CH-22. Jean met other girls

A huge thanks to William Reid, Luck George, Osman Gomez, David Aderoju, Wesely_Teixeira, reso60 gomes, Kieron Haydon, thunderwalker123, Romel Rivera, Cesar Montemayor , Victor Perez, Devor, Imen, LazyAsh, Joe Thigpen, Ding dong, Mightyowl1767, Emilio Gonzalez, Nathan Hill, Alexis vasquez, Luca, tsuko leelane, Osiel, Matt, A, ParallaxDawn, Marick Mendoza , Philippe Techer, Chelsea2valve, Onemanarmy, Reed Pace, id wyrm, Rafael Borges, RealReader743, Thomas Desrosiers, Ryan, Chaos420, matt griffin, isaiah ramirez, bikash gurung, Joseph Bishop, arthur Jones, Raiden Allen, Noname09, Gabe Smith, Rome, Benoit Valtin, Ichdaboom, Whitewolf, EmptyBeing, Smithy Boy 420, Atticus Chea Jamaal King, multiverse right, Colin Hilterhaus, nick reisch, Aryan Singh, PhantomNite, Jessie, Chaos, Kds89, BR, Wes Ferrell, Eugene sivila, M.C, Random, Ownin Tarabi Yare, The Meta, Car Crash, Maybay, Gary, Gregg, Velzura, Carlos, greenDUECES, TheEntityAbove, Skulllnight43, Cristher Medina, Adrian, WyrmDragon, kl, Tanner Johnson, Andres Saavedra, john lowry-davis, WMAF Enjoyer, Cade Atkinson, Darius Collins, Josh, Kenechukwu Nkem-ossai, JackM, Scarlet Mars, Justin Barnes, Umbra Paco, Tariel Khalvashi Mr.goldenweek, John, Brennan Tubbs, Sung Jin woo, mike panos, Kobin Philip, brian price, wolfram, Wilnet Duverne, Joe Thingpen, eduardo tellez, Panera employee, Mandy G, Shadow King, Caio Lacerda, abs, Ecokane 0, Auzzo, Taz_231, solo _le, Velzura, Alexander Martinez, Marvin Lynn, OMG X WAFF3LZ, Denacious, idk5231, Drake, Georg Tasche, Maurice, MM, Luis, Alireza Akram, Chamar Ellis, Daniel Thomsen, Kiddeath1998, Jonay, Doomsdaylover321, pop_tarts, Niklas, Red Dragon, Tanner Johnson, Jesus, AIM ABLE, Paul Auke, Stephen, Placid and Origin for supporting me on Patreon.

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"Hahaha... come and sit here." Martin floated her into his lap, hugged her tightly and sniffed her scent hard. Then he kissed her red lips.

"What are you doing recently? I can't contact you." Martin asked.

"I'm working alone." Raven said.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. Eric is getting crazier and crazier. He has no sympathy for ordinary people. I am dissatisfied with his style..." After the war, many mutants disappeared. They found out that someone had kidnapped them for experiments in an attempt to find a way to eliminate mutants. And in the war, Eric witnessed the madness of human beings towards their enemies.

So the little kindness he had left in his heart towards ordinary people disappeared. In the past, after rescuing mutants, Eric would not kill ordinary people. But now, whenever he finds a place where mutants were being experimented on, he will kill every living human being except mutants. It was not that Raven was a saint, their original purpose was to create a home for mutants.

But Eric's goal has now turned into finding a way to completely eliminate all humans except mutants, and Raven doesn't want to completely eliminate humans. Furthermore, Eric began to experiment on ordinary people, trying to find a way to transform them into mutants. The two had no choice but to go their separate ways.

"So, what are you doing now?" Martin asked curiously.

"I can only try my best to rescue some mutants in trouble." Raven said leaning in Martin's arms.

"It's okay. This is pretty good. Just do what you want to do. Nothing is perfect."

"Hmm..." Raven agreed and changed the subject, "I want to rest for a while. I wonder if there is a room for me here."

"Of course, dear, where there is mine, there is yours."

"I love you."

"Me too." Doom the two started kissing kissing each other.

"Oh, it seems I came at the wrong time."

Martin and Raven separated and looked towards the door. It was Emma who came.

"No, you came at the right time." Martin teased with a smile.

"Really?" Emma walked slowly to the other side of Martin and sat down, and Raven got off his lap.

"Of course. What happened today? Two people who are usually nowhere to be seen suddenly appeared at the same time."

"Humph... If she can come, then I can come too." Emma glanced at Raven and kissed Martin on the cheek. Emma has always been very well behaved, and only shows a little hostility when she sees Raven.

"You..." Emma suddenly shouted angrily.

Martin turned his head and found that Raven had turned into Emma's appearance, and more importantly, she was posing in a coquettish manner to mock Emma. What to do if your girlfriend doesn't listen to you? Give her a good beating. What if both of them refuse to obey? Hit them hard... What? You have two? Then... Then hit them hard with a few sticks.

Martin raised his hand, floated the two behind him, and went upstairs without saying a word.

"No, no, no... Martin, you need to respect me. Going against my wishes is..." Riven had nowhere to gain support in the air and could only wave her hands around.

"No, honey, you don't have to respect me." Emma took any opportunity to go against Raven.

"FU*K YOU, B*TCH!!!!!"

"COME BAB*!!!"

Therefore, people who were looking for trouble usually have excess energy and become quiet when they were fucked hard by Martin. If they were still restless even after being fucked so hard, Martin will give then another beating and they will definitely behave. The three of them were wearing bathrobes, Emma and Raven leaning on Martin's shoulders on the left and right, sitting on chairs on the open-air balcony, drinking wine and admiring the sunset.

"Ah... so beautiful." Raven said lazily.

"Well...I chose the house."

"It's mine now, too, Martin said." Martin was a little distressed, "It seems you guys have had a good rest."


Raven and Emma quickly shut their mouths, avoided eye contact and said nothing. After they came downstairs to eat, Emma and Raven were afraid that they will need Martin's help. If he comes again, someone will die. They have never heard of mutants' abilities being enhanced in this way. Mutants' flesh was still flesh, not iron.

"Honey, where's Wendy? Why hasn't she cooked yet?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, I'm hungry too," Riven agreed.

"Because someone at home hasn't returned yet." Jane's school was not a factory-style school, and school ends very early in the afternoon.

"Who???" ×2 The two women asked at the same time, and at this moment they felt particularly tacit. It seems that tacit understanding can also be transmitted across bodies, which should be their own credit.

"Haha, you guys get to know each other. Remember, don't scare her. When she comes, we'll go down to pick her up." Martin said, pointing at the car coming over the mountain road. Seeing Martin getting up and leave, Raven and Emma felt a sense of crisis.

"Martin, I'm back. Can you help me move my things?" Jean shouted as soon as she got out of the car. Martin appeared instantly with the "Shua" special effects.

"So how was school."

"It's very good, just like before. I went back to my house today and found some old things." Jean said calmly.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't think of taking you back to have a look, and, there..."

"I'm fine, Martin. You've done a great job. Besides, it's really a ruin there." Jean turned around and backed away while smiling, "I only found some old things. Can I keep them at home?" It seems that meeting familiar classmates and going back home today put her in a good mood. Moreover, from her words, it can be heard that she has already regarded this place as her home.

"Sure, can I see them?"

"I'll let you see it after I've cleaned them up. You can't see thrm now." Jean said.

"Okay, just the two boxes in the back?" Martin asked, looking at the two cardboard boxes in the trunk.

"Right." Turning around, Jean took Martin's arm and they walked towards home, with two cardboard boxes floating behind them.

"Did your friends and classmates say anything about you disappearing for so long?"

"They just said a few words of concern to me. They don't know anything about me."

"That's good."

"Were you lonely without me to play with you today?" Jean asked with a smile.

"Uh... yes."

"??? Are you so reluctant? Are you secretly doing something fun by yourself?" Jean asked mischievously.

"Haha, there's nothing fun going on here... There are just two... friends who came." Martin said as he looked at the two women standing at the door of the living room. The smile on Jean's face also froze a little. Just look at the three of them wearing the same bathrobes and you'll know what happened.

Raven and Emma also saw Jean and felt relieved, it turned out to be just a little girl.