Chapter 12

Bao Lin was escorted by Wu Haoyu and Zhang Cheng to the gathering place, the place was pack with martial art disciple that tried their first experience in hunting. Some had few scars and haggardly looking, and some come back unscathed, however all of them look tired. A footstep stops from behind, Bao Lin notices the sudden stop and look at Zhang Cheng that glance back at the forest.

"You both get back; I want to investigate the situation better." Zhang Cheng proclaimed.

Bao Lin wasn't worried knowing and seeing how capable Zhang Cheng on his own, he nodded. After saying his blessing and goodbyes, he walks away, fully exhausted by today's experience. There is still a bunch of chores he needed to do, and he can't have his young master come back home with nothing prepared for him.

Wu Haoyu stay still in his place, ".... You mean this could be some foul play going the attack?" Wu Haoyu's concerned, with the plot in his hands some major plot shouldn't start in this timeline. There is still 3 years for his spotlight as a bully. Features something's that's dangerous to be able control beast belong to the demonic cult, shouldn't be ignored.

"This type of wolf beast, unlike actual wolf, didn't go in big group, because the types that transforms to wolf beast are the same type of dominant wolves who likes to be leaders and things evolved into bloodshed if put together. It's unusual for a number of 23 wolf beasts to hunt together. By Bao Lin's statement it appears the beast were targeting us."

"I get what you are implying, but is it even possible? There's no enchantment that can control beast. What kind of maniac use that kind of magic to kill three teenagers?" Wu Haoyu frowned, if this were true, he'd have to get rid of this villain so to not overlapped with his timeline...

"To be correct, it was you that they're trying to kill." Zhang Cheng glance to Wu Haoyu.

Wu Haoyu didn't look surprised; he does make a hobby of getting on people's nerves. "Are they stupid? If they know a little bit of my background, they'd know it is a dead wish. It makes more sense if they plan to kidnap me for ransom. Not that they can, but they could try."

Zhang Cheng concentrated on the deal at hand to comment on Wu Haoyu sentence. He continued, "Judging from their oddly colored red eyes, the perpetrator controls the beast by putting them under an illusion..." Zhang Cheng momentarily zone out warp in his own world.

Wu Haoyu wave his hand to Zhang Cheng's face and had no response. He holds back his laughter, "We can start by going there."

Zhang Cheng rose up to look at him, "No. It's dangerous. Aren't you admit it yourself you're unwell?" It was directed to Wu Haoyu.

Wu Haoyu roll his eyes," I will go. Last time, I was in a daze, this time I'll be sure to focus. Whoever tried to kill me and hurt my people will pay back with their life. I'm being generous there because their cheap lives cannot begin to cover half price for the damage."

"Sure." Zhang Cheng tone was monotone and detached. He was a bit worried of Wu Haoyu's safety, but he soon realized how stupid it was and walk closely beside him.

Checking with the corpses, there's nothing they could extract that could be any use. Although, in-between one of the beast's claws, hidden a piece of cloth. It was small part of a clothing that has a halfway cloud line pattern of green and blue. It's a symbol of the Soaring Wind Sect.

"There's a footprint." Zhang Cheng called.

Wu Haoyu wordlessly come to him. It is a number of footprints, belong to four people, that a minute before the arrive come to check on the situation and found their target not dead and evacuated swiftly.

There's no doubt about who's behind the attack. It was quicker than they thought to be close to the mastermind. But there's no joy in both of their faces after finding the truth. They share a glance at each other, telepathically they knew they have the same idea.

"Were they always being this stupid?" Wu Haoyu sigh.

"...." There's no word to describe his disappointment, Zhang Cheng remain silent.

On to the gathering place, they had a chance go look around to the people that's present and finished with their hunt. The two can see that there are a few particular people that wasn't present.

Four shadow walks through the trees, their pace rush, their face panic. None of them willing to mouth out any word from their mouth in fear that rip the silence that cover the fear in their hearts. They arrived at the gathering place. It was a boy that first greeted their face, though it's clear he was expecting someone else, "Pardon my intrusion, I see none of you are hurt. There was an accident at the forest, the beast was behaving oddly." He touches his mouth with a scrutinize stare at the group.

The four boys shifted uncomfortably under his stares, "Who are you?" One of the disciple's questions.

"Bao Lin, you should go back home." Wu Haoyu emerge from right behind, both his arm fold and his back lean in leisure manner. Bao Lin nod and walk away.

The four disciples looked like they hold themselves from jumped from their feet and run.

"How nice to see you all safe...Can I ask all of you gentlemen one question?" Zhang Cheng slowly walk towards them eyes cold, only stop when he's at a close position that will not allow them to escape. The fear on the face were enough to prove that they did play a part on what happened, Zhang Cheng didn't wait for them to respond and ask, "How much of the controlling the beast is your doing? You all can't just have that ability suddenly, so... Who help you?"

"That is technically two questions, little beauty." Wu Haoyu come to Zhang Cheng's shoulder.

"Please shut your mouth for a minute, Wu Haoyu." Zhang Cheng put his hand to Wu Haoyu's mouth which in turn he gives out a chuckle.

"H-h-here!" One person that shiver and tremble terribly from fear, handed Wu Haoyu a pendent.

"Oh?" Wu Haoyu brows rose in curiosity. "Who gives it to you?"

"He is-—" Life fade from his eyes and he fell down to the ground, seemingly not breathing and lifeless. The other three freak out, "Ahhhhh!!" Fear petrified them, their face become paler than a shade of white.

"...What the..." Wu Haoyu's subconsciously takes a step back. Zhang Cheng come forth to the now dead peers, checking to come to a clear conclusion, but found no sneak attack or symptoms of poisoned.

Bo Xiang come and immediately realize the dire situation and make hold of the situation. The remaining three get the consequences as they deserve, got negotiated and punished. But it soon found out that no matter what, they can't squeeze the name of their accomplice that given them the pendent.

Unknowingly, they made contracts in ownership of the pendent by bargaining with their soul and once the name of the accomplice spills out of their mouth, it's a bleach of their contract, thus end their life.

It was a fruitless endeavor, Zhang Cheng didn't have much to add, leave to the town's walking among the crowds. A fresh air always helps him... 

 It was nice to have a walk around the city that you had once grow up in. Although not much good memories are made in this place, there are few memories that he cherishes and made it a worth to have a little sightseeing to clear his mind.

"Wu Haoyu, why are you still here?" Zhang Cheng annoyed.

Wu Haoyu keeps his pace to be beside him, his lips curve in an arch. "Have pity on me, I got targeted by an unknown evil! I can't walk alone tonight!" He said dramatically and pose a pitiful expression as cling to Zhang Cheng sleeve.

Zhang Cheng didn't buy his pitiful act and roll his eyes in annoyance. Wu Haoyu is much more capable fighting alone and doesn't need anyone's protection. He can lose Wu Haoyu using the crowds or disappear when he's distracted, but he acknowledges the danger is still present and decided that it's more beneficial logically to have him around.

The lanterns and candle illuminated the streets.

Wu Haoyu eyes beamed, "It's amazing how beautiful it is." It wasn't his usual tone, its strip from his usual obnoxious and loudness, it's didn't demand attention and was soft spoken that it almost drown by the passenger's voice.

Zhang Cheng look to him, a little unsure that it was even him talking. "I know." Both of them simultaneously stop on top of a bridge, floating lily candles on the lake underneath.

Wu Haoyu lean his arms to the bridge, "At this time of the year, people are cackling and smiling like idiots while setting fire to little popping bomb to deafened people up. So blissful, isn't it Zhang Cheng?"

"... Yes, tonight is wonderful." Zhang Cheng didn't say anything further and the two just stand there watching at the lake and then at the sky, while the background noise was loud with cheers and laughter.

"That looks delicious." Wu Haoyu catch a glimpse of a sweet shop; he rushes towards the seller with gleeful smile. Zhang Cheng followed him. Wu Haoyu place his order to the seller and after a few minutes, he hold two pair of melted candy, he handed one to Zhang Cheng.

"What's this?" Zhang Cheng asked with a confused face.

"Beauty, use those pretty eyes of yours, it's sweets." Wu Haoyu seems to get back to his usual self.

Zhang Cheng wouldn't be so offended if not for the melted candy are heart shaped. He let Wu Haoyu hand hanging on midair, not taking the offering in his hand.

"I pay already pay for it you know. If you don't want it, I'll throw it away."

"That's a waste." Zhang Cheng ignores his stomach growl the second his nose hits with the sweet smell of sugar, he takes the sweets reluctantly. They both take a seat on the prepared chair for those who got tired of walking. Zhang Cheng glance over at the quiet Wu Haoyu that's been looking at the food in his hand not eating it and staring at it dazingly. "What's going on with you today?" Zhang Cheng stated.

Wu Haoyu startled, quickly look to him, "Ah? Nothing?" He also confused himself on what to say. What his character would say in a moment like this? That's how he combated with conversation he had. "I just thought of how stupid those people are trying to kill me and yet get themselves killed and in a dangerous situation! Seriously, can they be ashamed of themselves? How old are they to be so careless?! It's not like... they are," kids... Wu Haoyu stops without completing the last sentence. 

Zhang Cheng eyes blink rapidly, "Are you by any chance... feel sad?" 

"What?! Of course not!" Wu Haoyu defensively shout.

Zhang Cheng lips curve up, he can tell when Wu Haoyu is lying, he made it too obvious that even he who's not too keen on people's emotion can pick on it easily. He sighs, "It's not your fault. Those who driven only by hatred and vengeance are prone to end up in a tragic end. I don't understand why other people can be sad about that person's fate when it was well deserved."

"That's narrowminded, Zhang Cheng." Wu Haoyu slightly frown. "If one were to blame anyone it was those who knew exactly what will happen if a bunch of stupid idiots is given power. What an ominous person to appear so suddenly..." Wu Haoyu pull out the pendent from his pocket. Today is not kind to him, not only his sleep was intruded with flashback of literal war, but reality also hit him with sudden death of someone he acquainted with. He sighs.

"Well, I admit I simplified it too much. If I were to be honest, if it was my past self were in their place, given the power to take vengeance on the people who wronged me, I would take that chance in a heartbeat." He scoffed. It's unclear if he's plainly mocking himself or trying to crack a self-destructive joke to cheer Wu Haoyu up.

"No, you wouldn't." Wu Haoyu said unhesitant.

"Why are you so confident?" Zhang Cheng asked, a little amused.

"Because you are kind."

"Haha! I'm kind? That's ridiculous." Zhang Cheng laughter was sudden, it almost made Wu Haoyu sweets flew out of his hand. In the novel, it was very rare for Zhang Cheng to chuckle or more so laughing. Wu Haoyu was fascinated by rare dimple on Zhang Cheng cheeks as he laughs. If only camera existed today, he would snap a thousand picture and it's fine since it what his character would do too. "Cold hearted, merciless and heartless. People call me by those names." 

He can see the way others look at him. He fights against 5 people at once when his height was just above a grown man knee, they call him a monster. He once by miracle, stayed alive in a cave for a week with no food and drinks. People's looks at him with envy and said he's favored by the heavens to have survived that long, when in his perspective, the heavens clearly like to watch his struggle to survive.

Wu Haoyu wanted desperately to rebuke those words of his. He rolled his eyes, "I love how you're incapable in seeing yourself the way you truly are. But that's just fantastic, easier for you to be mine. Sonner or later, you'll see that only I love you, and you should just be my bride. Because what you are is what I love."

"Are you perhaps blind?" Zhang Cheng raise a brow. 

"Yes, I'm blind. Blindly in love!"

"If I were to talk to a rock, it would've been preferable than talking with you."

Even that, Wu Haoyu didn't get the v-point that he wanted. He can only sigh. Even far back to his childhood days, he didn't know how to be bad. His relatives can be of an example, but he rather dies again than to hit a defenseless and innocent child. It would've been easy if he had just hated Zhang Cheng, but he couldn't. He should find someone evil to the core and hated the main character, yet elegant and clean in their execution with no blood and gore involved. Wu Haoyu brows furrow as he closed his eyes. Still a bad idea...

"The story of the Demon King from the dark era where the water on river replaced with blood of the death, screams and shouts, no peace is possible at every land in China!" A shout of a performer across the street began to pull the two's attention. The voice was loud, and crystal clear accompanied by a melancholic melody as the background music.

"This again?" Wu Haoyu was a little annoyed, his brain needs to take a break, unnecessarily bloody and complicated plot point that is the Demon King going to give anyone a migraine. His memories are intertwined with the original Wu Haoyu, it's clear the close call of the demonic cult resurrecting the Demon King 14 years ago brings bad memories that he rather not unfolds right now.

"Yes, the folk tale of The Demon of Chaos and Destruction. It ends with peace and order recovered after centuries of suffering. I wonder how much of the story is actually true."

"How the hell I know." Wu Haoyu yawns and raise his hand to close his mouth. 

Zhang Zheng didn't catch on Wu Haoyu and continue on his rambling, "I want to fight the Demon King if he ever revived at one point." Zhang Cheng lips curve, getting high on his own imagination.

"I know you kill the Demon King... and I will fight too..." Against Zhang Cheng of course. He will be in the side of the Demon King when he revived, it will be a bloodbath and a nightmare Wu Haoyu has to endure and actively play a role until Zhang Cheng kill him. He hopes he'll kill him as soon as possible so that his sword will not be beheaded innocent people.

Zhang Cheng smile widen and turn to Wu Haoyu, the other's head almost fall to the floor and Zhang Cheng timely catch Wu Haoyu's head. Seeing Wu Haoyu not awake and fully asleep, Zhang Cheng let his head rest on his shoulder. His hand touches Wu Haoyu's hair, it was soft. He couldn't stop himself from stroking his hair a little more. No wonder he always saw Wu Haoyu playing with his hair when he's talking to him. Zhang Cheng thought it was condescending, but now he understands. It was nice. Soft like a bird's feather. 

He is also rude and ignorant on purpose, very obnoxious and acting extremely flirty so much that it's harassing. Zhang Cheng look over to the puppet on the center of the stage, the voice of the villain was loud and exaggeratedly evil that it was funny, he reminds him of Wu Haoyu. If the time he was awake and talking with him was an act on a theater, then, the words he said while he's half-conscious is probably his true self forgetting of his role in the theater. The one who likes soft things and yet don't like sweets, never wish for anyone to come to harm. "Fighting against the Demon King together, that is good."