Chapter 74 : Getting the facts straight.

Dragon Village


All of us are here.

Me, Felmina and Milly are in the front, the rest of the bears are lined up neatly in 5 rows of 5.

We are on our knees with our heads pressed to the ground asking for help.

"Please, Village Chief. You know the big man best."

How did we end up resorting to this you ask.


I need to take you back to yesterday.

When the big guy caved the dragon's scull in, some blood splattered in my eye.

I rubbed my eyes, angry at him and yet relieved at the threat on our lives having finally passed. When I could finally see again. He had already left. So did Milly and Felmina.

I look around frantically for them before catching a glimpse of Felmina before she rounds a corner.

I turn my modified suit's antigravity on and take off. When I reach the corner, I see them. They are walking slowly, as If in a daze.

Did he do something to them. What the hell is going on?

I catch up and take both their hands, stopping them.

"What's gotten into you two? What did he do to you?"

They both snap back to reality at my words. A smile rivaling that of the little girl appeared on both of their faces lighting it up.

Felmina points to a empty space.

"We found him, that's Ryu."

Milly vehemently nods her head in agreement as she adds.

"We finally found him."

My jaw opens and closes in disbelief.

I got it. The intensity of the earlier encounter being so close to death must have clouded their judgement.

I look at them both like they are crazy.

I cross my arms as I pull my body back. I close my eyes to think.

They both rush me and shake me.

"You have to believe us, that's Ryu."

Felmina's voice sounds frantic with a hint of uncontained exitement.

"We saw our names. Didn't you see it Roka?"

I open my one eye and look them over.

I repeat.

"You saw your names... where exactly did you see your names?"

I uncross my arms and look at them both seriously.

Felmina points to empty space behind her again.

"On his back--"

I stop her.

"Who's back exactly"

Milly frantically starts looking around, Felmina follows.

"He's gone!?"

"Where the hell did he go, he was just here."

I know they must be referring to the big man. There's no way. I think a bit. They interrupt my thought process by shaking me.

"Did you see where he went?"

I snap

"Shut the fuck up and sit down!"

My voice booming. It startles them

I point to the floor in front of me.

They both obediently sit on the ground on their knees ready to finally listen.

I take a beat running through the events I observed since arriving here.

I come to a conclusion.

"Don't interrupt me until I finish. Got it!"

They both nod meekly

"Ok, so that can't possibly be Ryu, I mean just looking at him confirms that much. He's as big as shirley. The Ryu I know isn't even close to that tall. Plus his arms are as big as my waist... Remember what happened with me carefully here. He saved our lives, yes. That coupled with the fact that we are looking for Ryu, including the disappointment of not finding him made the 2 of you see things. You projected your desires and it affected your perception of reality... Think back. He, the same as us, was covered in the blood and guts of the first dragon. When the second dragon's fire breath hit, It burned all of that blood that covered him, turning him black. Ryu may be strong, but not even he could survive that unscathed. Could it be possible that what the 2 of you saw, was simply burned blood in streaks that looked similar to your names."

Milly opens her mouth.

I raise my eyebrow disapprovingly. She stays silent.

"Whatever that monster is, it's not Ryu. I mean except for the animal skin he's wearing he's naked underneath. Yet somehow, without a suit he can freely control his own weight. How can either of you explain that?"

I look them over.

"You can talk now."

"Maybe you're right, but I know what I saw."

Milly looks a bit sad at my flawless logic.

"Ok then, Roka I'll give you command of the bears. Investigate this yourself. I can't find any fault in your logic, so you're the best person for the job."

She puts a hand on my shoulder.

We head back and find the people already butchering the carcass. As we head back to the hotel we whistle, signaling for the bears to assemble.

Once we arrive some of the bears are already lined up. We wait for them all to assemble.

Felmina puts her hand on my shoulder as we face them.

"Roka here will be taking command of you. She will be investigating Ryu's whereabouts.

Any objections?"

"""""""""""No, Sir"""""""""""

Fine, time to find the real Ryu,

I give out my first orders.

"David, go and find that impostor that dared to wear my husband's armor and bring him here... alive"

"Yes, sir!"

He goes running off.

I point to a guy, I forget his name.

"You, go fetch me my husband's armor and bring it here. Take that guy with you."

I point to another rando.

""Yes, Sir""

They go running off.

I collect myself and think.

I can't ignore what Milly and Felmina think they saw. Even if the chance is 0.001% I'll investigate properly.

"Gregory, Megan. Front and center."

They come running up and stand side by side at attention.

"Find as much information as you can on the big man. Also his whereabouts. Observe him and report back to me."

""Yes, sir!""

As they leave, I turn my attention to the rest.

"Milly. The bag"

Milly takes a bag from her back and hands it to me.

I take it and pull out a photograph of Ryu. It was the reference the portrait painter used when making the painting that still hung in the destroyed Mansion back in the Moonlight District.

"The rest of you will take this picture and go make copies, so that you each have one. You will show this to each of the villagers and ask around. Be nice. Nothing but your best behaviour. You are the pride of the Shadowfall Empire afterall. "

""""""""""""""Yes, sir""""""""""""""

I hand the one closest to me the picture.

They all go running off.

I turn back to Felmina and Milly.

They are smiling at me.

"Let's go back inside."

They obediently follow.

Soon after, the guys I sent to retrieve the armor, returned from our wagons.

I inspected it closely. The chest had a tear in the steel running halfway up the back. It had been crudely repaired. There was no other visible damage to it.


About an hour later.

I hear muffled sounds from outside our room.

"No, please, don't kill me."

*slap.. *thud

"Shut up"

*knock knock

"Come in."

The door opened. It's David, dragging the man in by his collar. The man looks scared out of his wits, while holding his cheek.

David picks him up and makes him kneel in front of me.

"Please, Miss, I- "

I hold up my hand silencing him.

I take a chair slowly and loudly drag it to a spot in front of him as I take a seat.

He opens his mouth again.

David pulls his hand back.

The man flinches, and shuts it while looking down.

"If you value your life, you are going to show us exactly where you found the armor."

He looks at my imposing figure, fear flashing in his eyes, before looking down again in defeat. He nods obediently.

I stand up.

"Come on you two."



When we where heading out, I had David get about 5 bears to join us to help. He only managed 4. They came running after us and climbed into the wagon as we continued toward the location, under the impostor's instructions.

Soon we arrived and dismounted.

I am determined to trace back the path Ryu was before he lost his armor. Maybe even track him.

The Imposter stops and looks around. Carefully surveying his surroundings.

He looked to a black spot on the dirt. He heads over taking a seat with his back to a tree close by.

Then he got up and wandered a bit deeper into the forest.

Suddenly a low growl made him jump. He stammered back and fell over the root of the tree behind him. 3 Dire wolves emerged from the hedge with drool running down their mouths filled with razor sharp teeth.

They quickly pounced on the easy prey before them.

I felt a gust of wind pass me.

In less than a second all three wolves where split cleanly down the middle.

David stood there sword in hand covered in their blood.

At this sight the man passed out from shock.

"Damnit David, stop scaring the only credible lead we have."

He puts his hand behind his head in apology.

"I'm sorry Roka-sama."

I sigh.

"Bring him!"

I point to one of the Randos.

"Yes, Sir"

"David, you can butcher the wolves for us. "

David's face drops.

He reluctantly starts gathering the six halves.

"We're staying the night. You three."

I point to the other 3 randos.

"Go set up."

"Yes, sir"