Chapter 76: Flawless Logic versus the truth.

Forest Unknown

Mysterious cave


We start examining the bones and the sculls, and quickly realize that these are a mix of all types of dragons, flying type, fire type, Earth type, water type, they vary from newborn all the way to the massive towering one. An ancient dragon. It bogglesmy mind trying to figure out how he even got something so huge in here. There's even a few drake bones here and there.

Did Ryu kill and consume all of these?

How long has he lived here?

What the hell happened to him.


We headed back and I showed Felmina the cloth.

She examined it closely using the light from the flares we used in this main 'room' too.

"That's definitely from Ryu's suit "

"That makeshift stool is made from the power sources of his suit."

I point to the stool.

They both walk over picking up the slabs used to construct the stool and examine it.

They both nod in agreement.

Ryu was definitely here.

I look around for the impostor


He's not here. He ran.

I shrug my shoulders. We are done.

We leave.

We get outside.

I put my fingers in my mouth.


After a while. The bears start emerging one by one.

I whistle on my way back to the wagons.

The impostor is there.

I shrug again.

"Start packing up we're leaving."

""""Yes, sir""""




Finally David comes back.

He's carrying something

I walk over to him.

He hands it to me.

It's one of the fist sized spheres management gave us after we just moved there.

It's cracked.


On the way back to the Dragon Village I hold the cracked orb in my hand.

I think about what happened after Ryu dissappeared.

After the battle that cost many of the citizens along with over half the bears their lives. Ryu just disappeared.

The survivors started saying that he ran away from his responsibility.

I held my tongue at the time. A decision I deeply regretted ever since. When the surviving bears couldn't find a sinle trace of him. Not even his sword or newly improved armor, I found a bit of comfort in the fact that where ever he is, at least he'll be safe. After a few weeks went by, the idea that he willingly abandoned us started to sink in.

How ever, something kept gnawing at me. I couldn't put my finger on it. After the battle that nearly cost him his life, he felt different. He kept forgetting things. I would catch him just staring into space at night. Like his mind was blank. Then one day he was just gone, without a trace.

My doubts almost reached it's peak when I considered moving back to Vincent.

As I thought this a yellow folder popped into existence in front of me. I snatched it in midair and began to run. I found Milly and Felmina in the panic room.

I was out of breath as I handed Felminabthe Folder.

She began reading it out loud.


Your husband didn't abandon you, in fact he needs your help. If you follow our instructions it should be possible to see him in 3 to 4 years time, depending on your efforts.

Abandon your lives here.

Travel to Vincent and pick up the liquid mind I've left in the emperor's care. Gather the remaining bears that want to find him.

Only Milinda Kaijuu can operate the liquid mind. Protect her no matter the cost if you ever want your husband back.

Take his diary with you and try finding every single person he has ever had any meaningful contact with, good and bad. Use force if necessary.

Milinda will extract and transfer those memories to the device, filling it up.

We will provide the unattainable content.

Further instructions to follow. The order of the memories are not important.

Just fill it and good luck.

By Management


I snap back to reality as we arrive back in the village.

We enter the hotel.

Gregory and Megan are waiting for us.

They rush over as soon as they see us.

"Sir, we confirmed it. The big man is definitely Kaijuu-sama."

I raise a eyebrow.


Megan goes red in the face squirming from side to side.

Gregory looks at her momentarily then turns back to me.

"Sir, we followed him until he took a bath in the river. When he rinsed his hair out we confirmed the tattoo..."

My eyes go wide.

I look back at Milly and Felmina.

""I knew it!""

They high five in the air.

I process the new information for quite a while before relaying my new orders.


"Yes, sir."

" I want you to follow, observe and test Ryu's capabilities. Determine if there is any way we can take him with us using force. Take Megan and Gregory with you. Do not under any circumstances underestimate him. Remember he killed that huge flying dragon with his bare hands. Be safe. Then report back to me once you reach your conclusion. Understood?"

"Right away, sir!"

They leave, we head up to our room.

My head is spinning. I need to lie down.

I drift away as soon as my head hits the pillow. I wake up later that evening.

I sit up.

Milly brings me coffee.

Felmina and Milly sits down on either side of me.

"So can you explain yet?"

I gather my thoughts before speaking.

"Ok, so that cave was obviously the place he stayed before coming here. Something happened to him. I have no Idea what, but whatever it was, his suit tore while he was sleeping. His armor didn't fit anymore so he abandoned it. The chief said he arrived a little more than 2 years ago. He's a mute now."

I grab my head in frustration.

"This isn't the Ryu I know..."

"Management warned us.."

"But still.."

"We just need to complete the mission and we can have him back."

I need some more sleep.

I get in bed. Soon after we all cuddle together and sleep.



A few days later.

David is there along with a collapsed Megan and Gregory.

David has dark circles under his eyes.

He sighs tiredly.

"Sir... It's impossible..."

He sighs again.

"I tried every single thing I could think of. He's simply Bigger, Better Stronger and Faster than any of us. Even If we manage to corner him somehow, Not even all of the Bears put together could make him do anything he doesn't want to do."

I nod in agreement.

"I thought as much. Time for plan B... asking for help... Assemble the bears and meet me outside the village chief's residence in formation.


We head over.


All of us are here.

Me, Felmina and Milly are in the front, the rest of the bears are lined up neatly in 5 rows of 5.

We are on our knees with our heads pressed to the ground asking for help.

"Please, Village Chief. You know the big man best."

"What do you want me to do exactly?"

I look up at him. He's holding cherry in his arms.

"We need him to willingly come with us for his treatment. We want our husband back, and they want their lord back. Please you have o convince him somehow. We are desperate... we even considered using force.."

I slam my fist on the ground. Hard

"Please. Anything you can do, anything you can tell us."


He sighs

"Fine... I still owe you for taking care of our extortion problem."

I look up at him with hope in my eyes.

He puts cherry down and takes his fisherman's hat off revealing his super bald head.

He takes a seat crossing his legs.

"I'll ask for guidance from above."

He closes his eyes. After about 10 minutes he starts floating.

None ofnus dare make a sound. Afraid of breaking his concentration.

Suddenly a yellow folder pops into existence floating in midair. He slowly lowers to the ground.

He opens his eyes and stands up.

He takes the floating folder and opens it.

He reads the contents

Then closes it.

He reduces it to ash using fire magic in an instant.

The ashes float into nothingness with the breeze.

"As you probably already know. He only lost his memories. And as you know memories are what makes us who we are. It seems you seek to restore him to his previous self. Here's what you are going to do."

He snaps his fingers and a pill the size of a Vincent Gold coin appears in his hand.

" First off you are going to gain his trust, by accepting him for who he is now. Then you are going to explain to him who he was. He may not understand advanced concepts so be careful. Then you are going to ask him to drink this. When he does. He will fall unconscious. You will then transport him to the village of Silence Neon. This pill will provide the memories of his past life. Once inside the village of silence's area of effect you may begin the memory transplant procedure. Make a record of events as best you can using his diary. Once the procedure begins it cannot be stopped. The liquid mind will flash red if he's in danger of waking up. He can absolutely not use his eyes. So cover them. Make him trust you by preparing personal memories only the both of you share. You need his trust in order to invoke sleep to send him back in. "

He snaps back to reality like whatever contolled his voice up until now suddenly left him.

He passes out


Author's note:

I made a discord