Chapter 20

Zan Jin glanced at He Peng, listening to Zhan's aunt. He nodded and replied, "We should leave now too. If needed, we can come back tomorrow." Aunt Bing agreed, "Alright, that works. Since I didn't come with a car, why don't you drop me off?"

Zhan felt disheartened as he realized they were leaving without him. With no other choice, he walked them to the gate, watched them leave, and returned to the house, sulking.

He Peng and the others dropped Aunt Bing off at Zhan's mansion. She thanked them and showered them with blessings before entering the gate. Yang greeted her, but she ignored him, her eyes fixed on Mr. Xiao, standing on the balcony. She hurried over and asked, "You're already back from your brother's place?"

Mr. Xiao gave her a once-over and asked, "Where are you coming from?" She sighed. "From Zhan's place. He's been calling day and night, always in tears. Today, I finally went to check on him. You know I wasn't in the country when you forced him into this marriage."

Mr. Xiao listened silently until she finished. Then he said, "From now on, don't go to that house again."

She was taken aback. "What do you mean, brother-in-law? Zhan is my nephew. Just because of this situation, you want to cut him off from everyone, even us? He's not even twenty yet. He barely knows anything about life! You're throwing him into chaos by forcing him into this marriage with a man he doesn't even know. Why did you choose the family driver? You could've picked someone else, anyone else."

She paused, then continued, "This is unfair, and you know it. Despite all the love you claim to have for him, you've turned a blind eye to the mess you've caused. You listened to conspirators and threw Zhan into this storm."

Mr. Xiao was silent for a moment, then asked, "Are you suggesting I annul the marriage?"

Seeing the sincerity in his voice, she softened. "No, that's not what I meant. You're not an ordinary person. You can't just break up a marriage like that-it would ruin your reputation. I just feel for the boy. But don't tell me I can't go to him anymore. As his aunt, I have some authority over him. If nothing else, I can help calm him down until he accepts the situation."

Mr. Xiao's voice hardened. "Bing," he said, making her pause. "If you want peace with me, then I forbid you from going to that house again. Lee will bring him home if anything comes up. And let me be clear: this marriage will not be annulled. He'll have to live with it."

Aunty Bing, standing firm, replied, "Really? Well, just as I wouldn't stay quiet if this happened to my own son, I won't stay quiet when it's happening to Zhan. Forbidding me from seeing my nephew won't stop me."

Mr. Xiao, his voice icy, said, "Fine. Prepare to face me tomorrow, then. I promise, you'll regret it." He turned and walked inside, leaving Aunty Bing watching him. She scoffed and followed him in.

Back at the hostel, Zan Jin and his friends lay sprawled on the bed. He Peng sighed and whispered, "Guys, doesn't something seem off about this driver? Isn't this whole thing strange?"

Xin rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Not what I expected. Is he really the driver? I've had my doubts since we left."

Zan Jin chimed in, "You're doubting because of his fair skin, right? He's probably mixed race or something, doesn't fit the stereotype. That's why you're unsure."

Xin shook his head. "No, even though Zhan's aunt confirmed it, I still can't believe it. How could such a handsome man be a driver? Did you see his skin? He's too... fresh."

He Peng licked his lips and nodded. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. To be honest, I feel like I've seen him before, or someone who looks like him."

Zan Jin, growing irritated, said, "You're all overthinking it."

Xin laughed. "But seriously, the guy is handsome. He'd stand out anywhere. I bet Zhan hasn't even taken a proper look at him, with all his pride."

Zan Jin chuckled. "What good are looks without money? He's just a driver. You all act like being handsome is everything. Zhan probably doesn't respect him because he's younger. We're nearly 23, and you saw how he didn't even react to our teasing. He's probably some bastard kid wandering around until he found this job."

Xin burst into laughter, but He Peng stayed silent. Zan Jin noticed and asked, "Why so quiet?"

He Peng replied, "I just don't feel comfortable believing he's just a driver. He might be on a mission. Even his clothes weren't ordinary."

Zan Jin and Xin both burst out laughing. Zan Jin said, "Come on, nobody would spend a year in someone's house on a mission. This isn't a movie. If he had a mission, it would've been over by now. He's just a prideful poor guy who thinks his looks make him special."

Xin agreed. "Yeah, makes sense." Standing up, he added, "I'm going to shower and call my girl. I don't care about some driver."

He Peng asked, "When are we going back to Zhan's place? You know we got his hopes up."

Zan Jin replied, "Let's leave it until the day after tomorrow. We're going to the park tomorrow, remember?"

He Peng nodded. "Yeah, you're right."

The next morning, Zhan got ready for school, holding the new key. After spraying himself with several perfumes, he stepped out of his room.

Yi Bo, hearing the door open, quickly hid his phone behind the sofa where he was sitting. Zhan ignored him and headed straight for the door. Yi Bo watched, wondering if Zhan planned to jump the gate again. He hadn't seen him since the day before, when he opened the gate for Aunt Bing.

Yi Bo stood and followed him to the door, watching as Zhan pulled out a key from his bag and unlocked the gate. Shocked, Yi Bo called out, "Zhan!"

Zhan, already outside, turned and snapped, "Because you're uneducated and don't know the value of schooling, you think you can stop me from going to school? You're wrong. You don't have the power to stop me, and no one ever will."

With that, he left the house. Yi Bo, stunned, checked his own pocket for the key-it was still there. Where had Zhan gotten a spare? Bewildered, he didn't follow him and returned inside, deep in thought.


Zan Jin and the others were surprised to see Zhan at school, though Zhan sat in class feeling down. Since his arrival at the university, everyone had been staring at him, whispering. He was that guy from the viral video. As he made his way to the lecture hall, all eyes followed him. Zhan hadn't been too concerned about the video before, but now it hit him just how far it had spread. In class, people stole glances and whispered, and students from other departments snuck in just to get a look at him. He regretted coming to school today.

Eventually, He Peng and the others had to take him back to their hostel. Zhan sat on the edge of the bed, tears welling in his eyes. Zan Jin said, "Come on, what's there to cry about? This isn't the first scandal, and it won't be the last. Anyone bold enough to confront us will regret it. You didn't even tell us you were coming to school today. I would've stopped you-people have been gossiping all day, waiting for you to show up. I've never seen nosier people than the ones here. It's been nearly a week, and they're still acting like it just happened."

Zhan buried his face in his knees, sobbing softly. "I should've stayed home," he said. He Peng chimed in, "You're really gonna let people's talk ruin your life? Let them stare until they get bored. By the way, where's that cocky driver of yours?"

Wiping his tears, Zhan replied softly, "What does he have to do with me?" He Peng said, "Nothing, really. I just don't know how you manage to live with him. If it were me, I'd have packed my stuff and left. The worst your dad could do is make a fuss and move on."

Zhan looked at him and said, "My dad said he'd disown me if I tried anything like that." Then he burst into heavier sobs. He Peng said, "No need to cry. You need to find a way out." Zhan pleaded, "Please, you guys should move in with me."

Xin replied, "We already planned on coming tomorrow." Zhan said, "Since I came out today, please pack your things, and let's go now. That house is nothing but a living hell for me." He Peng glanced at Zan Jin, who was busy with his phone. "What do you think, Zan Jin?"

Zan Jin shrugged and said, "Whatever you guys decide." He Peng then said, "Alright, let's pack, even if it's just five sets of clothes each, and move in together." Zhan smiled, feeling a bit of relief, and said, "Thank you. I'm really happy." Xin added, "What are friends for? That's why we're here."

In a lowered voice, Zhan asked He Peng, "What about Leo?" He Peng sighed, "He's been off social media since the incident. To be honest, I chatted with one of his friends three days ago, and he told me Leo isn't doing well."

Zhan's eyes filled with worry. "Really?" he asked. He Peng said, "Hold on, let me show you the chat." He pulled out his phone and handed it to Zhan, showing a conversation where Leo's friend explained how Leo had isolated himself after everything that happened. He wasn't just avoiding social media, but also distancing himself from his friends. The friend mentioned how much Leo had trusted Zhan, expecting to marry him, despite all the attractive girls around him.

Zhan buried his face in his knees again, crying harder. "I don't know who did this to me, I don't know who ruined my happiness," he sobbed. Zan Jin sighed and said, "Zhan, I want to find out who did this more than you do. But it's all so confusing. I can't believe it's you in that video. You don't even wear boxers like we do, and we're always at parties together. I don't recall you ever going to one alone. Someone who knows you very well did this. I wish your dad would set aside his anger and push for a serious investigation."

Xin sighed and added, "I've learned my lesson. From now on, I won't even sit outside in my boxers and singlet. I've imagined myself in Zhan's shoes so many times, and luckily, they didn't fit. If it had been me, my family would've killed me."

He Peng scoffed and said, "Whoever did this will eventually expose themselves." Zhan wiped his persistent tears and said, "Please, He Peng, try calling Leo. See if he'll pick up." He Peng said, "Alright, I'll give it a shot." He scrolled through his contacts and dialed Leo's number.

It started ringing, and Zhan's heart pounded as he stared at the phone. The others watched in silence. Then, suddenly, Leo picked up. Zhan's heart almost stopped. He Peng said, "Hey, Leo, what's up?" On the other side, Leo's cool voice responded, "I'm fine, He. How about you?" He Peng replied, "I'm good. How's everything over there?"

There was silence on the other end. He Peng asked, "Leo, are you still there?" Leo then lowered his voice and said, "You saw how your friend played with my heart, right?"

Zhan turned away, tears streaming down his cheeks. He Peng sighed and said, "Calm down, Leo. This is all a setup, nothing more. You know Zhan better than anyone, and those of us who are with him every day can vouch for him. I swear, he's never been in just his boxers or anything like that around us. The whole thing is confusing. Maybe someone did this to split you two up, especially since they knew you were planning to ask for his hand in marriage."

Leo's voice was heavy. "But I warned him so many times, He. I told him to stop going to those parties, but he didn't listen. And now look what's happened."

He Peng pushed back, "Who said it happened at a party? Someone could've set him up anywhere, even at home. Just don't let your enemies win, Leo."

Leo let out a long sigh. "I'm heartbroken, He."

He Peng responded, "So is he."

Leo asked, "Where is he now?"

He Peng glanced at Zhan and smiled a little. "We came to his place because of how bad things have gotten. That's why I decided to call you." There was a pause on the other end. He Peng then said, "Do you want to talk to him?"

Leo was silent for a while before He Peng added, "Please, don't wait until it's too late. He's really unwell."

After a long pause, Leo finally replied, "Okay, give him the phone."

He Peng smiled. "Good man." He handed the phone to Zhan, who hesitated. With a little encouragement, Zhan took it and, in a soft voice, said, "Hello."

Leo's voice was quieter now. "Now do you understand why I tried to keep you away from those parties?"

Zhan couldn't find the words. He wiped his tears as Leo asked, "Why, Zhan? Why did this have to happen?"

In a shaky voice, Zhan replied, "I don't know how it happened. Please, forgive me."

Leo's tone hardened. "Forgive you? How am I supposed to explain this to my family? My sisters have all seen that video, even my mother."

Zhan remained silent as Leo continued, "How are we supposed to fix this?"

Zhan whispered, "My father already made me sign marriage papers. He's definitely arranging my marriage with someone else."

Leo was taken aback. "What do you mean, Zhan? Are you saying he's already married you off?"

Zhan, his voice trembling, replied, "Yes, he has."

Leo was incredulous. "Are you telling me you're married? Married to that driver from your house?"

Zhan shook his head quickly, even though Leo couldn't see him. "No, it's just my father saying that. I don't believe we are married though I signed some papers but I never saw Lee sign anything. I never saw the papers."

Leo's voice grew more determined. "That's impossible. Not while I'm alive. I've kept away from everything for days, but I know I'll always come back to you. My parents won't stop me from marrying you because they know how much I love you. Even if your video went viral, I still love you, Zhan. I always will."

Zhan lowered his head, unable to speak. Leo added, "Take care of yourself, Zhan. Don't break my heart again. By the way, how can I reach you? I tried your number two days ago, but it was off."

Zhan replied softly, "I'll give you my new number when I get home."

Leo said, "I'll be waiting."

They ended the call. He Peng retrieved his phone, saying, "That went better than I thought." Zhan managed a faint smile. Zan Jin, still busy with his phone, commented, "Looks like Leo's not giving up. Now it's on you to figure out how to get away from that driver. No matter what happens, just make sure he lets you go, because Leo is ready to marry you."

Zhan looked at him, puzzled. "Let me go? He doesn't have to let me go, we're not married. We're just living in the same house because of my father's orders. I belong to Leo, and that's all that matters."

Xin chimed in, "Exactly. This so-called marriage with the driver feels like a joke. Even I don't see him as your husband. Maybe your father's just messing with you, but how could he even think of marrying you off to a driver?"

Zhan, growing anxious, said, "Let's just get out of here. I need to leave."

Zan Jin said, "Let me freshen up first." Xin stood up, gathering his things, and said, "I'll grab my stuff." He left the room, leaving Zhan and Zan Jin alone. Zan Jin leaned closer and said quietly, "Can I give you some advice? Don't let them come with you. It's better if you leave alone, and I'll meet you at your house later. Trust me, you don't want to bring them along right now."

Zhan looked at him, confused. "Why not?"

Zan Jin shrugged. "Just trust me. I was the first person you knew before you met them. Tell them you're heading back to your father's place, and I'll come by later."

Zhan nodded slowly. "Okay, I understand." Zan Jin got up and left the room.

Meanwhile, at Yi Bo's house, there was a knock at the gate. Yi Bo opened it, greeted by Zhuo, who smiled as he stepped inside. Yi Bo closed the gate behind them, and they walked to the living room together. Zhuo casually mentioned, "I'm heading back to the project site tomorrow, so I figured I'd stop by." Yi Bo smiled but said nothing.

As Zhuo glanced around the room, he asked, "Where's Zhan?" Yi Bo didn't respond and went to the kitchen to fetch some water. Left alone, Zhuo sat down, picking up a throw pillow from the couch. He noticed an iPhone on the seat and, assuming it belonged to Zhan, began playing with it. He pressed the power button, and the screen lit up, showing a photo of two identical babies, just a few months old, as the wallpaper. What caught his attention was that the twins resembled Lee.

Yi Bo returned with a bottle of water and a cup, only to freeze when he saw Zhuo holding the phone, staring at him....

Less boring I think🤔, the next chapter will come in 5_6 hours... Here in my country is midnight so at at least in few hours 😄please enjoy 🌷🌻

🐰🐇🐰Happy birthday Xiao Zhan... 🥳🥳🥳🎂🎂🎂🥂🍹🍷🎉🎊🎉🎁🎁🎁 "Wishing you a birthday as bright and beautiful as you are!"

Zhanxianyibo ❤️💚💛