Chapter 64: The Situation of the Seven Countries

In the original book, when Daenerys negotiated with other city-states, she mentioned that what Meereen could export were salt, copper, Ghiscari wine, olives and olive oil.

But later, the nobles thought that salt, copper and wine were not profitable. The biggest reason was that crude salt and wine could be produced by every city-state, not to mention copper.

However, the fine salt produced according to Jack's method must be profitable. No matter where you are, the fineness of the salt determines the price of the salt.

As for soap, it is quite special. It not only requires wood ash water, but also animal fat.

The best raw materials are fish oil, mutton fat and lard. Fish oil can be obtained from marine fish, but the amount of fish fat is too low and the efficiency of obtaining it is not high.

The best ways to obtain fat are lard and mutton fat. The acquisition efficiency is high, and more importantly, lard and mutton fat can be bought directly.

In Meereen, nobles and slave traders would purchase large quantities of cattle and sheep raised by the Lhaza.

They would eat the fattiest parts and sell the remaining meat and fat to free people.

As for the lowly slaves, they were only fit to pick up the bones and slop that they threw away.

But as for pigs and mutton fat, it requires long-term consideration, which also involves Jack's economic deployment.

After carefully reading the envelope in his hand, he found that various matters were explained clearly inside. Newgate only needed to do as it said.

With a large number of senior butler slaves, Newgate no longer needed to do many things himself, and the butler slaves were enough to replace grassroots officials.

In addition, Neptune Island is not open to the outside world now, and the only way to contact the outside world is the Giant Wave Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, it is more convenient to keep confidentiality, and Newgate can boldly employ these newcomers.

Thinking of this, Newgate took out another very thick book, titled "Minecraft".

It details how mind control is carried out and how key technologies are kept secret.

He needs to study it carefully and there must be no mistakes in the task assigned to him by His Majesty.

This book, "Mine World", was written by Jack in his spare time based on his historical experience in his previous life.

He was afraid that over time he would forget some valuable historical experiences.

The content of this book includes astronomy, geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, politics, economics, etc.

In Jack's eyes, it was like an incomplete encyclopedia.

But in Newgate's eyes, this is a Bible, a divine book.

Any ruler would be able to build a huge empire.


Continent of Westeros.

The situation in the Seven Kingdoms is very chaotic now. Since the death of Eddard Stark, rumors about the truth of Robert's will and Joffrey Baratheon's life experience have never stopped.

The end result was that the Stark family in the North declared independence, and Robb Stark, the eldest son of the Stark family and the King of the North, led his army south, vowing to avenge his father.

Robert Baratheon's two younger brothers also declared that Joffrey was a bastard and had no right to inherit the throne.

So the second son of the Baratheon family, Stannis Baratheon, proclaimed himself king on Dragonstone and wanted to compete for the throne.

The third son of the Lu family, that is, the third son of the Baratheon family, Renly Baratheon, became king in the Stormlands and gained the support of various families in the Stormlands.

At the same time, Renly also married the Tyrells of the Riverlands. In a short time, he had an army of 100,000 and became the most powerful contender for the Iron Throne.

In addition to the above three kings, there is also Joffrey Baratheon who now occupies the Iron Throne.

However, Joffrey is actually the son of Cersei and his younger brother Jaime, and has the blood of the Lannister family.

At the same time, Joffrey is nominally the King of the Seven Kingdoms, but he has not yet secured the throne.

The last to claim the throne was the Greyjoy family of the Iron Islands, and the king was named Balon Greyjoy.

People jokingly called him King Baron.

The reason was that he had rebelled once more than ten years ago. At that time, Baron, who had proclaimed himself king, felt that his family's iron fleet was invincible.

The Iron Islands have no land connecting to the Seven Kingdoms, so the Iron Throne cannot do anything to them.

The result was that he was severely beaten by Robert and the North, and his sons died in battle one after another. In the end, only one son was left, who was adopted by Eddard Stark.

But Balon also has a daughter, Yara Greyjoy, who is no less capable than his son.

Their family emblem is a golden sea monster, so they are also called the Sea Monster Family.

In just one year, five kings appeared in Westeros. Except for the King in the North and the King of the Iron Islands, the remaining three kings all claimed that they were the legitimate rights and interests of the Iron Throne.

What was unexpected was that Renly Baratheon, who had the largest army and supplies, became the first king to die.

It is said that Renly Baratheon died from strange magic, but more people still believe that Renly was assassinated rather than by strange magic.

But no matter what the rumors are, they cannot change the fact that Renly Baratheon is dead and Stannis Baratheon has gained the loyalty of the vassal states in the Stormlands.

The War of Five Kings became the War of Four Kings before the fighting officially began.

However, House Greyjoy lacked the strength on land and did not have the capability to engage in deep warfare.

Therefore, there are only three real protagonists participating in the War of the Five Kings.

They were the Northern Army led by Robb Stark, who were sparsely equipped and even had farmers holding dung forks, totaling about 20,000 people.

The entire Northern Territory has a population of only 800,000, and with some hidden populations, the total population is probably around one million.

The two percent military enlistment rate has already caused considerable problems for grain harvesting in the North.

Therefore, the North must complete its strategic goals as quickly as possible and then return home to collect food.

The second is the Westerlands Army that supports the Iron Throne. The gold mines in the Westerlands are extremely rich, so the weapons and equipment of the Westerlands Army are very sophisticated and there is no shortage of food and fodder.

The leader of the Lannister family in the West, Tywin Lannister, is an outstanding ruler.

Therefore, the army in the West is different from the conscripts from other places. They have received orthodox training at Tywin's request and have very strong combat effectiveness.

Finally, there is Stannis Baratheon, who now has the support of the Stormlands.

The Stormlands were originally the territory of the Baratheon family. It wasn't rich, but it wasn't that bad either.

So Stannis Baratheon also has an army of 24,000 men and a navy of 4,000 pirates, for a total of 28,000 men on land and sea.

And Stannis has another advantage, that is his superb combat command ability. His military talent is definitely among the best in Westeros.

It's a pity that he later met the little devil Tyrion Lannister.

In the Battle of the Blackwater, the confident Stannis was defeated by the dwarf Tyrion and could only march north with thousands of remaining soldiers.