Unexpected Ending...

The two stared at each other: the dragon with a confident look, Theos with an extremely cold and murderous look.

From Theos' lips came only one word: "Oblivion."

The dragon's face froze. Gradually the Sacred Breath diminished in his mouth. His eyes, once staring at Theo's fixedly, now focused anywhere without a fixed direction.

He had... He had completely forgotten all his memories; he even forgot his basic abilities; like a newborn, he couldn't even move.

The wings that held him up, fluttering, stopped dryly. Consequently, the dragon slowly fell downward.

But how could Theos miss such an opportunity? He had created it, planned it, all for this very moment?

The negative Mana in his Mana's heart was wearing down at a terrifying rate. After all, he had just made a Supreme Rank Sacred Dragon completely Forget Everything.

Such a feat is nearly impossible for Theos, his eye quickly fluttered and began to dart around.