Chapter 95 The Matriarchal Society

"Where are we?" Fayeth asked cautiously as the teleportation ended.

"A safe place." Tinen replied as the other women all looked around curiously.

If Tommy was here he would say they were in some sort of monastery. They appeared to have teleported into the central courtyard and many beautiful women were walking around and appeared to be busy with their tasks, however they all looked over when they saw the activation of the long range teleportation circle before one of them cried out in surprise and joy, "Queen Tinen."

After this all the women that were previously busy stopped what they were doing before they rushed over towards Tinen and knelt down on one knee, then as one the said, "We greet our mother and savior queen Tinen."

"Why am I getting a cult vibe?" Fayeth asked with a frown.

The women all looked at the elf in surprise since it was rare to meet an elf in the human regions while an elf had never before come to the monastery.

Tinen stopped forward a few paces before turning to the women who transported with her and said with a smile, "Allow me to welcome you all to the Matriarchal Monastery, this is the headquarters of The Matriarchal Society, an order I set up with a few of my friends in my younger years with the goal of creating a better life for all women by sitting and empress on the throne."

Merno, Jue, Tue, Rizi and Fayeth all showed surprised looks at this while the other women who had teleported over were already aware.

"While that sounds good, it doesn't seem to be going so well." Meno pointed out.

"I will admit that the most recent incident was not in our plans." Tinen admitted before saying, "But let us talk about all this in a more comfortable location, come follow me."

After saying this Tinen turned on her heel and led the group towards one of the entrances to the Monastery as the women who were previously kneeling started to move aside and let them pass.

"Where is Tommy?" Tue asked suddenly.

"I'm afraid I don't know his current location." Tinen replied with a sad tone. "The last I saw of him he was still trapped in the magic trap shrivel dick had set up for us."

"You mean you left him?" Jue asked accusingly.

Tinen was silent for a moment as she hung her head before saying with difficulty, "I had to make a choice of whether to save little Mii who is a member of the Society and has always been loyal to me, or if I should save the man I am falling in love with."

All the nearby women heard this and with the exception of Chelna and Tirma, they all looked at Tinen in surprise, whether it was those who had arrived with her or those that had welcomed them.

It was well known that Tinen had been searching for that one man she could truly love all her life and yet had never found him, even with all the men she had met in her life and while being married to Glador by force no one had appealed to her.

However, now they were learning that one of the founders of their Society, the one who came up with the original idea of the Matriarchal Society had finally fallen in love with a man.

"You should have left me and saved the one our queen has chosen." Mii said in a guilty voice.

"Nonsense," Tinen said. "You of all people know what shrivel dick would have done to you if I had not helped you escape, I took a gamble that Tommy will be able to escape on his own since he seems so skilled, while you, you were never any good at the combat training you received as your expertise lay in seduction and information gathering."

"You teach combat here?" Fayeth asked curiously.

"Indeed, you're all welcome to partake in the training that the Society offers the women here, after all we will be staying here for quite a while." Tinen replied.

"Why?" Jue asked.

"Because it's too dangerous," Tinen began to explain. "The kingdom of Rosta is too dangerous for your family because shrivel dick will know that Tommy was staying with you so he has already put a bounty on your heads. Kele and Rizi can't return because the Adventurers guild will quickly learn of them helping the murderer and who performed all the recent killings, while Kele got all the corrupt individuals out of her guild, the inspectors and more importantly head of the adventurer's guild will use her involvement with Tommy as reason to apprehend her and Rizi."

"Damn it, just as I got the guild into a good state." Kele complained.

"As for myself, Chelna and Tirma." Tinen continued. "I have no doubt that shrivel dick will inform my brother about our plans to usurp his throne and therefore nowhere in the empire will be safe for us."

"As for Fayeth, I don't think I even need to explain right? While your family could go elsewhere in the empire since I doubt shrivel dick will inform my brother about you, wouldn't you prefer to stay where it's safe and train so that you can be useful to Tommy when he reappears in the future?"

"Why wouldn't the king mention anything about us to the emperor?" Tue asked.

"Because my daughter, that would mean revealing everything about Tommy." Merino replied before continuing. "If I'm correct I believe Glador would rather keep Tommy's existence a secret for now since he wants to try and obtain his strange weapons for himself, right?" Merno asked, looking at Tinen.

Tinen smiled with an impressed look on her face before saying, "It seems the rumors about you back in your adventuring days are true. You are correct, if shrivel dick could obtain Tommy's strange and powerful weapons he could use them in an attempt to claim the emperor's throne himself."

"Who else in that city knows important information about his weapons?" Fayeth asked in a concerned tone.

"Why do you sound so concerned about human matters?" Rizi asked.

"While I have not seen these weapons myself, Jue has told me about them and if they are as powerful as you all claim then they are a threat to my people."

"Do you really think that Glador will stop if he can use these weapons to overthrow the current emperor who is one of the human race's most powerful magic users?"

"No, after claiming the human throne he will use the weapons to attack the other races including my race."

"I see your point." Rizi replied.

"In answer to your question." Tinen replied. "The only person who has some knowledge will be the alchemy master Nele, however she only knows a small amount since Tommy did not share everything with her or anyone else and as far as I know she has never seen these weapons."

"Hmm, if she is a master alchemist then it's unlikely that Glador will attempt to force her to talk since he will fear alienating her." Fayeth replied.

"Exactly." Tinen nodded. "While that won't be the case if shrivel dick could claim the empire for himself, that all depends on if he gets his hands on Tommy's weapons."

"What's the chances of that?" Fayeth asked.

"Unlikely," Tinen replied. "You never got the chance to witness Tommy in action but his skills are far superior to even the members of the nine lives I have met." 

"Really he's that strong?" Fayeth asked in surprise.

"Indeed." Tinen said with a smile. "While he seemed helpless at the time I left, I have no doubt he had a plan. Even if he didn't and god forbid he died, I am sure he would have made sure that those weapons did not fall into shrivel dicks hands."

"What makes you so sure?" Fayeth asked.

"He always made sure never to tell someone everything, even when master Nele was helping him produce a new type of explosive, he made sure to keep some of the ingredients a secret." Tinen explained.

"Very prudent." Fayeth said in reply.

"Now as I said before," Tinen said while turning to Merno and her daughters. "You three are free to leave whenever you wish as this is not a prison, however I suggest you stay and train so that you can help Tommy when he returns."

"Do you not fear us revealing this place to other people if we leave?" Merino asked. "It's obviously a secret society only for women since I have seen no men here."

"You are correct, there are indeed only women here and no man has ever been allowed here" Merino replied. "As for fear that you will reveal this place. I am not too concerned since you will each have the information wiped from your minds before you are allowed to leave."

"A memory wipe?" Jue asked in surprise before asking. "What's to stop us sneaking away without telling you?"

"Let me show you." Tinen said with a smug smile as she opened the door to a large luxuriously decorated room that had a large balcony.

"The ocean?" Tue said in surprise as she saw the ocean out of the large windows that opened onto the balcony.

"We are no longer in the kingdom of Rosk," Tinen said. "We are not even in the Etria empire anymore or even on that continent. We are on a small island several miles from there, so if you wish to try swimming back to the main continent, go right ahead."