Chapter 37: Raymond

Chapter 37: Raymond

Shadowfall Kingdom

The Road Back to Vincent

Week 1 of 3

King Raymond

Lord Kaijuu decided to spend the first week of our journey back in the other carriage with my daughters. Sebastian is driving their carriage. The one I'm riding in is the ever naïve Redheaded Knight Shanon. She's not much of a partner in the way of conversation so I had some time to reminisce about my life up to this point. Lord Kaijuu brought along some of his security forces for the wagons. He ordered them personally to have all of their families brought over from the East Empire. They were offered employment and a place to stay if they did. The rest who could follow immediately he offered a chance to join our forces. In order to qualify for this they must keep up with us as we travel back to Vincent. They must make the journey on foot. The people who left to go get their families and those that where currently away on security detail where told to make the same journey on foot to Vincent if they chose to join him. Currently about 60 or so are running with us behind the carriages. They set up their own camp and made their own food. They seem strong and wild but one word from Lord Kaijuu makes them look like sheep. Some insisted they must be used for security for our camps at Night.

I'm bored, I start to drift off.

I was born Raymond Morris the son of a wealthy farmer beyond the Misty mountains to the west of Vincent. It was a town called Whiterun, after the waterfall that appeared white falling from the Misty Mountains. The Moonlight District is to the North-East of Vincent. I was the fourth son of 6, I also had 3 Sisters by the time I was 20 years old, my father had died and left my 2 eldest brothers each a half of his land and estate, so the best I could hope for if I stayed was to work my life away for one of them. I left with a bit of money and my belongings on a wagon. I arrived in Vincent where I registered as an adventurer. I changed my surname to Shadow-Wolf when I registered. I gained strength. A lot of Strength. In my prime when I was 30 I could maintain my level at around 290-360, depending on how tough the monsters where on my quests. 

The guild offered me stable employment, but I refused. Then king at the time Michael Banner personally offered me a knighthood in his service. When I was 35 he had me marry his daughter, Mercy Banner. She became my first wife, He then made me study Politics, Management, History, Battle Tactics, Command, Etiquette and Swordplay. I along with his blood related sons and other son in laws did so. By the time I was was 45 he named me his successor. When he died at age 100 as we all do, I was 52. My coronation ceremony was held the following week, where I had my first encounter with Management.

I received the Force Awake Stone. Along with instructions on it's use. I was then taken through the royal vault and read the relevant encrypted documentation on the blessings given to the previous kings. King Michael received the Absolute Loyalty Seal, he established our covert spy network using it.

By the time I was 62 I got my first order from Management, It was to quell a rebellion in the kingdom. I did so. 

Then when I was 64 I got the order To court and marry Roka's Mother. She was an otherworlder living and working in Vincent at the time, She was a project manager in a construction company. Her name was Shiori Nagumo. 

It is a custom in this world that all women name the children. I did what was asked of me and we had Roka when I was 66. 

9 Years later she was killed. She was attacked by bandits between the Moonlight District and Vincent. Yes on this very Road. In my anger over this I took all my available forces and killed all the bandits in the area. 

I am 92 now I have less than 8 years left, I named my son Wilfred my successor 2 Years ago on Managements orders. Was I also recruited and named successor on Management's orders? 

Anyways. He's the son from my third wife Elizabeth Shadow-Wolf formerly Elizabeth Butler also a otherworlder. 

We hit another bump. 

I wake up.