Chapter 28: Barristan Selmy

Astapor, the docks.

After Daenerys got off the ship, she looked around Astapor curiously, "Is there a world-famous infantry corps here?"

The dilapidated city walls and land don't look that prosperous. Are the rumored Unsullied really that powerful?

Daenerys was a little skeptical about this. After all, the walls of Astapor were really far inferior to those of Qarth.

Jorah vowed, "Don't worry, Khaleesi. I promise that the Unsullied will not let you down."

"I hope so."

Just then, Daenerys frowned and a little girl appeared not far away.

The little girl smiled innocently, then took out a capsule toy and handed it to Daenerys. Daenerys thought it was a gift from the little girl to her.

The little girl twisted the toy with her bare hands, motioning for Daenerys to follow his example and open the toy.

Daenerys smiled and was about to twist the toy like the little girl, when suddenly a man in a black robe knocked the toy out of her hand.

Then Jorah hurriedly stepped forward and strangled the man in black robe by the neck. Dany accidentally tripped and fell to the ground because of the attack by the man in black robe, and the capsule in her hand fell to the ground.

A crack appeared on the capsule toy, but as Dany looked slightly surprised, a scorpion with a completely green body and what looked like a human face crawled out.

Daenerys finally realized that something was wrong and shrank back frantically, but the scorpion crawled faster and was about to hurt Daenerys. An arrow shot out and nailed the scorpion to the ground.

Then another arrow pierced the girl in front of Daenerys, but the girl did not bleed after being shot by the arrow, but directly turned into a piece of clothing.

At this time, the man in black robe rushed up and cut off the scorpion's head with a knife, and Jorah just realized what was happening.

At this time, the girl reappeared on a high platform and let out a creepy roar at Daenerys. Her deep blue lips and teeth made people feel nauseous.

Then the girl turned and ran away, leaving Daenerys a little frightened and saying, "Wizard!"

The little girl just now was the wizard's clone, which is what makes the wizard scary. Since the revival of magic, their strange magic has also begun to come in handy.

On another high platform, Jack withdrew the bow and arrow in his hand with satisfaction.

"Master, your archery skills have improved so quickly that it is amazing." Ge said.

"Ha, how come you've learned to flatter?" Jack teased.

"I'm just telling the truth. Your archery skills have improved a lot."

Jack shrugged. Hard work will pay off, especially when one is in good condition.

Jack had been working hard on his archery in recent months, and naturally he had made great progress.

Then Jack brought Go and four Unsullied to Daenerys.

"Long time no see, Daenerys." Jack greeted.

"Hello, thank you, Jack."

"You're welcome. It's my honor that you still remember me." Jack said politely.

Then Jack looked at Barristan. "I have heard of you, Ser Barristan Selmy."

Barristan frowned and looked at Jack, "You know me? Are you a noble of the Seven Kingdoms?"

"No, I'm just the son of a pirate, but I've heard a lot of legends about Westeros, such as Barristan the Fearless, Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Dawn, and so on."

Barristan Selmy, this man was no worse than the Sword of the Morning when he was young. Although people say that the Sword of the Morning is slightly stronger than Barristan, there is no gap between the two in terms of deeds and glory.

As for the specific situation, Jack was not clear. After all, the Sword of the Dawn was dead, died at the hands of Eddard Stark, and it also became the only stain in Eddard Stark's life.

Barristan knelt on one knee. "I am Barristan Selmy, your father's kingsguard. I swore to defend your house, but I failed. I ask for your forgiveness and permission to join your kingsguard!"

Daenerys looked at Barristan in disbelief, unable to believe that one of the strongest warriors in the Seven Kingdoms would travel halfway across the world to join her army.

At this moment, she couldn't help but think of what Jack said before, that Jorah was an undercover agent of the Iron Throne. Thinking of this, she decided to accept Barristan. No matter from which aspect, Barristan was worthy of being under her command.

"Barristan Selmy, I am moved by your loyalty. From today on, you are my Queen's Guard. Are you willing to swear to protect my safety until your death?"

"It is a great pleasure, Your Majesty!"

Jack suddenly clapped his hands. "Congratulations, Dany. Ser Barristan is a top warrior and has his own sense of honor. He is trustworthy."

Listening to Jack's meaningful words, Daenerys' eyes sparkled, "Yes, Jorah and Barristan are both trustworthy Queen's Guards."

These words moved Jorah Mormont behind him to tears. What could be more touching than the trust of Her Majesty the Queen?

Jack looked at Daenerys in surprise. As expected, preaching is useless and broken bones are the best textbooks.

Moreover, Daenerys at this moment is obviously more mature than Jack had imagined. At least her method of winning people's hearts is still acceptable. Didn't you see that Jorah behind her was almost moved to tears?

"Are you planning to buy the Unsullied?" Jack asked.

Daenerys was slightly surprised, "How did you know?"

"For a former princess of Westeros, whose mission is to restore her country, what could be more important than a well-disciplined army?"

"You are right. I am here to buy the Unsullied. To restore the country, we need not only dragons, but also troops and ships."