After taking Camila out of the Coliseum stadium with the barrier, he took out some clothes to put on her body to cover her.

He quickly took her to the infirmary to return her to her original state. That's why he wasn't so worried, he knew very well that the healers could cure Camila and return her to her original form.

Of course, they were not miracle workers. He was notified that Camila's full recovery would take about two weeks.

After that, he showed her the empty part where she had no arms. However, Theos' left hand held an arm... His right arm that he grabbed just before leaving the Colosseum.

It had withstood the blast...

They only had to attach the arm to Theos' body, so it wasn't that difficult, but not that simple either.

They had to do several tests to confirm that everything was okay.

After attaching the arm to the empty area, Theos couldn't see it until a few minutes later.