Chapter 38

Aunty Bing entered the room where Zhang had been for almost ten minutes without coming out, specifically in Zhan's room. She found him rummaging through the room, and as soon as Zhang saw Aunty Bing enter, he stopped what he was doing and sat on the edge of the bed. Surprised, Aunty Bing asked, "What have you been looking for in here for so long?"

Zhang didn't respond, and Aunty Bing pursed her lips and said, "Look, if you're going to school with this kind of attitude, without relaxing and getting back to your usual self, I guarantee you're going to face problems this time. Yes, we all know he's your cousin and it's difficult, but do you want to jeopardize your own future over this? Will stressing over him bring Zhan back? He's living in some village with his husband."

Still, Zhang didn't respond or even look at her. Aunty Bing, growing more frustrated, sat down beside him on the bed and said, "Didn't you have the driver's number a while back? You should call him to find out if they're still in that village or if they've gone to his mother's hometown as he mentioned."

Zhang remained silent, not meeting her gaze. Aunty Bing insisted, "I'm talking to you, Zhang! Why are you ignoring me?"

Zhang finally looked up at her and said, "I don't have his number."

Aunty Bing frowned and said, "Well, Zhuo probably has it, since he's always poking his nose in. Call him and ask right now."

Zhang reluctantly picked up his phone and dialed Zhuo's number, putting the call on speaker. When Zhuo answered, after the greetings, Zhang asked, "Do you have Zhan's driver's number?"

Zhuo, sounding a bit taken aback, asked, "Who's asking for it?" Despite Aunty Bing gesturing to him not to mention her, Zhang ignored her and said, "Mom."

Zhuo replied, "No, I don't have it. Maybe later." Zhang responded, "Alright, later," and ended the call.

Aunty Bing, now clearly annoyed, scolded him, "Why did you tell him I'm the one asking?"

Zhang sighed and replied, "I asked him for it the other day, and he said he didn't have it. I called again just for you to make sure, but I knew he didn't have it."

Aunty Bing calmed down a bit and said, "Alright then. I just wanted to know which village they're in. If it comes down to it, maybe we'll visit before you head back to school."

With that, she stood up and left the room. Zhang got up and resumed looking through the papers he had been searching for.


On Saturday afternoon, YiBo was sitting in his mother's living room when he received a call from Zhuo. He had completely forgotten about the conversation they had a few days earlier, where Zhuo mentioned he'd be visiting Qibao. He glanced at his mother, who was sitting in the living room as well, and ignored the call until it ended. Zhuo called again, prompting YiBo to get up, say, "Mom, I'll be back later," and leave the house entirely before returning the call.

When Zhuo answered, they exchanged greetings, and Zhuo informed him that he was heading to Qibao from Jinan. YiBo responded, "Okay, but just so you know, we're at my mom's sister's place to visit her."

Zhuo asked, "Where is that?"

YiBo replied, "In Shanghai."

Zhuo said, "Alright, no problem. Our cousin Hang is also in Shanghai, so he can meet up with you there."

YiBo paused for a moment, then quickly said, "Sure, let him come by."

Zhuo said, "I'll send you his number now in case he wants to call you."

YiBo replied, "No problem." They ended the call just as YiBo noticed Xia standing nearby, listening to his conversation. He frowned and snapped, "Why are you eavesdropping on me?"

Xia, holding her laptop, didn't respond and simply walked away, pouting. YiBo glared after her.

Later that evening, YiBo was about to head out when he received a call from the number Zhuo had sent earlier, Hang's number. He hesitated for a moment, staring at the phone before finally answering. After exchanging greetings, Hang asked, "What part of Shanghai are you in?"

YiBo widened his eyes slightly and then quickly said, "Let me ask my aunt."

Hang replied, "Alright, I'll wait."

After ending the call, YiBo prepared to leave, and as he entered his mother's part of the house, he called Hang back. When Hang answered, YiBo said, "She says we're in Tongli."

Hang responded, "Okay, that's quite a distance from me, but I'll give you a call once I'm ready to head your way."

YiBo released a quiet sigh of relief and said, "Alright, I'll be waiting."

Hang added, "I'd like to talk with Zhan please can you hand the phone to him?."

YiBo replied, "I'm outside right now, but when I get home, I'll call you."

Hang said, "Alright," and they ended the call. YiBo's mother, who had just entered the living room, asked, "Who's in Tongli?"

He casually answered, "Some people."

She nodded and then sat down slowly on the couch, saying, "There's something that's been weighing on my mind, Ai Bo."

YiBo looked at her and said, "What is it, Mom?"

In a lowered voice, she said, "It's time for you to settle down, son. Almost two years have passed since your father first brought this up, and then your outcast interrupted things. My greatest wish now is to see you get married..."

YiBo sighed and said, "Mom, you know marriage is a matter of timing. When the time is right, it will happen..."

Aunty Bella shook her head. "I'm not talking about settling down just because I want you to marry Nia. No, son, if there's someone else you love, that's fine. Present her to us, and we'll accept her as long as she's well-mannered. I can never force you into marriage. Don't think I'm pushing Nia on you just because she's the daughter of my friend. No, if there's someone else, go ahead and propose to her. Just make sure she's from a good family, with good values. You know how your father is."

YiBo smiled. "Mom, it wasn't even you who introduced us. I met Nia abroad without knowing she was your friend's daughter. We didn't get to know each other because of you or her mom; it just happened by chance."

His mom nodded. "That's true, but you know people are watching. They think we're forcing her on you. Her mom even prefers that Nia gets married in the U.S. since their family is mostly there, and that's where she grew up."

YiBo said, "As soon as I get back from this business trip, I'll talk to Dad about it. I want to settle down too."

His Mom asked, "How long will you be away?"

"It depends, but I won't stay longer than a month. I'll be returning to China every weekend," YiBo replied.

Surprised, she asked, "Every weekend? Why? You should stay and finish your work."

YiBo shook his head. "I don't want to be away for a whole month. I'll come back every weekend."

"Alright, but did you tell your Dad?" she asked.

He shook his head. "He told me to do what suits me."

She smiled. "Well, I wish you success, son."

YiBo added, "And one more thing, Mom. Can you get my CVs and the assets he's holding for me?"

Lowering her voice, she said, "No, you should talk to him about that when you return. And even then, maybe don't bring it up right away. Just observe him first."

YiBo insisted, "No, I'll ask him, Mom." And he added "Mom... He hesitate, ever since I come back I didn't see the twins" he stared at her face, she smile "oh! You know your father maybe he still hasn't forgave you, because he took them away God's know where 4 days ago. But don't worry they're perfectly fine ".

She went quiet, and as he stood up, she said, "Alright then, son." With that, YiBo said goodbye and left the living room.

After leaving, YiBo headed to Aunty Bella's house. He went upstairs since no one was in the downstairs living room. Aunty Bella emerged from her bedroom, sat in the living room, and he greeted her. "How's Lily Jie?" she asked.

"She's fine," YiBo answered.

"That's good. So, how are things going?" she asked.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, Aunty," he replied.

"When will you be back?" she asked.

"I'll finish everything in about a month," YiBo said.

She sighed. "Well, you might not find me here when you return. What about his admission process?"

"They started processing it yesterday," he replied, then hesitated before adding softly, "But, Aunty, what should I do about Mom? You know how she can be, and I don't want her to be angry with me over this."

Aunty Bella thought for a moment and said, "I'll think about it, I Bo. We'll figure something out. I'm still trying to figure out the best approach. If I were staying here, I'd make sure everything was in order."

YiBo didn't say anything more, but he was lost in thought, wondering how his mom could be convinced. He didn't want Zhan to stay in a hostel, no matter what. After a brief silence, he bid Aunty Bella goodbye, saying he was going to visit Nia's house.

On his way downstairs, he saw Zhan in the living room with Aunty Bella's maid, who was chatting away. Zhan sat silently, resting his chin on his hand, clearly bored of the maid's story. He hadn't understood a word of her long-winded tale, which had started while they were in the kitchen cooking. It made him think of their maid back home, Lian, who he used to avoid talking to, thinking she's the lowly person.

Now, for the first time, he felt guilty about how he had treated her back then. Here he was, living off someone else's kindness, just like he had criticized her for doing.

YiBo came down, fiddling with his phone, and dialed Hang's number. As soon as it started ringing, he handed the phone to Zhan. The maid quickly greeted YiBo and hurried out of the living room. Zhan took the phone without looking at YiBo, staring instead at the screen, unsure whose number it was. When he recognized the voice on the other end, he said softly, "Hang ge."

"How are you, Zhan?" Hang asked.

"I'm fine, how are you?" Zhan replied quietly.

"I hope everything's going well. No problems?" Hang inquired.

Lowering his head, Zhan said, "No, everything's fine."

"Are you still using your bank account?" Hang asked.

"I don't have an ATM card," Zhan replied.

"Then ask your husband to take to the bank so you can get one. I'll transfer some money to you now... Dad asked me to give it to you."

Zhan, his voice still soft, said, "Thank you, Hang ge. Please thank Uncle for me too."

After ending the call, tears welled up in Zhan's eyes. He slumped against the couch, letting the tears fall. He didn't want to feel resentment towards his family, especially not because of Aunty Bing, because he loved them all. They had never shown him anything but kindness; it was only him who had been disrespectful.

YiBo stood nearby, watching him, waiting for him to return the phone. After a few minutes, Zhan wiped his eyes and handed the phone back to YiBo without looking at him. YiBo just stared at him. Seeing that YiBo wasn't taking the phone, Zhan was about to placed it on the couch, when YiBo said, "Hey."

Only then did Zhan look at him, his face expressionless. "Were you going to leave the phone on the couch if I didn't take it back from you?" YiBo asked.

Zhan said nothing. YiBo picked up the phone, and Zhan stood up and left the room. YiBo watched him walk away, then left the house.


The next day, YiBo left China for Korea in the morning.

On Tuesday, Lily called Aunty Bella. After they exchanged greetings, Lily asked, "Bella, did the guest leave?"

Aunty Bella replied, "Yes, he left yesterday."

Lily said, "That's good. I just hope he stayed at his own place. That boy shouldn't be seen with YiBo, let alone brought here."

Aunty Bella, listening, asked, "Why, sis?"

Lily responded, "Why? You know exactly why. But honestly, Bella, even if his family is grateful, it's not proper for him to be seen around YiBo."

Aunty Bella said, "You're right. Still, his family has been very appreciative."

Lily then asked, "So, is he staying at a hostel now?"

Aunty Bella answered, "I'm not sure."

Lily continued, "Well, if he doesn't have family in Shanghai, the hostel is his only option."

Aunty Bella agreed, "Yes, that's true." After a few more words, they ended the call. Aunty Bella started thinking about how she could convince her sister.


Since YiBo left for Korea, every time his mom visited Aunty Bella's house, Zhan would stay in the room until she left. When Aunty Bella visited Lily, she would go alone with Owen, leaving Zhan and the maid at home. It was a change from how things used to be, when even the maid accompanied her. During these days, her husband informed her that they would be returning to the country in five days, leaving her wondering how to break the news about Zhan to her sister.

On Friday, Aunty Bella got ready and headed to YiBo's house. After greeting Lily in her bedroom, it took her about five minutes to gather the courage to speak.

"Lily Jie, I have something to discuss with you," she began.

"I'm listening," YiBo's mom said.

Aunty Bella hesitated before saying, "The boy's parents called yesterday. They're asking if he can stay with us since they don't want him in a hostel. And I believe lectures will start in two weeks."

YiBo's mom stared at Aunty Bella and asked, "So? You're leaving the country in five days, and even if you weren't, how could you possibly take responsibility for this boy? You should've told his parents you're leaving."

Aunty Bella tried to explain, "But sister, you're not one to forget kindness, no matter how small. His parents let YiBo stay at their house for a whole year. You wouldn't speak like this if you remembered that."

Lily sighed and said, "What do you want me to do, Bella? I can't allow the boy to stay here. The house is already full of problems, and adding him to the mix will only bring more complications, especially if YiBo's dad finds out. Do you realize what that could mean? And who even brought him here in the first place?"

Aunty Bella, trying to reason, replied, "Sister, you're always so worried about the troublemakers in this house. Is it Yu or Fang that you're afraid of? You've been too cautious your whole life, always avoiding conflict, but where has that gotten you? It's time to stand up for yourself."

Aunty Bella snapped, "Stand up sister, Look at the mess they created for your son! They drove him out of this house, and you just stood by without defending him. You wouldn't even let me speak up. What kind of life is this, Sister?"

Aunty Bella spoke softly, "We're not ungrateful. We don't forget favors, no matter how small. That boy has nowhere else to stay, and since his parents trust us, we should take him in. If Zhan's parents hadn't taken care of YiBo when he needed it, do you think he would be where he is today?"

Lily sighed deeply and said nothing. Aunty Bella continued, "You've seen how they snatched everything from him. His house, his papers, his job, all gone for something he didn't even do. They forced him to leave his home, and yet you stood by and did nothing. He could have ended up anywhere, but because of his stay with Zhan's family, he's still standing strong. Do you think that's not worth acknowledging?"

"And Yu and Fang, ever since their marriage failed twenty years ago, they want yours to failed too, they've been filling this house with their children, treating them better than your own. But you've done nothing. Sister, enough is enough. You need to take control of your life. It's time to stop being afraid."

"As for Zhan, if anyone says YiBo brought him here, tell them it's a lie. He doesn't even know YiBo. He's staying here because we've always been kind and helpful to others. And as for them seeing him or mistreating him, how will they even see him? He'll be in this part of yours, in the guest room, going to school during the day and returning in the evening. How will they ever see him?"

"When I come back from my trip, he'll stay with me until I leave again. Isn't that enough?"

Lily listened in silence, her face unreadable. Just then, a knock came from the living room, and both women looked up...

Short chapter, please manage 😜 And dear invisibles reader's if there's any, I will coaze myself and continue updating this story to the end... But this is the last book I will update in this App, because I don't think anyone is reading it. No comments, no votes just nothing, are you kidding me?
