Chapter 24 Explaining the torture technique

*AUTHOR WARNING* There are scenes in this chapter that some readers may find disturbing.

Chelna considered Tommy's words for a few moments before sighed and nodded.

"Alright I will stay, however if it becomes too much don't hold it against me if I leave."

Tommy nodded before turning to Rizi and saying.

"It's best if you leave now, on your way ask lady Merno to bring towels and a large container of water please."

Rizi nodded before giving Puniz a last look where she mumbled.

"Stupid bastard."

Afterwards she left the cellar.

Tommy turned his attention back to Puniz before giving him a slap to the face.

Puniz awoke with a dazed look as he began to look around confused.

After a moment he felt something was wrong before he realized he was being hung in the air by four ropes.

He also recognised the strangely dressed man who blocked his path earlier.

Behind him Jue and Tue were sitting on the floor still only in their lingerie.

There was also the strange individual in a cloak who left the bar swiftly earlier before returning.

"Let me down, bastard." The man growled.

After he spoke he noticed his vision was becoming slightly blurred from blood that was rolling down his face.

"What the hell did you do to me?" He asked.

"Nothing compared to what is about to happen."

Tommy replied before saying.

"I warned you earlier not to go after Jue."

"Not only did you not listen but you went after Tue as well."

"I hope you're ready for pain."

Puniz stared at Tommy before he began to chuckle.

The women all looked at him like he was crazy.

"Something funny?" Tommy asked.

Puniz continued to chuckle before he said.

"Yeah you have no idea who you're dealing with."

"Puniz Sugoci, a trash rapist who somehow manages to get out of jail before his court date."

Tommy said blankly

"Not me, but the person I work for." Puniz replied.

"An, you mean the noble who keeps getting you out of jail before your court date."

Tommy said in realization before he said.

"Why don't you enlighten us to who this noble is then."

Puniz laughed again before saying.

"When I don't return to serve her in bed tonight she will come looking for me and then you will know personally."

All the women showed looks of disgust upon hearing this.

"Your telling me that you get sex every night and still rape women?" 

Tommy asked with a cold tone.

(( Castrate the bastard, how dare he get regularly what we can't))

"You think I would be satisfied with that fat bitch?" Puniz asked before looking at Jue and Tue with undisguised lust before saying.

"I want beauties that I can ravage, and once I am free I will be sure to finish what I started with you two."

Puniz and the women all noticed a flash of silver that went down the side of Puniz's head before he released a scream of pain.


The women heard a small slapping sound before they looked down and saw a bloody ear lying on the floor.

All three of them gulped.

"I warned you not before not to go after Jue and Tue." Tommy said calmly before adding.

"It seems you don't need your ears as you don't use them, so let me remove them for you." 

As Puniz continued to scream, Merno returned carrying clean clothes along with a large bowl and some towels.

She froze in surprise for a moment as she looked towards the screaming Puniz and his severed ear before she gave a humph and went to her daughters.

She placed the bowl and towels on the floor before handing over clean clothes to her daughters.

Jue and Tue thanked their mother before they quickly got dressed again.

After this Merno carried the bowl and towels over to Tommy and said.

"Here is a bowl and towels that you requested Mr Tommy, if you need water you can obtain some from the tap over there."

Merno pointed at a tap over on the far wall.

((Internal plumbing, this world is far more advanced that earth for the time, is it because of magic?))

(Makes sense since they have public baths, they would need internal plumbing of some sort for them.")

"Thank you Miss Merno, also please call me Tommy."

Merno nodded before she returned to give her daughters emotional support.

By this time Puniz had stopped screaming and was panting for breath while glaring at Tommy.

"You don't seem to understand the position you're in, should I gauge out an eye to help you understand?" 

Tommy asked.

Puniz lowered his eyes after hearing Tommy.

Tommy nodded before saying.

"So, you have two options ahead of you."

"Regardless of who you choose you will face pain and torture for what you did to Jue and Tue."

As Puniz heard this he shivered before saying.


"Don't even try to threaten me with this noble owner of yours."

Tommy interrupted before saying."

"By the time she comes looking for you."

Tommy let the sentence hang for a moment before saying.

"You will be dead."

Puniz's eyes widened in horror before stammering.

"But but."

"I warned you not to go after Jue to rape her but you didn't listen, you even attempted to rape Tue as well." Tommy responded before asking.

"Are you really that surprised?"

"Now as I was saying, you have two options."

"Option one, tell me about this noble owner of yours."

"Do this and your torture will end quicker."

"Option two, stay silent and refuse to tell me about this noble owner of yours."

"If you choose this option the torture will continue until either you break and tell me what I want to know or you die."

Puniz didn't reply and just stared at Tommy in horror and disbelief.

"I can see from your eyes that you don't believe I will go through with it and you're still hoping the mention of your noble owner will save you."

Tommy bent down and picked up the bowl before walking over to the tap and filling it.

After it was full he walked back to where he was and placed the bowl on the floor.

He then went over to the winch and started to turn it.

"What are you doing?" Puniz asked with slight panic.

Tommy ignored him and continued to turn the winch until Puniz found himself rotating in the air before he was facing upwards and looking at the ceiling with the level of his feet slightly above his head.

Tommy then lowered him down slightly until he was just above the floor.

After that Tommy went and picked up a full keg of ale before placing it on one side of Puniz head.

He then went and collected another full leg and placed it on the other side of Puniz's head making it impossible for him to turn it.

"Stop, stop." Puniz begged.

The women watched curiously with slight apprehension wondering what Tommy was planning.

Tommy picked up one of the towels and draped it over Puniz's face before picking up the bowl of water.

"Are we ready?" he asked.

Even though he asked the question he didn't wait for a response before he slowly poured the water over the cloth.

Puniz started to gag as the water entered his mouth.

He tried to shake himself free but because his head was pressed between two kegs there was nothing he could do.

As the bowl ran out of water Tommy placed it down before he removed the cloth covering Puniz's face.

He then pulled one of the kegs back slightly before going over to the winch and turning it so that Puniz was lifted up slightly before rotating back into his original position.

As Puniz body reached an upright position he coughed hard before vomiting over the floor beneath him.

The women had watched the whole ordeal with different levels of horror and in some cases satisfaction.

However they all recoiled slightly when Puniz vomited on the floor before gasping.

"What was that?" Chelna couldn't help but ask before saying.

"I have never seen anything like it."

Tommy turned to her before asking.

"Have you witnessed torture before?"

Chelna shook her head before answering.

"No, though I have seen torture equipment before and heard stories."

Tommy nodded in understanding before explaining.

"Where I come from this is called waterboarding."

"The essence of the torture is to make the victim feel like they are drowning.

"All you need is water, a cloth of some sort and a way to prevent the victim's head from moving."

"As you may have noticed when I put Puniz in position his feet were slightly higher than his head."

All the women nodded as they had noticed this as they found it strange.

"This is to prevent any water he swallows from immediately filling his lungs." Tommy continued.

"You then secure the victim in place and cover their face with a cloth."

"This is done to allow any air he breathes out to leave while keeping the water in."

"Next you slowly pour water over his mouth and nose."

"This will activate his body's gag reflex, expelling all the air from his lungs."

"While some water will enter his lungs, not much will because of his elevated legs."

"As you slowly pour water over their mouth and lungs the victim will be made to feel like they are drowning."

"Waterboarding produces extreme physical suffering and an uncontrollable feeling of panic and terror within seconds."

"You only do it for short periods of time before you return the victim to a horizontal position where they will most likely vomit."

"After a short break you can begin again."