Invitation from Bureau 99 (bonus)

After continuing to roll halfway with my programmed reflexes, I realized that there was no weight in my hands and I quickly stood up.

Right after that, I heard the voice of the man who was supposed to be between my hands coming from behind me. As I quickly turned around, I picked up something random from the table beside me, I didn't know whatever it was.

Unless I had just seen an illusion or everything I had seen for a long time was a dream, this man did not escape from my hands in a regular way. If I was in a game, I might think this is normal, but I'm not in a game right now.

I wonder if there is a way to use in-game abilities out of the game.

And that's when I noticed something strange, I was just touching the thing with one hand to find out what it was, but now I'm sure it's a cardboard cup. But the strange thing is that even though there is no any liquid inside the cardboard cup, I can feel a slight moisture and heat.