Chapter 8

The morning sun was barely up when Zhan came downstairs, dressed sharply in a tailored jacket and jeans, his usual air of superiority clinging to him like a second skin. Lee was already waiting by the car, standing by the passenger door. Without a word, he opened it as Zhan approached, but Zhan shot him an irritated glare.

"Don't open the door like that. It makes it look like I need help," Zhan snapped, pushing past Lee and sliding into the seat himself.

Lee's face remained as unreadable as ever. He closed the door softly and got into the driver's seat. The engine purred to life, and they pulled out of the mansion's driveway, heading toward the university.

The ride to the university was anything but smooth. From the moment they left the house, Zhan was determined to push Lee's patience to its breaking point.

"Drive faster. We're not on a country road," Zhan snapped, folding his arms as he glared at the windshield.

Lee's expression didn't change. He simply adjusted his grip on the steering wheel and maintained his steady pace. Zhan's frustration grew with every silent minute that passed.

"Did you even hear me?" Zhan barked, turning to glare at him.

Lee responded with a slow glance, then returned his focus to the road without saying a word. His silence only seemed to irritate Zhan further.

After a tense pause, Zhan leaned back in his seat, drumming his fingers against the armrest. "What kind of driver doesn't listen to his boss? Are you deaf or just plain stupid?"

Lee clenched his jaw but said nothing. He was used to difficulties, but Zhan was on another level today. It wasn't about being was how relentless and spiteful he was being.

As they neared the university, Zhan suddenly said, "Stop. I need coffee."

Lee pulled the car over without a word, but before he could say anything, Zhan smirked and said, "Oh wait, I changed my mind. Just keep driving. You're too slow to get it anyway."

Lee took a deep breath, his patience wearing thin. He pulled back into traffic, feeling the tension gnaw at the back of his mind.

When they finally arrived at the university entrance, Zhan's taunts hadn't ceased. "You really think you're something, don't you? Sitting there like a mute, acting all high and mighty when you're just a driver."

Lee parked the car, turned off the engine, and turned to face Zhan with a calm expression. "You're here," he said simply, handing Zhan his laptop from the back seat.

Zhan grabbed it, sneering. "You think you've done your job, right? But you're not off the hook yet. I'll need you to wait around, just in case I need a ride back."

Lee's patience finally snapped, but instead of arguing, he took a deep breath and got out of the car. Zhan watched him walk around to the driver's side, expecting some kind of retort or apology, but instead, Lee opened the door and tossed the car keys onto Zhan's lap.

"What's this?" Zhan asked, surprised.

Without looking back, Lee replied, "I'm done for today. Find someone else if you need a driver," and walked away.

Zhan's eyes widened in shock. He didn't think he could actually push Lee to his breaking point. For a moment, he was stunned into silence as he watched Lee's retreating figure.

But the smirk soon returned to his face as he gripped the keys. "Hmph, guess he's not as unshakeable as he pretends to be."

With that, Zhan grabbed his bag, slid out of the car, and strutted toward the university gates, his mood significantly brighter after winning this little least in his mind.

Throughout the day's lecture, Zhan's mood was far from its usual spark. He seemed disconnected, distant, and not himself. Zan Jin, noticing the change, leaned closer and said, "Zhan, let's go grab something to eat. I'm getting hungry."

"I'm not hungry," Zhan replied flatly.

Zan Jin, not one to let things slide easily, pressed on, "Come on, what's wrong? You've been off all day. Tell me what's bothering you."

Zhan sighed heavily and finally opened up. "That driver... he just left the car keys with me and walked away."

Zan Jin raised an eyebrow. "And that's what's got you in this mood all day?" he asked incredulously. "Maybe he quit. Maybe he's done with the job. Why stress over it? It's not like you were too fond of him anyway."

Zhan, still agitated, said, "But why me? Why give the keys to me? He acts like I'm the one who hired him. If he wanted to quit, he could've given the keys to Paa, not me. It's like everyone's just pushing me to the edge."

Zan Jin shrugged, trying to lighten the mood. "So what? If he's gone, isn't that what you wanted anyway? They'll complain for a couple of days and then hire someone else. You can get a driver who's easier to deal with, someone you can actually control."

Zhan absentmindedly touched his lips, deep in thought, before abruptly standing up and gathering his study materials. "I'm going home."

Zan Jin looked at him in surprise. "Home? Already? We talked about going to He Peng's guest inn, remember? You're free today! You've got the car; you can go anywhere. Why head home so early? Stay out until at least six, then head back."

But Zhan was firm. "I'm just not in the mood. I need to go home."

With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, Zan Jin said, "Alright, I'll walk you to the car."

The two of them walked to the parking lot in silence. Zhan got into the driver's seat, while Zan Jin stood by, watching until Zhan started the engine and drove off.

As Zhan reached the gate of the mansion, he honked, prompting Yang to quickly come out and open the gate. Zhan drove in, parked the car, and got out, leaving his school materials in the back seat as he headed inside.

Mrs. Xiao was sitting in the living room watching TV when Zhan greeted her and headed upstairs. Before he could reach the top, her voice cut through, "Hand over the keys you snatched from the driver."

Zhan froze, surprised. Turning back, he said, "Mama, who told you I snatched the keys? I didn't..."

"I'm not asking for excuses," she interrupted sternly. "I said, give me the keys, and we'll sort this out later."

Zhan's frustration bubbled up. He blurted, "He just dumped the keys in my lap! I swear, I'm going to..."

Before he could finish, Mrs. Xiao hurled a throw pillow at him. "Enough of that attitude! You won't be driving yourself anymore, and I'll deal with you later."

Desperate to explain, Zhan tried again, "Mama, please, let me tell you what really happened.."

Mrs. Xiao's anger flared. "I don't need your explanation! Who's the parent here, you or me? I know your behavior all too well. You've always had issues with drivers, no matter who we hire. You've done this before, so don't think I'll believe whatever story you're spinning now."

Tears welled in Zhan's eyes. Defeated, he placed the car key on the table and muttered under his breath, "I'll deal with that driver myself..."

Seeing Mrs. Xiao's expression darken, Zhan bolted up the stairs and slammed his door shut.

Inside his room, he collapsed onto his bed, sobbing. His trembling hands reached for his phone, dialing Paa's number. It rang a few times before Paa's voice answered, "Hello, dear. I'm in a meeting right now, I'll call you back."

Zhan's voice cracked with desperation, "Paa, please just replace the driver! I can't stand seeing him anymore, I need him gone."

There was a pause before Paa calmly responded, "Why did you ask him to give you the keys when he dropped you at school?"

Zhan's eyes widened in shock. "Paa, I didn't ask him for the keys! He's lying, I swear!"

Paa sighed, "We'll discuss this when I get home." With that, he hung up, leaving Zhan even more distraught.

Feeling utterly alone, Zhan called his sister Lu Jie, barely holding back his tears. When she picked up, her concern was immediate. "Zhan, what's wrong?"

He broke down. "Jie, Paa hired this new driver, and ever since he started, he's been making my life miserable! He's turning Mama against me, making up stories, and now everyone's angry with me. Today, he just left the car keys on my lap, then ran to tell Mama and Paa that I demanded them. No one believes me!"

Lu Jie sighed, "Zhan, this is a pattern with you. You've always had issues with every driver we've had. This isn't new-remember how it was when Ling started working for us?"

Zhan stayed silent, his heart sinking. Her voice turned cold. "If you're not going to talk, I'm hanging up."

Before she could, Zhan whispered, "Bye." He ended the call and tossed the phone aside, his resolve hardening. If no one was on his side, he'd handle this himself.

Later, after taking a shower to calm down, his phone rang again. He checked the caller ID and quickly answered, forcing a smile. "You didn't tell me you'd call back today."

The familiar voice on the other end chuckled, "How are you?"

"I'm okay now," Zhan replied softly. "How are you?"

"I'm good. When can we meet? I'm leaving for Shanghai the day after tomorrow."

Zhan perked up, "Today? You mean we can meet today?"

"If you're up for it," the caller teased, "but if you're too busy..."

"No! I'd love to meet today!" Zhan quickly interjected, eager not to miss the chance. "Where should we go?"

"How about Royal Park?"

Zhan hesitated. "Our driver's changed recently..."

"Oh? When did that happen?"

"Not long ago. We don't get along, though. I don't think we ever will."

The caller laughed lightly, "That's unfortunate. So, what's the plan?"

"I'll head to the mall first, maybe do some shopping. Want to join me there?"

"Shopping? Really? You want to meet up just to shop?"

Zhan bit his lip, feeling flustered. "No, I didn't mean it like that. We can meet and then figure out what to do next. I just haven't had a chance to shop lately."

"Alright then," the caller said smoothly, "what time are you heading out?"

"I'm getting ready now. The driver's taking me. Paa gave me some money for shopping, so I need to go out anyway."

"Call me when you're on your way."

"I will," Zhan promised, feeling a small glimmer of excitement.

After getting dressed, Zhan made his way downstairs. Mrs. Xiao was still in the living room. "Mama, I'm heading out to buy some things-my cream and shampoo are finished. The driver's taking me."

Mrs. Xiao looked at him thoughtfully. "We can go together tomorrow. I need to do some shopping too."

Zhan's pulse quickened. "Mama, I really need the cream today. We can go together tomorrow, but let me get this one thing now. I'll be quick, I promise."

"Fine, but don't cause any trouble with Lee, and make sure you come straight home with him."

Zhan nodded and quickly left. As he exited the house, he didn't see the driver and asked Yang where he was. "He's at the chalet," Yang said.

Zhan headed over and found Lee sitting on the steps, talking on the phone. When Lee noticed him, he hung up but didn't bother to look his way.

"I need you to drop me at Joy City Mall," Zhan said curtly before walking off.

Lee watched him for a moment, then sighed and followed, taking out the car keys. As they drove off, Lee asked, "You'll guide me to the mall, right?"

Zhan rolled his eyes, "You don't know the directions? What kind of driver doesn't use Google Maps?"

"I don't have a smartphone," Lee replied calmly.

Zhan huffed and gave him the directions. When they arrived, Zhan immediately called his boyfriend Leo. "Are you inside yet?"

"Where did you park?" Leo's voice crackled through the line.

When Zhan spotted Leo's car, a smile broke out on his face. Leo rolled down his window, returning the smile with one that made Zhan's heart skip a beat. As Zhan was about to hang up, Leo quickly said, "Wait, let's pay the driver to wait for us while we grab a bite to eat. I'm starving."

Zhan's heart raced, conflicted. He told his mother he'd be quick. Stealing a glance at Lee, he noticed the driver's unwavering gaze fixed on Leo, as if trying to read his intentions. Zhan sighed internally, thinking, This guy doesn't seem like the type who'd accept a bribe...

Reluctantly, Zhan got out of the car and joined Leo, who was still staring at him with a smirk. "You're looking good, babe. What's the secret?"

Zhan blushed, his dimples showing as he smiled. Leo pulled out a hundred-dollar bill. "Think this'll be enough for him to wait?"

Zhan stared at the money in his hand and scoffed. "I told you, we're not that close. And as for Lee, he's not kind."

Leo smirked. "That's because you don't offer him money like you did with Ling. You can't control him the same way."

Leo then opened the car door and got out, striding confidently towards Zhan's car. Zhan watched him, intrigued but also tense.

Seeing Leo approach, Lee's eyes darted around as if looking for an escape. Before Leo could reach the car, Lee quickly locked it. When Leo tried to open the door, he found it locked tight.

He knocked on the window, but Lee refused to acknowledge him. Leo knocked again, harder this time. When he got no response, he looked up at Zhan. Zhan just shrugged, palms open as if to say, I warned you.

Leo's face twisted in disbelief. He knocked once more, and Zhan chuckled. "Told you, he's a stubborn one."

Fuming, Leo snapped, "Who does he think he is? He's just a driver! Acting high and mighty like he owns the place. Is he being paid to ignore people now?" He turned to Zhan. "You let this go on? You should have put him in his place a long time ago!"

Zhan sighed, his amusement fading. "I've never met anyone as strong-willed as him. You can't control him with money or orders."

Still irritated, Leo shook his head. "Let's meet tomorrow if you're going to school. I'm not hanging around here. This ruined my day." Without waiting for a reply, Leo marched back to his car and sped off. Lee watched him go, eyes following the car until it disappeared around the corner.

Zhan stood frozen, his eyes misting with unshed tears. The person he'd been excited to see after so long had just left, upset, and it was because of Lee. The sadness weighed on him like a stone in his throat. He was on the verge of breaking down.

Lee noticed Zhan's distress, rubbed his head awkwardly, and rolled down the car window. "Looks like you're skipping the shopping. It's going to rain soon, and I don't drive in the rain. I'll give you the keys and head out?"

Zhan's eyes flared with anger. He opened the backseat door, climbed in, and slammed it shut, holding back the tears that threatened to spill. Lee reversed the car and drove them home in silence.

When they arrived, Zhan hurried out, storming over to the driver's side, pointing a finger at Lee, and glaring. "You should know what you did to me today! You're the reason I'm feeling like this. You're out of your mind, you... you poor, miserable man!"

Lee calmly stepped out of the car, his expression unreadable. Leaning closer to Zhan's face, he said mockingly, "Are you talking to me, young master?"

Zhan was so overcome with emotion that he didn't even notice the difference in their heights. In his rage, he grabbed Lee's collar, spewing harsh and mean words. "You think you're untouchable because you're our driver? You think you can insult me and get away with it? Who do you think you are?! If Leo wanted, he could have you jailed and your entire family sold off, and it still wouldn't cover the damages!"

Yang, alarmed by the commotion, rushed over. "Young master, please, don't do this!"

Lee stayed calm, blinking slowly at Zhan. "Let go of me."

Zhan shouted louder, raising a fist as if to strike. "I won't! Do whatever you like! You're just a mere driver, yet you dare insult me?"

Zhuo, hearing the noise, came out of the house with a friend. Seeing the situation, he quickly pulled Zhan back. "Zhan! What are you doing? Have you lost your manners?"

Fuming, Zhan snapped back at Zhuo. "Of course, you'd defend him! You don't even know what he did to me!"

Zhuo looked worriedly at Lee. "I'm sorry, Mr. Lee. My brother's just upset." He gently undid Zhan's grip on Lee's shirt. Lee simply smiled slightly. "No worries... Are you heading out?"

Zhuo's face was pale with shock, unsure how to respond. His friend stood nearby, equally surprised.

Lee nodded and said, "I'll drop your friend off." Without another word, he returned to the car and started the engine. Zhuo's friend quickly said his goodbyes and got into the car with Lee. They drove away as Yang hurried to open the gate for them.

Zhan didn't realize he was crying until the tears spilled over. He dashed into the house, where he finally broke down, sobbing uncontrollably.

After crying his heart out, Zhan grabbed his phone and called Leo. The phone rang without an answer. He tried again, but there was still no response.

Tears continued to stream down his face as his heart grew heavier with each unanswered call.

After nearly an hour, his crying subsided, and he forced himself to straighten up, wiping away the tear streaks on his cheeks.

Deciding to leave, he headed to his mother's side, but upon arriving, he noticed she had a visitor. Not wanting to intrude, he changed his mind and went to his aunt's who is sitting in the living room instead... Mrs. Xiao's sister, who had come earlier that day.

As soon as his aunt saw him, she asked with concern, "Zhan, what happened to your eyes? You look like you've been crying."

In a shaky voice, Zhan replied, "Auntie, Leo came back and told me to meet him at the mall. When we met, he got out of his car to greet the driver, but the way that man treated him was terrible.

He locked the car doors and wouldn't even lower the window.

Does that boy know who Leo's father is? He wouldn't dare show such disrespect if he did. Leo humbled himself to greet him, and that's the thanks he gets...a locked car and a cold shoulder?"

His aunt sighed, shaking her head. "Are you still with Leo, Zhan?" she asked, her tone laced with disapproval.

Zhan avoided her gaze as he quietly answered, "We got back together about a month ago."

His aunt's face hardened. "I warned you, Zhan. Leo is not your level. You're setting yourself up for heartbreak. Leo's world is far from yours, and his affection is nothing more than playing games. If he truly cared, he would've met your family by now. But he hasn't, has he? He keeps you on the side, in secret, because he doesn't see you as equal. Can't you see that?"

Zhan bit his lip, fighting back more tears, and pouted. "But I love him, Auntie, and he loves me too. If he didn't, he wouldn't have called and asked to meet. I know he cares about me."

His aunt clicked her tongue in frustration. "You're deluding yourself, Zhan. If he loved you, he wouldn't hide your relationship. He wouldn't keep your connection to back alleys and empty meeting spots. His family is leagues above ours, and deep down, you know that. I told you to block him and walk away just like you did with that Cho Cheng boy. You deserve better."

Not wanting to hear more, Zhan stood up abruptly. "I have to go visit Grandmother at Uncle's house. If Mama asks where I am, tell her I'm there." With that, he walked out, leaving his aunt shaking her head in disappointment.

Outside, Zhan's face remained a mask of frustration as he headed toward the gate.

Yang noticed him approaching but quickly averted his eyes, trying not to attract attention while standing near Lee. Yang couldn't help but be puzzled by how unafraid Lee seemed in the face of Zhan's temper...a stark contrast to everyone else who tiptoed around the young master.

Zhan's gaze landed on Yang.

Without a hint of a smile, he said coldly, "I hope you're taking care of my birds. If anything happens to them while I'm gone, everyone will pay." His eyes briefly flicked toward Lee as he added the last part with a sharp edge in his voice.

Yang nodded nervously. "Every day, young master. I personally check on them myself."

Without another word, Zhan stormed off, glaring at Lee one last time. Lee remained unbothered, even smiling faintly as Yang anxiously whispered, "I'm afraid he'll ask you to drive him somewhere again."

Lee chuckled. "It's fine. I'm paid for that, aren't I?"

Since the distance wasn't far, Zhan decided to walk through the neighborhood, his steps fueled by a mix of anger and sadness until he reached his uncle's house.

In the compound, Hang was chatting with a friend. The friend noticed Zhan and remarked, "Isn't that your cousin? He just passed by without saying anything."

Hang shrugged, "That's his brother. We don't get along; he's a bit of a brat." The friend snorted. "They do look alike, though. Too bad he's stuck-up. Is he into our crowd?"

Hang gave him a sideways glance. "Trust me, he's not your type."

Meanwhile, Zhan walked inside the house and greeted his grandmother. "Grandma, I'm alone today. Paa isn't with me."

Grandma's eyes softened with concern as she saw the tear stains on his face. "Are you alright, Zhan? You look troubled."

Zhan's defenses crumbled, and he broke into sobs, leaning into his grandmother's comforting presence. "Grandma, the new driver they hired is so disrespectful. He insulted me so badly today."

Grandma frowned. "The driver? The tall man Xiao brought over earlier? He came all the way here to greet me and was so polite, bowing deeply."

Zhan's expression twisted with bitterness. "He's a hypocrite. You don't know what he's really like."

As he recounted the incident to her, much like he had with his aunt, Grandma's face darkened. "How dare he insult my favorite grandson! Don't worry, Zhan. I'll have a word with Xiao about this. That boy won't last long here if I have anything to say about it."

Zhan nodded eagerly, feeling vindicated. "Please, Grandma. I can't stand him anymore."

Grandma patted his hand. "Leave it to me. I'll make sure this disrespectful behavior ends."

Author pov.

Do not forget we are still in the 8 months earlier... After Zhan fall unconscious when he saw who his Husband is... While I don't know if he is unconscious or just feeling dizziness. 🤷