seen dead bodies, he doesn't want to kill someone who has nothing to do with his interests. 

Of course, it's not that he won't kill; it's just that he finds killing distasteful and doesn't want to dirty his hands. 

If someone had a deep hatred against him or threatened his life, causing unavoidable trouble, he wouldn't hesitate to take down one or two troublemakers. 

And if it involved benefits... 

In short, it would require extra payment. 

Even with payment, he'd still have to see who the target was... 

But for now, there's no point in overthinking it. 

He hadn't drawn the assassin profession yet. 

Over at the syndicate, it seemed they had given up on assassinating him. 

For now, killing had nothing to do with him. 

Putting these thoughts aside, Fujino began to play with the hidden blade in his hand. 

He raised his hand and swung the blade. 

As if it were second nature, the blade extended from the sheath on his arm in one fluid motion. 

There were no special effects, nor any sound. 

It was as if the blade had never been swung. 

Only the blade's cold, silver glint under the moonlight proved it had indeed been wielded. 

As expected of an assassin's hidden blade. 

"Hmm, it's exactly one meter long." 

Fujino examined the blade in his hand and nodded. 

As the system described, this hidden blade could extend and retract freely. 

There seemed to be some mechanism that understood his intent. With just a thought, the blade would retract. 

Extend, retract. 

It can get longer, and it can get shorter. 

Quite amusing. 


Fujino cleared his throat and silently retracted the blade. 

He then turned his attention to the item's description interface. 

"The extended skill effect should allow it to extend and retract freely. According to the system's description, the blade won't be destroyed, similar to Okamoto's wooden sword..." 

Fujino stroked his chin as he studied the description. "But the terms 'power over life and death' and 'hidden blade inheritance' are quite extraordinary... I need to test it on some unlucky targets to confirm." 

Turning his gaze back, Fujino looked at the items he had just drawn, still stored in the system's warehouse: 

- **Flame Medallion:** Increases the host's physique by 5%, mental resistance by 10%, and mental recovery ability by 10% when worn. 

- **Laptop:** A "Xiaomi" brand laptop equipped with a 4090 graphics card and Windows 11 system (although it's unclear what this strange collaboration is, the laptop's packaging is themed after a bride). 

- **Suit:** A simple suit from a famous English tailor shop, made of special materials. It can withstand attacks from light weapons from a certain distance and increases the host's charm by 10 points (after all, what young and beautiful girl doesn't like a gentlemanly English gentleman?). Note: While it can withstand attacks from light weapons, please do not try to block grenades with it.

- **Shock Ring:** A device that can release a high-voltage electric shock instantly, causing a person to faint. It comes from a certain English spy (although the shock ring doesn't have any substantial lethality, avoid using it to shock inappropriate body parts). 

- **Batman's Grappling Hook:** Equipment developed by Wayne Enterprises, exclusively for Bruce xx. The grappling hook can withstand a large amount of force and has an extremely long range. It can pull up an average adult male effortlessly and can grip almost any material or shape thanks to its peculiar technology.

"This time, I drew quite a lot of good stuff..." 

Fujino looked at the series of system items, his lips curling slightly. 

What caught his attention the most were the suit and the grappling hook. 

Regarding the suit, according to the system's description, it should be something like a type B lifesaving coat, with its effectiveness not reduced much but supplemented with additional features. 

For example, the lifesaving coat could only block one fatal blow. 

A gunshot would likely count as a fatal blow. 

After being damaged, it would enter a recovery state. 

This suit, however, did not have such a limitation. 

Anything bulletproof is undoubtedly a good thing. 

Even if it can only block attacks from light weapons, having an extra lifesaving card never hurts. 

Moreover, a proper gentleman's suit is quite stylish. 

With this in mind, Fujino took out the suit and put it on. 

Standing in front of the mirror, Fujino examined himself in the suit and stroked his chin. 

The suit was black, with thin, lightweight fabric. Wearing it felt like wearing nothing at all, which didn't quite match its bulletproof description. 

Fujino touched the fabric. 

Even though he knew little about "suit culture," he could sense that this suit was custom-made with care. 

Judging by the fabric used, it was top-quality. 

If it's bulletproof fabric, how could it be lacking? 

After moving his body a bit, Fujino turned his gaze back to the mirror, feeling inexplicably more handsome. 

It must be the suit's effect of adding ten points to his charm. 

Speaking of which, the system's introduction mentioned that this suit came from a tailor shop used by a certain spy. 


Fujino suddenly recalled a spy movie from his previous life. 

Pushing those thoughts aside, Fujino took out the assassin's robe, put it on, and quietly headed to the underground garage. 

He had acquired quite a few items this time. 

Some of them needed to be tested on human subjects. 

For example, the hidden blade's power over life and death. 

He wasn't foolish enough to test it on himself. 

Experiments involving potential danger must be conducted on those who are truly evil... 

Let them receive "Rice Flower Batman's" human experiments. 

It would be their penance for their crimes and a contribution to society. 


In the dark and quiet night of Rice Flower City. 

In the dim alleyways, several shadowy figures kept a watchful eye on passersby, their eyes betraying a predatory intent. 

Shops in secluded corners that remained closed during the day opened their doors at this hour. 

This was Rice Flower City, a place notorious for its high crime and death rates—a city where, as people often say, "America has Gotham, Japan has Rice Flower." 

A long time ago, people thought this was just a joke. 

But that joke became a reality not too long ago. 

Like Gotham's Batman, Rice Flower City now had its own vigilante, nicknamed "Rice Flower Batman," who roamed the shadows to fight crime. 

For a while, the crime rate in Rice Flower City surprisingly dropped. 

However, the threat of Rice Flower Batman couldn't deter those hardened criminals. They were willing to risk getting beaten and thrown into jail just to make a name for themselves in Rice Flower City. 

Before long, the figures in the alley targeted their prey—a blonde schoolgirl in a JK uniform, carrying a single-shoulder bag. 

After confirming no one was around, they acted. 

One of them covered the girl's mouth, while two others dragged her into the alley. 

Their teamwork was seamless. 

They were clearly seasoned criminals. 

However, robbing a high school girl... What kind of profit could these four possibly be after? 

Could it be... 

From the rooftop next to the alley, Fujino watched with some doubt. 

But with his clever mind and the experience of watching various questionable anime in his previous life, he quickly figured it out. 

Oh~ Nani o suru nda. 

He was there because he had noticed this suspicious group while heading out earlier. 

Judging that nothing good could come from shady individuals lurking in alleyways in groups, he quietly began his stakeout... and followed them. 

And then he witnessed these beasts daring to kidnap a blonde schoolgirl in broad daylight. 

"What scum," 

Fujino muttered, observing the scene in the alley, his tone full of moral condemnation. 

The girl's mouth was gagged with several wraps of tape, and she could only make muffled sounds. 

The leader, a man in a baseball outfit, pulled out a butterfly knife from his pocket and threatened her with it. 

The threat was effective. 

Surrounded by four men, the girl dared not make a sound. 

The alley was deep. 


 girl had no way of escaping. 

Seeing this scene, the four couldn't help but exchange satisfied looks, a triumphant smile forming on their lips. 

"Don't struggle, missy. Just cooperate, and we won't hurt you." 

The baseball outfit leader spoke in a lecherous tone, preparing to move forward and tie up the girl's hands. 

However, at that moment. 

A soft "whoosh" sounded from the air. 

The leader in the baseball outfit suddenly felt a cold breeze pass by his neck. 

The next second, he couldn't make a sound. 

His pupils rapidly dilated, staring blankly at his surroundings. 

Then, without a word, he collapsed in the alley. 


The sudden event stunned the other three. 

They were momentarily paralyzed, unable to comprehend what had just happened. 

Then, as if remembering something, they cautiously turned their heads. 

But when they saw what had happened to the leader in the baseball outfit, they couldn't help but freeze in shock. 

Blood splattered on the wall. 

It formed a splash pattern as if someone had thrown a bottle of paint against it. 

And there, in the middle, was a bloodied hidden blade extending from the wrist of a black-clad figure. 

The figure's face was obscured by the hood of his robe. 

They could only see a pair of silver-gray eyes peeking out from the darkness, coldly staring back at them. 
