Volume 1: Chapter 2 - Encounter

Midnight is the most boisterous time in S City. The day's toil vanishes under the dazzling lights, and people indulge in their nighttime revelry. The streets are lined with bars of every sort, with lights of every color cascading and enchanting the soul.

This is a paradise for night owls, where they release the stress of life and find solace for their spirits. But it is also a hell on earth, with gang battles and sinister dealings.

On the bustling street, a small white figure stands out starkly, like a fairy who has accidentally fallen to the mortal realm. She walks slowly with her head bowed, two black braids hanging lifelessly in front of her chest.

Three young men dressed in flashy attire approach the white figure. "Hey, little girl, are you lost? Let the big brothers help you find your way?"

"Move aside." The white figure keeps her head down and continues walking, her voice carrying a coldness that seeps into the skin.

The crowd by the street, who had been covertly observing the white figure, furrow their brows with concern. They watch more intently, afraid of missing anything.

Most people here know the origin of the three young men—they are members of the Bai Xiong Gang. The one speaking is the eldest of the trio. They engage in illegal activities every night, but the Bai Xiong Gang is the largest gang in the city, and even the government holds them in awe. People generally seek entertainment and avoid trouble, so they steer clear of these men, despite their dissatisfaction with their actions. Everyone is concerned yet curious about the delicate and beautiful girl before them.

Leng Yolan's mood is extremely bad, leaving her with no time for these annoying people. Normally, she would have knocked them to the ground as soon as they spoke. But now, she feels incredibly unwell and detached from her surroundings. Her previous response was purely a reflex from being in a subconscious state.

The three young men are momentarily stunned by Leng Yolan's words, their narrow eyes widening as they reevaluate the girl before them.

This girl looks like top-quality merchandise, most likely a virgin. But why does her voice seem so chillingly cold, devoid of any warmth? They think to themselves, they'd better not offend someone they shouldn't.

She seems weak and helpless—perhaps she has encountered something troubling? They can't make out much more, and her appearance doesn't leave any impression on them. She's certainly not a daughter of a prominent figure; otherwise, they wouldn't still be standing here. They smirk at their own overreaction, feeling sheepish for being so cautious around a girl.

They quickly signal to their two underlings, determined to capture this pure and charming girl tonight. This is a fairy sent by heaven!

Looking at her slender figure, they feel a surge of joy. The eldest brother jestingly says to his two subordinates, "Brothers, if we deliver this little girl to the boss, we'll definitely make a big contribution. Our status in the gang will definitely rise!"

"Exactly! Damn it, let's see if Li Liu dares to mock us again!"

"Big Brother, we're lucky today!"

Their arrogant and sinister laughter drifts recklessly through the air.

Little do they know, not far away, a shadow observing everything has a cruel smile on her face, and a bloodthirsty glint flashes in her eyes.

Suddenly, the speaker gestures to his companions, and the three prepare to grab Leng Yolan.

"Ah!" A piercing scream shatters the brilliant night sky, piercing through the neon lights and soaring into the atmosphere.

The crowd on the street stands in stunned silence. Their steps, just begun, hang suspended in midair. Chewed food lies quietly in their open mouths. Couples in affectionate embraces display expressions of shock that clash with their tender gestures. Various strange postures are displayed in the street.

The noisy market falls eerily silent in an instant. The pained groans of the three men on the ground and the fading footsteps of the boy and girl are the only sounds that linger in the air.

No one knows how the boy acted; they only know that the three young men were on the ground in an instant.

No one knows who the couple is; they only know that the Bai Xiong Gang vanished from the world by morning.