Chapter 77: The tip of the iceberg

Ingvar led the way with a look of self-blame on his face, and at the same time he said,

"It's all my fault. I noticed something was wrong when I first started observing the Sky Eye Lake, but I didn't expect that the thing in the lake could actually drag people into the water."

There are nearly ten lakes and rivers of various sizes on Neptune Island.

The largest of these rivers spans almost the entire Poseidon Island, and the center of the river is like an eye.

Therefore, it is also called the Central Lake, the Central River, or the Sky Eye Lake.

Because when Ingvar was in Slave Bay, he was responsible for digging canals to irrigate the land for the slave owners' estates.

So Newgate put him in charge of it and gave him three hundred men, uh, now it's 298.

When Ingvar was observing the terrain, he discovered something very wrong.

Logically speaking, since Tianyan Lake is so large, there should be a lot of animals drinking water around it.

But the animals on the island would rather compete for water resources in some small streams than drink water from Tianyan Lake.

This means there is something terrible in the water!

But at the time, Ingvar was thinking, is there anything more terrifying than humans?

So he didn't take the matter seriously until two workers were attacked this morning, when he realized the seriousness of the matter.

Perhaps the thing in the water was much larger and more aggressive than he imagined.

Soon Newgate arrived at Canal No. 7. According to the plan, there would be no private farmland on Neptune Island. All farmland would belong to the royal family, and then the royal family would hire people to cultivate the farmland.

The first state-owned grain production base was planned to cover 490,000 mu, or 326 square kilometers of land. Later, canals would be dug along Tianyan Lake and 49 branch streams would be diverted to irrigate the land.

The accident occurred in the recently dug tributary No. 7, and an accident occurred when the water was finally released.

At this time, the scene of the incident had been cordoned off by the law enforcement team, and was surrounded by spectators.

When something like this happens, it cannot be concealed on Poseidon Island, as news of the incident spreads much faster than government decrees.

The crowd consciously made way for Newgate, and he came to the front. There was no trace of anything useful left at the scene, only a severed hand.

Newgate looked at it for a long time but couldn't figure it out, but the people around him all looked at the oldest man on the island expectantly, hoping that Newgate could give a definite answer.

Newgate didn't look very happy. It would be strange if he could figure out what was going on with just one hand.

Although he is the oldest on the island, his knowledge may not be as good as some of the previous high-ranking slaves.

At the critical moment, he suddenly remembered that there was some content about the origin of Atlantis culture in the book "Minecraft" written by Jack.

Newgate immediately showed a bit of fear and said loudly:

"There is a water monster causing trouble. Look at this severed hand. It is obvious that when the water monster swallowed the poor man whole, he instinctively stretched out his hand to call for help, but in the end only a severed hand was left."

Newgate's words were only three-tenths believable, but his exaggerated expressions and body movements made them seven-tenths believable.

Although there was a true God in the Game of Thrones world before the runaway system harvested all the gods, most people in the world are still atheists.

Especially in the continent of Essos, most of the nobles only believe in the money in their hands, rather than the ethereal and illusory gods.

Especially in the era of magic exhaustion before the red comet and the dragon appeared, otherwise the wizards of Qarth would not be called charlatans.

Back in Qarth, Xaro and the wizards were ridiculed as nouveau riche and charlatans.

Most people were not interested in things like water monsters that only appeared in old grandmother's stories, but now that the facts were in front of them, Newgate made everyone believe his words.

But then someone asked Newgate how to solve the problem.

Newgate blinked his eyes and then said, "I need to go back and study this to see if His Majesty the Sea King left any solution for this when he left."

Although Newgate's ability is average, he is absolutely loyal to Jack.

On Poseidon Island, many people have never seen the so-called Poseidon.

But Newgate would praise Jack whenever he had the chance, and as a result, the people on the island are now very curious about and respect Jack.

When the people who were watching the show heard what Newgate said, they all prayed that the Sea King had left behind a way to deal with the situation.

Newgate quickly assured that even if the Sea King did not leave any countermeasures, he would invite the Sea King back to take charge of the situation.

After a while, the crowd got bored and left one after another.

Newgate hurried back to his room and took out the book "Minecraft".

After scanning the catalog, I finally found my target under the heading of "culture" - sacrificial culture.

If he remembered correctly, he should have seen the content about worshiping water monsters in the chapter on sacrificial culture.

However, after reading it carefully, Newgate shook his head in disappointment.

Because he discovered that the only purpose of offering sacrifices to water monsters was to stabilize people's hearts, and the prerequisite was that there were no water monsters in the river.

But there really is a water monster in Tianyan Lake, and it even just ate two people.

And Newgate believed that after eating a man this time, the monster would definitely continue to look for targets.

Thinking of this, Newgate quickly issued an order to suspend the excavation of the canal tributaries, and except for the necessary drinking water, the number of trips to the river was reduced as much as possible.

After much thought, Newgate couldn't think of any good solution, so he could only write another letter to Jack, begging him to come back soon.

At this time, Korakshu fell from the sky beside Tianyan Lake.

He had just captured five monkeys and after a hearty meal he was going to drink some water before going back to rest.

However, just after taking two sips, a black shadow suddenly appeared under the water.

Korakxiu reacted very quickly and immediately leaned back to create some distance. In the blink of an eye, the water surface suddenly exploded.

A lizard-like monster broke through the water, opened its big, toothy mouth and took a sip of air.

Of course, if Korak hadn't reacted quickly, this bite would have definitely seriously injured him.

Even the slender neck may be bitten directly in two.

When the monster fell heavily to the ground, Korakxiu could see its appearance clearly.

The whole thing looks like a big lizard, with protruding teeth, as if it has no lips, and a pair of huge fins behind its head.

The forelimbs are like those of a duck, with thin flesh membranes between the five toes, while the hind limbs have completely turned into long webbed feet like oars.

It is six meters long, twice as long as the Colax.

But the monster didn't seem to be good at moving on land, and after failing to attack, it prepared to retreat into the water.

Koraxus has a ferocious look on his face. As a famous brutal dragon in Game of Thrones, it is impossible for Koraxus to let the monster go so easily.