Chapter 40

Aunty Bing said, "Oh mother, they're with his husband family in his hometown." Zhan's grandmother, startled, replied, "His husband hometown? Where is that supposed to be? That driver is a foreigner, his only home is America. This American took my grandson away and you all stood by without stopping him? How are we even going to find them now?"

Aunty Bing quickly responded, "No, mother, he took him to his village." Zhan's grandmother's mouth dropped open. After a pause, she said, "You let him take him there? Any child from Beijing won't survive at such a place. And who among you followed them?"

Aunty Bing tried to reassure her. "Oh, mother, they've gone and returned more times than you can count. Zhan is doing better than you think."

Zhan's grandmother retorted, "And I'm supposed to just accept that? Get out of my way, I didn't come to see you, Bing. Xiao Zhen, I came to talk to you, not her."

Paa calmly replied, "Well, what do you want me to say, mother? Should I go searching for someone who's now under the care of his husband? I handed him over to Lee, and their relationship is now more important than ours. So wherever Lee takes him, that's their business. It's none of mine, and certainly none of yours."

Zhan's grandmother was shocked, staring at him. "Are you not feeling well today? Did you just say it's none of our business, Zhen?"

He nodded. "Am I supposed to stop Lee from taking his husband Zhan?"

Aunty Bing, smiling, added, "Come on, mother. You can see Zhan when they return to their house. Just last week, he and Lee came by to say goodbye before heading to the village to visit Lee's mother. You just didn't get the chance to see them."

Zhan's grandmother sighed. "So, what are you all trying to say? Am I no longer important? Ever since Zhan got married, neither he nor his husband has bothered to visit me. Even though I was just in Wuhan recently!"

Aunty Bing chuckled softly. "Oh, mother, you weren't even around when they came by. Ask the rest of the family, maybe they forgot to mention it to you when you returned."

Zhan's grandmother waved her hand dismissively. "Zhen, come with me. We need to talk privately." With that, she turned and headed for the door, muttering, "I can't have a proper conversation with this chatterbox around." Paa stood up and followed her out, while Aunty Bing rolled her eyes and sighed in frustration.


On Thursday, Aunty Bella started preparing to leave China with her maid and two daughters, who were attending boarding school in Shanghai. Zhan began feeling down, as Aunty Bella's presence had given him strength, helping him move forward in life and forget his worries. Now, with her departure, he felt lost.

Noticing Zhan's change in mood, Aunty Bella felt sorry for him. She wished she could do something to help, even take him with her. That night, as she finished packing downstairs for her Saturday departure, she decided to check on Zhan. Entering his room, she found him sitting on the floor, head buried in his knees. When Zhan heard the door open, he looked up.

Seeing the tears in his eyes, Aunty Bella asked, "What are you crying about now, Zhan?" New tears welled up in his eyes as he struggled to speak.

"Talk to me, why are you crying?" she urged.

In a shaky voice, Zhan finally said, "Aunty, you're leaving me... when you go, I'll have no one here," and with that, he broke into sobs.

Aunty Bella's heart softened. She lifted him gently and sat beside him on the bed. "You'll be starting school soon, Zhan, and you'll be staying with my sister. She's very kind, and you'll like her. Plus, YiBo is always there for you."

Zhan continued to cry, knowing that once Aunty Bella left, he might fall back into his old ways. He didn't want to stay at YiBo's family house; it felt wrong, and he doubted he could cope there. Seeing his distress, Aunty Bella pulled him into a hug, her voice filled with compassion. "I'm so sorry, Zhan. I don't want to see you like this. I wish I could stay with you too, but I just can't. Even though I won't be here, you won't lack anything, I promise."

Zhan nodded slightly, tears still streaming down his face. Aunty Bella gently said, "Go wash your face and come to bed."

He stood up slowly and went to the bathroom, wiping his tears and washing his face. When he returned, he climbed into bed, though more tears continued to fall. Aunty Bella sighed, feeling heavy-hearted, and quietly left the room. She knew that without YiBo around, Zhan might struggle in that house. She understood Sister's reasons for not wanting to take him in, but the lack of better options had forced Aunty Bella to push aside all those concerns.


The next day, Friday, Aunty Bella was in her room when she dialed YiBo's number. He answered after the first ring, and after greeting each other, she asked, "Won't you be back this weekend?"

He replied, "I'm at the airport right now. I'll be back today."

Aunty Bella said, "When you land, make sure you stop by my house first."

"Is everything okay?" YiBo asked.

"Yes," she replied. "When were you leaving Aunt?"


"Alright, see you when you arrive," she said before they ended the call. Aunty Bella stayed upstairs, unable to face Zhan as she dreaded seeing him cry.

Around two o'clock, Emily came into her room and asked, "Mumy, why has your visitor been crying all morning?"

Aunty Bella looked at her and replied, "Go mind your own business, please, dear."

Emily widened her eyes and said, "I was only trying to show concern."

"Just go and call him for me," Aunty Bella said.

Emily left, and after a while, Zhan came into the living room, walking slowly, avoiding eye contact as he sat on the floor. Aunty Bella looked at his swollen eyes, sighed deeply, and asked quietly, "You don't want to stay at my sister's house, Zhan?"

Zhan just shook his head without saying a word. Aunty Bella continued, "Then tell me where you'd like to stay."

In a soft voice, Zhan, playing with the edge of his shirt, said, "I don't have anywhere to stay."

Aunty Bella remained silent, watching him with pity. A child so young being forced out of his home... why? If not for YiBo bringing him, where would he have gone? He would have been left to fend for himself, as it seems his mother's family is no longer around. How can his aunt, who cast him out for her own selfish reasons, be at peace with herself? What a cruel world. After a few moments, Aunty Bella said, "Go and get some food to eat." Zhan stood up quietly and left the room.

At nearly four o'clock, YiBo arrived at the house and found Aunty Bella sitting in the living room. After greeting him and exchanging pleasantries, she asked, "How was your trip?"

"All good," he replied, watching her, waiting to hear why she had called him. Aunty Bella sighed deeply and said, "I Bo, I'm really worried about Zhan. He's been crying for two days now, and I feel so sorry for him. He's too young to be going through all of this. He needs motherly care and love. I just don't know what to do..."

YiBo looked at her thoughtfully and then asked, "Aren't you leaving him at my mom's place?"

Aunty Bella shook her head. "You know that your mother and I are different in many ways. I've managed to make him open up to me, and he's become comfortable with me. Your mother won't be able to do the same. Her nature wouldn't allow it. At most, she'd tell him to 'endure' whatever troubles him, but who will he confide in, even with your family, I Bo?"

YiBo listened quietly before asking, "So what do you suggest, Aunty?"

Aunty Bella replied, "I'm thinking of talking to Emily's father so we can take Zhan with us when we leave."

YiBo was silent for a moment, then said, "Aunty, what about his schooling?"

Aunty Bella sighed and said, "We'll find him a school where we're going."

YiBo lowered his voice and said, "But I've already paid all the fees, and I've spent a lot of money. I can't go through the process of getting a refund."

Aunty Bella stayed silent, looking at him, and then YiBo, in a calm tone, said, "Don't worry, Aunty. He won't be as uncomfortable as you think. Ru is at the house, and I know she won't let anyone mistreat him. Plus, I'll finish my business next week and return to China for good."

Aunty Bella still couldn't respond, but deep down, she was full of sympathy for Zhan. She wished YiBo would let her take him with them. YiBo, watching her, hoped she was convinced. Finally, she said, "Alright then. It's fine. You can go home. We'll meet at the airport tomorrow morning."

"Okay," YiBo said, getting up to leave, but before he went, Aunty Bella added, "One last thing: I'm going to give him a phone. Don't take it away from him. Just keep an eye on who he's communicating with."

YiBo stayed silent, watching her. She continued, "And I've already given Ryan his contact number, which I'll save in the phone."

"Did you hear what I said?" she asked.

"Yes, I heard," YiBo replied.

"Alright, see you later," she said, and YiBo turned and left the room.

YiBo came downstairs and, upon seeing Emily in the living room, asked, "Where's Moon?"

"She's sleeping upstairs," Emily replied.

"Okay, how are the travel preparations?" YiBo asked.

"We finished yesterday," she answered.

"Good," YiBo said, standing in the living room for about five minutes before heading out to the compound. He left his car there since a friend nearby was picking him up to go somewhere together.


The next morning, YiBo headed to the airport with his mom, Ru, and Tin. Aunty Bella took her own car, along with her three children, her housekeeper, and Zhan. When she saw YiBo's car at her house, she informed him that she'd drive to the airport herself, and he could take his car back after dropping them off.

Tin will drove Lily and the others home. Throughout the journey, Zhan couldn't stop crying. He felt as if everything was over for him—as though he was being sent away from home for the second time. He felt insecure without Aunty Bella and was terrified he'd have no one to confide in anymore.

When Aunty Bella arrived at the airport and parked the car, she noticed that Zhan had stopped listening to her soothing words, his sobbing drowning out her voice. She called YiBo to check on his location, and he informed her that they were almost there. As YiBo arrived at the airport with the escort, Aunty Bella smiled, knowing how much YiBo hated having an escort. But since it was his mom's, he had no choice unless she decided she didn't need them, which only happened when the trip wasn't far.

The parking was arranged quickly. A few minutes later, YiBo's mom and Ru got out of the car. Aunty Bella also got out to greet her sister, and her children followed suit. Tin hugged Aunty Bella tightly and said, "Oh, I feel like crying, Aunty. We're going to miss you so much."

Ru added tearfully, "Me too, Aunty!"

Their mom smiled and said, "Well, why don't you all just come along?"

Tin laughed, "We wish!"

Aunty Bella's housekeeper bow to greet YiBo's mom, who responded, "So Min, heading to UK, right?"

The housekeeper smiled, "We'll miss you."

"Safe journey," YiBo's mom replied.

Zhan, however, refused to get out of the car. His head buried in his knees, he continued to sob quietly. Aunty Bella didn't force him out... seeing him cry like that broke her heart. YiBo's mom asked, "Where's the boy?"

Aunty Bella smiled weakly, "He's crying in the car. That's why I didn't make him get out."

"Crying? Over what?" YiBo's mom asked, puzzled.

"It's all new to him," Aunty Bella replied.

Their luggage was quickly unloaded and taken into the airport. YiBo leaned against the car, arms crossed, occasionally glancing at Aunty Bella's vehicle. Just before they entered the airport for the final farewell with Lily and the others, Aunty Bella returned to the car, opened the back seat, and gently placed her hand on Zhan's shoulder. "Be a good boy, dear. We'll stay in touch, and you can tell me anything that bothers you. Don't keep things to yourself. Also, please answer calls from the man whose number I gave you. He's a good guy, and I'm sure you'll enjoy talking to him."

Zhan couldn't say anything, his sobs continuing. With a heavy heart, Aunty Bella turned away and walked back to the others. YiBo, who had been watching the whole time, took the car keys from her. "Safe flight, Aunty," he said. She nodded and headed into the airport, waving goodbye to Lily and the others. YiBo handed Tin the keys to his mom's car, which he had been holding.

"Till we meet again at home, big brother," Tin said with a smile.

YiBo got into Aunty Bella's car, started the engine, and drove out of the airport before Tin. Zhan still hadn't stopped crying, and YiBo hadn't said a word to him. When they arrived at Aunty Bella's house, the gate was opened, and YiBo parked the car in the designated spot. Zhan kept his head down, refusing to move.

YiBo got out of the car and leaned against it. After a few minutes, realizing that Zhan wasn't going to get out, he opened the door for him. Zhan slowly stepped out, dragging his feet, trying to suppress his sobs. As he moved away from the car, YiBo gently pulled him closer, and that was all it took for Zhan to break down completely. He buried his face in YiBo's chest, crying even harder. YiBo held him tightly, whispering softly, "It's okay, let it all out."

He didn't stop Zhan from crying, allowing him to release all his pain. When Zhan finally quieted down, breathing heavily, he stayed close, inhaling YiBo's comforting scent and listening to his steady heartbeat.

YiBo gently lifted Zhan's face with one hand, the other resting on Zhan's waist. Their eyes locked. Zhan, exhausted from crying, could only look at YiBo through his heavy eyelids. His eyes stung from all the tears, and sleep was tugging at him.

YiBo pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped Zhan's tear-streaked face, whispering, "It's okay, please don't cry anymore." Their faces were so close that they could feel each other's breath.

At that moment, YiBo couldn't hold back his desires anymore. Having Zhan's face so close stirred everything he had been suppressing. Zhan, with his heavy-lidded, tired eyes, just stared back at him.


YiBo muttered under his breath before leaning in to capture Zhan's lips, kissing him slowly. When he felt Zhan kissing him back, he couldn't help but deepen the kiss, releasing all the emotions they had both been holding Back. Nibbling, sucking hard and slow, changing positions again and again, and again....

One minute, two minutes, three… They finally pulled apart, gasping for air, their eyes locked on each other's faces, feeling each other's racing hearts. For a moment, they just stood there, until Zhan's body gave way, and he sagged against YiBo.

YiBo quickly caught him, holding him close to prevent him from falling. He could feel Zhan's calm breathing. Suddenly, as if startled, Zhan pulled away, and YiBo immediately let him go. Zhan stepped back, rubbing his eyes, while YiBo composed himself, keeping a straight face.

Zhan was incredibly sleepy, as he hadn't gotten a good night's rest.

YiBo took out his car keys, unlocked the door, and got in, warming up the engine. Zhan watched him and said, "My stuff." YiBo glanced at him briefly before Zhan went over to Aunty Bella's car, unlocked the trunk, and pulled out two bags: one filled with clothes Aunty Bella had given him, and the other containing things YiBo had bought for him. Zhan loaded the bags into YiBo's trunk, locked it, then got into the back seat. Once YiBo finished warming up the car, they left the house.

Zhan inhaled the scent of his clothes, taking in the fragrance. He relaxed in the back seat and soon dozed off. By the time they reached YiBo's house, Zhan was still sound asleep. After parking the car and shutting off the engine, YiBo got out, but Zhan didn't stir. YiBo opened the back door, patting the seat lightly, but Zhan remained asleep. It wasn't until YiBo gently shook him that Zhan woke with a start, looking around. The sight of the unfamiliar compound made him feel uneasy.

YiBo walked around, opened the trunk, and grabbed Zhan's bags. Zhan slowly climbed out of the car, glancing at the security guards by the gate. YiBo locked the car, holding both bags as he walked ahead, while Zhan dragged his feet behind him, looking a little pitiful.

They entered the house the same way they had on Zhan's first visit. Eventually, they reached the section where YiBo's mother stayed. YiBo placed Zhan's belongings in a guest room nearby. Zhan stood by the door while YiBo went into the living room. Zhan followed hesitantly.

Only Ru was sitting there; YiBo's mother was still in her bedroom. YiBo sat down on the couch, while Zhan stood awkwardly off to the side. It was obvious he wasn't happy to be there. YiBo frowned slightly and motioned for Zhan to sit down. Reluctantly, Zhan lowered his head and took a seat.

Ru looked over at him and said, "Hi." Zhan glanced up at her. With a smile, she said, "I'm Ru, and you?" Zhan kept watching her, noting how she pronounced each word. It was clear she wasn't fully Chinese. YiBo turned to look at Zhan, who had remained silent. Finally, Zhan smiled faintly and said, "I'm Zhan."

Ru's eyes widened with surprise. "Wow, that's a nice name! I have a friend with the same name."

YiBo interrupted, "Hey, take him to the guest room so he can sleep. He's tired."

Ru stood up. "Okay, let's go," she said. Zhan glanced at YiBo, then followed Ru to the guest room. The room was large, more like a master bedroom than a guest room. The furniture alone was impressive, and the attached bathroom was equally spacious. The room even had a TV. The bed was neatly made, with sheets so shiny it looked like someone was never lying in it. Ru said, "The room was prepared earlier, so you can rest here."

Zhan smiled slightly because her accent and how she pronounced certain letters amused him. "Thank you," he said, then lay down on the bed. Ru left the room, and before long, Zhan was fast asleep.

Hours later, Zhan slowly opened his eyes. He saw YiBo in the room, organizing his clothes in the wardrobe. Zhan watched him for a moment. YiBo had already sorted most of the clothes into one section. When YiBo reached for Zhan's innerwear, Zhan quickly got off the bed, pouting. "Leave those. I'll handle my own clothes," he said.

YiBo turned and gave him a brief look before putting the innerwear back into the bag and stepping aside, watching Zhan.

Zhan avoided YiBo's gaze and said bluntly, "I need space." YiBo looked him up and down, then quietly headed for the door. Zhan watched him leave, only relaxing once he was alone. He carefully separated his innerwear, then lay back down on the bed, lost in thoughts of his mother....
