Chapter 10

Wu Haoyu wild demeanor led him in trouble's way, from the way he talks and the way he acts made people assume bad things from him. Zhang Cheng didn't like Wu Haoyu because Wu Haoyu is an eccentric person who made a hobby out of annoying him.

Despite what the rumor's says, Wu Haoyu aren't in love with him, Zhang Cheng could tell that much. From the way he uses that false pretense of love to create trouble for him. For reason why he does so, partially he wants to have control of the public opinion against him, sees him as an object of affection and blind the public with needless romantic soap opera for his amusement. Wu Haoyu goes for all that, even if it damages his own reputation like he was detached from the chaos around him. That part of him he couldn't understand...

With that said, it's not Zhang Cheng's fault at all Wu Haoyu was his admirers. What is he doing thinking about the guy when he should've been sleeping?! Any actions of individual whether it's bad or good leads to consequences, Zhang Cheng never bothered with the bad consequences that well earn by that party. Living in this imperfect world long as he has, he learned to ignore things that didn't deserve him well intention.

However, human mind is weird. When already adapt to the situation they used to, they just accept it as it is, eventually looking beneath the big display and notice the small details of Wu Haoyu. One thing that came in mind, is a dual Zhang Cheng had with a senior. It was unlike the fight he used to with Wu Haoyu, with him it was like a fight between children, painful yet not aiming to kill each other and just a fight to let out the pent-up frustration. With the senior, every move was aiming to for vital area, one small mistake will cost him his life or permanent disability. The walls around were coming closing on him; he has to fight tooth and nail to survive with odds stacked against him.

His victory was cheered by the people who watches from the sidelines, from how brutal and chaotic their fight was he's glad he hadn't injured anyone on accident. He couldn't smile though, his jaw probably fractured that time, the smell of blood overpowered his nose. Basically, his face was in a state even his own mother couldn't recognize him.

One person stands out among the cheering crowds, it is of course Wu Haoyu, not for the reason you think. With his richness he made his henchmen rain flower on top of Zhang Cheng. Wu Haoyu's people clear out the way as he made his way towards him, proclaiming his suppose "love" in an exaggerating way and became the center of the attention. Given the situation, the senior and his people in a grim atmosphere and Zhang Cheng own terrible complexion, his air of unseriousness and condescending manner really funny.

"Hahaha... Agghh!" Zhang Cheng couldn't resist to softly chuckle; it was immediately proven to be a terrible idea as he winches in pain.

Wu Haoyu went to his side and help him stand by the shoulder; he made it clear though he wasn't happy to have blood on his cloth. "...Lost your mind yet? Well, from what I see, when your head hit a rock, it was the rock that's broken. That's a good thing, since I don't like my toys broken." He gave him an arrogant smile. Zhang Cheng stand close to Wu Haoyu's face, looking back he realized the slight tremble in his voice and the worry weight on his brow.

Zhang Cheng didn't push Wu Haoyu like he would usually do, other than the reason he physically drain, he felt his warmth and sarcastic voice sounds comfortable. Still, he doesn't like to seem weak, so he refutes him with a soft frown. "You are absurd. You are the only crazy person I know greet an injured person with rain of flower. Do you any shame at all?"

Instead of a straight answer, Wu Haoyu laughs like it was some kind of a very funny joke. Now thinking of it, it was the first time he ever laughs. Not in a cynical and sarcastic manner, a genuine laugh. A rare moment Wu Haoyu lowering his guard treating him as his equal. The sight was charming. The girls nearby seemed to agree, squirming and squealing as they admire him. Zhang Cheng felt displeased at having to share the moment with others. Clearly, he's smiling for him. 


His mind is restless, he can't close his eyes without imagining Wu Haoyu being helplessly kick to the ground by Zhang Cheng's people. That's ridiculous saying that arrogant Wu Haoyu will go through that without breaking their legs first, he himself knew. Although, Wu Haoyu didn't blame him for his connection to the matter. He was going through that without said a word to anybody, he rather be misunderstood as being unfair and cruel, than just said he was just protecting himself. Zhang Cheng himself knew by taking him off guard.

If Zhang Cheng hadn't found out, he will frame Wu Haoyu on a crime he didn't commit. Wu Haoyu will not do anything to unravel his misunderstanding. And Zhang Cheng will be the same as the people who mistreated him just based on rumors in the past...

Zhang Cheng force his eyelashes close, his forehead wrinkles. No matter, he's just having to meet Wu Haoyu tomorrow and apologize for misunderstanding the situation.


Before the sun rise, Zhang Cheng opened his eyes and wash a bit before donned his clothes and fastened his swords to his hips. His door was closest to the stair leading down to the main living room, as the door opens it almost knocks the face of a passenger which Zhang Cheng quickly stop as he realized a footstep. "My apologies," Zhang Cheng initially didn't notice their presence, likely because the other was not a normal mortal.

"You didn't have to worry. It is but a small accident." It was slightly forced out of his mouth, likely the guy was not too please to begin his day with his face almost slammed to a door, but he didn't show it on his face and rather express gentleness and consideration on his face.

The two made eye contacts, Zhang Cheng was first surprised which later turn to pleasant smile. "It's you!"

The other person also smiled, "Zhang Cheng, it's been a while!" His smile gentle like he's a grass in a tall mountain of an immortal, his voice soothing like a bedtime story.

Wang Wei is the young lord of the rich merchant family in which Zhang Cheng work for after they kindly took him in on the streets. Wang Wei was the one suggested his father to take him in, he can be called his savior in a way. "How are your family doing?"

"All good. Not many significant problems that I care to bring up. Not in a reunion such as this." Wang Wei place his hand closer to his lips and chuckle, "I heard so much about you, Zhang Cheng. Saying you could move mountains and every person who laid their eyes on you fell on their knees. Although, I appreciate it more if I hear it directly from the individual." He then rests his hand on Zhang Cheng's shoulder in a friendly manner.

Zhang Cheng laughs at his remarks, admittedly slightly embarrassed by the rumors surround him. He wasn't nearly as impressive as the people thought he is. "I'm afraid I have to disappoint you, Young Lord. I'm still that errand boy in more ways than one." Zhang Cheng quickly change the topic, "What brings you here out of all places? It's a long way from home."

In a second, Wang Wei eyes flicker in those of an anxiousness and stress. There's also an unknown emotion on his eyes Zhang Cheng is not too keen to understand its meaning. Though it gone quickly. Wang Wei let out a deep sigh, "... I don't know where I should I start?"


Ignoring the ascending sun early in the morning usually an easy mistake to make, what hard is to ignore the knowing that a figure is blocking the sunlight from reaching your face when it should've had by the warmth of the sun. Wu Haoyu eyes flicker open in an unhurried motion.

The figure shifts his head looking at Wu Haoyu, with an animated smile with an energy and charm shine brighter than the sun. "Young Master, you're awake at last."

Bao Lin was sitting on a comfortable position at the edge of the bed, protecting Wu Haoyu's face from the sun. He thought he should, every morning Wu Haoyu always groaned in annoyances when sun piercing on his face. He wonder if it's the right choice keeping him from waking up for this long. Although he didn't regret it since it'll be not long before his master have get back to the Soaring Wind Sect.

Wu Haoyu looks at the sun behind Bao Li, he can already paint the picture that he's late. He rose up and try to stretch his hand to the air, he pauses, his hand was holding on Bao Lin's sleeve. He swiftly sweeps his hand away, "Let's not discuss about this." His cheeks slightly flushed.

Bao Lin smiles ear to ear, totally enjoying Wu Haoyu's reaction, "Of course, I won't even mention it,"

Hearing what he wanted, Wu Haoyu get himself ready. Bao Lin was quite obedient only helping when asked, didn't bothering Wu Haoyu what he should do and what shouldn't as the Young Master of Scarlet Blossom Pavilion. It was peaceful.

"I almost forgot to mention it, early in the morning, just an hour before you awake, a young man around the same age as Young Master come and seek for an audience with you." Walking on the stone floor path towards the exit, Bao Lin walks behind Wu Haoyu's left shoulder.

"Yeah, seek to kick my ass I assume." Wu Haoyu almost sigh at how annoying yesterday was.

Bao Lin raises his brows, "Oh? Did something eventful happened?"

"Well, I tell you what happened." It Bao Lin casual and genuine curiosity, made Wu Haoyu tell him yesterday drama, because Bao Lin is a good listener and throw him questions every few minutes, no details was spared. Without consciously knowing it, he slips the fact he was bullied.

"Who do they think they are?!" Bao Lin looks shocked, like he couldn't imagine anyone would dare to do such a thing to him. Multiple kinds of emotion flashes on his face at once, but at the end of it, he looks up to Wu Haoyu with a smile. It didn't reach his eyes; it give a sinister vibe Wu Haoyu never imagine Bao Lin kind face could emit.

"What'd you... What's in your mind?" Wu Haoyu have a feeling that he doesn't want to know.

"Teach them of their place. Young Master shouldn't show mercy to those lowly being who doesn't know their insignificant!" Bao Lin determines cold voice scares Wu Haoyu that he might kill those boys.

"I already have my revenge; I believe it's enough to send the message. It's less torturous than walking up thousands of stairs, but still is exhausting and draining. Considering the rocky road and twist and turn..." He raised his hand to the tick door, in a leisure motion from his hand it swing open as if it was the weight of a cutting board. Well, he's strong enough to kill them himself anyway if it's in his interest.

"Oh, it's like Young Master is talking from experience. Can Young Master enlighten me?" Bao Lin is quick to catch on tiny details, Wu Haoyu need to escape him before he tells him everything.

On the pavement of the front entrance, was a shine of gold momentarily blind Wu Haoyu in first glance. Bao Lin crutch down and pick up a box shape trinket, he audibly gasp. "W-who's careless enough to dropped this valuable here?!"

"It's..." Wu Haoyu glance at it from Bao Lin shoulder. "Rare A rank elixir..." A strange thing for someone to be careless with. Normally, valuable elixir such as this is more valuable than any finest diamond and ancient family heirloom. There's little people Wu Haoyu know that treat valuable as this like a child's toy. First, is his mother. Second is...

Bao Lin hand slightly tremble and anxiousness on his face, "... Young Master? What should we do about it?" He's not confident that he should hold it.

Wu Haoyu didn't care enough to give any further thought to it than 'keep it just in case it wasn't for us'. Little did he know, it was just one in many strange 'gifts' he receives for today.

He arrives at the gathering place, if yesterday he can feel all stares staring at him behind his back, today everybody did the opposite, they're avoid staring at his way as if the minute they made eye contact their head would be cut off. Half an hour passed with nobody as to even walk the same direction as them, Wu Haoyu and Bao Lin look at each other, both agree this is odd.

In the woods, Wu Haoyu smell in the humid air and focusing on his earing senses he can hear the chirping of a bird, the streaming water of the river, yet no monster can he heard by a mile far. Given how many people hunted for the monster's lately it's not strange for the remaining number of it has gone and hide. Wu Haoyu sigh as he retracts his weapon, he sits down on the grass underneath a tree.


The aftermath of Zhang Cheng scolding towards the bullying of Wu Haoyu gone as much as anyone would expect, the one who had expectation that Zhang Cheng would understand and even grateful to their doing were left angry to Zhang Cheng backlash. Some don't see the errors of their ways were in denial that they did anything wrong in the first place and feel Zhang Cheng reaction was un-call for.

That kind of immature reaction.

However, they all agree in one thing, they're too afraid of him to do anything to voice and act on their opinion. Nevertheless, like the dog that couldn't understand they can't bark on random strangers and was put on leash to keep from trouble, they were waiting for someone to cut the leash.

It came in a shape of a young man with an air of a gentle white crane, but in actuality, he's the embodiment of evil and manipulation. With a few words from his lips, the four boys are ready to kill a person with no remorse and hesitation.


Demonic cultivator had long existed almost as long as cultivation exist. As it always said, qi aka vital energy, exists everywhere, anywhere and in anything. Human just has a better and advantageous way to turn it into power that benefit them and make them stronger. The right path of cultivation to simplify; is to train one's body and meditate to train one's spirit, extend the human lifespan and strengthen oneself.

The demonic take an unorthodox path in which further speed up their development in a monstrous speed, in return they pay a heavy price, in some case it was their ability to think normally, and their morality gone estrange, only think with their bloodlust. There is no surprise the path was heavily scorn by the people.

Jiang Yuze walk the path remnant of the war between the righteous cultivator and the demonic cultivator. The road was barren from any lifeform, the earth was with no grass or plant of sort, as if the nature afraid to touch the land once dirty with blood. He accidently kicked something on the ground that echos a loud clank, it was a leftover weapon that no one claimed, probably afraid it brings misfortune to them.

A house was barely holding itself up was on a verge of collapsing, many other house beside its already had given up and crumble down to the ground. He walks further inside in between the ruins, it was the most recent war between the two side, only about 13 years ago. He can still smell the distinct smell of blood hanging in the air.

Everything in this place screams: totally safe! That what he would say if he was an idiot with no working eye and deadpan senses to know from top to bottom of his gut, this place has some sort of dangerous atmosphere that drive of fear, one that screams death with every inch of its being. Something tells him, he would be dead the instance he steps in even further than this.


Footstep walks on the grass, heading closer to Wu Haoyu that had fallen asleep leaning his back towards the tree. A looming figure stand tall above Wu Haoyu, his intention's unknown, every step was slow and calculated to make the smallest sound to not alert the sleeping person.