Chapter three: The Birth of the Golden Child

The Golden Birth

The Empress was heavily pregnant and was in the last trimester of her pregnancy and adequately taken care of to avoid miscarriage. News spread across the kingdoms and great personalities came to pay homage to the emperor and await the arrival of the child .

The empress was watchful of everything around her and her senses heightened and she vowed to protect the royal child until her last breath .

The empress was doing all her necessary duties and check up to ensure that her baby is okay.

After she knew she was pregnant,she had been seeing sudden changes and had dreams even though she could not understand the meaning behind those strange dreams but she knew it had to do with the child she was carrying.

She could not bear to lose the child because she had went through a lot just to have a child to call her own.

One late night, she was watching the stars in the sky and one big star appeared in the front with others behind it and the big star was sparkling and shining like the deep blue ocean.

She put a hand on her stomach and said" You will become great and will overcome all your obstacles and I swear that I will always protect you no matter what and the gods shall always be with you".

Her maids were looking at her with rapt attention because ever since she got pregnant, they did not seem to understand the empress anymore and this bothered them even though they were at her beck and call.

The Empress kept staring at the stars in sky and she was watching them in amazement even though the weather was cold and she was supposed to be in her chamber relaxing.

After a while, she headed towards her chamber after watching the stars to her satisfaction and she met the emperor on her way.

"Where are you going and don't you know it is late and you should not be keeping late nights and have enough rest! I will escort you to your chamber so you have no right to complain or object to it because I don't want any harm to come to you in this delicate period and you should be more careful especially because of the child you are carrying"he said.

She looked at him because he was the ever doting man and genuine type she could count on because he has always been there for her and he never shouted at her and neglected her even at the most crucial times,he understood her and she was thankful for that.

When they got to her chamber,he gently carried her to the bed and she was about to protest and he beckoned her to keep quiet and he laid beside her.

" You are not making it easy for me and putting yourself and the child is imminent danger out there! Can you please just take your prenatal education seriously because I don't want to hear stories on the long run. If you want something badly tell me and I will kindly do it for you no matter what but please do everything expected of you for the sake of this child" he pleaded .

" I am sorry for that I just wanted to get some fresh air and have a closer look with the stars. I didn't know I will take much time out there "she said.

"Well it's not your fault I don't know what to do to satisfy this unnecessary cravings of yours "!he teased her and she shot him an angry look but he didn't react .

"You look bad when you frown and stop pouting your lips like that it makes me want to jump on you everytime I see you because I can't resist your beauty "he said .

She exhaled deeply trying to comprehend his words because most times the emperor loves speaking in languages she can't fathom and she had to be cracking her brain to understand the meaning behind those words .

She inhaled the scent of the emperor which was intoxicating and the fragrance was not too strong and it made her feel relieved and before she knew it she drifted into a deep sleep.

The emperor smiled at her seeing that she was sleeping peacefully but he wanted to leave to have a look at all the letters being sent today but he needed to keep a watch over the empress even though he knew she was safe but he didn't trust anyone in that aspect.

She was the most special person and he was irreplaceable in his life and she had gone through a lot with him: seeing and wiping out his pains amidst all she loved him.

He pulled her into his embrace and was caressing her cheeks gently preventing her from waking up and he enjoyed every bit of it and soon enough,he slept off .

He woke up early and was surprised to find the empress staring at him.

"Good morning your majesty" she greeted.

Good morning my empress. Hope you slept well? he asked.

" I did all thanks to you" she answered.

"Well, it's time for you to go through your skin care routine and dress up as your officials are eagerly waiting for you " she informed him .

He didn't seem shocked and pretended as if he didn't hear anything.

He rushed into the bathroom and the servants were there and they took care of him like a baby and dressed him in a royal robe embroidered with dragons because a dragon symbolizes power and that was the strength of the emperor.

He looked at himself in the mirror and the empress observed him and complimented his looks and dressing before he went to the throne hall .

When he reached the hall, the doors swung open and the officials bowed their heads till he reached the throne and sat down.

You may all rise he said.

"We have come here to see the emperor regarding the queen condition and we suggest she should be in the royal villa till she gives birth "the spokesperson among them said.

Royal villa you say! I don't think I heard you right but I think you're missing something the emperor told him.

"Having the empress in the royal villa I suggest you give me more time to think about it" he said to them.

As he was about to dismiss them, the empress chief maid came.

The Empress has gone into labor she said.

I don't have time for you so leave the hall he dismissed the officials and left for the empress palace.

The emperor could hear the cries of childbirth from the empress .

Just hang in there! Just give a slight push and bear for a little while my lady the midwives advised.

I can't take it anymore! Just take this thing out of me she yelled at them.

After a short while,the cries of a baby was heard and one of the midwives went to inform the emperor.

It's a girl she said to the emperor and he was overjoyed that he was a father and the other midwives were cleaning the empress and the baby up .

The emperor came to the chamber and the empress struggled to sit up .

Don't bother.You are weak and I'm thankful to you and accept my gratitude for bringing this child to the world and she shall be named princess Emily he said.

Thanks for your generosity and I'm humbled by your kindness the Empress replied.

Everyone bowed to the new born baby and immediately,the clouds changed and a big star appeared in the sky and rain started falling meaning a star has been born.

The Empress then remembered and said she is the golden child and the emperor nodded in agreement.