War of the Dawn II

White Harbor

White Harbor is under siege, the walls were strong but the dead attacking were quite relentless as a rain of fire arrows fell upon them from the top of the wall.

Hearing screams, Jorah turned and saw one of the spiders attacking one of his men and he drove his obsidian weapon into its back causing it to shatter into dust then helping the lad up to continue fighting, "We need men up here with obsidian blades! These creatures are fast in getting to us!" He shouted below.

Asher Forrester cleaved with his ancestral sword, drenched the steel in oil, and set it ablaze to aid in his slaying the dead. "There are too many! They'll overcome the walls soon!" He shouted to Jorah who nodded.

In the city itself, unarmed citizens were piling on the port, eagerly being pulled unto ships and Asha Greyjoy grunted, helping a young boy who tripped while claiming the plank to get on board.

At the front gate, the dead slashed and scratched at the gate, behind it Wylis barricaded it with what he could find and picked five-hundred men to pressed. The heir to White Harbor said his farewells to his wife, daughters, and father, promising to due them honor as he aims to halt the dead or meet Wendel in the afterlife.

Emotions running high, men panicking on whether they'll see the dawn after its all over.

A ways away from the battle, Jon Stark and Jaime Lannister led a force of cavalry and infantry to aid White Harbor or at least save who they can, and flying above them was Daeron atop Daegon who was equally worried about seeing his people to safety.

They were careful, weren't they? White Harbor now holds almost 18,000 people from all throughout the North.

Another worry caused him some grief, this Night King isn't a completely evil being with no sentient mind of its own. Its assault on White Harbor must have been premeditated, he had commanded the remaining force at the Moat to be ready for the dead that is hiding inside the Wolfswood.

Jon focussed on the task at hand, turning once to Jaime who had a fearful look in his eyes.

The new Lord of Winterfell was sure the Kingslayer was nervous, a great many that haven't tested the coldness of this threat will no doubt have some urge to flee after seeing these monsters for the first time.

... Then again, this is one of the most lethal knights in the Realm, he shouldn't have too much trouble in getting used to fighting something that isn't so human.

"With more haste! White Harbor and its citizens need us!" He rallied in an attempt to force march, get there faster.

Jaime grimaced, if it wasn't the few Dornishmen, or the Red Viper's daughter giving him the eyes of murder, it was the prospect of falling to one of these corpses that intend on killing them all.

The Northern Lords that serve Jon Snow didn't welcome him as well as he had expected when he arrived, understandable of course but they are on the same side now... They are allies since the ones that initially fought and led in the conflict between North and South have been quite dead for some time.

Jaime is quite apprehensive about fighting something not completely human, yet Daeron gave him a second chance, a chance to erase the history of the Kingslayer and welcome redemption to the Lannister name.

So he made his prayers to the Seven Gods if they care to hear, let him live and do his duty to his King... His final King that he'll be serving as coupled with age and mournfulness, he doubts to see Daeron's future heir take the throne.

The army continued making a fast march to White Harbor, and while its defenders held off the enemy with as much as they could.

Jorah cut down another spider, then beheaded a former Wildling turned Wight.

The wall is nearly compromised, the main gate being pounded by a giant who had broken through the continuous rain of arrows. He sighed and held his side, bleeding a little from a strike by a rather vicious Edmure Tully, he put the man to rest and had his body pulled back and hidden.

Walking to the steps he eyed the back of them, the city is yet crawling with running people- All trying to take things with them rather than fleeing for their lives.

"Look out!" He heard a crash and saw with terrified eyes as the undead giant broke the upper half of the left door to the main gate.

"Give me that!" He ordered a man with a spear, he checked it for obsidian then aimed and threw the spear at the giant's skull causing it to slump dead over the door.

Before he could give orders, the dead began using their slumped ally as a bridge and swarmed through and attacked the men still holding the gate shut. "Defend our men, pull them back and form a shield wall!" He shouted and ran to assist Wylis who was slashed across his chainmail, thankfully he was unhurt.

As Jorah and Wylis rallied those below, Asher was shooting true with his bow. He was shocked they broke through so quickly, he shot another arrow through a Wight's head and then heard another crash.

The Lord of Ironrath watched a large column of men to his far-left fall from the ramparts, the dead climbed on top of one another and came over like a wave.

The enemy has breached the city, is this the end? Asher didn't get time to answer his own question, a Wight jumped at him and struck him with a broken spear and he yelped in pain before falling down with the dead man to the cobblestone.

Civilians unarmed weren't prepared, getting slaughtered as Jorah and his lieutenants couldn't hold them back and solemnly decided to retreat to the ships.

The battle was lost, the city is lost... Moat Cailin is the only defense left apart from Harrenhal and then King's Landing.

It was this sight that those of Daeron, Jon, and Jaime saw when they arrived just as dawn began to rise, though it was clouded due to the weather or the Night King's magic.

"Jon, Jaime... Lead the men forth and breakthrough White Harbor. I will clear a path and take the dead's attention." To that, he took flight, his dragon roaring as it breathed fire upon the dead. Daeron burned with anger that he gripped his reins on Daegon too tightly. His nails dug into the skin and caused him to bleed.

Jaime and Jon looked at one another, unsheathing their weapons and charging with the army.

The warriors within White Harbor were shocked with awe as they saw the King flying his dragon and burning the dead to ashes and more so when Jon Stark and Jaime Lannister broke past the once fortified gate and joined in helping fight the Wights and Ice Spiders that were inside the city.

Another jet of fire seared the wall of any dead as it was overrun, then swerved and evaded a thrown spear of ice. Daeron eyed and came down, brushing the Walker in a bath of flame but upon looking back he saw that the creature was still there, they aren't so easily killed it seems.

Turning his attention back to the city, he flew to find Jorah and the others.

Jorah nearly saved Wylis from a thrown ax, only able to catch the fallen heir of White Harbor as he died in his arms. He sighed and saw a group of Wights charging at him but they were stomped by Daegon who landed in the market and smiled upon seeing Daeron jump and run Blackfyre through the chest of another Wight.

"I'm glad to have made it in time, my friend." He said to him, Jorah took it after laying Wylis to rest. "We cannot win this, Daeron, there are too many of them." He advised and Daeron nodded.

"The fleet has departed?" Daeron asked and he nodded, before the King's arrival they were simply fighting to take as many of the dead with them. "We gather everyone, and retreat back to Moat Cailin." He was told and relayed it to several men who ran to find Asher.

Not far away, the White Walker that Daeron failed to burn and led this undead army was cutting a swath of men, killing Asher Forrester then seeing the human King and lifted his spear and threw it.

If the spear makes its mark, breaking through to the rest of Westeros will be much easier and the Night King will have battered the morale of the living army... An easy victory for their grand purpose of bringing an endless night.

Jorah was aware and saw it coming, his eyes widened as it was going towards his King so he had little time to react besides one thing.

He got between Daeron and the spear, it felt hot rather than cold as if a freshly hammered weapon was sunk into his chest. Daeron saw this just as he was about to mount Daegon, "Jorah!" He cried out and caught his greatest friend as battle still raged around them, Daegon angrily shot a blast of flame at the White Walker who approached him.

"Daeron... I'm sorry." He shed tears as Jorah ceased to move. The man has been at his side for years it feels like, his purple eyes then turned to the creature who killed his greatest friend.

Daeron stood up and gripped Blackfyre, roaring and crossing blades against the Walker who fought like shite. He dodged a swing, then swung upwards and cut off the White Walker's hand before taking the damned things head clean off.

The death of the White Walker set a chain reaction, half of the invading undead army fell to the ground and the rest along with any Ice Spiders still fought for a few more minutes before fleeing the field and retreating.

Jaime and Jon found Daeron putting Jorah's weapon in his hand, placing it on his chest. "Sorry, Daeron. He was a great warrior, to fight them off this long." Jon tried to console the King who was still silent.

Eventually, Daeron did turn and face both men. "How many did we lose? Who is left in the city?" He asked them and the costs were high.

"Ten-thousand innocents dead among what seemed to be thirty-thousand Wights, of the army we lost seven-thousand total... And a few brave commanders amongst them." Jon said, Daeron hummed in sadness, then picked up the ice weapon that pierced his most valued advisor. "I say we quickly march back to the Moat and prepare for the other half of the Night King's army, he has shown to deal heavy blows, we can't afford to lose here." Jon added and put a hand on his shoulder.

Daeron wrapped the weapon over him, then got atop Daegon. "Get our men back to Moat Cailin, I will stay and burn the city and every corpse so they won't rise again." This attack was to gather greater numbers to their eventual clash, he'll be damned if he has to fight his friends and allies.

True to Bran's vision, White Harbor burned and by the hands of King Daeron as Jon led the army back to the Moat. Jorah's corpse along with every man, woman, and child who was slain was put under flame and turned to ash as the city was melted by dragon flame.

And way up North inside of the Wolfswood, the Night King mounted his horse alongside his White Walker generals and commenced the march towards Moat Cailin, the final battle drew near and man would either be victorious or fall beneath the cold and snow.

AN: Hope the battle was a little exciting as we reach the climax of this war then onward to the end.