A Fallen**


"I'm sorry that the place is a little messy."

Weirdly enough, I was concerned about the place being dirty. I had to arrange the pillows on the couch and tidy up the magazines scattered around the house.

"For someone living alone, you've managed to keep this place really clean." He walked inside, placing his shoes in the corner and slipping into the extra pair of slippers I had by the doorway. "It's a nice place."

"I'm living alone and don't see the point of owning a house just yet, especially since I don't have a clear picture of my future." This was the place I was renting for my Yuuma Amano persona. "And rent's cheaper around here, so I decided to get this place."

There wasn't much furniture other than what was already here when I moved in.

"Please make yourself comfortable." The couch was clean, and he took a seat there. "I'll make you some tea."

"It's alright," he said, though he wasn't particularly interested in tea. "Water works too."

I had a few juices, but I didn't think he would want those either. So, I went with the other obvious option: mugicha.

The popular beverage that everyone around here seems to love. And it would be a lie to say that I wasn't addicted to it as well.

"Then I'll get you some mugicha."

"Oh," he replied as expected. "That would be lovely."

He didn't decline.

I went to the fridge to take out the chilled mugicha I had prepared earlier in the morning.

It was quite simple to make: roasted barley grains simmered in boiling water for around ten minutes.

I prefer the ten-minute simmering time; any longer and the flavor becomes too strong, any shorter and it's too light.

Putting a few ice cubes in a glass and pouring the mugicha over them, the drink was ready.

"I'm not a good cook," I told him honestly. "So I'm sorry I won't be able to offer you any good food. Unless you're fine with instant ramen."

He chuckled at that, taking the mugicha from the tray.

"We had quite a few snacks at the park, so I don't think I have room for anything heavy." He was surprisingly calm—neither pushy nor nervous, and not opportunistic.

"But let me ask." He leaned back on the couch, settling into a comfortable position. "Did you have fun today?"

I wonder how he's so calm.

I did look into his history, and he never seemed to have dated before—he's a loner, so to speak.

But talking to him feels oddly comfortable.

"It was refreshing," I answered. "I don't remember the last time I put aside my worries and enjoyed the day as much as I did today."

He stared at the barley-tainted tea. "I don't remember having this much fun with someone in general."

He appeared nostalgic. "Life turned gray quite a few years back, and it hasn't changed much since then."

His face was surprisingly peaceful despite the gloomy words.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked, growing a bit curious about his life.

There wasn't much about him—a rather boring and simple life is what he lived.

"I wouldn't want to bore you or turn the mood sour." He smiled at me. "But thank you for showing interest."

My eyes bore into him, eyebrows lowering. "Tell me." I said, "You have me all curious now."

This finally made him chuckle. "It will bore you."

"As long as it doesn't make you uncomfortable, I don't mind."

He thought about it. "Honestly, there isn't much—just a boring story of a boy chasing after the shadow of his father."

Seeing me stay silent and listening intently, he decided to reveal a little.

"I wasn't always a loner. When I was much younger, I was outgoing and loud." He shook his head in amusement. "Loud to the point that people had to request I shut up."

Surprising, but children are often loud.

"I remember being grounded a lot, being punished by teachers for not listening, and people often finding me annoying."

Hearing his words made me speak without thinking. "You're not annoying."

"Those words might have changed if you'd seen me as a kid." He sighed at himself. "But even when everyone found me loud and annoying, someone encouraged that personality of mine."

"Your father…" I blurted out, and he nodded.

"He was my hero. Strong, capable, cheerful, and supportive." He went through multiple emotions in the span of a few seconds. "There's so much to talk about him that it would take the whole night to cover even a quarter of his goodness. And to me, he was my very own superhero."

While it was sensitive, I still decided to ask.

"How did he die?"

"An accident." He looked away. "His car was crushed by a crossover. We were never the richest, and he drove a modest vehicle." His fists clenched, eyes pained. "It was late at night, and his car was hit by a speeding vehicle. They say the driver of the other car survived and ran away, never to be found again."

"Drunken driving?" I asked, and he looked at me.

"My father never drove while drunk. And that other man… No one knows anything about him. He vanished into thin air, and no police could find him. After a few years, the case was dropped."

I sat closer to him, my palm above his hand.

"I lost my hero—the man who always stood by me when everyone scolded me for being loud." He exhaled slowly. "Maybe it was because I felt I lost the only person who loved my annoying personality. After his death, I no longer had a reason to stay that way. I felt like I lost the only person who supported me, so I gradually started to change, becoming more silent and withdrawn."

"Your mother?"

"She was the same as me. While she tried her best not to show her pain…" His smile turned painful. "I could feel her pain, and I didn't want to add to it by bringing complaints from teachers and neighbors."

"Does she know?" I felt bad for his mother too.

"She does. But she can't talk about it; she knows it's a sad memory for both of us." He put down the cup, the mugicha still not fully drunk. "And I've seen how much she's suffered to take care of me and manage our expenses. So, I could never bring myself to hurt her."

She took on the responsibility after her husband's death.

And Reo couldn't do much.

It would be painful for any child.

"You're a good person."

These words came from the heart.

"I don't know." He looked down. "Sometimes… It's nothing."

He didn't feel comfortable sharing further, and I couldn't blame him.

"Sorry for ruining the mood." He looked at me and smiled.

"No," and I couldn't help but stare at him.

Stare at his sad yet endearing face.

He wasn't the most handsome man I had ever seen, nor was he the richest or the strongest.

But he felt genuine.

He felt… oddly approachable.

"Thank you for sharing."

So approachable that I couldn't help but lean in—kissing him.

'Why?' she thought. 'Why am I doing this?'

Not once had she done this before.

'Why am I allowing this?'

Not once had she let the men she tempted touch her.

'Why am I throwing myself at him?'

She would make the men go crazy for her, lust after her, fall madly in love with her —but she never let them get close to her.

She enjoyed watching them suffer, unable to be close to her. Hurt themselves just to have a look at her.

But here, it was different.

She felt his warm hands wrap around her waist, not pushing her away from the sensations she felt. Instead, he pulled her closer, erasing whatever distance they had between each other.

The pull brought her closer and she slipped over to his lap and grabbed tightly onto him —yet not separating from the kiss they shared.

The calming kiss turned violent, entangled with their tongue play.

Her hands roamed around his body, creasing his clothes, moving violently over them, craving the feeling of uncovered skin.

His hands were steady, one gripping her softly around her exposed waist while the other dug into her hair, holding her through them and taking control of her movement.

It was neither of their first kisses, Reo had a memory, an awkward one. And learning from it, he made sure to not make her uncomfortable.

He wasn't the most skilled, but he was good. He made her comfortable, made her enjoy his kiss and crave more of him.

She tasted like grapes, sweet and sharp. Her lips were soft, softer than anything he ever felt. He wanted to bite them, and have the taste of grapes entirely to himself.

But he didn't hurt her and let himself be intoxicated by the sweetness.

And she let him take control. She was tired, she wanted to be controlled for once. She enjoyed being pushed around, she never told anyone, but behind her bossy personality was a Fallen that wanted to follow someone.

She followed his movements, giving into them and melting into his arms.

Their lips became wet, then their faces, yet the kisses still entangled —not letting one let go of the other.

Their breaths haggard and faces red from the lack of air. Till they couldn't bear it, till they started to care about their breaths—they continued. 

Until, finally they slowly pulled back, huffing and loving the sensations. 

Her hair stuck to her face, his head woozy from the long kiss and their faces barely a millimeter apart.

"That was the best kiss I had in a long time." She breathed out, "Oh, I love this."

And without a warning, she pressed her lips against his once again. Drowning into the addiction of his lips.

He didn't resist, he let her enjoy his lips instead. He let her take charge of them, letting her softly bite them.

After too long, longer than any of them could have preferred before being carried away — they finally pulled back.

Smiling close to each other's face. 

"Your technique changed." She said, noticing his confidence and control increasing as the kiss grew longer. 

He too noticed it, and he thanked her in his head for it. 

"Who knows, you might like it more if we continue."

This made her giggle.

She couldn't believe that she was giggling, but she was and she didn't mind.

Maybe because she thought it was her acting as Yuuma, but she failed to realize that it didn't come from acting.

"If you want…" She breathed out, "It doesn't just have to end with a kiss."

His eyes widened hearing that, heartbeat going fast and she noticed it. She was stuck to him, sitting on his lap, body pressed against his.

She could feel his heartbeat, she could feel him growing nervous.

"It's fine." She assured, "You don't have to be nervous."

He didn't put up a fake front. He didn't act overly masculine.

He knew he was nervous.

It was not his first kiss, but it was his first time taking it beyond a kiss. 

She realized his confusion. She noticed his hesitation.

She found it amusing, she found it cute.

'He is not an animal.' She liked that, 'He is a nice person.'

Never did she expect a man to be this highly in control of himself. Not forcing himself on her despite the closeness they shared.

She really liked it.

She liked it so much that she didn't mind taking the first step.

"Relax." She whispered, slowly moving over his chest and reaching his neck. "And enjoy yourself."

She moved closer to his neck, placing a soft kiss over it, loving his scent.

He could barely control his senses, the breath against his neck felt better than anything he had felt.

Her arms wrapped around his body, breasts pressed against his chest and lips over his neck — sucking softly onto it, before growing violent — biting onto it.

He didn't mind the pain, it was weirdly addictive, attractive even.

Her lips stuck to his neck, not letting go of him. She was forceful, violent and rough. Bruising his neck, leaving marks of the kiss over him.

Mark dark enough to last days.

Looking at his amused face, she smiled and teased him further by licking his neck.

Reo pushed back his head, trickled by her tongue but not wanting to push her away.

He liked what she was doing.

"Let me make you feel even better~" She whispered, pulling on his shirt.

"You… Okay." Reo thought of resisting, but he was enjoying himself just as much as she was.

Smiling at his reply, and not wasting even a moment, she moved her long and slender fingers over to his thin hoodie. Her fingers moved lower, reaching his hips and smirking as she teased him by rubbing his thighs.

But she wanted to feel him too. And she did feel him by having her fingers going under his hoodie, from near his stomach and moving right over his naked skin.

She loved touching his bare skin, his bare chest.

He wasn't the most muscular, but he wasn't chubby either. 

He had a build that was considered perfectly healthy on a man. Not thin or fat, perfectly shaped by Japanese standards.

Liking what she felt, she pulled up his hoodie, making him laugh a little.

"Let me." He said, noticing that she had difficulty in removing it entirely.

He pulled up his hoodie, grabbing it by the sides and removing it entirely.

He had worn the thin hoodie directly over his naked skin, topped with the jacket that he removed right as he took a seat over the couch.

"You have wide shoulders," she complimented, noticing his naturally wide and defined shoulders.

"It's from my dad," he felt happy as he recalled climbing over his father's shoulders.

"You work out?" She asked, moving her fingers over his naked body.

"No," he answered back. "Simple stretching and morning jogs is all I do."

She felt amused hearing that, "Then you are genetically gifted."

He knew that it was true, and his quest reward also helped.

But at that moment, hearing a woman praising his body felt better than anything else.

She looked at him, staring directly into his eyes.

"Can I play with it~" She whispered softly, surprising him.

"Y-You can." He didn't know what exactly she meant by that, or how to reply to it. But he knew how good he had felt so far, and it just made no sense for him to decline.

This made her grin as she lowered her body a little, sliding down from his lap.

"Trust me~" 

She placed her hands on his thighs, putting pressure on them as she moved her body up. Moving her face closer to him.

His heartbeat quickened as he felt her against his chest — her tongue moving from his abdomen to his chest and across his naked self.

He shuddered from the pleasure, from the sensations.

He never knew a man could feel such feelings.

He never knew that one could feel this good even without having sex.

But he was, and he was loving the feels.

"Do you want to feel something even better?" She asked, confusing him.

And she didn't even wait for a response before surprising him further —moving her hand from his thighs to his crotch.

"That…" He asked her, "Are you sure?"

And to answer him, she pulled down the zipper of his pants, pushing her fingers inside the pants and over the bulge that she felt.

"Does this answer your question?" She asked, and slowly rubbed over him. Playing with his cock from over the final layer of clothing. 

He bit his bottom lips, wanting her to go beyond that layer.

She noticed it and continued to tease him further, rubbing the tip of his hardened cock from over his clothing.

"Just…" He finally asked her, "Just pull it out."

"Oh~" She smirked, "You like it, don't you?"

And he just couldn't lie to that.

"I love it! Just… just pull it out."

Giggling at his expression, she carefully pulled out his cock, revealing it entirely to her. 

"You are well groomed~" She said softly, wrapping her slender fingers across his cock and ogling it lustfully.

Reo didn't say anything, he let her do what she wanted.

As for her? She knew exactly what she wanted.

She moved as close as she could, and kissed his cock softly, loving the feeling of having it wrapped with her fingers. 

She enjoyed its shape, kissing every corner of it, moving her tongue around it lovingly.

"T-That feels good…" He groaned. 

And that sensation went above and beyond when she wrapped her lips around it, fully covering the tip with her lips and sliding her tongue around it.

"O-Oh fuck!" He couldn't stop himself from grabbing her by the hair and pushing his own head backwards.


Yuuma enjoyed seeing his expression and increased her pace around his cock, bobbing her head up and down faster than ever.


Her tongue swirled across, arousing him beyond he thought was possible.

He had never felt anything even remotely similar to that before. The soft and warm tongue wrapped across his cock felt divine and he wanted it to continue much longer.

But Yuuma knew that it was not good for her. He was a human and humans had limited libido. 

She wanted to feel good too, she wanted to enjoy the sensations too.

"How about…" So she decided to ask, "we have sex?"

Reo was taken aback by this. It was true that he enjoyed her tongue around his cock and he wanted her to continue.

But sex was different.

And sex with a Fallen…

He wasn't sure.

"I promise." She slowly moved away, making him a little disappointed. "It will feel even better."

And saying this, she untied the threads of her top, making it come undone and fall softly on the ground —revealing her black bra.

"Are you sure?" He asked and she gave him a nod of assurance.

At this point, he just couldn't say no. And so he finally agreed.

Not to mention, sex with a fallen angel was a fantasy of many.

"Then… if you want it, we can." 

Hearing his words, she smiled and walked closer to him.

"Then I want you to undo my bra." She whispered before slowly turning, pulling her hair to the front and revealing the strap of her bra. 

Reo's eyes widened as she sat on his lap with her bra in front of him. 

He saw the hook, and knew that he had to do it.

His hands moved close, reaching the strap.

"Pull on it." She said, and he tried figuring it out.

He tried to unhook the pins one after another, and when he did that, another pin got stuck as one came undone.

This made Yuuma smile.

"Try pushing the strap with the hook forward all at once while pressing down slightly," she instructed. He followed her guidance, moving the strap with the hook pins ahead of the one with the rings.

And to his surprise, when he tried to unhook the entire strap all at once, it came out much easier.

And before he knew it, the entire bra fell on the ground, revealing her bare back.

"Thank you~" She said, getting off and revealing a beautiful pair of breasts in front of his eyes. Soft, big and pretty.

"Touch them." She whispered and he didn't dare deny. Moving his hand over them, running his fingers around them —pressing on her nipples, making her moan out a little.

And finally drowning enough into temptation to push his face against them, taking her nipples into his mouth and moving his tongue around them.

"T-That feels so good~" She moaned, enjoying the feeling of having her tits sucked and licked.

She grabbed onto his head, pushing his mouth over her tits harder than ever.

The feeling, the sensations made her grow wet. She knew that she wanted his cock inside her.

"L-Let's have sex~" She moaned, pushing back.

"You sure?" He asked once again, and she nodded strongly.

"I am."

Her soft breasts hung right above his face as her hands moved to her pants, unbuttoning them right in front of his face.

For a second Reo's heart stopped, he didn't understand what to do next.

But he knew one thing.

After this, he won't be a boy anymore.

As he saw her pants fall to the ground, he knew he had to take charge.

"It's fine," Yuuma knew what he felt. "Let me guide you first."

Seeing her smile, he felt calmer.


'I should not rush.' He told himself.

And so, Yuuma stood right near him, staring at him with a peaceful face.

"R-Ready?" Somehow, for some reason —even she felt nervous.

The boy nodded, he had finally calmed himself enough to not appear nervous.

In a way, Yuuma felt warm. She knew that Reo was aware she had experience while he didn't.

He wasn't threatened, nor did he feel embarrassed. Instead he was calm and respectful.

'He is a nice guy, isn't he?' She thought to herself. 'He is quite… innocent.'

And now, she was going to take away that innocence.

Calming her heart that she didn't even previously realize was unsteady. She pulled down his pants and crawled back to his lap —rubbing her lower half to his.

They both felt excited, but neither could say a word.

Instead, they let their body and heart move on their own, letting their body rub against one another —feeling each other.

"T-That feels good," Yuuma moaned and Reo couldn't deny it —he felt good too.

"If we do this…" He whispered, "it might slip inside."

Yumma was fully wet, sliding around his cock. "Are you scared?"

He didn't answer that question, instead he asked a question of his own — "Are you okay with this?"

'I have never been asked this question before, have I?' She thought to herself, liking the boy more the longer she spent with him.

"I am." She said, "Then do you… want to put it inside?"

She whispered close to his ear, and this time —he couldn't wait any longer.

"Yes." He said, and instantly she grabbed his cock and aligned it to her cunt.

"T-Then…" He thought of saying something, but couldn't find the right words. And so, without another word, she slid his cock inside her cunt, causing both to shudder at the same time.

'Warm!' Reo's mind went blank the moment he felt his cock sliding inside her cunt, the warmth, the slipperiness and the grip around his cock felt like nothing he had ever experienced before.

"T-Then," Yuuma moaned. "I will move."

Reo grabbed her by her waist, softly and caringly. "Okay."

Just like Reo grabbed her waist, Yuuma too gripped him by his waist as she pulled herself upwards, enjoying the sensation of his cock moving inside her cunt as she made the motion.

She rubbed against him, moaning and heaving at the pleasure.

Reo helped her move, lifting her up as she tried pushing her body. 

"M-Mhm, please continue." She said as she felt weaker. 

"Do you want me to move?" Reo knew she was tired. The entire day's walk alone had left her weak, and now that he felt comfortable and confident enough —he was willing to return the favor.

"Y-Yeah," she whispered and he did what she wanted.

Grabbing her by the hip, lifting her up and softly pushing her against the couch—exposing her lower half fully for him to see.

"Relax." This time, he took the lead.

His hips moved closer to her, and his cock directly pointed at her cunt.

"I'll be gentle." He promised, and seeing her nod, he grabbed his cock and slowly pushed it against her cunt, drawing moans from her. "Is it painful?"

"I-It's fine." She showed a smile, "You can push it further."

Placing his hand softly, against her cheek —he did as she asked and shoved his cock deep inside her cunt.


He slowly started to move, making sure that she was comfortable and enjoying the feeling.

Hearing her moan and feeling her fingers around his back, he slowly started to increase his pace, making sure that she was enjoying it.

"T-That's so good!"

As for him, he could not explain the feeling.

He had never felt anything like this before, anything even remotely close to the sensation that he was experiencing.

It felt so sweet that he could almost taste it.

"Y-You can be rougher than this." She moaned, and he softly gripped her breasts while improving his pace.

Seeing her blissful face, he could not help but push his lips against hers —kissing her gently then going rough against both her lips.


She moaned, wrapping her legs around him.

"I-I am all yours~"

She whispered and it made his movements even faster, and rougher.


He could feel himself close to orgasm.

"I-I am close."

"D-Don't cum now!" She moaned, "I am close too."

It was difficult, it was his first time and he was surprised at being able to last this long even after the foreplay and she too was pent up for a long time.

But he wanted to make her cum too.

"O-Oh, so goood!" 

She wrapped her arms around him tighter, legs locked around his waist and yet his thrusts kept getting harder.

"So close!!" She moaned while he barely controlled himself from cumming deep inside her.

"M-Me too!" He groaned, realizing that he was unable to stop it any longer.

"I-I am close!" She moaned and her body jerked, "I—"

"Yes!" He felt the jerk and he could hold it in no longer. 

And at the same time, they both felt pleasure greater than any other —reaching their orgasms at the peak of pleasure.

And quicker than they would have preferred.

"I-I am sorry." He huffed, "I should have gone for longer."

His body laid over her, pressing against her.

"I felt great," she whispered in his ear. "And I did reach my orgasm."

Both of them could feel that his fluid had gone deep inside her, leaking out as their bodies relaxed.


"It's okay." She said, "I will take pills."

He wanted to apologize, but he could feel himself growing bigger inside her again.

And she felt it just as much.

"We…" She said softly, "If you want… and if you can, we can go for another round."

"I—" He knew that just once wasn't enough. He too wanted to go for another round. "You sure?"

"Yeah." She affirmed, "We have enough time~"

At that, he couldn't help but smile.

Yes, it was his first time.

Yes, his first time was with a Fallen Angel.

And yes his first time was something he was never going to forget.


[[A/N: Read 175+ Advanced Chapters on Patreon (including all stories).

Read 25+ Chapters Ahead of WebNovel for this story on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

Join Discord for queries and general discussions: https://discord.com/invite/yanXvStx7p 

P.S. Will try to make the upcoming smut chapters longer.

Also, this is my first time writing a smut scene of a guy having sex for the first time (Other stories have experienced MC scenes), that's why he might seem like a pussy. (Then again, I couldn't even get mine up during my first time, that's how nervous I was. 💀)
