Lies & Trust


"Can we trust them?"

Jorah looked around Daeron's inner circle, they all came together after the Golden Company came and helped deal with Melaquo's army.

To be honest, he wouldn't trust either Tyrion or Varys. One was a blood relative to the current usurper and the other sent assassins after Daeron and Daenerys.

So does he trust them?... No.

"I'm a little lost on family feuds. Who are these men?" Daario asked the room, he wanted to groan in annoyance, that is a lot of detail to explain to anyone.

So instead, Ser Barristan took the lead in telling everyone who doesn't know the detailed rivalry between House Lannister and House Targaryen.

"Years before the rebellion, Aerys Targaryen slighted Lord Tywin on many occasions. These slights colluded toward the moment where Lord Tywin betrayed the King and sacked his city, if only I were there then I might have protected him as I had done during the Defiance." Daario didn't seem all that interested, and why would he? A foreign sellsword would know nothing about the histories of Westeros. "The Sack led to Rhaegar's son and daughter and wife's death by the Mountain, then the King's own death at the hands of Jaime Lannister, Tywin's son and Tyrion's brother," Barristan added and finished.

Daeron hadn't said a word, not one since the death of Malequo. He's spent a number of hours preparing Missandei for passage to the next life, even told them to leave when they tried to help him, but even then he could see that Daeron won't just get through this, but will also grow stronger as well.

"Who is the other one?" Another question coming from the sellsword, and another answer coming from Ser Barristan.

"Lord Varys was Aerys Spymaster and then the Spymaster for Robert and his sons, but now it seems he wishes to serve us once more." It does seem strange and he will disagree to either of these men joining their force.

For Tyrion, it's because he is a Lannister and judging from the Sack of King's Landing? All lions inevitably stick up for one another. He believes Tyrion will betray them and will aid his family in defeating them, thus killing his King and ruining the restoration of House Targaryen.

Now Varys is for a completely different reason, that being him spying for the Baratheon's.

He wished he could own up to what he's done, serving information to Daeron and Daenery's enemies but he knows now, that the moment he tells Daeron the truth, there will be no recourse and he will be delivered the ultimate price for his treachery. Daeron will banish him or kill him on the spot because it was him who tole King Robert that Daenerys married Drogo, it was him who revealed her pregnancy and later stopped her assassination.

Varys being here, it only spells trouble and if he is revealed a traitor? Then it will lead his King to judge all of his subjects loyalty, and worse, it can and would lead to the madness his entire family has held for a long time.

So something has to be done.

"We'll decide at this week's end." Was the response from his quiet King, "Until then we get to know these men, gauge them and look for insidious intentions against us, especially Tyrion Lannister and Lord Varys." Daeron dismissed him and the others, leaving the room with his new guard with Kovarro and Rakharo following behind him, Grey Worm put on his helm and went to perform his patrols.

That left only him, and Ser Barristan who was giving him an awful stare.

"What?" He asked the older knight.

"You must be hiding a terrible secret, with your strong distrust of Lord Varys, understandable in some cases." His hands balled into fists, what was this old man accusing him of and what does he know.

"He and Tyrion cannot be allowed to ally with us, I am simply looking out for our King, and my friend." He told Barristan who nodded before getting on his feet, reaching into his armor and pulling out a scroll. "What is that?" He inquired, though he feels that he knows the answer.

"I received this a month ago, a slave boy gave it to me and meant it for you." He reached for it, only for Barristan to snatch it away and open it, "This was a pardon, made possible by King Robert, you have been feeding information to Daeron's enemies for permission to go home." He gritted his teeth.

"And you guarded his enemies against him." He pointed out, "I chose to fight for Daeron and his sister, not because I was shunned by my King." He won't let himself be bullied, "If you had this, then why haven't you taken it to the King? What makes waiting to tell him more worth it?" He asked him. Barristan gave him a half-offended look, giving him the letter after a moment.

"I have seen your loyalty to Daeron, it is truthful and honest," Barristan started, smiling kindly at him before frowning, "Yet our King needs to know, he needs your complete trust and coming from you? He might not be so vengeful for what you have done and instead look upon the many times you protected him. Tell him the truth, it is better than him finding it out from the Spider, or I." After the Bold Barristan left him in the council chamber.

Alone he contemplated on telling his King and friend what he's done, of what he's known and sent back to the Baratheon's and Lannister's.

He was uncertain of his future, wondering if his journey with Daeron will save him. It was secrets and slavery that drove him from his home, it was his desire to go home that killed Daenerys, now, it will most debatably kill him should Daeron let his anger take hold and by the end, he'll be drowned in dragon fire.

Maybe the gods will be just, and he'll be spared and redeemed... Then again, maybe death is what he deserves.


He didn't want to be disturbed, yet he was bothered near the end of the day and by the son of his greatest enemies, Tyrion Lannister.

When Ser Willem talked about House Lannister and their men, he pictured them all gallant and handsome and charming that most noble ladies would tear one another apart to get them. It wasn't the case with Tyrion who is nothing like some great lion is.

He's stunted, shorter than a child, mismatched dark and green eyes and hair so golden it's almost white. Parts of his face was also missing, possibly a battle wound from a broadsword.

"What do I owe the pleasure of my enemies son? Thought you were all winning a war in Westeros." He started, whereas the Imp poured himself a glass of wine and downed it in quick succession. Tyrion, saying nothing found himself a seat and sat down, across from where he was sitting.

"Ah, don't forget to thank me for killing him, it was a tough fight." To say he was surprised, was a great understatement. He didn't know a thing about that.

It was Tywin who sanctioned the dirty attack on him at a false wedding, it was apparent with some of the attackers being Westerosi, so he made a point for him to personally send Tywin to his death. It seems to him all the people he wanted to kill is doing that themselves, it was a shame really.

"Is any of those traitors that fought for Robert still alive?" He half-hoped it was true, that someone from that time is still breathing to bring to justice. Tyrion smirked and set down his goblet, relaxing into the chair.

"Well let me recount the war 'heroes'. Jon Arryn was poisoned by my sister, Robert was gutted by a boar, Eddard lost his head albeit falsely, my father was done in by me. Stannis is still alive, in the North, but that might have changed since then." Tyrion started, naming all the men who already died but Stannis, the Usurper's brother being alive is a surprise but that will change when he gets to Westeros.

"What of the Kingslayer." That, that was the one man he would be looking for, Jaime killed his father and although it was a reasonable choice to make, the lion swore an oath to protect him to the death. Tyrion's smirk left him the moment he asked for his brother.

"I don't believe you know my brother as well as I do, he's saved as many lives as he took." Now that was a lot of lies, again, understandable considering they are brothers but all Lannister's have done is kill people, no lives were saved when the lion comes to the door.

"House Lannister's fate as sealed the moment your father worked with Melaquo to kill me, you can change that fate by swearing me fealty." He laid the ultimatum out plainly, that fealty is what he wants but it sure as all the hells won't keep them at their status. House Lannister will be stripped of their lands and titles and torn down to a small castle to serve another and more loyal Warden of the West.

"First I will have to decide if I want you to be my liege." He snorted, where did that absurdity come from? He straightened his back and drank from his own goblet of wine.

"Isn't that why you and Varys brought me another 10,000 men? To serve me in reclaiming my home?" He found himself asking and taking an interest in the tiny man's statement.

"I fled from the headsman's ax. Varys said you were a King worth serving and in just a few years I have served three, four if you count my father." The sarcasm was amusing, he will admit, but he is tired of walking in circles.

He doesn't know if he is a worthy King, looking at what he's been through and the men he's allowed to turn against him it seemed he's a pathetic King. He got to his feet and looked at the fire, thinking about this talk and what it is leading to.

What message does he send to the Lords and Ladies of Westeros that he takes in the son of the man who brought his House down, in one instance he can see them thinking that the dragon can still force the lion to kneel, then there is an instance where he is seen as weak-willed though he is impressed that Tyrion would come all the way here, ignoring the fact that coming would most certainly mean his death.

"Tell me. Humor an older, and experienced man, but what do you know how to be a King? A governor of the land, Seven Kingdoms even." He was asked and noticed the dwarf lost all of his haughty voice. "You've proved a commander of men, surely, a warrior and master of dragons, great. Yet, what of governance? What of the laws and rights, knowing the land you want to rule? Or the House's who will stand against or fight with you." All questions he couldn't answer, the man was sure making this hard.

"Like who? I already expect House Martell to side with me, your father and his men saw to that. House Tyrell among others will aid me." He stated and smiled widely, Tyrion did not and cleared his throat to disagree with him.

"House Martell, likely. House Tyrell? They are marrying into the Baratheon's so you won't get any aid from them. The Starks are gone, thank our father's for that, the Arryn's are untrustworthy with Baelish leading the Vale, the Boltons, Freys, and Greyjoys are not material allies. Stannis is in the North, and trust me, he will not bend his knee for his claim to the throne rivals your own, considering Robert won his with conquest." It was a mouthful, and not at all what he wanted to hear.

It was clear to him that he lacked parts of the leadership skills needed to be King, he will need men to help him and guide him to becoming not just the King that he wishes to become, but the one that Westeros needs. Yet some thing's need to change, this game that these lords and ladies play have to change and not for the worse. He sighed and looked at Tyrion, staring at him and saying what needs to be said and now.

"The Game, the reason for so much death and havoc in my Kingdoms have to end, or changed to some degree." He told his enemies son, Tyrion smiled and shrugged.

"The Game is a wheel that has been turning for three centuries, many tried to stop it and have failed. I say this now, trying to do so will end your life." Tyrion's advice would have scared the younger him, but he has seen much death and tragedy to be afraid.

"Targaryen, Lannister, Stark, Baratheon, Arryn, Martell, Tyrell, Greyjoy. They are all spokes on a wheel, one crushes the other and damns the innocents that are caught in between." He started, the silence is deafening, "I don't mean to end the Game, far from it... I mean to destroy it, with Fire and Blood."


It was hours before Tyrion returned, all weary from talking to the King.

"So? Did you see it? See that I am right." He asked the Imp with his hands folded. Tyrion grunted sat down on one of the chairs, "I will speak to him on the morrow, get my forgiveness for not coming to him sooner." He added and earned a scoff at his words.

"I must say he reminds me a bit of what I read about in the book of Aegon's Conquest, he has the drive to fight for what he desires," Tyrion said to him, he hummed and went for his robe, "You are heading somewhere? It must be important," Yes he was correct.

"I must see how my birds are doing, they are lost without me." He stopped right at the door, "If something shall happen to me, Illyrio will have control of my Little Birds, though I am fairly safe within these walls." Tyrion looked back at him, unsure of what he meant, he hopes it doesn't mean a thing.

The truth is, he poses a threat to the King's right-hand man... Jorah Mormont.

The exiled knight was an informant for Robert Baratheon, ending once the last message one of his burds brought from Qarth. The original messenger was killed by Jorah when he chose to be loyal to Daeron Targaryen, serving the Father of Dragons cause to retake the Iron Throne from his enemies.

He won't pretend to be innocent, will not act as if he hadn't tried to salvage Robert's and Joffrey's reign to better the realm because that's all he's ever done. If Tyrion hadn't killed his father then he might have continued working for the Lannister's because Tommen seemed an amiable ruler, a real puppet to keep the peace if it were the Old Lion pulling the strings, with Tywin gone, Cersei and the Tyrells will fight over control of the boy.

That means the realm will continue to bleed, he cannot allow that, so he pulled some strings when he and Tyrion got to Pentos with Illyrio and obtained the allegiance of the Golden Company so when Daeron does get to Westeros, he'll have well over 20,000 men at his back to fight with House Martell.

He walked down one of the streets, well enough away from the city palace where Daeron is settled in when he spotted the man he came to see.

"You knew I would be here?" He nodded to Jorah's question, "I gave much thought to what I would say to Daeron. I want him to know the truth, yet I cannot let him know for he needs my protection." He scoffed a little, to what is being said to him by the disgraced knight.

"Protection? Such a declaration from such an 'honorable' knight of the Seven Kingdoms. You fled Westeros instead of owning up to your sin, you informed on his and his sibling's movements to Robert Baratheon, all heading toward the inevitable, to his beloved sister, dying in his arms." He shot back to Jorah who still had a strong grip on the hilt of his sword, tired of it he sighed and sat down and smiled.

"I hope you know you cannot leave this alley. Because I made my decision, Daeron cannot know anything." Jorah said as he walked over, his hand was off the hilt of his sword and instead held a dagger.

"Ah, and I suppose my coin will be missing too? I mean, I am the only one besides you and the Small Council that knows of your treachery, and most are dead beside a small few." Jorah didn't even have the heart to nod, "Do you know why I haven't informed Daeron of what you have done? It is not for the sake of my life, I would give it freely for the sake of the realm." He added and Jorah hadn't done anything quite yet, so he must be interested.

"... I have an inkling, it would break him." He nodded, yes that is true and the reason he hasn't said anything.

"Daeron has been betrayed by many. Starting with Tywin who tricked Aerys to open the gates, the guard at Dragonstone who wished to turn them over, servants of Willem who threw them out, his own brother who sold Daenerys to Drogo, the Thirteen at Qarth who treated him so kindly to the Triarchy joining with Tywin to destroy his House completely." He said, recounting all the tragedies that befell Daeron and his family.

"If Daeron finds out that you were at the head where Daenerys lost her wife and child, then he will be on the road to madness, paranoid of all those closest to him." He stopped, then continued talking to Jorah who listened to him so far, "Daeron is Westeros's last hope, his blood and reign will better the realm, to help it and it's people out of the darkness that it is in." He ended and waited for what Jorah will do, will he kill him or spare him.

In a moment, Jorah dropped the dagger on the ground and ran, to where? He doesn't know but it isn't good.


He ran for the palace, pushing aside guards and asking where the King was.

Grey Worm and Daario who were patrolling together said that Daeron was in his new chambers, entertaining himself with Barristan.

That wasn't good, Barristan told him to say something and he waited this long to do it? Barristan won't hesitate, it isn't in the old knight's nature. His heartbeat ran fast as he rushed down numerous halls, passing by Unsullied and Fire Worshippers.

When he did get to the door leading to Daeron, he didn't hesitate and pushed it open despite Kovarro and Rakharo telling him he is busy with someone. Inside the room, Barristan and Daeron were sharing some laughs, and drinking wine, Daeron himself was a little under at the moment and looked to be flying in the alcohol.

"That there, is my greatest friend and protector. Jorah the Andal! Kingsguard to me!" Daeron said, getting up and stumbling a bit. He reached forward and caught his friend before he could hit the floor, "You barged in, why?" His friend asked him and he found his words caught in his throat.

He can't do this, he just can't. So, he smiled and patted the young King on the back, chuckling while Barristan gave him a disappointing look.

"It was nothing, I remembered, something. I forgot it now." He ended up telling Daeron who smiled cheekily, throwing an arm around his neck and bringing him in a brotherly embrace.

"You've been more of a brother to me than Viserys or even Rhaeger could ever be. I can trust you with everything, my brother!"

If only he could be trusted, if only he could have changed it all.

I'm sorry, Daeron.