A Royal Revelation

The lecture hall was buzzing with anticipation as the students began to pack up their belongings. The elder who had conducted the lecture called out, "Before you all leave, I need to know who among you will be going back to your clans for the month before the Mystic Dimension opens."

A few hands shot up, and the elder acknowledged them with a nod. He then turned to Rudhra, who was quietly gathering his things at the back. "And you, Rudhra? Will you be returning to the Asura Clan?"

A hush fell over the room. The mention of the Asura Clan, known for its ferocity and the imposing reputation of its members, always elicited a mix of awe and fear. The students exchanged glances, whispering among themselves.

Rudhra gave a slight nod, his expression unreadable. There was a collective murmur of surprise and curiosity. The Asura Clan was renowned not just for its strength but also for the ominous reputation that preceded it. When it became known that Rudhra was the third prince of the current king, the room fell into an even deeper silence.

Aelina, standing near the doorway, felt a jolt of realization. Her eyes widened as she took in the gravity of the situation. "Not just from the clan," she whispered to herself, but loud enough for those close by to hear. "He's the third prince, the son of the current king."

A senior student, known for his knowledge of the clans, leaned over to Aelina and said, "You just found out? The Asura's royalty are feared across the continent. The king, Varunas Asura, and his queen, Ananya, are legendary. Ananya is a princess from the Dheva Tribe, another powerful and esteemed lineage. Their combined strength and influence are unparalleled."

Aelina's mind raced with this new information. The Asura Clan's king, Varunas, was renowned for his immense strength and fearsome reputation. The queen, Ananya, had added her formidable lineage from the Dheva Tribe through her marriage, further enhancing the Asura Clan's dominance. Stories of their deeds were legendary, and their combined power was said to be unmatched.

The elder continued, seemingly unaffected by the shockwave of this revelation. "Well, it's always good to return home. The preparation for the Mystic Dimension is crucial. For those of you who will not be going home, I suggest using this time wisely to hone your skills."

As the students began to leave, conversations erupted about Rudhra's royal status. "Did you know he's the third prince?" someone whispered. "And here I thought he was just another student. The stories about his family are true."

Aelina, still processing the revelation, watched as Rudhra walked calmly through the hall. His demeanor remained cool and collected, indifferent to the commotion his background had caused. To him, it seemed, this was just another day.

Rudhra exited the lecture hall, his thoughts already focused on his return to the Asura Clan. The anticipation of going home and seeing his family filled him with a sense of warmth he had rarely felt before. He made his way to the portal, his strides leisurely and unhurried, as if he were simply taking a stroll.

Aelina, her curiosity piqued and still grappling with the shock of Rudhra's true identity, hurried to catch up with him. "Rudhra, wait up!" she called out, her voice carrying a mix of urgency and excitement. "I didn't expect you to be… well, you know."

Rudhra glanced back briefly, a faint smile touching his lips before he continued walking. He seemed unfazed by the attention, his calm and relaxed demeanor a stark contrast to the whirlwind of chatter around him.

As Aelina jogged to keep up with him, she marveled at how effortlessly Rudhra embodied the qualities of a true prince, even as he carried himself with such casual ease. The two of them headed towards the portal, ready to embrace the next chapter of their journey.