Chapter 54: East Empire Capital

Chapter 54: East Empire Capital

East Empire Capital

Four Months Later

Kaijuu Ryu

We are outside the gates, standing in the city not protected by the massive wall surrounding the inner part of the capital. This wall was about 10 meters tall, not sure how thick. I never asked for the name of this city, maybe I should do that at some point or another.

As expected the soldiers on the wall refused us entry, so I had the refrigerated heads netted together with a message. We used it as ammunition for the catapults.

The message read:


Here are the heads of your 

fallen soldiers, surrender

by sunset tomorrow or 

suffer the same fate, if 

you surrender you will not 

be harmed. however your

emperor's life is forfeit.

His life for yours. 



We used up the decapitated heads, each bundle had about 10 heads and 20 or so message papers tied to the net. 

I demanded absolute discipline once we reached this place. No Raping, Pillaging or killing of any kind will be tolerated. We left the streets and houses from outside the walls undisturbed and set up camp just outside of town.

After the launch we left the deserted outer city and went back to camp.

A messenger came by 2 hours later.

This message was a bit too early according to my estimation. It asked if this demand only included the emperor's life and if his direct family would be spared. We sent back that only his life will suffice.

The following day they opened the gates. Wilfred sent a messenger through. I didn't read the message. 

The morning after only Wilfred, Shannon and I went to the castle. We all wore our battle gear weapons included.

When we arrived in the throne room after walking straight through the deserted main street, the emperor was standing along with everyone else, he had no guards. Wilfred spoke.

"Emperor Vladimir White in exchange for your life we will spare this city along with your family. You will receive a proper burial, after which we will commence the destruction of your castle. We are the new owners of all of lands. Before your execution you will be given the rest of today and tomorrow to say your farewells. Your execution will be carried out privately as to not to rouse rebellion in the hearts of your citizens. All of your nobles are hereby relieved of duty. Nobility from the Shadow kingdom will be arriving within the next 2 weeks, former nobles are to assist them. If we find out you tried to hide some of your wealth or mislead us in any way we will proceed to kill everyone in this city. I beg of you to not confuse our kindness for weakness. To quell any doubts, I want you to bring forth the survivor from the battle in our territory you prepared. He is to speak here and now in the throne room to all present."

The emperor bows as he says:

"Yes, thank you for your consideration. Bring him in."

A butler leaves and shortly returns with a guy who looks like he hasn't been sleeping at all. The black bags under his eyes reveal as much. Must be PTSD.

The emperor speaks.

"Tell us once again about the battle against the Shadowfall kingdom's forces."

This place had a lot of important well dressed people in attendance. I assume they where nobility.

According to the map, the East empire has about 4 times more land than the Shadowfall kingdom.

The disheveled soldier begins:

"We arrived at the supply base 3 days before the battle. We set up camp and general Freeman let us rest. When we marched over the hill to the battlegrounds, we assembled. We saw the enemy was already in position. We saw only archers and to the sides we saw some soldiers, we also saw some banners sticking out from behind the hill before we descended to our positions. When command saw the tall tower with a single Black figure on it so close behind the hill, they sent orders to charge that location with half our current forces when the battle starts. Command saw the strange holes dug in what looked like half moon before us. We prodded these strange holes but found nothing strange at the time. When the battle began we received the order to attack, morale was high, their archers cut our numbers down but we thought there was no way to stop us. Morale raised even more. When their archers retreated, we thought we had won. Then suddenly out of nowhere a massive wave swept over our frontline all the way to the back, the frontline took the brunt of the attack, while we where still busy collecting ourselves the enemy stormed us from the center and killed a few before we could offer resistance. They pushed us back toward the half moon. We fought them off or at least we thought we did. Our commanders ordered an all out attack raising our morale by saying 'they already used their trump card, this battle is ours. The enemy retreated again. The next thing I knew those holes we saw before must have been filled with water and they suddenly froze over trapping many of our men inside, their feet where frozen up to their knees. I was fortunate enough to be outside the frozen half moon. When we saw the second wave rise. I fled. I was disoriented and I panicked as I ran, I ended up going around the supply camp when I saw the blood and enemy troops. I stole a horse from the first town I came across, then made my way here to report. According to some other reports I heard here. Our supply line had been raided by enemy forces and most of our forces had been eliminated..."

He looks defeated barely holding it together, his hands are holding his head as he looks down.

"You are dismissed."

Wilfred commands him.

"So as you can probably tell we have the strength to take everything you have by force if necessary. Your laws will be changing after the emperor's mourning period of 7 days, First and foremost is slave ownership will be made illegal, no one will be compensated for any slaves that choose to be free, slaves that choose to stay will be freed and start earning a wage. The surviving royalty will be banished from this city, you may take up residency anywhere else in the newly formed Shadowfall empire. We strongly suggest you gather your personal belongings and depart with the general back to your new capital of 'Vincent' where you will be given work and residence as citizens of the Shadowfall empire. This is the only way we can guarantee your safety. I will be back with some forces the day after tomorrow for the execution. After which I will return when our delegation arrives. That is all. We will be taking our leave now."

We left.

I let Wilfred take it from there. He's going to be the future king after all. 

Felmina and I spent most of the time in my tent enjoying each other's company. 

We where surrounded by Kaijuu Bears keeping guard. 

My orders where clear, 'Only come and get me if something unexpected happened.' 

It didn't.