Chapter 49

Zhang walked over to where Zhan was sitting and sat down next to him, a smile spreading across his face. Softly, he said, "Welcome, bro." Zhan glanced down and replied, "Thank you, Zhang."

Zhang asked, "How's your husband?"

"He's fine," Zhan responded.

"Oh, he didn't come with you?" Zhang asked again.

"He just dropped me off," Zhan explained.

"Alright, you look really fresh, bro," Zhang said with a smile.

Zhan didn't respond. Zhang gently took Zhan's hand and said quietly, "I missed you so much."

Zhan replied, "Same here."

"I'm so happy you're home," Zhang added, but Zhan remained silent. After a moment, Zhang stood up slowly and said, "I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay," Zhan said, watching as Zhang left the room.

A few minutes later, Ren entered the room, carrying a tray, followed by Lian with a flask. Lian, full of excitement, said, "Welcome home, young master Zhan."

Zhan smiled slightly and asked, "How are you, Lian?"

"I'm fine, master," Lian responded with a big smile.

"And how's work?"

"Everything's great! We missed you so much, master," Lian said, grinning widely.

Zhan just smiled back.

His Mom sat down, watching Zhan with some surprise. She couldn't believe he had grown so familiar with Lian, enough to smile at her and even ask about her work. Lian left the room, and Zhan got up and sat on the carpet. He started eating the congee his mother had brought for him. After taking a few sips, he glanced at her and noticed she was staring at him.

"Mama, has Zhang been sick?" he asked.

"What makes you think that?" she replied.

"Well, he looks thinner," Zhan observed.

"It happened a while ago while he was in school, but he's better now. It's just the stress of his final year," His Mom explained.

Zhan said nothing. After a few seconds, he asked softly, "Are Aunty An, Lei, and Mei coming?"

She nodded. "Yes."

Zhan quietly stirred his congee.

His Mom then asked, "How is your husband's family?"

"They're all well and send their regards," Zhan said.

"That's good to hear. Should I prepare breakfast for Lee, when will he arrive?" she asked.

Zhan shook his head. "No, later."

"Alright," she said, standing up to give him some space to finish his breakfast comfortably, noticing how uneasy he seemed.

After finishing, Zhan picked up the tray and left for the main living room. It had been so long since he'd eaten breakfast in such peace. He saw Zhang and his Mom sitting there, with Lian busy cleaning. She quickly stood up and said, "Let me take that to the kitchen for you, master."

Zhan smiled. "No, thank you. Continue with your work. I'll take it myself."

He walked to the kitchen, and Zhang and his mother watched him in silence.

Just then, Aunty Bing entered the living room from her side of the house, holding car keys. Without even noticing Ren, she looked at Zhang and said, "When your aunt wakes up, tell her that Ms. Tu's granddaughter had an accident, and I've been called to their house. I don't want to wake her, as she's still sleeping. Also, could you go to my room and organize my clothes? I was in a rush and didn't have time to fix them."

Seeing how frantic his mother was, Zhang didn't tell her that his aunt was sitting right there. Instead, he simply said, "Okay."

Ren, watching the scene, said, "Oh dear, I hope everything is alright."

Aunty Bing rushed out without even realizing her sister was in the room.

Zhan had just come out of the kitchen when he noticed his father stepping out of his living room, likely having been woken by the sound of Aunty Bing's car starting. Their eyes met, and Zhan froze, pressing himself against the kitchen door frame, his entire body trembling. Even Zhang, who was sitting nearby, felt a sense of dread. Zhan's mother lowered her head.

Zhan's father didn't blink as he stared at his son. Zhan quickly lowered his gaze, feeling tears well up in his eyes.

His father eventually looked away, turning to Zhang. "Where are Lu and Zhuo? Neither of them has come home yet?"

Zhang replied, "Zhuo ge said he might stay over, and Lu Jie will be back this evening."

Without another word, Zhan's father turned and went back into his living room. Zhan watched him, tears falling from his eyes.

His mother stood up and left the room, her mood somber. Zhang approached Zhan, gently taking his hand. "Let's go greet him," he said softly.

Zhan said nothing, tears streaming down his face. Zhang led him into his father's living room, still holding his hand.

They found his father sitting on a chair, resting his head against the back. Zhan avoided eye contact as he knelt near the door, his voice trembling as he said, "Good morning, Paa."

His father looked at him for a few seconds before asking coldly, "Why are you here in my house?"

Tears stung Zhan's eyes as he whispered, "I'm sorry, Paa."

His father said nothing further, turning away to stare at the air conditioner in the room. Zhang, filled with emotion, left the room with tears in his eyes. Zhan quickly followed him, wiping his tears as he walked. His father watched him go, a tear forming in his own eye. Without saying a word, he rose and retreated to his bedroom.

Zhan returned to his mother's wing and entered her bedroom, where he found her sitting on the edge of the bed, looking so worried. He collapsed onto the bed, crying softly. His mother mustered the strength to ask, "What did he say to you? Did he tell you to leave his house?"

Zhan couldn't say a word, only crying harder. His mother didn't realize when she herself broke down into tears, feeling her heart ache. Seeing her cry, Zhan quickly sat up, embracing her tightly while sobbing, "I'm sorry I never listened to you, Mama. Please forgive me."

Overcome with emotion, he struggled to continue speaking. His mother, holding back her own tears, said, "You've done nothing wrong to me, Zhan. I forgive you, in this life and the next. You haven't wronged me in any way; this is how life was destined for you, and no one can change that."

Still sobbing bitterly, Zhan said, "But, Mama, you never told me that Aunty Bing didn't care about me. You never told me she was misleading me. No one was there to warn me about any of this. It's because of Aunty Bing that I'm suffering now."

His mother stopped her crying and listened attentively, her eyes fixed on him. Zhan continued, still crying, "Everything I did before, Aunt encouraged me to do it. She never let me figure out for myself what was right or wrong. She always supported me, no matter what. I had no idea she was ruining my life. She deceived me completely. Why didn't you ever tell me she didn't love me? Why didn't you warn me?"

His mother shook her head slowly, tears rolling down her cheeks, unable to respond. Zhan, bitter and frustrated, went on, "She was the one who pushed me to be friends with Zan Jin and his crowd. She encouraged me to follow them everywhere. She taught me to look down on anyone who worked for us, saying if I didn't treat them harshly, they'd disrespect me."

His mother remained silent, just listening. Zhan continued, "Mama, I never went to a hostel. For the four months I was supposed to be away, I was staying in an apartment with Zan Jin and his friends. It was all Aunty's plan."

His mother was so shocked she stood up, staring at him without blinking. Zhan, wiping away the tears that wouldn't stop flowing, bravely added, "All those nights I spent at parties or in hotels with Zan Jin, Aunty knew. She encouraged me to go with them. Every time I sneaked out at night, Aunty was the one opening the door for me. No one else ever knew. She's been doing this with me since I was little."

As he finished speaking, he collapsed, burying his head in his knees, crying pitifully. He deeply regretted everything now, feeling the weight of his past actions. No one had ever told him that Aunt didn't truly care for him. There were many things he couldn't even bring himself to tell his mother, but he knew Aunty had deceived him, completely destroying his life while pretending to care. She made him believe that no one else in the world loved him more than she did.

His mother couldn't say anything, just staring at him in shock. She had no idea about most of the things Zhan was revealing. She had only known that whenever Zhan misbehaved at home, Bing would prevent anyone from scolding him, saying he was just a child and didn't know better. Even when Zhan wanted something from his father, Bing would help him get it. Anyone would have thought she truly loved Zhan, especially considering she would buy things for him over and over, even more than she did for her own Son, Zhang. That was why he had grown even closer to her over time.

Zhan slipped to the floor, his voice trembling as he said, "Please, forgive me, Mama. But I never grew up feeling like I belonged to you. I never even knew you were my mother when i am a child. Why did you leave me with Aunt? Why did you give me to her?"

At that, Zhan buried his head in his knees again, crying hard. A fresh wave of sorrow hit his mother as memories of how Bing had silently taken Zhan from her when he was just five years.

Zhan cried until he was exhausted. He got back onto the bed, closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep, his head aching from the tears.


Around ten o'clock, Zhan slowly opened his eyes after being gently woken up. He sat up and saw Zhang sitting beside him. he said, "Someone is calling you in the living room."

Rubbing his eyes, Zhan asked, "Who is it?"

Zhang stood up, replying, "Just come and see," before leaving the room.

Zhan got up slowly and made his way to the living room, where he saw YiBo looking anxious, staring eagerly at the door. When their eyes met, Zhan quickly looked down. As Zhang exited and closed the living room door behind him, YiBo stood up in a hurry. Zhan immediately turned to head back to the bedroom, but YiBo rushed after him, grabbing his arm.

Zhan's eyes widened. "Please, stop. What if someone walks in?" he pleaded.

He avoided making eye contact, refusing to look up, even as YiBo tried to lift his head. Instead, he laid his head against YiBo's chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart. Slowly, he closed his eyes, and YiBo embraced him tightly.

He whispered something under his breath, words Zhan couldn't hear.

When YiBo felt his tears against his chest, he gently lifted his head, gazing at him. Zhan still wouldn't meet his eyes. With a trembling voice, he said, "I... I'm sorry, I..." but couldn't finish before breaking into sobs again.

YiBo let go of him the moment they heard the living room door open. Zhan quickly wiped his tears and walked out to see Zhang entering with a tray of water and juice. YiBo followed him into the living room and sat down, while Zhang, avoiding eye contact with them both, placed the tray down.


The shock Mom Yibo experienced was indescribable when she entered YiBo's room early in the morning and found it empty. There was no sign that he had even slept there the previous night. Since then, she had been trying to call all his numbers, but they were switched off. She was at a complete loss as to what to do.

The night before, she had been eager for the morning to come so she could speak to him about possibly going to Zhan parents' house in Beijing. But now, entering his room and finding it empty only added to her anxiety. She returned to her living area, deeply worried, where Ru was sitting with her. She asked, "You don't have Zhan's brother's number, do you?"

Ru shook her head slightly and replied, "I don't." Just then, the living room door opened, and they both looked up.

Mom Yibo watched her husband with surprise. He never walked straight into her area like that unless something was seriously wrong, especially since he had returned to the house not even twenty minutes ago. Ru stood up as well, greeting him, "Good morning, sir." He didn't respond, and she headed toward the door, leaving the room.

Sensing something was wrong, Mom Yibo stood up, composed herself, and asked, "Is everything alright, honey?"

He was breathing heavily, and snapped, "Stop asking me that! Where is YiBo? Bring him to me now!"

Mom Yibo felt her heart drop. Trying to keep calm, she asked again, "Is everything alright?"

He shouted at her, "Why are you answering my question with another question?" She sat back down without saying anything more, knowing it wouldn't help. He asked her again, angrily, "Where is YiBo?"

Frustrated, she replied, "Since I'm not carrying him on my back, how should I know where he is at this hour? You know where his room is, don't you?"

Seething, he said, "Oh, is that so?"

She shot back, "What else am I supposed to say? He doesn't sleep here, and you come to me looking for him as if he does! You're coming to hassle me about where Ai Bo is!"

He stared at her for a good twenty seconds, shaking his head, before storming out of the living room, almost ripping the door off its hinges. Mom Yibo sat there, deep in thought, wondering what Ai Bo could have done this time. What new problem had her son caused?

Just then, Tin walked into the living room, looking at her Mom, hesitantly, and asked, "Mom, do you know what our brother did?"

Mom Yibo, feeling her heart race, replied, "What did he do, Tin?"

Tin sat down and quietly explained, "He broke into Dad's room and took everything Dad had confiscated from him. He even destroyed the lock to the room."

Mom Yibo was speechless, her heart pounding, and Tin added, "I think he did it late at night while everyone was asleep. He scattered everything in the room."

She covered her face in disbelief, trying to process it all. Just then, Aunty Yu barged into the living room without knocking, full of disrespect, and said, "Lily, you've given birth to nothing but trouble in this house. YiBo is nothing but a menace..."

Mom Yibo cut her off, saying, "I didn't give birth to a menace, unless you you did!"

She didn't wait to listen to more of what Aunty Yu had to say. She stood up, went to her room, got ready, and left the house with her children, heading to her friend Mia's place.

Sitting in Mom Nia's living room, overwhelmed by everything, Mia said, "I told you to calm down, Lily. A boy whose nude video went around the town... surely, you already knew he had a questionable character. Anything people say he's done, he's probably capable of. Maybe he's gone back to his family's house. Meanwhile, you're here worrying yourself."

Lily, still watching her, replied, "You're right. Now that you mention it, I remember who the boy is. Any child with the kind of boldness he has, can do anything. You've spoken the truth. It's not like I even want him in my house, but I'm afraid he'll do something even worse. He's unpredictable, and his behavior is erratic. Lately, I've noticed Ai Bo spending more time with him, and I'm really uncomfortable with that."

Mia raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, so you've noticed too? Just yesterday, Nia brought up the same issue when we got back home."

Lily fell silent, deep in thought. After a while, she sighed and said, "It's been bothering me. He said he stayed with his family in Beijing. What do I do? And then there's Bella backing him up. Honestly, what kind of parents would send their child to live with someone like Ai Bo in Shanghai, claiming he's here to study? Where has that ever been done? If that's really the case, shouldn't someone from his family accompany him, hand him over to us, and ask us to keep an eye on him? Instead, they send him alone with stranger. I don't understand what to do anymore. I have serious doubts about this situation.

And Bella keeps defending the matter, insisting that since Ai Bo was welcomed by his parents, he must be allowed to stay here too. But isn't he a man? Couldn't he have just gone to their house on his own? Meanwhile, he should have been escorted by someone from his family. Life demands order, but this situation seems completely disorganized."

Mia said, "You're right. This is something to look into. You said his brother recently visited, right?"

Lily replied, "Yes, he did. But even if his parents didn't accompany him, shouldn't his brother have brought him here instead of Ai Bo? It doesn't make sense to me now. I should have questioned him about this from the start, but I didn't think of it. Also, I've never heard of him being contacted by his family, nor have I seen him calling them."

Mia advised, "Well, you should try calling YiBo again and see if he's gone back to his family's house. That way, everyone can relax, and then you can deal with the next issue."

Lily dialed YiBo's number again. Fortunately, this time it rang. She sat up straight, put the call on speaker, and waited for him to answer. Just as it was about to disconnect, he picked up. She asked, "Ai Bo, what took you to your father's room?"

YiBo was silent for a moment before responding, "I went to get my documents, Mom."

Lily was stunned. She looked at Mia in disbelief before saying, "Your documents? So, Ai Bo, after everything, all you want is to upset me? Didn't I tell you to leave your affairs with your father alone? Why don't you ever listen to me?"

YiBo lowered his voice and said, "Mom, I didn't do anything wrong. I only took my documents, nothing else from his room. I really need them, Mom. Since you couldn't get them for me, I had to get them myself..."
