Chapter 6 Guild Master

Tommy held up the form before saying in a flat tone.

"Here for the combat test."

The large man scoffed again before saying.

"Get lost, you wouldn't last five minutes out there with your puny body."

While Tommy was not exactly small, he wasn't big or muscular either.

Tommy spent his life following a very special training regime that allowed his muscles to remain average looking while actually being compact and holding a lot of strength within them.

Tommy rolled his eyes before saying.

"I can't be bothered with a muscle head like you."

After which he burst forward at such great speed that the instructor had no time to react before Tommy was in front of him.

Tommy slipped beside the instructor and brought his hand down on the back of the instructor's neck.

The instructor lost consciousness and collapsed to the floor.

"Wow, I didn't think he would collapse unconscious from that."

"Now what am I supposed to do, I bet he was supposed to sign this form or something if I passed."

"Guess I have no choice but to go ask Rizi."

Tommy gave the instructor one last look before he left the room heading back to the reception.


Rizi arrived at the very top floor of the Adventures Guild where there was only one door that stood in front of the stairs with a sign saying 'Guild Master'.

Rizi knocked on the door and waited before she soon heard a woman's voice say.


Rizi pushed open the door and entered the room to find a beautiful woman sitting behind a desk while reading some paperwork.

The woman had long red hair, green eyes and a chest large enough that it made women feel inadequate while men gulped with longing when they looked at it.

The woman looked up and upon seeing Rizi said.

"Ah Rizi, what brings you here?"

Rizi walked up to the deck and placed the Mana Quality Sphere on it before saying.

"Guild Master Gedz, I believe this Mana Quality Sphere is faulty."

Guild Master Gedz showed interest as she raised a beautiful eyebrow before saying.

"Rizi, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Kele, now why do you think this is faulty."

"Apologies Kele." Rizi replied before saying.

"A rather strange man applying to be a new adventurer failed to get any response from it."

"No response at all?" Kele asked while examining the sphere.

Rizi shook her head to confirm.

"How else is he strange?" Kele asked.

"First the clothes he wears are like nothing I have ever seen, while the quality would put most nobles to shame."

"Then there is his name, Tommy Smith."

On hearing this Kele finally looked up from the sphere and showed an interested look.

"Interesting, I think I must see this man for myself, but first."

As she finished speaking Kele placed her hand on the sphere which started to brighten at a rapid pace.

The sphere got so bright both women had to cover their eyes while those passing outside the Adventures Hall noticed a white light emanating from the top floor windows of the guild master.

Eventually the light died away with only the words 'Pinnacle' remaining.

"Well the sphere definitely seems to be in working order." Kele said to which Rizi nodded.

"Where is Tommy Smith now?" Kele asked.

"I sent him to get tested at the combat room while I came to speak to you about the sphere." Rizi replied.

Kele nodded before heading towards the door saying.

"Let's go test him again, bring the sphere along."

Rizi picked up the sphere and followed Kele out as she started to descend the stairs.


Tommy returned to the first floor but as he approached the counters he noticed that Rizi was still not back.

Unsure of what to do Tommy decided to just hang around the reception area as she said she would eventually come back.

People noticed that Tommy had returned so quickly and they couldn't help but crack jokes at his expense.

"Look, the new guy failed already."

"I know right, what was that like ten minutes he was gone?"

"I bet the instructor just kicked him straight out of the room with a body like his."

While people continued to make fun of Tommy, someone suddenly said.

"Look, it's Guild Master Gledz."

This attracted everyone's attention.

Kele was not only a beauty with ridiculous breasts, but she was also known to be the strongest person in Oakfast City.

Tommy looked over curiously and saw Rizi was following a beauty with long red hair down the stairs.

Tommy opted not to go up to Rizi right now since she was with her boss while still carrying the sphere she went to check out.

As they reached the ground floor and Kele started to head down Rizi took a quick look around the room before noticing a strangely dressed man waiting by the counters looking in her direction.

"Eh!" Rizi said in surprise.

Hearing Rizi, Kele stopped descending the stairs and turned around before asking.

"Is something wrong Rizi?" 

"Tommy is over there by the counters." Rizi replied in confusion.

Kele looked over and soon spotted a young man in strange clothing that she had never seen before but was of quality that rivaled nobles.

"Oh, then let's go over." Kele said before turning around and leading Rizi over towards the counters.

Everyone on the ground floor watched as Kele and Rizi approached the strangely dressed man and Rizi said.

"Tommy why are you back so fast, your test can't be over so soon can it?" 

"I bet that idiot Vurth refused to test him," Kele said as she examined Tommy.

As Kele examined Tommy she felt something she had not felt in a very long time and it confused her.

Kele had participated in many battles that put her life on the line, and these battles had allowed her body to develop a sort of natural warning instinct.

Whenever Kele faced a person or animal that was as strong or even stronger than her this warning instinct of hers would kick in and tell her it was time to run.

And right now this warning instinct was shouting louder than she had ever felt before, her entire body broke out in goosebumps while cold sweat ran down her back.

"Ah, sorry I forgot the introductions." Rizi said before introducing the two.

"Tommy Smith, this is Guild Master Kele Gledz, the leader of the Oakfast City Adventures Guild."

"Guild Master Kele, this is Tommy Smith."

"A pleasure Mr Smith." Kele said while forcing her voice to stay calm.

Tommy smiled at Kele as he recognised the way her body was reacting towards him and he had to say he was slightly impressed.

Tommy did something he only ever did to those who deserved his respect.

He held out his hand for a handshake.

Kele looked at the outstretched hand and after a moment of forcing down her warning instinct she shook Tommy's hand.

Tommy smiled before saying.

"The pleasure is mine Miss Gledz and please call me Tommy."

"I must say I'm impressed by your body's reaction."

Kele's eyes widened in surprise when she heard this while everyone else showed confused looks including Rizi.

"How did you know?" Kele asked back suspiciously.

"You're not the first person I have met that has trained their instincts to such a level, in fact even I myself have the same instinct, though it has not shown itself in many years." Tommy replied.

"I see, thank you for enlightening me Tommy." Kele replied with a smile as she felt her warning instinct all but vanish after shaking Tommy's hand.

"Now why don't you explain what happened in the testing room and also please address me as Kele." Kele said.

This surprised the watching crowd as it was well known that Kele only allowed those she respected and liked to call her by her first name directly.

Tommy shrugged before replying.

"You really need to find better staff Kele, the instructor took one look at me before telling me to leave so I'm afraid I had to teach him a lesson."

"What sort of lesson?" Kele asked while everyone around showed surprise again at the fact that this weakling had taught the guild's instructor a lesson.

"Nothing much I just put him to sleep for a while." Tommy replied nonchalantly.

"You knocked him out?" Kele asked as if confirming what hse had just heard.

Tommy just nodded in response.

"Idiot." Kele muttered under her breath before saying.

"Rizi, Tommy please follow me to the testing room."

Then under everyone's stares Kele led the two down the stairs.

They walked along the corridor again before arriving in front of the testing room to which Kele just entered without knocking.

As they stepped inside they found the instructor lying unconscious on the floor which caused Rizi to open her eyes in surprise.

"Fucking idiot." Kele cursed before she walked over to the instructor and kicked him in the stomach while shouting.