Cats of Different Coats

Fools. The lot of them.

He would have Kinvara and her fanatic flayed, given to Wyrms and joined with their god.

Now he houses a Dragonlord and his whoresons, and that woman he keeps close to him like she was Vhagar reborn. If he had his way, he would have attacked Daeron in the night instead of listening to the fanatic Vaereon and frightened Taelarys, Kinvara showed them her little trick and they wanted to throw open his gates and let the Father of Dragons into their city and aid him in his conquest.

He would have also been more open to his plans, but Vaereon is a fanatic and would let Kinvara and her King know and Taelarys will follow whoever frightens him so he is alone in this endeavor.

No, for allies he will need aid from outside of Volantis, and an opportune moment to strike.

He huffed and went for a walk, going past his son's room while thinking of an ally to choose from to deal with Daeron. Upon going past he saw his son being held by his caretaker, Westerosi he had bought from Sallador Saan five months ago, he wouldn't have cared much if not for what she was singing, a song from the Western continent.

"And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low? Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know.

In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws, And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours.

And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Castamere, But now the rains weep o'er his hall, with no one there to hear.

Yes, now the rains weep o'er his hall and not a soul to hear."

In a sharp turn, he went back to his chambers, rushed to find quill and ink and then a piece of paper. He dipped the quill and began writing, before long he finished it and rushed to his personal rookery and found a raven and sent it on it's way out of the city, smiling as he found a way to rid himself of both the Red Priests and the Father of Dragons, because cats of all colors have to look out for one another.


He looked on with Jorah as their King walked with the woman he's chosen to make his Queen, a decision he has been disapproved of.

"He is making a mistake, our King." He confided with the newest of his order, though he lacks the armor that he does not wear.

"I agree." From the one who allowed Daeron to get familiar with Missandei, he is surprised that Jorah thinks the same as he does. "I wanted him to find a distraction from Daenerys death all those months ago, but I fear he's gotten himself too distracted." He grunted in agreement.

Daeron has to see the truth, for if he doesn't the Seven Kingdoms will be harder to take. Then for future generations to come, they heir to the Iron Throne is the child of a lowborn woman, was already worse when Jaehaerys father had sired children from a lowborn Queen, it didn't end well when the King began to try and strengthen the Kingdoms ties to the throne, the past is beginning to repeat itself here.

"I will speak to him, he listens to me," Jorah told him, and he shook his head.

"I forget he is still a child, a young boy. And we have all loved fiercely when we were younger." He chuckled with Jorah on that account.

Later on, he was doing his patrols, when he came upon Missandei in the gardens, she was wearing elegant clothes that Daeron had taken for her in Yunkai's nobles chests. She was surprised and bowed to him, he did so as well to respect her.

"My Lady." He uttered a thin line across his lips and eyes as stone.

"Ser." She responded and went to walk away, on instinct he gently grabbed her arm.

"We should discuss our King. Daeron." He told her, before continuing, "He has a destiny he will fulfill, your presence has distracted him." It was a hard truth, but one he would have her hear from him.

Missandei's expression became sullen, sad and understanding of his worries.

"I know." She said with finality, "I want to tell him, no, but hurting him to save his heart is difficult to do. I will tell him tonight, I promise." She added but in his selfish want to protect his king, he must do what would be seen as a betrayal.

"Don't go to him, take a ship to Naath. Leave this city, tonight." He advised, "Daeron won't let you go, he loves you." He admitted to her and she looked down to her feet. "Think of what life you will live if you remain, you'll be regarded as too lowborn for a Queen consort." He resorted to frightening her, the only way that she will leave, "Your presence harms Daeron's reign, I can prepare a ship for you and you would be away in an hour. Please, for Daeron's sake." He ended with a plea, that she will take it and leave for her home.


"You wanted to see me?" Daeron asked as he entered the room.

"Yes." A moment of silence, then continuing "It is about Missandei." Daeron tried to say something, to rebuke him but he held fast, "A wise King listens to his advisers and Ser Barristan was right that night, about it all." He was stern now, and it is time for Daeron to stop acting like a child but a King.

"But I love her!" His friend and King shouted at him, but he did not flinch.

"And I loved your sister!" He shouted right back and Daeron was stunned, his hard stare silencing the boy, "If you are to take back the Seven Kingdoms, you must not be distracted. You have a duty to your House, to your sister's memory and to bring justice to your family." He added and his students resolve fell farther down, his defiance dwindling, "I know you love her, but its what we love most that bring our downfall, please reconsider this and end this attachment to her." He pled to his King, Daeron stumbled back a little before seating himself.

"By the damned gods, I know." He heard Daeron mutter, his face solemn and resigned to what must be done.

"If it is your wish, I can set her up with a husband and leave her with gold and a home. But, my King... She cannot come with us if it is your intention to wed her." He left his King to think on what he has said, and hopefully, he sees reason and lets Missandei go.

Along the halls he noticed Barristan escorting someone and went to stop them, it was when he tore the hood of the cloaked individual that he realized it was Missandei. She had tear streaks going down her cheeks, and he let go of her and turned to Barristan who was wearing his traveler's gear from when he met them in Astapor.

"I just talked to Daeron, he will be visiting Missandei soon. You should get going." He said to them, and ordered one of the men to let them pass, he turned to leave but Missandei took his hand and forced him to turn to her, she now had fresh tears crawling down her face.

"Daeron... I left him a letter, makes sure he gets it." She said slowly, "It is in my chambers, on my bed." She added before Barristan whisked her away and was out of sight after a moment.


He sat in that chair, looking at the floor as he thought about what Barristan, and now Jorah had said to him.

Is his relationship with Missandei so dangerous for him, would the Lords and Ladies of Westeros think so little of him? Would they hate him, or think him unworthy as his father was before him. His hands balled into fists as he grit his teeth, thinking that they were right, that the woman he loves now is dangerous for him.

After a moment he got up from his seat, he left that chamber and walked the long walk over to Missandei's room.

He stopped in front of that door, staring at it for the longest time before giving it a knock. His brows scrunched up in confusion, he knocked again and again, calling out to Missandei and before long he burst into the room. The chambers were cleaned like no one was here at all.

The little things she's obtained was gone, the dresses and even the woman's armor he had made in the likeness of the Unsullied, it had the Targaryen crest sewed onto it and it was all gone. It took him a moment to notice the tears falling from his face, and his eyes landed on the letter laying at the head of the bed and was quick to rip it open and read its content.

"Daeron. My King. My love. I want you to know that it was not my choice to leave, but for your sake, I must." Missandei, He thought before continuing to read, "I know you are meant for great things, you have a heart for many and see good in all that you meet. I will miss you and maybe, one day we will meet again. I did vow to serve you, and to serve you I must not distract you. Your focus must be on your war, and nothing else from that." He finished reading it, crinkling the letter in his hands and the page got wet from his crying.

He was always crying, his sister might have been shy but she never cried, not even when they were children. He cried, he fought but he cried when he lost and his sister would help him and tell him to be strong because she couldn't.

Meeting Missandei was a change, a good change for him and he enjoyed her company. Yes, enjoyed it so much that he had fallen for her. Part of him wants to chase after her, to tell her to stay and be by his side. Yet he didn't, he wanted to grant her the wish she had wanted.

He slept in that room for the entire night, woke early in the next morning and poured himself some wine. Moments later he was visited by Jorah and Barristan, who waited for him out of the door. He looked at them not with pity, but with a smile and wouldn't cry anymore, he had to be strong for now on and won't be weak for anyone, he loved once and lost his sister. He loved twice, and Missandei left for his sake.

The next time he loves, it will break him... But he won't let it.

"My King. Missandei... " Jorah tried to tell him, he instead offered a chuckle and shook his head.

"Our paths will cross again, thank you. The both of you, for showing me the path I have to take." He said and walked ahead of him, they have plans to make and a campaign to wage, "We need ships. We need more men. And most of all, we defeat our foes."

"Yes, my King!"

King's Landing

(weeks later)

Tyrion wanted to tear his nephew apart, for what he'd said about Sansa after her brother and mother were slain at the Twins. The Small Council Meeting is over and he was just about to leave before he was called to remain after everyone else had left.

"Not you." His Lord Father said and he sighed, turning back to the man who defeated Robb Stark.

"You just sent the most powerful man in Westeros to bed, without his supper." He remarked and his father's expression did not change.

"You are a fool if you believe he is the most powerful man in Westeros." Tywin shot back and he must agree, Joffrey is a cunt and there is no denying it.

"A treasonous statement, Joffrey is King." He wished he could laugh, but he had to bring this saddening news to Sansa and shouldn't smirk.

"You really think the Crown gives you power?" He shook his head, no he does not. A jump and he slid back into his seat, he'll be here for some time.

"No. Armies give you power." His father scoffed lightly, "Robb Stark had one, never lost a battle and you defeated him all the same." A grunt and he smiled, "Oh I know: Walder Frey gets all the credit, or the blame considering your allegiance. Walder Frey is many things, but a brave man? No. He wouldn't have dared such a thing if he wasn't given certain assurances- " He ended and his father cut him off.

"Which he got from me." A moment passes before continuing, "Do you disapprove?" He was asked and he shook his head, though he wished he had nodded.

"I'm all for cheating, this is war... But to slaughter them at a wedding?" He asked and his father went into great detail about it all.

"Explain to me how it is nobler to kill 10,000 men on a battlefield than a dozen at dinner?" He frowned, not seeing the sense in this tactic of his fathers.

"So that's why you did it, to save lives?" His father answered him quickly, getting frustrated with him.

"To end the war, to protect the family. Do you want to write a song for the dead Starks? Go ahead, write one because I am in this world for a little while longer to defend the Lannisters, to defend my blood." He huffed and got the point, it's all for the family and the name of Lannister.

"The northerners will never forget this- " Tywin cut him off again, to shoot right back at him.

"Good. Let them remember what happens when they march on the south." His father got up from his chair, looking right at him, "The Targaryen Boy in the east will learn the same lesson." He was confused, last they've heard of him was that he was in Slaver's Bay, gathering an army to come west.

"Where is this dragon?" He asked his father who went to his desk and brought him a letter, with a tiger sigil on it.

"A request for assistance from the Lord of House Maegyr and Triarch of Volantis. Daeron has entered the city and taken up residence, and now is the time to deal with him and his dragons before they come here. Word is the boy is getting married, to a slave girl." He frowned at the thought of young men, throwing their famed blood in the mud as always, his father must be seething since he had done the same with his sweet Tysha.

"Congratulations to him then, maybe he will remain in Essos after all." He stated and his father bristled.

"The Fool Dragon will wed a commoner girl like Robb, and share his fate if needs are." His face paled and eyes went wide.

"You don't mean... " He doesn't want to believe his father would do this shameful task once more, not again.

"50 ships, blank masts are sailing to Volantis, to carry my gift to the King and his Queen. In the shape of a minstrel and the song of Castamere."


A ship is sailing to Naath, carrying the banner of House Targaryen. Missandei's home, but when she looked up to see the beautiful home she was taken from, she saw only flames and a small fleet of ships carrying the banner of the harpy, and the tiger.