Chapter 30 King Glador

*AUTHOR WARNING* This chapter contains slight sexual material.


"Did they both just die?" Tue asked with uncertainty.

"They did," Rizi replied. "Something seemed to break the glass of the window before piercing their two heads.

"Is that even possible?" Jue asked.

"Technically it is possible to do so with an arrow or crossbow bolt," Chelna answered. "I once heard the tale of how an archer on the field of battle shot an arrow through the chest of two lightly armed men. However, that was no more than ten meters away and did not have anything between the archer and those he killed."

As they were talking the girls suddenly heard the clanging of something metal hitting the floor. They turned to see Tommy moving some sort of metal lever on the side of his weapon before he picked it up and took it over to the case, where he started to disassemble and put it away.

They looked down to see a pair of what looked like some sort of bronze cylinders next to where Tommy had been standing, Jue bent down to pick them both up before looking closely at them and asking, "Tommy what's this?"

Tommy glanced over his shoulder before he continued to work saying. "Bullet shells, pass them over once you're done looking at them."

"Bullet shells?" Jue asked.

"Tommy withdrew one of the .50 BMG rounds from a magazine before throwing it to Jue while saying, "Here."

Jue caught the object Tommy threw at her and all the women examined it.

"This bullet shell looks like the end of this larger one here, however much of it seems to be missing" Meron noted.

"This larger one kind of looks like a crossbow bolt but on a much smaller scale." Chelna remarked.

"The larger one is the bullet before it is fired out of my weapon, while the smaller ones are the remains of the bullet after it has been fired." Tommy explained simply.

"Is the rest of this bullet what was used to kill those three?" Rizi asked.

"Correct, in a way you can think of this weapon as a much more advanced and powerful crossbow." Tommy said as he finished disassembling the rifle and placed it back in the case.

He then turned to Jue and said, "pass them back."

Jue nodded before handing them over.

Tommy replaced the bullet back in the magazine and the two empty shells into his pocket (Item box) before closing and locking the case. He then got up before turning to the women and saying, "You five need to go now, it won't be long before the king finds out his sister is dead and the city goes into lock down."

Chelna nodded as she turned to Meron, Jue and Tue before saying, "I will send you three back to the forest rest, remember to stick to the plan." 

The three women nodded as Chelna began to gather her magic and focus it towards them.

Just as they were about to transport Jue said, "Don't be a stranger Tommy, you paid for ten nights remember, plus I need to thank you properly for how you saved me and Tue." As she finished speaking she gave him a sexy smile before the three vanished.

"You're next Rizi, I will send you right into Kele's office, make sure to tell her what happened." Chelna said after turning to Rizi.

Rizi nodded before saying, "Take care you two." After a moment she also vanished.

Chelna was about to gather her magic for the third time and leave when Tommy said. "Wait."

"What's wrong?" Chelna asked curiously.

"With all that has happened I forgot to tell you the second reason why I wanted to meet you." Tommy said.

Chelna tilted her head slightly before asking, "Is there another reason other than eliminating the leaders and criminal organizations?" 

"Yes," Tommy nodded, "Once everything settles down I want to ask for your help in an experiment." 

"Experiment?" Chelna asked, "Why me?"

"Because you can use lightning, I was originally going to ask for Kele's help but with everything that happened at the adventurer's guild it seemed that wouldn't be possible for a while." Tommy replied.

"I see…" Chelna started to answer but before she could say more bells suddenly rang out from the castle followed by the rest of the city.

"We will talk about this later, you need to leave." Tommy said.

Chelna nodded and gathered her magic and shortly after also disappeared from the steeple.

(Alone again.)

((Not quite, kekeke.))

(You don't count.)

((I guess, but if you feel that way you should have taken the opportunity to claim Jue's virginity, I doubt she would haverejected us.))

(.... shut up)

Tommy grabbed the bag that Rizi had brought and started to quickly change into one of the sets of clothes.

(They look shit but the quality isn't bad.)

((No where near the level of our gear though.))

(That's because ours is military grade.)


After changing Tommy threw the remainder of his new clothes along with his old ones he had just taken off and the rifle case into his item box.

He gave the place one last look around to make sure there was no evidence remaining before he started to descend the steeple at a quick pace.


Gladar Rosk was receiving a blowjob from a ravishing naked beauty with long silver hair when suddenly frantic knocking came from the chamber's door along with shouts of "My king, My king."

"WHAT" Gladar shouted in anger as he was thoroughly enjoying the sight and feel of his newest concubine servicing his cock.

"Urgent news regarding your sister Princess Elurel." The voice replied.

"Well spit it out, what's the stupid women done this time? I'm busy right now." Gladar replied as he placed his hand on the woman's head forcing her to take his cock deeper into his mouth.

The women choked slightly and moaned in pain.

"I'm not sure telling you through a closed door is appropriate my king." The voice replied.

"Don't even think about pulling back or I will have you publicly executed naked." Gladar growled at the silver haired beauty.

The woman shivered in fear before she continued her task with tears falling from her eyes.

"It's appropriate if I say it is now tell me or fuck off." Glador replied angrily.

There was silence for a moment before the voice said, "Princess Elurel is dead, my king."

Glador froze in shock and the silver haired woman's eyes opened in surprise as they heard the news.

After a few moments of processing what he had heard Glador angrily grabbed the silver haired woman by her hair and yanked her head away from his cock before flinging her to the floor. Afterwards he stood up and pulled up his trousers before quickly walking over to his chamber's door.

He yanked the door open before saying, "What the fuck do you mean she is dead?" 

The man who stood on the other side of the door that was guarded by two guards stammered before saying, "We.. we.. we just received the news sire, we are still waiting for a full report."

"Then go find out more you useless bastard, this better not be a prank otherwise I will have the heads of everyone involved." Glador said angrily.

"Yes sir." The man said before running off.

Glador turned to the guards before saying, "You two, get that slut out of my chambers and summon my wife here." 

"Sir." The guards saluted before one ran off to find the king's wife while the other entered the king's chamber and grabbed the silver haired beauty. He then proceeded to drag the naked women out of the king's chambers with a pretend grin.

The king saw the guards look before saying in a warning tone, "I don't think I need to remind you what will happen if you touch my new concubine before I have had my fill of her correct?" 

"Of… Of course not sire." The guard stammered nervously.

"Good then wait your turn, don't worry just like all the rest before I will let you guards all have fun with her once I have had my fill." Glador said, making the naked beauty's face turn to panic. 

"Thank you, sire." The guard said with a quick salute before continuing to drag the naked beauty away.

As she was being dragged away neither the king nor the guard noticed that the naked beauties face turned from a panicked expression to a smirk with a cold look in her eyes.

As Glador re entered his room, he started to pace around thinking about what he had just heard and how it was possible his sister was dead.

As he was pacing, a beautiful woman with long dark red hair wearing a long dress that showed off ample amounts of her cleavage entered the room without knocking before saying in a cold tone.

"What, done already? You and your shrivel dick never could last long, thank god I don't have to worry about you not satisfying me anymore."