Chapter 5:Hearts Entangled

Changing her blouse in front of her apartment's full-length mirror, Sophie stood. She was having supper at an exclusive restaurant tonight to commemorate a major development in their inquiry. Even with everything going on at Black Enterprises, times like these seemed to hold out hope.

When she got to the restaurant, Ethan was there, dressed sharply in a suit. He spotted her and his smile got wider.

Standing to give her a cheek kiss, he murmured, "You look stunning."

Winking, Sophie said, "You don't look so bad yourself."

Amid the sophisticated mayhem of the restaurant, they were brought to a quiet table in a poorly lit corner. When they settled in, Ethan reached across the table to grab Sophie's hand.

I had been looking forward to this all day, he declared.

Me as well. Having something to celebrate for once makes me happy, Sophie said, her eyes gleaming.

Dinner was a nice diversion from their ongoing worry. They exchanged hopes for the future and chuckled. Dessert was when Ethan started to look serious.

A beat went out of Sophie's heart. Who is it?

Breathing deeply, Ethan sat. "I have been hiding something from you. My family comes into it.

Sophie wrinkled her eyebrows with worry. Why do you ask?

My father, Before he died, he was engaged in several dubious activities. I've been attempting to clear his name and find out the truth about his actions," Ethan said.

Sophie pressed on his hand. What kept you from telling me sooner?

Not that I wanted to bring you into it. But I came to see that I could not hide this from you any more. With sincere eyes, Ethan said, "You deserve to know everything."

Heart warmed in Sophie. You have my gratitude for telling. We shall work this out jointly.

It was a tornado of feelings and disclosures over the following several weeks. Deeper than Sophie and Ethan had thought, a network of dishonesty and corruption was revealed when they dug more into the mystery surrounding Ethan's father. Their relationship just got closer in spite of the difficulties.

Working late in Ethan's office one evening, Sophie looked up from her laptop. Ever worry whether we're over our heads, Ethan?

Ethan raised an unwavering stare. Whenever possible. I then recall why we are doing this, though. For the firm, for my father, and for us.

Sophie nodded again, her determination growing. You realize that. Not now can we give up.

Sophie's phone rang with a call just as they were going to turn in for the night. That came from an unidentified number.

"Hello?" she said, a little warily.

Which Sophie Greene? Voice on the other end said. About your father, I know.

Cold rushed through Sophie. From whoever is this?

Come see me at midnight on the old pier. Come alone, the voice said, and then the connection went dead.

Mind racing, Sophie thought. I have to leave, Ethan. Someone called just now with details regarding my father.

Concern clouded Ethan's face. Are you certain that's not a trap?

Determined in her eyes, Sophie answered, "I don't know, but I have to find out."

Nodding, Ethan said. Joining you is me. We are in this together, don't you remember?

With just the faint glimmer of the moon for illumination, the ancient pier was pitch-black. Arriving warily, Sophie and Ethan had their senses sharpened.

Will you look around? Whispering, Ethan looked around him.

Heart thumping in her chest, Sophie said, "No, but I have a bad feeling about this."

Out of the shadows materialised a sinister figure. Sophia Greene?

"Yes. Say who are you? Though terror was engulfing her, Sophie demanded in a firm voice.

Stepping closer, the figure showed a middle-aged, ragged-looking male. 'I go by David. Your father and I worked together once.

Sophie recognized more than before. And David? You are remembered. About my father, what do you know?

David looked about tensely. Here not. It is not secure. Trail me.

After glancing at each other warily, Sophie and Ethan trailed David to an abandoned warehouse close by. Within, David started to explain.

"Prior to his death, your father was looking into something significant. He found proof of unlawful conduct inside the business. He was slain for that reason, David continued, his voice quivering.

Sophie was sickened by the disclosure. Why then step forward at this time?

I was sick to death of the guilt. I had to put things right, David remarked, casting a sincere glance at Sophie. "You must exercise caution, though. Watching you are they.

Sophie was mentally spinning with the ramifications. "Who are 'they'?"

Influential folks. People who would stop at nothing to keep their secrets buried, David murmured, his voice scarcely audible above a whisper.

Stepping ahead, Ethan looked gloomy. "This has to be taken to the authorities."

Head shaking, David said. In on it they are. Nobody can you trust.

There was a rush of resolve for Sophie. We shall then expose them personally. Has to be done.

Putting a comforting hand on her shoulder, Ethan said. "We shall. Collaboratively."

Weeks later, Sophie and Ethan were still looking into things. They put in endless hours collecting proof and learning new mysteries. Their romance blossomed despite the ongoing peril, their love offering a ray of hope in the worst of circumstances.

Sophie made a startling discovery one evening when they were browsing through paperwork at Ethan's apartment. Give this to Ethan, she replied, passing him a file.

Read the contents, and Ethan's eyes grew wider. This, this alters everything.

Evidence connecting a senior executive of Black Enterprises to the illegal activity they were looking into was included in the file. It was the much anticipated break.

Mind racing, Ethan added, "We need to move fast." The whole enterprise can be brought down if we can reveal this.

With a throb of both exhilaration and dread, Sophie nodded. "We have to exercise caution. Anything to get us stopped, they will.

The look hardened on Ethan. Let them give it a go. We are not going away.

Sophie and Ethan got into a high-stakes game of cat and mouse the evening they were going to reveal the truth. A journalist who may assist them in bringing the issue to light was scheduled to meet with them.

"Are you certain about this? Nerves on edge as they got closer to the meeting spot, Sophie inquired.

He gave her a squeeze. It is not up to us. Our one opportunity is now.

There was a buzz of urgency as they met the journalist. With eyes sweeping the room, the journalist said, "You have everything?"

Actually. We must, nonetheless, proceed quickly. Turning over the proof, Ethan replied, "They know we're onto them."

Headlights flared and a number of automobiles squealed to a stop just before the exchange was going to place. Men with guns materialised and surrounded them.

Take off! Grabbing Sophie's hand, Ethan raced into an alleyway.

As they negotiated the maze-like backstreets, gunshots rang out, and Sophie's pulse pounded. They sank, gasping for air, into an abandoned structure.

"Enjoy yourself?" Worried-looking, Ethan questioned.

Adrenaline pumping through her veins, Sophie responded, "I'm fine." 'We must leave this place.'

Almost avoiding their assailants, they made it away. A flurry of concealing and next-move preparation characterized the following several days. They never gave up even in the face of continual peril.

At last the day came when they could reveal the truth. The journalist helped them to have the news leaked to the media. Amid the controversy, Black Enterprises saw resignations and arrests.

Standing on his rooftop balcony as the dust settled, Sophie and Ethan gazed out over the city they had battled so valiantly to defend.

Sophie replied, her voice tinged with both satisfaction and incredulity, "We did it."

He drew her in by putting his arms around her. We carried that out. I could not have done it without you either.

Heart thumping with love, Sophie gazed up at him. Not that I could have done it without you either.

Leaning down, Ethan planted a kiss on her lips. Standing there, together, they knew they would face whatever lay ahead of them together.

After their win, Sophie and Ethan carried on working together to reconstruct Black Enterprises, resolved to bring its integrity and prestige back. Every day that went by, their love became more intense, their relationship unshakeable.

Looking ahead, they also understood that they would confront obstacles together, their hearts permanently linked, no matter what was ahead.