Volume 1: Chapter 10 Leaving (1)

Lan Layla lay on the large bed in the aqua-colored room. This was her second time lying on this bed and her second time entering this house, which didn't originally belong to her.

A couple of days ago, she was overwhelmed by years of accumulated loneliness. A warm embrace had caused her to lose her soul, but a lost soul always finds its way home. Recalling everything that happened over these two days, it felt like a splendid, beautiful dream. However, the villa she was in silently confirmed its reality.

Today, she carefully examined the house. Ethan Lei seemed very indulgent toward her. Although there were many secrets within the villa, he didn't stop her from exploring. When she had questions, the servants even proactively explained things to her. She knew there were certainly hidden rooms in the house, but no one showed them to her. Nevertheless, what she had seen was already enough for her.

The villa wasn't extremely luxurious but had a unique design that combined European romanticism with Chinese elegance, giving an overall simple and elegant visual impression.

The villa had three floors. The first floor, apart from the living room, had a small bar. Lan Layla noticed that the wine inside was all valuable, causing her to be amazed. Even with her extensive collection of wine, she had never seen some of these, not because of money but due to the lack of channels. The dining room and kitchen were also on the first floor, along with a few smaller rooms for the servants.

The second floor was entirely guest rooms, with Qi and Xiu's rooms also on this floor.

The third floor had only two rooms, connected by a small door that was, of course, locked. Lan Layla was currently staying in one room, while the other was Ethan Lei's bedroom. His bedroom had another door leading to his study. When Lan Layla entered, she felt like she had walked into a library, with books of various genres present. Although she had read most of the books there, she was still impressed by his insightful notes when she opened some of them.

But these were not her main concerns. What mattered was that all the glass in the house was bulletproof, and from inside, one could observe the outside, but the outside couldn't see inside. She also discovered several surveillance cameras, all state-of-the-art equipment.

The garden was beautifully landscaped with various plants, and a smaller house held three well-trained Tibetan mastiffs. A good Tibetan mastiff could be worth millions, capable of discerning human intentions and judging attack intensity. Their incredible combat power could deter anyone with malicious intent from intruding.

Lan Layla believed that the villa's security measures went far beyond what she had seen, enough to indicate that the owner was extraordinary.

Lan Layla lazily turned over, her deep, clear eyes gazing at the mysterious night sky outside the window. Tonight, she would leave here and let fate dictate her future.

She gently closed her beautiful eyes, savoring the last good sleep. She couldn't remember having such peaceful sleep since she was a child. Could it be because of him? Lan Layla frowned slightly at the thought.

When she was young, living with her mommy, they would cuddle on the large sofa by the floor-to-ceiling window every night. Her mommy would tell her stories from her youth, about her and her husband, and whisper her love for her little baby Lan, repeating it over and over.

After leaving her mommy, to seek revenge, she entered a rigorous training camp. During the day, she endured harsh, grueling training. While others would sleep from exhaustion at night, she, perhaps due to habit or the knife she carried stained with her mommy's blood, couldn't sleep. Only by pushing herself to the limit could she find brief moments of rest.

The balance between effort and reward was always proportional. Her extraordinary efforts made her the most formidable among her sisters, even becoming the leader despite being the youngest.

The clock on the bedside table ticked steadily as the beautiful woman on the bed slept soundly, a faint smile on her lips.

Ethan Lei glanced at the time. Mia Li should have sent the information by now. His eyes, half-closed in laziness, now radiated depth and allure, enough to captivate any woman.

Ethan Lei looked at the door connecting his room to Lan Layla's, his lips curling into a smile. His girl should be fast asleep. He got out of bed and entered the bathroom.

Lan Layla waited until the clock struck one. She quietly got up from the bed. Around midnight, she had heard Ethan Lei moving about. She estimated that by now, he would be fully engrossed in his work, making it the perfect time for her to leave.

Packing a simple bag, she only took a small pack with her. She didn't take any of the things Ethan Lei had bought for her, leaving them all behind.

She opened the door and, following the route she had planned while exploring the house, quickly left the villa.

Xiu, who had just returned from Mia Li's place, saw a shadow sneaking out of the villa. With a teasing smile, he quickened his pace to catch up.