Chapter 46

Zhan broke down in tears, panic setting in as he realized there was no sign of mercy in YiBo's demeanor. Pleadingly, he clasped his hands together and begged, "Please, forgive me. I know I'm not strong enough to fight you. I swear, I'll never do it again. I promise." YiBo didn't listen, instead shoving him back onto the bed. When Zhan saw YiBo begin to remove his shirt, he frantically circled the bed, pleading, "Please, forgive me! Oh no, what have I gotten into?"

Zhan's fear only heightened when YiBo removed both his shirt and vest. Without thinking, Zhan jumped off the bed, making another attempt to run to the bathroom. But YiBo grabbed him and threw him back on the bed, forcefully trying to pull off Zhan's nightshirt, which was already only paired with boxers. Wide-eyed with terror, Zhan let out a panicked scream, "Oh no, please stop!"

YiBo ignored him completely, yanking off the shirt and the boxer and tossing it aside, leaving Zhan naked. Horrified, Zhan grabbed the duvet, desperately trying to cover himself. YiBo watched him with a blank expression, then ripped the duvet away, throwing it aside and continuing to stare at him.

Zhan had never been so exposed in front of anyone before, and it left him utterly panicked. He curled up in a corner of the bed, trembling, knowing that YiBo's next move would strip him completely bare. In a last desperate act, Zhan wrapped his arms around YiBo tightly (like an octopus), sobbing, "Please, I beg you! I'm so ashamed, please stop!"

Though YiBo wasn't standing, his strength seemed to drain all of a sudden as he collapsed onto Zhan. Zhan didn't care about the weight, instead clinging to him, crying in sheer terror, determined not to let YiBo see his body. YiBo squeezed his eyes shut, feeling his mind spiraling as he gasped for air. Zhan suddenly felt the embrace shift into something more dangerous as YiBo began trying to trail him entirely.

Zhan's eyes widened in horror as he struggled to push YiBo off with every bit of strength he had, but YiBo refused to give him that chance. It was like a nightmare unfolding before Zhan's eyes. Desperate, he found his voice and screamed, shaking his head in fear. The pain and discomfort were overwhelming as he stammered, "Please! I... beg you, forgive... me for... everything I've ever done since we met. It was all my selfishness. Please don't hurt me. I'll never touch the phone again. I'll leave it to you..."

YiBo didn't even register Zhan's words, and nothing he said seemed to stop what was happening. The look in YiBo's eyes terrified was like nothing he had ever seen before. It wasn't the YiBo he knew. He wasn't even trying to be careful or gentle. He wasn't allowing Zhan to make the slightest move, fully exerting his physical power. YiBo only cared about fulfilling his own desires in that moment.

Gathering all his courage, Zhan managed to say, "I swear, I've never done this before! Please, YiBo, don't do this. I could die—I've never done this with anyone." For the first time, YiBo spoke, his voice harsh, "You've never done what?"

In complete distress, Zhan replied, "What you're about to do to me." In a tone Zhan had never heard from him, YiBo scoffed, "You're lying." Zhan fell silent, defeated, yet utterly shocked. He felt as though he could barely breathe from the terror. As YiBo try to insert his first finger, Zhan let out a cry of pain, struggling to catch his breath before he suddenly passed out.

YiBo stopped, freezing in place, realizing something was wrong. He moved away from Zhan, staring at him while breathing heavily. As a doctor, he should've known better, but in that moment, he was confused... not by Zhan fainting, but by the situation itself. He stared at Zhan for almost 30 seconds before getting up and heading to the bathroom. He returned with a small towel, completing his task, before sitting back down and looking at Zhan again.

He inspected Zhan hole closely, noticing how tightly he had curled up even while unconscious, a clear sign of the intense pain he had caused him. Even his smallest finger hadn't comfortably fit inside Zhan's body, let alone...him

Hearing a distant siren, YiBo quickly checked the time and hastily put on his vest and shirt. He dressed Zhan back in his clothes, went to the bathroom for some water, and gently wiped Zhan's face with it. After doing this twice, Zhan began to stir, slowly opening his eyes as if waking from a from a deep sleep, only to close them again. Hearing the gate open, YiBo lay Zhan back down, grabbed the small towel, and quietly looked the door before leaving the room.


YiBo had just finished his shower when his mother walked into his room. Looking at him, she asked, "You took a shower?" Without glancing at her, he replied, "Yes. Welcome back."

"Thank you," she said. "Did you have breakfast?"

Still not looking at her, he answered, "I did. Mom, didn't you go to Nia's house?"

She replied, "Yes, I talked to her mother on the phone. Once you're ready, come find me in the living room."

"Okay, Mom," YiBo said as she turned and headed for the door. He watched her as she left.

Once YiBo finished getting dressed, he started heading downstairs, feeling hungry and thinking he could at least have some tea. He almost bumped into Leo on the way. They both paused, staring at each other from head to toe without speaking. YiBo then walked past Leo, his expression stern, and made his way to the kitchen.

He sat at the dining table in the kitchen, drinking his tea, lost in thought. The more he thought, the less he could drink, and eventually, he left the cup unfinished and went back upstairs.

YiBo headed straight to the room where Zhan was. Quietly, he opened the door and stepped in. Zhan was sitting on the bed, hugging his knees, quietly sobbing. When he noticed YiBo, he quickly hid his face in his arms, a fresh wave of tears following. YiBo sat beside him, unsure of what to say. After a moment, he stood up, went to the bathroom, and prepared a bath for Zhan. When he returned, he gently said, "Go and take your bath."

Zhan didn't look up, continuing to cry. Without warning, YiBo picked him up like a child. Zhan, startled, opened his tear-filled eyes and pleaded, "Please, put me down."

YiBo ignored him and carried him into the bathroom, gently setting him down by the bathtub. Zhan quickly knelt and closed his eyes, still crying. YiBo's voice softened, "Are you okay?"

Zhan couldn't bring himself to look at him. He was genuinely scared of YiBo now. YiBo began removing Zhan's shirt, and though Zhan wanted to resist, he was too afraid to. Tears kept falling as YiBo undressed him. Zhan avoided eye contact as YiBo lifted him into the warm water.

Just then, YiBo's phone rang. Seeing that it was his mother, he quickly put it back in his pocket. He knelt beside Zhan and whispered something to him before standing and leaving the bathroom. As he exited, Zhan watched him, tears still falling from his eyes.

YiBo entered the living room, where his mother was seated. He sat down next to her and said softly, "I'm here, Mom."

She asked, "Did you have breakfast?"

"I did," he replied.

"Good. The other day, while you were in your father's living room, your Aunt Yu brought up the issue of the boy staying here to study, didn't she?"

YiBo stayed silent, simply watching his mother. She continued, "I'm asking you."

"I think I had already left by then," he said quietly.

"Well, I took care of everything that day," she explained. "I did my best to defend the boy's right to stay in this house. I made it clear to your father that he would stay here to study, just like others who have come to stay and study. No one ever questioned it before. I didn't even listen to him or Yu. I left the room.

"But after I left, I don't know what Yu might have said to him. Last night, before I went to bed, your father called me about the same issue, and he insisted that the boy couldn't stay here to study. When I told him it wasn't possible, I could see it was going to become a major issue, so I left the conversation."

YiBo, who had been listening quietly, responded, "Mom, he's staying here. I'll talk to Dad myself. What if this is where he's supposed to be? What if he has every right to stay in this house?"

His mother frowned and said, "You're going to talk to him about it after I've already made it clear that I'm the one who brought him here, not anyone else? You've never backed down in your life, Ai Bo. Even when your father's side of the family made things difficult for you, you didn't shy away. And now you're jumping to conclusions without fully hearing me out. Yes, his parents have been kind to you, but since things are like this, shouldn't we find a temporary solution?"

YiBo shook his head. "No, Mom. Why are you letting that woman lower you like this in your own home? Why are you allowing her to treat you this way, and you're doing nothing about it?"

His mother sighed, "Please listen to me, Ai Bo."

"I'm listening," he said, his voice calmer.

"I want to show them that even if he doesn't stay in this house, he'll still study in peace in Shanghai. No matter where he stays, he'll be comfortable. That's why I spoke to Nia's mother, and she agreed to let him stay at her place for a while."

"Wait, at Nia's house?" YiBo asked, surprised.

"Yes. Who else do I know well enough in this city besides Bella, and she's not here right now? And I'm not saying he'll stay there for his entire studies. I just want to sort things out properly. Your father is taking this issue very personally. He won't even listen to me."

YiBo was speechless, unable to stop staring at her. His mother said, "I'll go talk to that boy and let him know I'll be traveling. He'll stay at my friend's house until I return..." YiBo couldn't say a word. His mother stood up to leave, but like someone who suddenly remembered something, he quickly stood up and said, "Mom, I'll talk to him. I know how to handle it."

She replied, "No, just call him here for me." Without saying anything, YiBo walked to the door and left. He entered the room where Zhan was lying, curled up under the duvet with his eyes closed. YiBo sat beside him, bent down, and looked at him, but Zhan didn't open his eyes. When YiBo gently shook him, Zhan opened his eyes abruptly. As soon as he saw YiBo, he backed away, avoiding eye contact. His whole body seemed tense, and he looked afraid.

YiBo pulled him closer, his voice soft as he asked, "Are you okay?" Zhan refused to speak, and YiBo could feel how fast Zhan's heart was beating. His hair was wet, so YiBo grabbed a small towel nearby and started drying it. Zhan still wouldn't look at him, let alone make eye contact. After drying his hair, YiBo asked quietly, "Did you have breakfast?"

Zhan remained silent, tears streaming from his eyes. YiBo hugged him tighter, gently patting his back. He leaned in closer to Zhan's ear and whispered softly, "Why are you crying?" Still, Zhan said nothing. After a few minutes, YiBo let go and stood up, walking over to where Zhan's clothes were. He started looking for something suitable for him to wear. Just then, the door to the room opened. YiBo turned quickly to see his mother, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Uh… Mom, he hasn't been feeling well since yesterday. I just came in and realized it," he said hastily.

His mother glanced at YiBo, then at Zhan. Zhan curled further into the duvet, as he only had a towel wrapped around him. YiBo's mother, watching him, asked, "What's wrong with you?"

With a bit of effort, Zhan replied, "I have a headache."

"Sorry about that," she said kindly. YiBo quickly walked out of the room. His mother looked back at Zhan and asked, "Did you take a bath?"

Zhan nodded.

"Alright, put on some clothes, and I'll give you some medicine," she said. Zhan removed the duvet, pulled on a shirt over his towel, and slowly got off the bed. As he walked toward his clothes, YiBo's mother asked, "Are you hurt?"

He nodded quickly. "I hit my leg yesterday."

Every step he took felt painful, though not unbearable, just uncomfortable due to what YiBo had attempted earlier. Even though nothing had happened, Zhan couldn't shake the feeling that YiBo had done something to him.

YiBo's mother said, "Once you're dressed, come to the living room." Zhan quietly replied, "Okay." After getting dressed, he walked slowly to the living room.

YiBo had been watching him since he entered, surprised by the way he was walking. YiBo knew he hadn't done anything to Zhan, yet Zhan's behavior puzzled him. As Zhan approached the living room door, he sat down on the floor. YiBo quickly stood up and knelt down in front of him, looking up at him...

Patient... Patient... Patient 😛🏃🏃🏃
